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Family and Consumer Science OAE Practice Questions and Answers (LATEST 2024/2025), Exams of Nursing

A comprehensive set of practice questions and answers for the family and consumer science oae exam. It covers a wide range of topics, including food safety, nutrition, consumer rights, time management, and personal development. Designed to help students prepare for the exam by providing them with a thorough understanding of the key concepts and principles.

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Available from 11/08/2024

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Download Family and Consumer Science OAE Practice Questions and Answers (LATEST 2024/2025) and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Practice Question & Answers ( LATEST


Risk factors of food borne illness - Correct Answers ✅1. purchasing from unsafe source

  1. failing to cook correctly
  2. holding at incorrect temp
  3. using contaminated equipment
  4. practicing poor personal hygiene FAT TOM - Correct Answers ✅Food, Acidity, Temperature, Time, Oxygen, Moisture Major Food pathogens - Correct Answers ✅Salmonella Typhi, Shigella spp., Nontyphoidal Salmonella, E.coli, hepatitis A, Norovirus Often found in high numbers in feces, are transferred easily to food, small doses can make very sick, found almost everywhere Common food allergens - Correct Answers ✅milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts

Practice Question & Answers ( LATEST


Food Allergen Symptoms - Correct Answers ✅nausea, hives, swelling, ab pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, death (from anaphylaxis) Ways for preventing time-temperature abuse - Correct Answers ✅Cook to proper temp, hold at right temp, cool to proper temp within allotted time Monitor time and temp, proper thermometers, record temps regularly, minimize time in danger zone, corrective actions HACCP stands for - Correct Answers ✅Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Foods that are gluten free - Correct Answers ✅oats, corn, rice, barley, quinoa Time management is a strategy for - Correct Answers ✅finding the most proficient way to complete a task at hand in the amount of time given

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What are SMART goals? - Correct Answers ✅Goal that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely Process for making a well-informed decision - Correct Answers ✅gather as much information as possible, list pros and cons, compare all choices Pareto Analysis System - Correct Answers ✅assumes approx 80% of the benefits an organization recieves from a task are results of 20% of effort. Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) - Correct Answers ✅Analysis that compares the costs of various possible decisions to each other, forecasts the net impact of each on the bottom line, and recommends the best alternative. Force Field Analysis - Correct Answers ✅Decision making strategy that examines factors and identifies them as either aiding or acting against achieving a goal

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Grid Analysis - Correct Answers ✅Decision-making strategy that takes all of the factors involved with each option, rates each factor and then gives each factor a weight based on its importance to the overall decision. Scenario Analysis - Correct Answers ✅Decision-making strategy method whereby individuals or organizations use their experience, knowledge and intuition to predict what kind of situations may arise from each option if that particular option were chosen What are examples of resources? - Correct Answers ✅natural resources, labor resources, capital goods, information resources, land resources The rights to a consumer - Correct Answers ✅Right to safety, right to fair treatment, right to information Equal Credit Opportunity Act - Correct Answers ✅Law that states that a consumer's credit application can only be judged on the basis on financial responsibility not the applicant's

Practice Question & Answers ( LATEST


gender, race, marital status, age, national origin, or receipt of public assistance Fair Credit Reporting Act - Correct Answers ✅Act that protects privacy of background information and ensures that information supplied is accurate. Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act - Correct Answers ✅Allows consumers the right to receive one free copy of their credit report from three major credit reporting agencies each year. What are the three free Credit Reporting agencies - Correct Answers ✅Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion Fair Debt Collection Practices Act - Correct Answers ✅Prohibits unfair, abusive, and deception methods of collecting debt

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Truth in Lending Act - Correct Answers ✅An act which requires lenders to inform borrowers of all direct, indirect and true costs of credit. What is the meaning of "Caveat Emptor" - Correct Answers ✅"let the buyer beware" Better Business Bureau - Correct Answers ✅a private organization that helps protect consumers from unfair business practices What are examples of low risk investments? - Correct Answers ✅savings accounts, checking accounts, bonds, and CDs What is diabetes? - Correct Answers ✅Disease where body is unable to produce enough insulin. What is a healthy blood pressure range? - Correct Answers ✅between 90/50 and 120/

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Dietary Guidelines for Americans - Correct Answers ✅a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all Americans Who publishes the dietary guidelines for americans? - Correct Answers ✅USDA and US department of health and human services Vitamin C promotes - Correct Answers ✅healthy skin, bones, cartilage, and blood vessels Vitamin E promotes - Correct Answers ✅maintenance of brain function and eye health Vitamin A promotes - Correct Answers ✅bone growth, skin health, the ability to reproduce Why is fiber important? - Correct Answers ✅Aids in digestion, bowel movements, and immune responses

