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Examination 2024 on Nutrition Exam
1 (Test Bank)
- Minerals are non-essential nutrients and provide 4 kilocalories per gram. - answers>false
- Fats are similar to carbohydrates and are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. - answers>true
- Water-soluble vitamins include vitamins C, B, and E. - answers>false
- Phytochemicals are found in all protein-rich foods, including chicken, eggs, and fish. - answers>false
- Iron-deficiency is considered to be a form of malnutrition. - answers>true
- According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the majority of Americans are getting their recommended servings of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. - answers>false
- How many classes of nutrients do we know of? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6 - answers>E
- Which of the following is NOT considered a nutrient? A. phytochemicals B. proteins C. fats D. carbohydrates E. water - answers>A
- Essential nutrients are those that A. are found in all animal-derived foods. B. the body cannot produce and must be supplied through food. C. are found in fortified foods. D. are sold in health food stores as supplements.
E. are found in green leafy vegetables. - answers>B
- A nutrient that cannot be made by the body in sufficient quantities and that must be obtained from food is a/an A. organic nutrient. B. inorganic nutrient. C. essential nutrient. D. phytochemical. E. functional nutrient. - answers>C
- All of the following statements about carbohydrates are true, EXCEPT A. they are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. B. they are a major source of energy in the body. C. they are categorized into simple and complex carbohydrates. D. they provide more calories than protein. E. they are a component of DNA and RNA. - answers>D
- The composition of proteins is different from that of carbohydrates due to the presence of A. carbon. B. hydrogen. C. nitrogen. D. oxygen. E. None of the above. - answers>C
- What is the primary form of fat in our bodies? A. cholesterol B. triglycerides
C. phospolipids D. lipoproteins E. omega-3 fatty acids - answers>B
- The carbohydrate family includes A. sugar, starch, and fiber. B. starch, calcium, and fiber. C. fiber, sugar, and sulfur. D. sugar, water, and starch. E. starch, fiber, and sterol. - answers>A
- Nutrients are classified into macronutrients and micronutrients. All of the following are macronutrients, EXCEPT A. sodium. B. water. C. protein. D. iron. E. A and D - answers>E
- Which of the following macronutrients does NOT provide energy? A. water B. lipids C. carbohydrates D. proteins E. All of them provide energy. - answers>A
- Which of the following macronutrients is the preferred fuel for the brain and red blood cells?
A. proteins B. lipids C. water D. carbohydrates E. A and B - answers>D
- Which of the following foods is rich in proteins? A. legumes B. oils C. vegetables D. fruits E. water - answers>A
- Which of the following foods contains the most carbohydrates per gram? A. chicken B. beef C. butter D. milk E. egg - answers>D
- John and his wife are celebrating their first wedding anniversary. Their dinner consists of 55 grams of carbohydrates, 36 grams of protein, 27 grams of fat, and 18 grams of alcohol. What is the total caloric value of their meal? A. 634 kilocalories B. 733 kilocalories C. 778 kilocalories D. 877 kilocalories
E. 1,008 kilocalories - answers>B
- Sarah is making a pound cake for the bake sale. Of the 2,400 total kilocalories for the entire cake, 30% comes from fat. How many grams of fat are there in the cake? A. 30 grams B. 60 grams C. 80 grams D. 100 grams E. 240 grams - answers>C
- David is a football player consuming a high-calorie diet. His daily caloric intake is set at 4,500 kilocalories with the macronutrient distribution as follows: 45% carbohydrates, 18% fat, and the rest from protein. How many grams of protein is David's diet providing? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number) A. 103 grams B. 203 grams C. 316 grams D. 416 grams E. 506 grams - answers>D
- What is the standard unit used to measure food energy? A. kilograms B. kilocalories C. pounds D. newtons E. grams - answers>B
- Gram for gram, which nutrient(s) provide(s) the least energy?
