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Personality Traits, Emotions, and Interpersonal Relationships: A Comprehensive Overview, Quizzes of Communication

Definitions and explanations of various personality traits, emotions, and interpersonal concepts. Topics include the impact of personality on behaviors, multiple expressions of personality, openness, consciousness, agreeableness, nervousness, the kiersey-bates personality test, extroversion, sensing, feeling, judging, perceiving, and various theories of emotion and self concept. Additionally, it covers social comparison, face, saving face, cultural empathy, muting, sexist language, and various stages of relationship development.

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Download Personality Traits, Emotions, and Interpersonal Relationships: A Comprehensive Overview and more Quizzes Communication in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 personality DEFINITION 1 your characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique TERM 2 consistency DEFINITION 2 characteristic of personality, relatively the same across different contexts, we all act in semi-predictable ways TERM 3 psychological and physiological DEFINITION 3 determined at birth, characteristic of personality, certain aspects of our personality are biologically based. They are created/developed in our own minds TERM 4 impacts our behaviors/actions DEFINITION 4 characteristic of personality, isn't just what causes us to respond, it is what causes us to act in the first place. Ex. always the one in her group of friends to organize events TERM 5 multiple expressions of our personality DEFINITION 5 characteristic of personality, we have a tendency to think personality = behavior, but it is more our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Ex. her middle son and his best friend are both extremely competitive, but if her son loses a game it's NBD. if his friend loses a game, he analyzes every aspect of the game TERM 6 attraction similarity hypothesis DEFINITION 6 we seek partners that are similar to us, we are attracted to people who have things in common with us. Ex. early years of marriage were alike in personalities ranked higher in happiness vs. couples who were in the later part of their marriage that were different were happier. When you get older you learn to accept each other's differences TERM 7 openness DEFINITION 7 personality trait, attracted to people that are like us or completely different than us TERM 8 consciousness DEFINITION 8 personality trait, oriented to get the job done, organized, etc. TERM 9 agreeableness DEFINITION 9 personality trait, easy to get along with/not easy to get along with TERM 10 nervousness DEFINITION 10 personality trait, calm laid back or anxious and moody TERM 21 "dark side" of the internet DEFINITION 21 little accountability. we can pretend to be whoever we want to be on the interne, anyone can create a profile/webpage for a product/person that does not exist TERM 22 fostering of hate/hate group DEFINITION 22 the more you discuss your hate of something, the more you start to believe your viewpoint is accurate. becomes illegal once a crime is committed TERM 23 singling theory DEFINITION 23 on the internet, we only show qualities about us we want others to see TERM 24 PCDP (post-cyber disclosure panic) DEFINITION 24 freak out after someone discloses something personal on the internet TERM 25 interpersonal communication DEFINITION 25 transactional process of creating shared meaning between two people with a goal of common understanding. process of message interaction between two people who work toward creating and sustaining shared meaning. TERM 26 transactional DEFINITION 26 many things going on at once. in communication between two people, think that both people are simultaneously sending/receiving verbal and nonverbal messages. communication is always ongoing, does not have an end point. TERM 27 miscommunication DEFINITION 27 failure to create a shared meaning TERM 28 perception DEFINITION 28 how you see the world. process of using your senses to understand and respond to stimuli. process occurs in four stages TERM 29 selection DEFINITION 29 first stage of the perception process, requiring us to use our visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory senses to respond to stimuli in our environment. difficult because in our world there is so much stimuli. Ex: being in a crowd and there being someone who is 7 feet tall TERM 30 organization/categorization DEFINITION 30 second stage in the perception process, in which we place what are often a number of confusing pieces of information into a understandable, accessible, and orderly arrangement. Ex: in the grocery store, you see a man wearing scrubs, you think doctor, but if you see a female, you think nurse. TERM 31 stereotyping DEFINITION 31 categorizing individuals according to a fixed