Download exam 3 | PSY 2012 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 what can we boost our memories with DEFINITION 1 rehearsal-->conscious repetition TERM 2 the amount remembered depends on ___ DEFINITION 2 the amount of time spent learning TERM 3 spacing effect DEFINITION 3 we retain information better when our rehearsal is distributed over time TERM 4 mass practice is called ___ DEFINITION 4 cramming-->causes short term learning and confidence TERM 5 recency effect DEFINITION 5 people briefly recalling the middle names after a delay TERM 6 primacy effect DEFINITION 6 remembering only the first and last names TERM 7 hierarchies DEFINITION 7 a few braud concept divided and sub divided into narrower concepts and facts TERM 8 source amnesia DEFINITION 8 among the frailest parts of a memory is its sourceremember a person but not from where TERM 9 a memory is both ___ and ___ DEFINITION 9 reconstruction and reproduction TERM 10 peoples initial interpretations influence their ___ DEFINITION 10 perceptual memories TERM 21 retina DEFINITION 21 the light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing receptor rods and cones TERM 22 two structures that aid in color vision DEFINITION 22 rods=brightnesscones=color TERM 23 nearsightedness DEFINITION 23 nearby objects are seen more clearly than distant objects TERM 24 farsightedness DEFINITION 24 faraway objects are seen more clearly than near objects TERM 25 the components of sound that provide us with sensory information DEFINITION 25 wavelength and amplitude TERM 26 taste sensations DEFINITION 26 sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami TERM 27 sensory compensation DEFINITION 27 when one sense is lost, others are enhancedDUE TO BRAIN PLASTICITY TERM 28 how is information organized DEFINITION 28 sensation-sense organs receive stimulationtransduction- stimulation is converted to electrical signals in the nervous systemperception-these signals are organized and recognized as representations of things in the outside world TERM 29 figure and ground DEFINITION 29 organization of the visual field into objects that stand out from their surroundings TERM 30 5 ways we group items DEFINITION 30 proximitysimilaritycontinuityconnectednessclosure TERM 31 monocular cues RELATIVE SIZE DEFINITION 31 smaller image is more distant TERM 32 monocular cues INTERPOSITION DEFINITION 32 closer object blocks distant object TERM 33 monocular cues RELATIVE CLARITY DEFINITION 33 hazy object seen as more distant TERM 34 monocular cues TEXTURE DEFINITION 34 coarse-->close-->fine-->distant TERM 35 monocular cues LINEAR PERSPECTIVE DEFINITION 35 lines converge at the horizongreater convergence=greater depth