A. protein B. lipids C. carbohydrates D. alcohol E. A and C - answers>E
- Micronutrients are those that are required in small quantities. Which of the following is NOT a micronutrient? A. vitamin D B. iodine C. fiber D. vitamin K E. zinc - answers>C
- Of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States, how many are related to diet? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 - answers>D
- Which of the following diseases is NOT related to diet? A. stroke B. heart disease C. cancer D. diabetes
E. pneumonia - answers>E
- How many water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins do we know of? A. 10 and 4, respectively B. 10 and 3, respectively C. 4 and 10, respectively D. 3 and 10, respectively E. 10 and 5, respectively - answers>A
- Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin? A. vitamin A B. vitamin C C. vitamin D D. vitamin E E. vitamin K - answers>B
- Minerals are classified into "major" and "trace" minerals. Which of the following lists only contains major minerals? A. Calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus B. Iron, selenium, sodium, magnesium C. Copper, chromium, fluoride, iodine D. Potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium
- Magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, chloride - answers>D
- The standard that represents the average nutrient intake estimated to meet the daily requirements of 50% of healthy individuals is called the A. Recommended Dietary Allowance. B. Adequate Intake.
C. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range. D. Estimated Average Requirements. E. Estimated Energy Requirement. - answers>D
- The standard that represents the average nutrient intake estimated to meet the daily requirements of nearly 98% of healthy individuals is called the A. Recommended Dietary Allowance. B. Adequate Intake. C. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range. D. Estimated Average Requirements. E. Estimated Energy Requirement. - answers>A
- Compared with the Estimated Average Requirements, the Recommended Dietary Allowances for nutrients are set at ______ level. A. a slightly lower B. a much lower C. the same D. a slightly higher E. a much higher - answers>E
- The standard that provides recommendations for healthy ranges of energy- yielding macronutrients is termed the A. Recommended Dietary Allowance. B. Adequate Intake. C. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range. D. Estimated Average Requirements. E. Tolerable Upper Intake Level. - answers>C
- Linda takes calcium and vitamin D supplements but is worried about increasing her risk for kidney stones. Which of the following standards will provide Linda with the information necessary to determine the maximum amount of nutrients that would be safe for her to consume without the risk of side effects? A. Recommended Dietary Allowance B. Adequate Intake C. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range D. Estimated Average Requirements E. Tolerable Upper Intake Level - answers>E
- Based on the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range, what is the recommendation for carbohydrate intake? A. less than 10% B. 15%-25% C. 30%-40% D. 45%-65% E. greater than 70% - answers>D
- Based on the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range, what is the recommendation for protein intake? A. less than 5% B. 10%-35% C. 40%-50% D. 55%-60% E. greater than 65% - answers>B
- According to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range, 20% to 35% of the total caloric intake should come from fat. If Marcus is on a 3,500 kilocalorie diet, how many kilocalories should he obtain from dietary fat? A. 400-905 kcal B. 500-1005 kcal C. 600-1115 kcal
D. 700-1225 kcal E. 800-1355 kcal - answers>D
- What is the correct sequence of steps in following the scientific method to conduct research? A. make observations, conduct experiment, propose hypothesis, and develop a theory B. make observations, propose hypothesis, conduct experiment, and develop a theory C. propose hypothesis, make observations, develop a theory, and conduct experiment D. conduct experiment, develop a theory, make observations, and propose hypothesis E. develop a theory, conduct experiment, make observations, and propose hypothesis - answers>B
- Which of the following statements is NOT true about epidemiological studies? A. Subjects are randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group. B. Such studies can assess interactions between genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. C. Their main purpose is to observe the variables in a population. D. The results of the study cannot be used to establish cause and effect. E. There is no intervention involved in this type of study. - answers>A
- An animal study is being conducted to determine the effect of vitamin C on the incidence of common cold. The researcher gives one group of rats the vitamin C pills and the other group of rats gets the "dummy" pill (placebo). The rats that received the placebo would be called the A. dummy group. B. double-blind group. C. intervention group.
