Download exam 5! | PSY 2012 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 social cognition DEFINITION 1 the process by which people think about and make sense of their social enviornments TERM 2 representative heuristic DEFINITION 2 perceive/judge something as being likely if it resembles the typical case TERM 3 availability heuristic DEFINITION 3 if something is easy to think of, we assume that it is more common and more likely to happen TERM 4 price heuristic DEFINITION 4 assume that more expensive items are of higher quality than less expensive items TERM 5 what are humans good at doing DEFINITION 5 forming impressions of other people TERM 6 motivation DEFINITION 6 a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior TERM 7 motivation and goals DEFINITION 7 the thing to which motivation directs you TERM 8 4 theories of motivation DEFINITION 8 Instinct theory and evolutionary psychologydrive reduction theoryarousal theoryhierarchy of needs TERM 9 instincts influence behavior DEFINITION 9 complex unlearned behaviors TERM 10 goal of the drive-reduction theory DEFINITION 10 maintain homeostasis TERM 21 porn? DEFINITION 21 increase mens willingness to hurt women, acceptance of rapestronger sex drivemore fantasies and masturbation TERM 22 rates of homosexuality DEFINITION 22 3-4% of men1-2% of women TERM 23 erotic plasticity DEFINITION 23 women are more likely to change orientationmore education=more plasticity TERM 24 straight men and lesbian womens brains are similar DEFINITION 24 larger right hemisphere TERM 25 straight men and gay mens brains are similar DEFINITION 25 brain hemispheres of similar size TERM 26 genes on homosexuality DEFINITION 26 40-50% chance of shared sexual orientation in identical twins TERM 27 what happens to people who do not fufill their need to belong DEFINITION 27 important to ancestral survival and reproduction TERM 28 trait theories of personality DEFINITION 28 how people typically act, think and feel TERM 29 social cognitive theories of personality DEFINITION 29 interaction between individuals and enviornments TERM 30 goal of the trait perspective DEFINITION 30 discover and measure important traits TERM 31 2 common methods for studying the trait perspective DEFINITION 31 statistical tool-find common elementspersonality inventory- questionnaire TERM 32 three problems methodological problems with using questionnaires DEFINITION 32 rely on self-reportsif people dont answer honestly, measurement will be invalidsocially desirable responses TERM 33 two dimensions measured by the EPQ DEFINITION 33 extraversion/introversionemotional stability TERM 34 two things that the MMPI assesses DEFINITION 34 disorders and personality type TERM 35 BIG 5 DEFINITION 35 opennessconscientiousnessextraversionagreeablenessneuroticism