Download FAA sUAS Prep: Comprehensive Guide to Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Regulations and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! FAA sUAS Prep Applicant - correct answer ✔✔a person who submits a declaration of compliance (DOC) to the FAA. May be anyone who designs, produces, or modifies a sUA Control Station (CS) - correct answer ✔✔an interface used by the remote pilot or the person manipulating the controls to control the flight path Declaration of Compliance (DOC) - correct answer ✔✔a record submitted to the FAA that certifies the small unmanned aircraft conforms to the Category 2 or 3 requirements under Part 107 Subpart D Means of Compliance (MOC) - correct answer ✔✔the method and applicant uses to show its small UAS would not exceed the applicable injury severity limit upon impact with a human being, does not contain exposed rotating parts that would cause lacerations, and does not have any safety defects If serious injury occurs (at least Level 3 on the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) of the (AAAM)), the rPIC must report to the FAA ____ - correct answer ✔✔within 10 days When must damage be reported to the FAA? - correct answer ✔✔When damage to any property, other than the sUA, occurs and the cost is greater than $500 to repair or replace the property Alcohol or drugs and the provisions on prohibition of use: - correct answer ✔✔cannot operate UA if: 1. consumed alcohol within 8 hours 2. is under the influence of alcohol 3. has BAC of .04% or greater, and/or 4. is using a drug that affects his or her mental or physical capabilities Maximum total weight of the UA (including any property being transported) - correct answer ✔✔under 55 pounds The VO must be able to effectively communicate: - correct answer ✔✔1. the UA location, attitude, altitude, and direction of flight 2. the position of other aircraft or hazards in the airspace 3. the determination that the UA does not endanger th elife or property of another In what airspace classes is operation not allowed without prior authorization? - correct answer ✔✔Class B, C, or D, or within that lateral boundaries of the surface area of Class E airspace designated for an airport Maximum groundspeed - correct answer ✔✔87 kt. (100mph) Altitude limitations - correct answer ✔✔sUAS cannot be flown higher than 400 feet AGL, unless flown within a 400-foot radius of a structure and does not fly greater than 400 feet above the structure's immediate uppermost limit -on exam, interpret the altitude of a structure by identifying the height of the structure in feet AGL and add 400 feet to determine max altitude Minimum visibility - correct answer ✔✔as observed from the location of the CS, may not be less than 3 SM Cloud clearance - correct answer ✔✔Must be at least 500 feet below clouds and no less than 2,000 feet horizontally from clouds Night in the continental U.S. - correct answer ✔✔30 minutes after sunset (end of evening civil twilight) until 30 minutes prior sunrise (beginning of morning civil twilight) Eligibility requirements for a remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating: - correct answer ✔✔1. be at least 16 years old 2. be able to read, speak, write, and understand English 3. be in a physical and mental condition that would not interfere with the safe operation of an sUAS 4. pass the initial aeronautical knowledge test Secondary flight controls - correct answer ✔✔wing flaps, leading edge devices, spoilers, and trim systems What do spoilers do? - correct answer ✔✔reduce lift and increase drag. They are found on gliders and some high-speed aircraft Aerodynamic forces acting on an aircraft: - correct answer ✔✔Lift (upward), weight (downward), thrust (forward), drag (rearward) Bernoulli's Principle - correct answer ✔✔As the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases Angle of attack - correct answer ✔✔The angle formed by the wing chord line and the relative wind direction What does a stall occur - correct answer ✔✔when the critical angle of attack of exceeded What is the most common weight change during flight? - correct answer ✔✔Fuel burn Load factor - correct answer ✔✔The ratio of amount of lift generated to the weight of the aircraft The load factor for any aircraft in a coordinated level turn at 60 degree bank is _____. The load factor in an 80 degree bank is _____. - correct answer ✔✔2 Gs; 5.76 Gs A Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) is used to ______ - correct answer ✔✔monitor manned aircraft communications MULTICOM frequency - correct answer ✔✔122.9 MHz - used for self-announced procedures at airports without operating control towers that are not served by an FSS or UNICOM Aircraft communication radios operate on the VHF band between: - correct answer ✔✔118.000 MHz and 136.975 MHz How often are aeronautical charts updated? - correct answer ✔✔Every 56 days