Download FINAL | COMM 320 - Introduction to Advertising and more Quizzes Communication in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Qualitative methods DEFINITION 1 - qualitative methods - focus groups - one-on-one interviews - observations - word association - drawings/collages TERM 2 Quantitative Methods DEFINITION 2 (research mothods involve reducing data to numbers for analysis) - surverys (random ramples of audiences) - experiments (allow researchers to control for other variables) TERM 3 Correlation DEFINITION 3 correlation is not causation -experimental methods provide strongest support for causal relationships because the researcher can control for and rule out other variables that my be causing or affecting oberved relationships TERM 4 Measurement Factors DEFINITION 4 - overall reach - awareness - attitude change - behavioral outcomes TERM 5 Advantages of Measuring Effectiveness DEFINITION 5 - avoid costly mistakes - evalute alternative strategies - increase efficiency in general - determine if objectives are achieved TERM 6 Disadvantages of Measuring Effectiveness DEFINITION 6 - cost of measuremnt - research problems - disagreement on what to test - the objectives of creative - time TERM 7 Measurements to consider DEFINITION 7 - what, where, when, and how to test TERM 8 What to test DEFINITION 8 -source factors -message variables -media strategies -budget decisions TERM 9 Where to test DEFINITION 9 laboratory tests - people are brought to location where they are shown ads field tests- test of ads under natural viewing situations complete with realism of noise, distractions, and the comforts of home TERM 10 When to test DEFINITION 10 -pretesting -postesting TERM 21 Importance of international advertising DEFINITION 21 1. domestic markets for many products and cervices are stagnant 2. mant companies rely on foreign markets to survive, particularly those with small domestic markets 3. international markets offer growth oppertunities for many companies 4. competition has become global and marketers must be able to compete globally TERM 22 Main considerations for international advertising DEFINITION 22 economic environment cultural environment political/legal environment demographic environment TERM 23 Economic environment DEFINITION 23 stage of economic development (important) economic infrastructure standard of living per capita income distribution of wealth currency stability exchange rates TERM 24 cultural environment DEFINITION 24 language lifestyle values norms and customs athnic and moral standards taboos religion TERM 25 political/legal environment DEFINITION 25 government policies laws and regulations political stability nationalism attitudes toward multinational companies TERM 26 demographic environment DEFINITION 26 size of polulation number of households household size age distribution* occupation distribution education level* employment rate* income level TERM 27 concept of global adertising DEFINITION 27 offering the same product, markerting, and advertising throughout the world TERM 28 "in between" appraoch to international advertising DEFINITION 28 global product/ local message approach - the use of pattern afvertising where local messages are customized to appeal to local cultural variables amd spokespeople TERM 29 levels of regulation DEFINITION 29 natural market forces private policy organized market forces relf regulatory forces governmental forces TERM 30 Natural market forces DEFINITION 30 tend to regulate advertising through "hands off" (laissez faire) appraoch assumes quality prodcuts and good advertising will prevail and bad prodcuts and deceptive advertising will fade away PROBLEM: market forces take time to work allowing bad actors to victimize customers TERM 31 Private policy DEFINITION 31 advertisers and agencies internal regulatory policies TERM 32 Organized market forces DEFINITION 32 1. industry self regulation 2. the idea of enlightened self intrest whereby industries regulate themselves to avoid government intervention 3. does not involve the government 4. these laws more often limit competions which is bad TERM 33 Governmental forces DEFINITION 33 the most coercive type of regulation (federal regulation) TERM 34 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) DEFINITION 34 agency primarily responsible for regulating advertising practices ~ enforce compliancy through: 1. cease and desist orders 2. fines 3. corrective advertising 4. advertising substantiation 5. affirmative disclosure TERM 35 Goverment run agencies DEFINITION 35 - federal trade commission - federal communications commission (FCC) - bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms (BATF) - us postal service - food and drug administration (FDA)