Download Exam 3 | PSYCH 110 - General Psychology and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 What is intelligence DEFINITION 1 Most theorist agree its a construct - referring to a set of abilities TERM 2 Intelligence is the ability to... DEFINITION 2 * Classify Patterns - Identify non-identical stimuli to classes * Modify - Learn from experience * Reason Deductively * Reason Inductively * Develop & Use conceptual models * Understand TERM 3 Spearman's G DEFINITION 3 G= General Intelligence TERM 4 Gardner's Multiple Intelligences DEFINITION 4 1. Linguistic 2. Logical-Mathematical 3. Spatal 4. Musical 5. Bodily- Kinsethetic 6. Interpersonal 7. Intrapersonal 8. Naturalistic (added 1997) TERM 5 Strenberg's Triarchic Theory DEFINITION 5 1. Componential Intelligent Behavior A.K.A. Analytical Intelligence 2. Experiential Intelligent Behavior A.k.a., Creative Intelligence 3. Contextual Intelligent Behavior A.k.a., Practical Intelligence TERM 6 Intelligent Testing DEFINITION 6 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) IQ= Intelligence Quotient TERM 7 General Criticisms of Testing DEFINITION 7 Too strong an emphasis on some areas, such as verbal skills Items too reflective of school/learning Too narrow a focus in measurement Cultural bias Controversy surrounding The Bell Curve TERM 8 Motivation DEFINITION 8 Intrinsic motivation comes from an inherent pleasure you experience while doing the task. Extrinsic motivation comes from the rewards given to you externally for doing a task TERM 9 Intelligent Testing DEFINITION 9 Intrinsic motivation comes from an inherent pleasure you experience while doing the task. Extrinsic motivation comes from the rewards given to you externally for doing a task TERM 10 Equity Theory Greenberg (1988) DEFINITION 10 This state of inequity produces dissatisfaction and affects performance Underpaid workers will decrease performance Overpaid workers will increase performance TERM 21 Detecting the Type A Pattern DEFINITION 21 Vocal explosiveness Constant motion Thinking or doing two or more things at once Impatience Feeling compelled to challenge others Nervous ticks or gestures Fear of slowing down Attachment to the numbers game TERM 22 Type A Personality DEFINITION 22 Term coined in 1960s by two cardiac physicians Increased risk of heart disease Most likely due to hostile component of personality Inability to express anger productively TERM 23 Type D Personality DEFINITION 23 Similar to Type A Increased role of social anxiety TERM 24 Academic Stress Kiecolt-Glaser et al. 1984 DEFINITION 24 First year medical students Measured each variable twice: One month before final exams First day of final exams 1. Immune response (NK cells) Natural Killers 2. Mental health symptoms 3. Loneliness TERM 25 Stress and Nonhuman Primates DEFINITION 25 Low ranking baboons have: 1. A lack of control, predictability, and outlets for frustration 2. Higher resting levels of Gloucocorticoids 3. Gloucocorticoids responses to actual stressors that are smaller, slower, and the recovery is delayed Gloucocorticoids damage the hippocampus! TERM 26 Brief Tangent: Memory and Stress DEFINITION 26 Memories of stressful events is often poor TERM 27 Two proposed explanations: DEFINITION 27 1. Freudian theory suggests that this is a defense mechanism 2. Repression: memory of trauma is stored in the unconscious to avoid continued distress 3. Glucocorticoids shut off the hippocampus such that memories of trauma may not be formed.