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Understanding Communication: Definitions, Components, and Contexts, Quizzes of Communication

Definitions for key communication terms, including imparting, conveying, exchanging, and social context. It also discusses physical and chronological contexts, communication components, feedback, noise, and shared meaning. Additionally, it covers non-verbal sense channels, task and relationship roles, and individual roles in group communication.

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Download Understanding Communication: Definitions, Components, and Contexts and more Quizzes Communication in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 The better we learn to ____, the better we learn to _____. DEFINITION 1 communicatelisten TERM 2 What is communication? DEFINITION 2 Imparting, conveying or exchanging info via spoken or written words, sounds or visual symbols. TERM 3 imparting DEFINITION 3 sharing or revealing TERM 4 conveying DEFINITION 4 passing on or transferring to someone TERM 5 exchanging DEFINITION 5 equally giving and receiving TERM 6 We change how we communicate depending on who we're communicating to refers to ____ _______ DEFINITION 6 social context TERM 7 Where you're trying to communicate is the DEFINITION 7 physical context TERM 8 Library vs Noisy restaurant is an example of DEFINITION 8 physical context TERM 9 Chronological context refers to DEFINITION 9 time of communication act-Eg morning people talk-Eg you would be more likely to ask for a raise on a Friday TERM 10 What are the 6 communication components? DEFINITION 10 People Channel Message Feedback Noise = Shared Meaning TERM 21 What relationship role praises other, rewards through agreement DEFINITION 21 encourager TERM 22 What relationship role mediates conflict DEFINITION 22 harmoniser TERM 23 What relationship role changes ones position DEFINITION 23 compromiser TERM 24 What relationship role accepts others ideas and serves as an audience for the group? DEFINITION 24 Follower TERM 25 Which individual role antagonises group by expressing disapproval with verbal attacks DEFINITION 25 agressor TERM 26 Which individual role which prevents progress, opposes, refuses, resists DEFINITION 26 Blocker TERM 27 Which individual role who is the stage hogger DEFINITION 27 recognition seeker TERM 28 Which individual role who expresses personal interest unrelated to group is DEFINITION 28 self confessor TERM 29 Which individual role who assets authority and refuses others ideas DEFINITION 29 Dominantor TERM 30 Which individual role who relates insecurity, confussion DEFINITION 30 Help seeker TERM 31 Which individual role who demands time, resources for special/ sub group DEFINITION 31 Special interest pleader TERM 32 What are the two variables in group leadership styles DEFINITION 32 concern for peopleconcern for task/ result TERM 33 What is the superior leadership style? 9,9 DEFINITION 33 Team Management-contribute and commit TERM 34 Contribute and commit are aspects of which leadership style DEFINITION 34 Team management TERM 35 Paternalistic leadership style is similar to _____ but gives _____ DEFINITION 35 Team managementrewards TERM 46 Three key ways to work well with an ANALYTICAL DEFINITION 46 - keep a timetable- list pros and cons-no small talk- don't be casual or informal with them TERM 47 Who cares about relationships before tasks? DEFINITION 47 Amiable TERM 48 How has low assertive, high responsive? DEFINITION 48 Amiable TERM 49 Who is low assertive and low responsive? DEFINITION 49 Analytical TERM 50 What are some keys when working with an amiable DEFINITION 50 -dont rush into or focus completely on task-being casual puts them at ease-ask open ended questions-dont make decisions for them TERM 51 Who is highly assertive and lowly responsive? DEFINITION 51 Driver TERM 52 Who has high response and high assertiveness DEFINITION 52 expressive TERM 53 Who shouldn't work together because they'd drive each other crazy? DEFINITION 53 Analytical and expressive TERM 54 Who shouldn't work together because one wouldn't have their ideas heard DEFINITION 54 Amiable and Driver TERM 55 Who is action focused? DEFINITION 55 Driver TERM 56 Goals clearly stated are your DEFINITION 56 Explicit interestseg- you "should", "you ought" TERM 57 Hidden interests are ___ to ____. They're hidden because they may put the person in a ___ ____. DEFINITION 57 hard to findbad light TERM 58 Parent, hero, teacher, environmentalist are all examples of DEFINITION 58 persona TERM 59 The empirical audience is... DEFINITION 59 the audience that is present- they may or may not be the target audience TERM 60 empirical audience is also known as DEFINITION 60 Situated audience TERM 71 Aristole DEFINITION 71 - was a student of Plato-he didn't agree with the ideal truth.