D. experimental group. E. control group. - answers>E
- Susan wants to enhance her immunity during the flu season. Which of the following would be the LEAST credible source of information? A. advice from a registered dietitian B. guidelines on flu-prevention on the website C. CDC guidelines on their website D. a recent peer-reviewed article on zinc from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition E. flu-prevention strategies provided by your doctor - answers>B
- A healthy diet will include which of the following components? A. balance B. adequacy C. moderation D. variety E. All of the above. - answers>E
- A balanced diet contains _____, which are the fundamental components of eating healthfully. A. refined carbohydrates B. an abundance of calories to meet energy requirements C. carbohydrates, fats, and proteins D. energy-dense foods E. empty-calorie foods - answers>C
- The primary factors that determine the energy density of a food item are the
A. number of calories. B. water, fiber, and fat content. C. proportion of essential proteins to nonessential proteins. D. electrolyte content. E. levels of cholesterol and saturated fats. - answers>B
- Nutrient-dense foods are foods with A. a high number of calories for their weight. B. a low number of calories for their weight. C. more than one essential nutrient. D. a high proportion of healthy nutrients relative to the number of calories. E. a high proportion of protein relative to carbohydrates and fats. - answers>D
- _____ is an example of a meal with high energy density, while _____ is an example of a meal with high nutrient density. A. Spinach salad with Italian dressing; chicken salad sandwich on French bread B. Hamburger and French fries; ham sandwich on rye bread, vegetable soup, fruit salad C. Caesar salad with grilled chicken; hot dog with cracker jacks D. Pizza with pepperoni, green peppers, and olives; fried chicken and mashed potatoes E. Tomato soup; grilled cheese sandwich - answers>B
- The average American typically gets _____ of their calories from SOFAs (solid fats and added sugars) each day. A. all B. 75%
C. 50%
D. one-third E. 25% - answers>D
- The Dietary Guidelines for Americans A. provide essential advice for how to eat healthfully and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. B. are newly released every year. C. include calorie intake amounts for various lifestyles and life stages. D. outline the health benefit of specific nutrients. E. All of the above. - answers>A
- Which of the following food items is considered nutrient dense? A. cheese B. diet soda C. whole-grain bread D. tortilla chips made from corn E. sausage - answers>C
- The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans A. stress the importance of electrolyte balance. B. stress the consumption of nutrient-dense foods. C. limit the daily intake of dairy foods. D. aim to increase the calories from SOFAs. E. aim to decrease the consumption of fiber. - answers>B
- The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are based on A. survey results from typical American diets.
B. common health problems in America. C. scientific evidence. D. statistical analysis of food purchases in America. E. All of the above. - answers>C
- Which of the following nutrients plays a role in the management of blood pressure and can affect the progression of heart disease? A. calcium B. sodium C. glucose D. electrolytes E. fiber - answers>B
- Which of the following is NOT a key message from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? A. consume less than 300 mg per day of cholesterol B. keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible C. reduce sodium intake D. replace solid fats with oils when possible E. consume more than 10% of calories from saturated fats - answers>E
- The newest release of food guides from the USDA is a visual presentation of foods from the five food groups "on a dinner plate" to represent the ideal balance that will provide a spectrum of nutrients. It is called A. The Food Guide Pyramid. B. A Guide to Good Eating. C. Food for Fitness. D. MyPlate.
E. Hassle Free Daily Food Guide. - answers>D
- MyPlate advises that half of the food choices at a meal should consist of A. lean protein sources. B. energy-dense foods. C. vegetables and fruits (slightly more vegetables than fruits). D. whole grains. E. low-fat dairy products. - answers>C
- How does MyPlate represent dairy products? A. as a cup of milk or carton of yogurt off to the side B. as one-fourth of the daily calcium needs C. in an equal proportion to the amount of grains at a meal D. in a higher proportion of the amount of fruits and vegetables E. Dairy is not represented on the MyPlate food guide. - answers>A
- Which of the following items is a good cue for estimating a portion size equal to one cup? A. spoonful B. baseball C. golf ball D. six dice E. matchbox - answers>B
- Resources for daily food plans, portion sizes, and MyPlate guidelines can be found at A. B. full-service grocery stores.
