Download Final Exam Study Guide | AHC 115 - Medical Terminology and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 appendicitis DEFINITION 1 inflammation of the appendix. TERM 2 peristalsis DEFINITION 2 constriction surrounding. TERM 3 hiatal hernia DEFINITION 3 occurs when the upper part of the stomach protrudes upward through the diaphragm. TERM 4 cholecystectomy DEFINITION 4 removal of the gallbladder. TERM 5 jaundice DEFINITION 5 yellow discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, and mucous membranes. TERM 6 diverticulosis DEFINITION 6 abnormal outpouchings in the intestinal wall. TERM 7 ileus DEFINITION 7 loss of peristalsis with resulting obstructions of intestines. TERM 8 hematemesis DEFINITION 8 vomitting blood. TERM 9 dysphagia DEFINITION 9 painful or difficult swallowing. TERM 10 dyspepsia DEFINITION 10 painful or difficult digestion (indigestion). TERM 21 hematuria DEFINITION 21 condition of blood in urine. TERM 22 cystoscopy DEFINITION 22 direct visualization of the urethra andurinary bladder with an endoscope. TERM 23 lithotripsy DEFINITION 23 urinary tract stones are crushed. TERM 24 gravida DEFINITION 24 pregnant. TERM 25 para DEFINITION 25 followed by a number indicates the number of deliveries. TERM 26 salpingectomy DEFINITION 26 removal of the fallopian tubes. TERM 27 ovarian follicle DEFINITION 27 developing sac enclosing each ovum within the ovary. TERM 28 cervix DEFINITION 28 the narrow, lowermost position of the uterus. TERM 29 endometriosis DEFINITION 29 endometrial tissue located outside the uterus. TERM 30 anovulatory DEFINITION 30 without ovulation. TERM 31 oophorectomy DEFINITION 31 removal of the ovaries. TERM 32 dysmenorrhea DEFINITION 32 painful or difficult menustration. TERM 33 hysterectomy DEFINITION 33 removal of the uterus. TERM 34 placenta previa DEFINITION 34 implantation of the placenta over the cervical opening or in the lower region of the uterus. TERM 35 cryptorchism DEFINITION 35 undescended testicles. TERM 46 paresthesia DEFINITION 46 abnormal feelings. TERM 47 ataxia DEFINITION 47 no coordination. TERM 48 multiple sclerosis (MS) DEFINITION 48 destruction of the myelin sheath on neurons in the CNS and its replacement by plaques of sclerotic (hard) tissue. TERM 49 cephalgia DEFINITION 49 headache. TERM 50 aphasia DEFINITION 50 no speech. TERM 51 anesthesia DEFINITION 51 no feeling. TERM 52 causalgia DEFINITION 52 burning pain, sensation. TERM 53 sinoatrial node (SA node) DEFINITION 53 pacemaker of the heart. TERM 54 bradycardia DEFINITION 54 pertaining to a slow heart beat. TERM 55 infarction DEFINITION 55 area of dead tissue. TERM 56 aneurysm DEFINITION 56 local widening (dilation) of an arterial wall. TERM 57 heart block DEFINITION 57 failure of proper conduction of impulses from the SA node through the AV node to the atrioventricular bundle (Bundle of His). TERM 58 angiogram DEFINITION 58 record of a vessel. TERM 59 artherosclerosis DEFINITION 59 hardening of yellowish plaque, fatty substance. TERM 60 ischemia DEFINITION 60 to hold back blood from a part of the body. TERM 71 sputum DEFINITION 71 material expelled from the bronchi, lungs, or upper repiratory tract by spitting. TERM 72 asphyxia DEFINITION 72 no pulse. TERM 73 auscultation DEFINITION 73 listening to sounds within the body. TERM 74 anisocytosis DEFINITION 74 abnormal condition of cells of unequal size. TERM 75 hemolysis DEFINITION 75 destruction of blood. TERM 76 leukemia DEFINITION 76 increase in cancerous white blood cells. TERM 77 anticoagulant DEFINITION 77 substance against clotting. TERM 78 hematocrit DEFINITION 78 seperates blood. TERM 79 anemia DEFINITION 79 defiency in erythrocytes or hemoglobin. TERM 80 hypochromic DEFINITION 80 sufficient color. TERM 81 plasmapheresis DEFINITION 81 remove plasma. TERM 82 microcytosis DEFINITION 82 abnormally small red blood cells. TERM 83 hemophilia DEFINITION 83 excess bleeding caused by hereditary lack of blood clotting factors necessary for blood clotting. TERM 84 thymoma DEFINITION 84 tumor in the thymus gland. TERM 85 lymphadenitis DEFINITION 85 inflammation of the lymph nodes. TERM 96 bursitis DEFINITION 96 inflammation of bursa. TERM 97 tenorrhaphy DEFINITION 97 suture of the tendon. TERM 98 arthroplasty DEFINITION 98 surgical repair of a joint. TERM 99 myalgia DEFINITION 99 muscle pain. TERM 100 atrophy DEFINITION 100 decrease, shrinking of a muscle. TERM 101 hypertrophy DEFINITION 101 increase in size of muscle. TERM 102 muscular dystrophy DEFINITION 102 group of inherited disease characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of muscle fibers without involvement of the nervous system. TERM 103 myasthenia gravis DEFINITION 103 a great lack of muscle strength. TERM 104 myocardial DEFINITION 104 pertaining to the heart muscle. TERM 105 subungal DEFINITION 105 pertaining to under the nail. TERM 106 albinism DEFINITION 106 condition of whiteness. TERM 107 alopecia DEFINITION 107 absence of hair from areas where it normally grows. TERM 108 xeroderma DEFINITION 108 dry skin. TERM 109 ichthyosis DEFINITION 109 abnormal condition of scaly skin. TERM 110 erythema DEFINITION 110 condition of redness. TERM 121 xerophthalmia DEFINITION 121 condition of dry eyes. TERM 122 hemianopsia DEFINITION 122 obsense of vision in half of the visual field. TERM 123 presbyopia DEFINITION 123 the vision of old age. TERM 124 amblyopia DEFINITION 124 condition of dull or dim vision. TERM 125 pituitary gland (hypophysis) DEFINITION 125 located at the base of the brain in the sella turcica; composed of an anterior lobe and a posterior lobe. Pg. 757 TERM 126 adrenal glands DEFINITION 126 two small glands, one on top of each kidney. consists of two parts: outer portion, adrenal cortex and inner portion, adrenal medulla. TERM 127 thyroid gland DEFINITION 127 located in the neck on either side of the trachea; secretes thyroxine. TERM 128 pancreas DEFINITION 128 located behind the stomach. Islet cells secrete hormones here. It contains cells that are exocrine in function. Secretes enzymes through a duct into the small intestine to aid digestion. TERM 129 euthyroid DEFINITION 129 good or normal thyroid. TERM 130 homeostasis DEFINITION 130 to control sameness. TERM 131 adenectomy DEFINITION 131 removal of a gland. TERM 132 hyperglycemia DEFINITION 132 blood condition of excessive sugar. TERM 133 hirsutism DEFINITION 133 excessive hair on the face and body. TERM 134 acromegaly DEFINITION 134 hypersection of growth hormone from the anterior pituitary after puberty, leading to enlargement of extremities. TERM 135 metastasis DEFINITION 135 spread of a malignant tumor to a secondary site; literally, beyond control. TERM 146 computed tomography DEFINITION 146 process of recording cuts. TERM 147 fluroscopy DEFINITION 147 use of x-rays and a fluorescent screen to produce real-time video images. TERM 148 sonogram DEFINITION 148 record produced by ultrasound. TERM 149 pyelogram DEFINITION 149 record of the renal pelvis. TERM 150 hysterosalpingogram DEFINITION 150 record of the uterus and fallopian tube. TERM 151 radiolucent DEFINITION 151 x-ray passes through easily and appears dark on exposed film. TERM 152 radiopaque DEFINITION 152 x-ray does not penetrate and appears white or light on exposed film. TERM 153 meta- DEFINITION 153 change; beyond. TERM 154 anti- DEFINITION 154 against. TERM 155 inter- DEFINITION 155 between. TERM 156 dys- DEFINITION 156 bad, painful, difficult, abnormal. TERM 157 dia- DEFINITION 157 complete, through. TERM 158 poly- DEFINITION 158 many, much. TERM 159 pan- DEFINITION 159 all. TERM 160 hypo- DEFINITION 160 deficient, below, under, less than normal. TERM 171 pro- DEFINITION 171 before, forward. TERM 172 endo- DEFINITION 172 in, within. TERM 173 mal- DEFINITION 173 bad. TERM 174 syn- DEFINITION 174 together, with. TERM 175 sub- DEFINITION 175 under, below. TERM 176 ad- DEFINITION 176 toward. TERM 177 epi- DEFINITION 177 above, upon, on. TERM 178 in- DEFINITION 178 in, into, not. TERM 179 post- DEFINITION 179 after, behind. TERM 180 trans- DEFINITION 180 across, through. TERM 181 ultra- DEFINITION 181 beyond, excess. TERM 182 -ist DEFINITION 182 specialist. TERM 183 -logy DEFINITION 183 study (process of). TERM 184 -penia DEFINITION 184 defiency. TERM 185 -osis DEFINITION 185 condition, usually abnormal. TERM 196 -cyte DEFINITION 196 cell. TERM 197 -centesis DEFINITION 197 surgical puncture to remove fluid. TERM 198 -trophy DEFINITION 198 nourishment, development (condition of). TERM 199 -itis DEFINITION 199 inflammation. TERM 200 -uria DEFINITION 200 urination, condition of urine. TERM 201 -cele DEFINITION 201 hernia. TERM 202 -sclerosis DEFINITION 202 hardening. TERM 203 -pnea DEFINITION 203 breathing. TERM 204 -rrhea DEFINITION 204 flow, discharge. TERM 205 -plasty DEFINITION 205 surgical repair. TERM 206 -algia DEFINITION 206 pain. TERM 207 -lysis DEFINITION 207 breakdown, seperation, destruction, loosening. TERM 208 -dynia DEFINITION 208 pain. TERM 209 -ptosis DEFINITION 209 falling, drooping, prolapse. TERM 210 -opsy DEFINITION 210 view of.