-He thought absolute truth was unattainable because it depends on time context and individual-there are two truths 1) truths of natural science 2) social truths (these change)-he didn't believe truth was relative or there was an ideal truth- instead he believed truth wa in the middles of the extremes-truth is PROBABLE not ABSOLUTE TERM 72 Ethos is DEFINITION 72 the persuasive potential of the speaker TERM 73 What establishes ethos? DEFINITION 73 intellegence, virtue (trustworthy), goodwill (caring, empathy, understanding) TERM 74 When an individual presents the speaker and it impacts their credibility, this is the ___ ____ DEFINITION 74 Sponsor effect TERM 75 The two ways to build ethos during the speech are ___ and ___ DEFINITION 75 Identification (stress similarity)Distinction (stress superiority) TERM 76 Evidence and reasoning is ____ DEFINITION 76 Logos TERM 77 With argumentative persuasion, you appeal to DEFINITION 77 their intellect TERM 78 reasoning from parallel case is DEFINITION 78 comparing to similar things TERM 79 reasoning from analogy DEFINITION 79 comparing two different things TERM 80 reasoning from causation DEFINITION 80 you got a cold bc you sent in the rain w/o an umbrella TERM 81 reasoning from sign DEFINITION 81 you're sneezing so you must have a cold TERM 82 Pathos DEFINITION 82 appealing to emotions TERM 83 social event and conditions DEFINITION 83 utopia (perfect town) wasteland (global warming) TERM 84 actions DEFINITION 84 -virtue (donate)-vice (don't text and drive) TERM 85 People, group or organisation DEFINITION 85 - saint-sinner often these are shown together TERM 96 power through admiration or respect, e.g. granddad DEFINITION 96 Referent power TERM 97 power through position, social institution DEFINITION 97 legitimate power TERM 98 A teacher has what kind of power? DEFINITION 98 Legitimate TERM 99 Someone who uses charm and flattery is an ____ DEFINITION 99 ingratiator TERM 100 Somone who self presentation is to appears dangerous DEFINITION 100 intimidator-eg through tantrum-call manager TERM 101 Angelica from Rugrats is an example of which self presentation? DEFINITION 101 Exemplifier-personifies values admired by others TERM 102 What self presentation gets control by making you feel sorry for them/ looking helpless DEFINITION 102 supplicator TERM 103 People who name drop, boast their skills are examples of what self presentation? DEFINITION 103 Self promoter TERM 104 compliance gaining by doing something after is DEFINITION 104 PROMISE TERM 105 compliance gaining through flattery is DEFINITION 105 Liking TERM 106 compliance gaining through you owe me DEFINITION 106 Debt TERM 107 What compliance gaining is the flip side to Promise? DEFINITION 107 Threat- negative consequence if you don;t TERM 108 compliance gaining through gift or favour DEFINITION 108 pregiving TERM 109 compliance gaining through do it for me DEFINITION 109 altruism TERM 110 Esteem self DEFINITION 110 If you do you'll be proud TERM 121 Goal of new media art in the 80s was to DEFINITION 121 break the distinction between high art and low art TERM 122 New media art eliminate DEFINITION 122 traditional characters and plot lines TERM 123 New media art focuses on DEFINITION 123 absolute originality and novel means of expression TERM 124 What are the two forms of new media art? DEFINITION 124 -flash mob-multimedia performance art TERM 125 Parody is a form of _____ DEFINITION 125 intertextuality TERM 126 What teaches us culture? DEFINITION 126 Socialization TERM 127 Culture is fixed and static. T/F DEFINITION 127 False TERM 128 Ritual characteristics DEFINITION 128 Words and ActsSame structureIntegral audienceRelate to central core of lifeReverent in toneSingle voiced- people who attend attend for the same reason (e.g. to celebrate a union, celebrate a college degree) TERM 129 Festival DEFINITION 129 is a period of celebratory actives offer sense of belonging more secular by nature, but many have ties to religious practices e.g. Mardi Gras TERM 130 characteristics of festival DEFINITION 130 -regular periods/ intervals- 1 year-celebrate things that make life more enjoyable- contains accidental audiences-less rigid structure-more relaxed in tone-multivoiced (ppl are there for different reasons) TERM 131 Accidental audience DEFINITION 131 Random because audience is a group of people who all chose to attend the festival at the same time-strangers TERM 132 acidental ritual audience DEFINITION 132 your not part of ritual but you watching from side TERM 133 intergral aesthetic audience DEFINITION 133 you get a special invite to a public event e.g. judge-free of charge