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Exam 2 Review Sheet for Recreation and Leisure Lifestyle Development | RLS 100, Study notes of Physical Education and Motor Learning

Material Type: Notes; Class: Recreatn+Leisure Lifestyl; Subject: Recreation and Leisure Studies; University: California State University - Sacramento; Term: Unknown 1989;

Typology: Study notes


Uploaded on 03/28/2010

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Download Exam 2 Review Sheet for Recreation and Leisure Lifestyle Development | RLS 100 and more Study notes Physical Education and Motor Learning in PDF only on Docsity! ComS 100A Exam #2 Review Sheet Exam covers chapters 6, 8-10, 12, video shown in class, guest lectures, & class notes Exam is 37 multiple choice & matching questions (5 points each), 13 true/false items (3 points each). Total is 224 points…everyone will be given 1 point since the exam is worth 1 point less than stated on the syllabus ☺ Technically, anything covered in the material listed above is fair game for the exam, but the following topics/concepts might be especially relevant in your studying. Chapter 6 Definition of conflict; what counts as conflict? Types of conflict styles—know basics of each and be able to distinguish Rules for principled negotiation Process of active listening in conflict resolution Relationship between basic human needs and conflict resolution TRIP model of conflict goals Chapter 8 Bases of human attraction: proximity & similarity…know basics of each Reciprocity Confirming and disconfirming communication, know basics and examples Characteristics of supportive vs. defensive communication climates Content of Dr. Gale’s lecture Knapp’s staircase model of relationships, know stages 4 phases of dissolving personal relationships Chapter 9 Norms Relational dialectics Self disclosure, key characteristics Johari window Dyadic effect Intimacy in various relationships Nonassertive/assertive/aggressive communication characteristics Chapter 10 Definition of culture, intercultural communication, international communication 3 approaches to studying culture, know basics of each Diaspora Co-culture Individualism/collectivism High context/low context High uncertainty avoidance/low uncertainty avoidance High power distance/low power distance Masculine/feminine cultures Content of Professor Carney’s lecture Beliefs and values across cultures Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, group polarization