Download Exam 3 | PSYCH 1000 - General Psychology and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 What is consciousness? DEFINITION 1 The awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings being experienced at a given moment TERM 2 What are some states of consciousness? DEFINITION 2 -Controlled processes -Automatic processes -Unconscious TERM 3 What is controlled processes? DEFINITION 3 -Focused attention -High level of concentration TERM 4 What is automatic processes? DEFINITION 4 -Some awareness, but minimal attention required including daydreaming -"autopilot" TERM 5 What is unconscious? DEFINITION 5 -Due to head injury, anesthesia, coma TERM 6 What are circadian rhythms? DEFINITION 6 A naturally occurring 24-hour cycle TERM 7 How do we disrupt circadian rhythms? DEFINITION 7 -Aging -Pulling all-nighters -Staying up late and waking up later - TERM 8 What are the consequences of disrupting circadian rhythms? DEFINITION 8 -Fatigue -Impaired concentration -Immune system suppression -Irritability -Slowed performance TERM 9 What is stage 1 of sleep? DEFINITION 9 -Lasts few minutes -Brain slows -Breathing more regular - Heart rate slows -Easily awakened TERM 10 What is stage 2 of sleep? DEFINITION 10 -Lasts about 20 minutes -Definitely asleep -Relatively easily awakened TERM 21 What are psychoactive drugs? DEFINITION 21 A chemical that influences consciousness or behavior by altering the brain's chemical message system TERM 22 How is learning defined? DEFINITION 22 A relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience TERM 23 What is classical conditioning? DEFINITION 23 -When a neutral stimulus evokes a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally evokes a response - Pavlovs dogs TERM 24 What is US? DEFINITION 24 -Unconditioned stimulus -something that reliably produces a naturally occurring reaction in an organism TERM 25 What is UR? DEFINITION 25 -Unconditioned response -a reflexive reaction that is reliably elicited by an unconditioned response TERM 26 What is CS? DEFINITION 26 -Conditioned stimulus -a stimulus that is initially neutral and produces no reliable response in an organism TERM 27 What is CR? DEFINITION 27 -Conditioned response -a reaction that resembles an unconditioned response but is produced by a conditioned stimulus TERM 28 What is higher order conditioning? DEFINITION 28 -when one thing will have a greater arousal than another -Ex: Horn when saying the number 7. The horn will have a higher arousal rate than just saying the number 7 TERM 29 Extinction (Classical conditioning) DEFINITION 29 The gradual elimination of a learned response that occurs when the US is no longer presented TERM 30 Spontaneous Recovery (Classical conditioning) DEFINITION 30 The tendency of a learned behavior to recover from from extinction after a rest period TERM 31 Generalization (Classical conditioning) DEFINITION 31 A process in which the CR is observed even though the CS is slightly different from the original one used during acquisition TERM 32 Discrimination (Classical conditioning) DEFINITION 32 The capacity to distinguish between similar but distinct stimuli TERM 33 What is the law of effect? DEFINITION 33 The principle that behaviors that are followed by a "satisfying state of affairs" tend to be repeated and those that produce an "unpleasant state of affairs" are less likely to be repeated TERM 34 How does operant conditioning work? DEFINITION 34 Learning occurs as a result a stimuli that either strengthen or weaken the likelihood of a particular behavioral response TERM 35 Positive punishment DEFINITION 35 -Giving something bad -Ex: Child stays out late and is yelled at TERM 46 What are the various types of schedules? DEFINITION 46 -Continuous- behavior reinforced every time -Partial- reinforce only some of the behavior every so often TERM 47 Shaping DEFINITION 47 Learning that results from the reinforcement of successive approximations to a final desired behavior TERM 48 Observational learning DEFINITION 48 Learning by observing the behavior of others and the rewards and punishments that follow TERM 49 Modeling DEFINITION 49 Process of observing and imitating behavior TERM 50 What do you know about the general nature of memory? DEFINITION 50 -Associative network model of memory -Our memories are not exact reproductions. Instead, memory is (re)constructive -False/Repressed memory Syndrome TERM 51 Is our memory like a photograph of past events? DEFINITION 51 yes TERM 52 What kinds of things influence our memories of events? DEFINITION 52 Influenced by things that occur after an event such as feelings or moods during retrieval, others' suggestions for what happened, and cognitive biases TERM 53 How accurate is eyewitness testimony? DEFINITION 53 not very TERM 54 What is a false memory? DEFINITION 54 We block (or REPRESS) memories that are painful, unpleasant TERM 55 What is a repressed memory? DEFINITION 55 We block (or REPRESS) memories that are painful, unpleasant TERM 56 What is the three stage memory model? DEFINITION 56 -Stage 1: Sensory memory -Stage 2: Short term memory - Stage 3: Long term memory TERM 57 How can we increase capacity and duration of STM? DEFINITION 57 -Capacity- chunking -Duration- Rehearsal TERM 58 What are the different kinds of LTM? DEFINITION 58 -Native language -Facts -Personal experiences TERM 59 What is explicit memory? DEFINITION 59 The act of consciously or intentionally retrieving past experiences TERM 60 What is implicit memory? DEFINITION 60 The influence of past experiences on later behavior and performance, even though people are not trying to recollect them and are not aware that they are remembering them TERM 71 What is massed practice? DEFINITION 71 Studying everything together, cramming, just trying to memorize everything TERM 72 What is distributed practice? DEFINITION 72 Make the information meaningful to you and actually understanding what you are learning TERM 73 What are mnemonics? DEFINITION 73 Techniques used to help remember information by using acronyms TERM 74 Stage 1: Sensory Memory...duration and capacity DEFINITION 74 -Very large capacity -Lasts less than 2 seconds TERM 75 Stage 2: Short Term memory...duration and capacity DEFINITION 75 -Capacity= 7 2 pieces of information -Duration= about 30 seconds maximum TERM 76 Stage 3: Long Term Memory...duration and capacity DEFINITION 76 Unlimited capacity and duration TERM 77 Depressants DEFINITION 77 -substances that reduce the activity of the central nervous system -Have a calming effect -Examples: Alcohol, barbiturates, and toxic inhalants TERM 78 Stimulants DEFINITION 78 -Substances that excite the central nervous system, heightening arousal and activity levels -Examples: Caffeine, amphetamines, nicotine, cocaine, and ecstasy TERM 79 Narcotics DEFINITION 79 -Highly addictive drugs derived from opium that relieve pain -Examples: Opium, heroin, morphine, methadone, codeine TERM 80 Hallucinogens DEFINITION 80 -Drugs that alter sensation and perception and often cause visual and auditory hallucinations -Examples: LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, PCB, ketamine TERM 81 Marijuana DEFINITION 81 -Produces an intoxication that is mildly hallucinogenic - Heightened senses of sight and sound