C. convenience stores. D. fast-food restaurant menus. E. All of the above. - answers>A
- Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic from food guides around the world? A. Eat more plant foods. B. Choose lean protein foods. C. Choose saturated fats over unsaturated fats. D. Control portion sizes. E. Be physically active. - answers>C
- Which governmental agency or agencies is(are) responsible for designing food policy guidelines? A. United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services B. Food and Drug Administration C. Centers for Disease Control D. Environmental Protection Agency E. All of the above. - answers>A
- The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 requires which of the following? A. restaurants must provide nutrition details to consumers B. most foods be labeled using a standardized format C. all food be labeled with calorie amounts D. packaged food will include nutrient claims
E. all health claims must be placed on the front of the packaging - answers>B
- The declaration on a food package of the nutrient content is called A. percent daily value (%DV). B. food labeling. C. ingredients list. D. health claims. E. nutrient claims. - answers>B
- An estimation of the amount of a specific nutrient contained in one serving, based on a daily intake of 2000 calories, is called A. percent daily value (%DV). B. food labeling. C. ingredients list. D. health claims. E. nutrient claims. - answers>A
- A list of the more specific information about what the food package contains is called A. percent daily value (%DV). B. food labeling. C. ingredients list. D. health claims. E. nutrient claims. - answers>C
- On a food package, ingredients are listed A. in descending order of amount, according to weight. B. in ascending order amount, according to weight.
C. in the order of nutrient importance. D. in alphabetical order. E. None of the above. - answers>A
- A nutrient claim is A. a declaration on food packages to indicate a possibly beneficial nutrient. B. not federally regulated. C. more specific information about what the food product contains. D. a statement on the label about how that nutrient may affect the human body's structure. E. All of the above. - answers>A
- Which of the following is a declaration on a food package to indicate a link between a food, food component, or dietary supplement and a reduction in the risk of a disease? A. food additive B. supplemental health information C. structure/function claim D. health claim - answers>D
- Which of the following claims are NOT evaluated or regulated by the FDA? A. vitamin content B. structure/function claims C. health claims D. nutrient claims E. food additives - answers>B
- Which of the following is a dietary principle of not overindulging in potentially harmful foods, such as those that contain unhealthy levels of fat, sugar, and salt? A. moderation B. variety C. balance D. adequacy E. sufficiency - answers>A
- An individual eats chicken regularly but not other sources of protein. What aspect of a healthy diet is the person missing? A. moderation B. variety C. balance D. adequacy E. None of the above. - answers>B
- An individual consumes significantly more than 100% of the recommended daily allowance for fat intake. What aspect of a healthy diet is the person missing? A. moderation B. variety C. balance D. adequacy E. None of the above. - answers>A
- An individual consumes 1,500 calories and expends 2,000 calories per day. What aspect of a healthy diet is the person missing? A. moderation
B. variety C. balance D. adequacy E. None of the above. - answers>D
- Which of the following are harder to find in food deserts in America? A. nutrient-dense foods B. empty-calorie foods C. junk foods D. energy-dense foods E. All of the above. - answers>A
- The purpose of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate is to encourage people to do all of the following, except A. increase physical activity and reduce time spent in sedentary behaviors. B. maintain appropriate calorie balance throughout each stage of life. C. eat a variety of vegetables. D. stop eating carbohydrates. E. increase fruit intake. - answers>D
- On a food label, the % Daily Value table compares key nutrients per serving for a person consuming how many kilocalories daily? A. 2, B. 1, C. 2, D. 3,
E. It depends on the person's age, weight, height, and level of activity. - answers>A
- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of MyPlate? A. It places most foods into one of five groups based on nutrient content. B. It places a higher value on eating protein than any other food group. C. It can be used with great flexibility in planning a healthy diet. D. It specifies that a certain quantity of food be consumed from each group. E. It can be used as an educational tool. - answers>B
- Which of the following information is NOT provided on a Nutrition Facts Panel for a packaged food item? A. serving size B. calories from fat C. percent daily value (%DV) D. percentage of calories from carbohydrates E. amount of trans fat per serving - answers>D
- Which of the following is one of the monosaccharides that makes up milk sugar? A. lactose B. maltose C. sucrose D. galactose E. fructose - answers>D
- The mammary glands of humans and other mammals synthesize A. lactose.