impression, whether positive or negative, of an entire group to which they belong. Ex: asians are smart TERM 32 When does stereotyping become prejudice? DEFINITION 32 when we refuse to let go of that belief TERM 33 interpretation DEFINITION 33 third stage of the perception process, in which we assign meaning to what we perceive. when we decide if something is good/bad. how we interpret something is based on: relational history, knowledge, personal experiences/expectations TERM 34 negotiation (retrieving) DEFINITION 34 fourth and final stage of perception process, in which we recall information stored in our memories. this stage is rarely/never reached TERM 35 retrieving DEFINITION 35 when you have to go back and pull up that interpretation TERM 46 positive face DEFINITION 46 our desire to be liked by significant others in our lives and have them confirm our beliefs, respect our abilities, and value what we value. allowing someone to portray or we are portraying a face when we want others to like us/accept us. Ex: uniforms TERM 47 negative face DEFINITION 47 our desire that others refrain from imposing their will on us, respect our individuality and our uniqueness, and avoid interfering with our actions/beliefs. the face we portray when we don't want someone else to pose some sort of restrictions on us and we want to be independent. Ex: telling someone to mind their own business TERM 48 ethnocentrism DEFINITION 48 judging other cultures by your own cultural standards. the process of judging another culture using the standards of your own. TERM 49 in-group DEFINITION 49 groups that we feel we belong to. a group to which a person feels he/she belongs TERM 50 cultural relativity DEFINITION 50 observers should never condemn a practice of a culture that they do not belong to. the ability to avoid judging or condemning any practice in which any other culture engages TERM 51 cultural empathy DEFINITION 51 understanding others perspectives and relating to them. the learned ability to accurately understand the experiences of people from diverse cultures and to convey that understanding responsively TERM 52 out-group DEFINITION 52 groups that we don't feel we belong to. a group to which a person feels he/she does not belong TERM 53 uncertainty avoidance DEFINITION 53 a cultural mindset that indicates how tolerant (or intolerant) a culture is of uncertainty and change. cultures high in this desire predictability, cultures low in this are unthreatened by change TERM 54 individualism DEFINITION 54 a cultural mindset that emphasizes self-concept and personal achievement and that prefers competition over cooperation, the individual over the group, and private over public TERM 55 collectivism DEFINITION 55 a cultural mindset that emphasizes the group and its norms, values, and beliefs over the self TERM 56 statis evaluation DEFINITION 56 when we use language in such a way as to imply that things don't change. the tendency to speak and respond to someone today as we did in the past, not recognizing that people and relationships change over time TERM 57 polarization DEFINITION 57 using language in extremes or an either/or fashion. tendency to use either/or language TERM 58 rectification DEFINITION 58 when we respond to the word or label instead of the things themselves. the tendency to respond to words or labels for things as though they were the things themselves TERM 59 muting DEFINITION 59 language use that lets some ideas and experiences go unnamed. theory that explains what happens to people whose experiences are not well represented in verbal symbols and have trouble articulating their thoughts/feelings verbally because their language doesn't provide adequate vocabulary TERM 60 sexist language DEFINITION 60 language that is demanding to one sex. Ex: generic "he" TERM 71 johari's window DEFINITION 71 model used to understand the process of self-disclosure consisting of a square with four panels that provide pictorial representation of how "known" we are to ourselves/others TERM 72 open DEFINITION 72 things i know about myself, things i've told you. something both people know about each other. pane that includes all information about us that we know and that we have shared with others TERM 73 blind DEFINITION 73 things you know about me, but I don't know about myself. pane that includes information others know about us that we are unaware of. can cause stress in relationships. Ex: knowing someone's boyfriend is cheating TERM 74 hidden DEFINITION 74 things i know about myself but cannot tell you. pane that includes all information about us that we know and that we have shared with others through disclosures. can also cause a lot of stress. Ex: work topics you cannot tell others TERM 75 unknown DEFINITION 75 things no one knows, things discovered through the relationship. pane that includes the information that neither we nor others are aware about ourselves. can move to