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Why is protein important? - Correct Answers ✅necessary for producing amino acids Why is iron important? - Correct Answers ✅aids in proper muscle and organ functioning as well as forms hemoglobin in the body Why is calcium important? - Correct Answers ✅develops and maintains bones and teeth What dies RDA mean - Correct Answers ✅Recommended Daily Allowance What are simple sugars? - Correct Answers ✅Monosaccharides such as glucose, fructose, and galactose. Disaccharides such as lactose, sucrose, and maltose An example of a simple sugar? - Correct Answers ✅Sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup), table sugar, sugars found in fruits

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What are complex sugars? - Correct Answers ✅oligosaccharides and polysaccharides An example of a complex sugar (carbohydrates) - Correct Answers ✅Fiber, starch, glycogen What is dietary fiber? - Correct Answers ✅the edible non- digestible carbohydrates and lignin that are found in plants Saturated Fats - Correct Answers ✅fats that are solid at room temperature and found in animals or animal byproducts, "bad fat" Unsaturated Fats - Correct Answers ✅fats that remain liquid at room temperature and are derived from plant products, "good fat"

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Trans Fats - Correct Answers ✅made when manufacturers add hydrogen to the fat molecules in vegetable oils, "worst kind of fat" What is the arrangement of utensils when dining from left to right? - Correct Answers ✅napkin, salad fork, dining fork, dessert fork, plate, dinner knife, teaspoon, soup spoon What are some proper dining practices prior to a meal? - Correct Answers ✅wait for host to gesture to sitting, sit up straight, have topics for discussion What are some proper dining practices during a meal? - Correct Answers ✅elbows off the table, once a utensil has been used, it does not rest on the table, wait for the host to begin to eat prior to eating, pass salt and pepper together, pass food to the right What is FCCLA - Correct Answers ✅Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America

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What is the FCCLA motto? - Correct Answers ✅Toward New Horizons What are some stress management techniques? - Correct Answers ✅cut back, prepare, relax, do something enjoyable, sleep, get help What are tactics for manipulation to exert power in domestic abuse relationships? - Correct Answers ✅Dominance, humiliation, isolation, threats, intimidation, denial, blame What is Piaget's theory? - Correct Answers ✅theory of cognitive development that theorizes children will learn more effectively if they can actively adapt to the world on their own Four stages of Piaget's Theory - Correct Answers ✅sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

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In the sensorimotor stage... - Correct Answers ✅in Piaget's theory, the stage (from birth to nearly 2 years of age) during which infants know the world mostly in terms of their sensory impressions and motor activities In the preoperational stage... - Correct Answers ✅in Piaget's theory, the stage (from about 2 to about 6 or 7 years of age) during which a child learns to use language but does not yet comprehend the mental operations of concrete logic In the concrete operational stage... - Correct Answers ✅in Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (from about 6 or 7 to 11 years of age) during which children gain the mental operations that enable them to think logically about concrete events, but not abstractly In the formal operational stage... - Correct Answers ✅in Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development (around 12) during which people begin to think logically about abstract concepts and understand less concrete or absolute ideas

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What is one fault with Piaget's theory? - Correct Answers ✅He often underestimated children and their cognitive abilities What are Maslow's hierarchy of needs? - Correct Answers ✅physiological, safety, love/belonging/social, esteem, self- actualization What does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs state? - Correct Answers ✅One cannot meet higher needs if lower needs are not met or satisfied What are Erikson's stages of psychosocial development? - Correct Answers ✅infancy, younger years, early childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, later adulthood What is Erikson's psychosocial theory? - Correct Answers ✅States individuals must overcome a developmental obstacle in each stage. If they are unable to successful overcome it, later stages will be more difficult

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What is the crisis of infancy? - Correct Answers ✅trust vs mistrust trust of parents What is the crisis of the younger years? - Correct Answers ✅autonomy vs. shame establishment of independence from parents What is the crisis of early childhood? - Correct Answers ✅initiative vs guilt development of morals and independent thinking/imagination What is the crisis of middle childhood? - Correct Answers ✅industry vs inferiority productivity within school and ability to keep pace with others mentally

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What is the crisis of adolescence? - Correct Answers ✅identity vs role confusion finding place in society and identification of future goals What is the crisis of early adulthood? - Correct Answers ✅intimacy vs isolation ability to form relationships with others successfully What is the crisis of middle adulthood? - Correct Answers ✅generativity vs stagnation continuation of genetics, leaving an impact on the next generation What is the crisis of later adulthood? - Correct Answers ✅integrity vs despair examination of life through self reflection, was it meaningful or not?

Practice Question & Answers ( LATEST


What are examples of genetic traits? - Correct Answers ✅eye color, blood type, future diseases What are examples of environmental influences? - Correct Answers ✅Religion and Language What is direct communication? - Correct Answers ✅occurs when a person attempts to convey information through stating it to the receiving audience What is indirect communication? - Correct Answers ✅occurs when a person states information but to no particular audience.