Download final exam: motivation | PSY 4370 - Motivation and Work Attitudes and more Quizzes Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 workplace violence/aggression DEFINITION 1 any incident where where an employee is :threatened, abused, harassed, assaulted, or murderedphysical or psychological TERM 2 workplace bullying DEFINITION 2 intentional, repeated mistreatment that is harmfulex: witholding resources, exclusion TERM 3 spillover DEFINITION 3 workplace situations carrying over to affect an employee's personal life TERM 4 types of workplace violence DEFINITION 4 type1 no connection to the workplace (ie) robberytype2 consumer violent to employee (Ie) healthcare worker assaultedtype3 current/formeremployee violent to co/worker or managertype4 bf/gf or spouse violent attack their employee at workplace TERM 5 where does workplace violence come from? DEFINITION 5 many different contirbuterssituational causes: layoffs, restructuringsocial causes: poor popularity,bullying, increased diversitypersonal causes: type A personaility (high strung)internal states: aggressive thoughts TERM 6 abusive vs. tough/demanding DEFINITION 6 when it puts another person's health in danger, that is when it is abusive TERM 7 how is conflict like a fire? DEFINITION 7 ignore and risk wildfiresnuff it out and loose critical energy TERM 8 5 styles for dealing with conflict DEFINITION 8 competitionaccomodationavoidancecompromisecollaboration TERM 9 competition DEFINITION 9 i'm right, youre wrong TERM 10 accomodation DEFINITION 10 youre right, i'm wrong TERM 21 step 6 to conflict management DEFINITION 21 generate options TERM 22 step 7 to conflict management DEFINITION 22 manage with calm and respect TERM 23 number 1 form of workplace violence? DEFINITION 23 type 1. accouts for 80 percent of work place violenceCRIME, ROBBERY TERM 24 what 2 types of workplace violence involves interpersonal relationships with known perpetrators? DEFINITION 24 type 3 and type 4 TERM 25 workplace environmental factors contributing to workplace violence DEFINITION 25 understaffing that leads to job overloadpoorly defined job tasks/responsibilitiesdownsizing/reorganization TERM 26 employers have a _____ and _____ obligation to promte a work environment free from threats and violence DEFINITION 26 legal, ethical TERM 27 economic losses from workplace violence DEFINITION 27 lost work timelow employee moralelawsuitsmedical expensesliability costs TERM 28 prevention of workplace violence begins with _____ DEFINITION 28 planning TERM 29 Workplace violence reporting DEFINITION 29 threat assessmentthreat managementcreation and use of incident response teamsrelevant key topics for employee training TERM 30 ABC Model DEFINITION 30 Activators: things managers do before performance (ie goal setting)Behavior: The outcome of the performance.goals should be observed and counted so should behaviorConsequences: how the manager reacts based on the outcome of the performance TERM 31 how do you generate good future performance? DEFINITION 31 positive consequences TERM 32 PRICE system DEFINITION 32 PinpointRecordInvolveCoach Evaluate TERM 33 what is an accelerator? DEFINITION 33 something that speeds up the process TERM 34 in the work place, what is the most important accelerator? DEFINITION 34 purposed-based recognition TERM 35 ___% of employees who quit their jobs cite a lack of appreciation as a key reason for leaving DEFINITION 35 80