other three panes TERM 76 internal dialect DEFINITION 76 between the people in the relationship, strictly them TERM 77 extermal dialect DEFINITION 77 how the relationship communicates with the larger social environment, with family members and friends, with social groups TERM 78 autonomy DEFINITION 78 to be alone, to do our own thing. not much of a relationship, lose connection and desire to be independent TERM 79 connection DEFINITION 79 our desire to be someone in the relationship, too much connection (not being able to do something without one another, always being together) TERM 80 inclusion DEFINITION 80 always wanting to do stuff with other people, "the more the merrier", very socially busy, neglecting your relationship privacy TERM 81 seclusion DEFINITION 81 "fall off the face of the earth", too much alone time with your partner, no social support when you need it TERM 82 predictability DEFINITION 82 doing the same thing all the time, boring. has to be to some degree in relationships, we desire some degree of predictability. builds trust. Ex: going to the same restaurant every friday TERM 83 novelty DEFINITION 83 doing new things, nothing to build on, at first seems very exciting. works better in a friendship than in a romantic relationship, always doing random things. Ex: never knowing what's next TERM 84 conventionality DEFINITION 84 being viewed as normal by other people TERM 85 placating DEFINITION 85 discounting me, taking your needs out of it. being passive or ignoring your own needs in a conflict TERM 96 initiating DEFINITION 96 first stage in the coming together part of Knapp's model of relationship development, in which two people notice each other and indicate to each other they are interested in making contact. can be verbal or nonverbal TERM 97 experimenting DEFINITION 97 stage in the coming together part of Knapp's model of relationship development in which two people become acquainted by gathering information about each other. small talk trying to see what you have in common TERM 98 intensifying DEFINITION 98 stage in the coming together part of Knapp's model of relationship development in which the intimacy between partners intensifies, comes in a time when you define the relationship TERM 99 integrating DEFINITION 99 stage in the coming together part of Knapp's model of relationship development in which two partners form a clear identity as a couple. other people recognize you as a couple, get invited jointly. you take the other person into account TERM 100 bonding DEFINITION 100 final stage in the coming together part of Knapp's model of relationship development, in which partners make a public commitment to their relationship. marriage, living together, etc. TERM 101 differentiating DEFINITION 101 first stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development, in which two people begin to notice ways in which they differ. begin to highlight differences in a negative way TERM 102 circumscribing DEFINITION 102 a stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development in which people's communication behaviors are restrained so that fewer topics are raised (for fear of conflict), more issues are out of bounds, and they interact less TERM 103 stagnating DEFINITION 103 a stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development in which circumscribing is extending so far that a couple no longer talks much except in the most routined ways TERM 104 avoiding DEFINITION 104 stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development in which two partners stay away from each other because they feel that being together is unpleasant TERM 105 terminating DEFINITION 105 the last stage in the coming apart section of Knapp's model of relationship development, in which a relationship is ending. ending the relationship TERM 106 security (S) DEFINITION 106 first stage of a relationship, initial security you have in a relationship, when you feel comfortable with the place you are in your relationship, have unwritten rules TERM 107 disintegration (D) DEFINITION 107 second stage of a relationship, "what the hell just happened", when something just happened and you are in shock TERM 108 alienation (A) DEFINITION 108 third stage in a relationship, you have decided something is wrong and you are trying to figure out what to do, includes going to third parties for help. Ex: asking family/friends for advice TERM 109 resynthesis (R) DEFINITION 109 last stage of a relationship, rebuilding or fixing the problems in your relationship, reframing to become secure and comfortable enough to advance to the next security level TERM 110 physical DEFINITION 110 type of context, the environment in which communication takes place. influences our communication by the volume of our voice depending on the atmosphere, how we act, how close we sit to someone in class whether we know them or not, way we dress, etc. Ex: being in military