B. glucose. C. maltose. D. sucrose. E. All of the above. - answers>A
- An oligosaccharide is a A. short-chain carbohydrate. B. long-chain carbohydrate. C. polysaccharide made up of numerous glucose units. D. polysaccharide made up of glycogen. E. carbohydrate that consists of one sugar molecule. - answers>A
- Glycogen is the A. undigested material that passes through the GI tract. B. composition of plant cell walls. C. storage form of glucose. D. most significant animal source of carbohydrates in the diet. E. None of the above. - answers>C
- What is the downside of refining grains? A. The taste of refined grains is unpleasant. B. The bran and germ contain the majority of the healthful benefits. C. The leftover material is unable to be passed through the digestive tract. D. The endosperm contains the highest concentration of dietary fiber. E. All of the above. - answers>B
- In the small intestine, pancreatic amylase continues to break down starch, converting it to
A. maltose and oligosaccharides. B. sucrose. C. galactose. D. polysaccharides. E. salivary amylase. - answers>A
- Aspartame A. has a low sweetness relative to sucrose. B. has a trade name of Splenda. C. provides 4 kcal/g. D. is widely used in sugar-free soft drinks. E. is commonly used in baking sweets. - answers>D
- Which of the following is a type of fiber that dissolves in water and often forms a viscous gel that acts to slow digestion and lower blood cholesterol? A. insoluble fiber B. soluble fiber C. dietary fiber D. functional fiber E. total fiber - answers>B
- Which of the following is a type of fiber that contributes "bulk" to stool and fosters regular bowel movements? A. insoluble fiber B. soluble fiber C. dietary fiber D. functional fiber
E. total fiber - answers>A
- Which of the following types of fiber is a nondigestible carbohydrate isolated from plants and animals and added to foods? A. insoluble fiber B. soluble fiber C. dietary fiber D. functional fiber E. total fiber - answers>D
- Which of the following protein foods has the highest fiber content in grams? A. baked beans, ½ cup B. black beans (canned); ½ cup C. almonds, ¼ cup D. peanuts, ¼ cup E. peanut butter, 2 tbsp - answers>B
- Insulin promotes conversion of excess glucose to glycogen in A. the skeletal and cardiac muscles only. B. the liver and skeletal muscles. C. the liver and adipose tissue. D. the brain, muscles, and liver. E. the liver, adipose tissue, and kidneys. - answers>B
- Insulin resistance is typical of A. type 1 and 2 diabetes. B. prediabetes.
C. gestational diabetes. D. gestational and type 2 diabetes. E. all types of diabetes. - answers>D
- Which carbohydrate food is the most effective for preventing a rise in blood glucose? A. breakfast cereal B. brown rice C. oatmeal D. honey E. whole wheat bread - answers>C
- Which is most likely responsible for the recent increase in type 2 diabetes in the population? A. an increase in prevalence of obesity B. genetic changes C. an increase in consumption of high-fructose corn syrup D. an increase in gestational diabetes E. an increase in allergies and autoimmune diseases - answers>A
- Which is not a factor in mothers developing gestational diabetes? A. family history of type 2 diabetes B. number of pregnancies C. obese prior to pregnancy D. pregnancy at an older age E. ethnic background - answers>B
- What is the glycemic index value for glucose?