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Final Practice Exam Questions - Health and Medical Terminology | HSC 3537, Study notes of Health sciences

Final Practice exam questions Material Type: Notes; Professor: Stopka; Class: HLTH & MED TERMINOLGY; Subject: HEALTH SCIENCES; University: University of Florida; Term: Fall 2010;

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Download Final Practice Exam Questions - Health and Medical Terminology | HSC 3537 and more Study notes Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity!

The diagnostic term Ex/ost/osis means: tumor or swelling of bone disease of the bone condition of bone growing outward through muscles and other tissues inflammation of the bone 2. Feto- means early. (Fet/us; Fet/o/metry) False True 3. Ortho- means large or huge. (Ortho/pnea; Ortho/dontic) False True 4. Entero- means intestine or small intestine. (Enter/itis; Dys/enter/y) False True 5. Bronch/i- means pipe. (Bronchi/al; Bronch/itis) True False 6. Scolio- means swayback. (Scoli/osis; Scolio/meter) False True 7. The urine-producing functional unit within the kidney is called the: urethra nephron ureter neuron 8. Rub-, Rubello-, and Rubero- means rusty. (Rub/or; Rub/ella; Rub/eola) True False 9. -ism means abnormal or different. (Hirsut/ism; Dwarf/ism) 2762 2820 2756 2712 2854 2938 2850 2780

False True 10. Infarcto- means increased flow. (Infarct/ion; Infarct/ectom/y) False True 11. The medical term that means pertaining to below the rib is: infra/clavicular sub/costal or infra/costal sub/mandibular sub/scapular 12. The term that means para/lysis (near breakdown "to disable") of one limb: hemi/plegia tetra/plegia mono/plegia hemi/paresis 13. Kerato- means cornea or horny. (Kerat/itis; Kerat/oma) False True 14. Photo- means green. (Photo/dermitis; Photo/phobia) False True 15. Melano- and Nigra mean gray. (Melan/oma; Nigra Bodies) False True 16. NPO means - Nothing By Mouth. True False

17. The muscle term profundus means: surface deep 2777 2931 2908 2782 2833 2796 2885

back top 18. -esis and -osis mean condition or disease. (Hematopoi/e/sis; Hidr/osis) True False 19. Conio- means dust. (Coni/osis; Pneumono/conio/sis) False True 20. Apo- means wax or to stick. (Apo/plexy; Apo/crine) True False 21. Embryo- means young. (Embryon/ic; Embry/opathic) True False 22. -cicatrix- means scar or normal scar. (Cicatr/ization; Dermo/cicatrix) False True 23. The combining form cec/o- means: ileum blind pouch colon ilium 24. Mal- means bad. (Mal/ignant; Mal/adjustment) False True 25. Bruxi- means to grind. (Brux/ism; Dura/brux/ism) False True 2758 2734 2699 2755 2727 2977 2793 2713

26. Palpebro- mean ear. (Palpebr/itis; Palpebro/ptosis) False True 27. Ceco- means blind pouch. (Ceco/ptosis; Cec/ostomy) True False 28. Pruri- and Psori- mean wheal. (Pruri/tus; Psori/asis) True False 29. Litho- and Petro- mean hard. (Litho/tripsy & Osteo/petr/osis) False True 30. -penia means increase. (Erythro/penia; Leuco/penia) True False 31. -icle, -iole, and -ellum, mean small. (Oss/icle; Bronch/iole; Cereb/ellum) True False 32. The combining form auri- and oto- mean: hearing ear sight eye 2824 2721 2844 2790 2828 2729 2959

33. A diagnostic term for a nosebleed is usually: epistaxis rhinoplasia nasofusion corpulmonale 34. Rhytido- means wrinkles. (Rhytid/ec/tom/y; Rhytido/therapy) False True 35. A Chiropractor specializes in the repositioning of bones with adjustments in order to relieve nerve and tissue pressure caused by bone ________: subluxations luxations ossifications spurs 36. Angio- means vessel. (Angio/gram; Angi/oma) False True 37. Xero- means dry. (Xero/derma; Xero/graphy) True False 38. Splanchno- means vertebrae. (Splanchn/ology; Splanchno/lith) True False 39. Di-, Dipl/o-, and Co- mean two or both. (Di/gest/ion; Dipl/opia; Co/adaptive) True False 40. Contra- means to speed up or rush. (Contra/indicated; Contra/ception) False True 2898 2849 2954 2696 2880 2863 2745 2735

41. -oma means swelling or tumor. (Glauc/oma; Carcin/oma) True False 42. -cis means to cut or cut into. (In/cis/ion; In/cis/or) False True 43. Avuls/i- means to tear or tear away. (Avuls/ion; Avulsi/oplasty) True False 44. -scope means using an instrument to examine or view. (Naso/scope; Oto/scop/e) False True 45. The surgical procedure for female sterilization is called: tubal ligation laparoscopy dilation and curettage tuborrhagia 46. The first seven bones of the vertebral column (forming the neck) are the: cervical sacrum thoracic lumbar 47. Eso- means toward. (Eso/phagus; Eso/gastritis) True False 48. Nephro- and Reno- mean kidney. (Nephr/itis; Ren/al) False True 2814 2728 2707 2855 2921 2958 2759 2808

65. The inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and organs is called: congenital heart disease congestive heart failure coronary occlusion coronary thrombosis 66. -crine means to secrete. (Endo/crine; Holo/crine; Exo/crine) False True 67. -orrhaphy means to suture or sew. (Dermat/orrhaphy; My/orrhaphy) True False 68. Carbuncul/o- means glowing ember. (Carbuncule; Carbuncul/osis) False True 69. A ankle sprain is often characterized by ________: weakness hemorrhaging hematoma formation, torn tissues, and is worse than an ankle strain numbness 70. Hormone means to stimulate or change. (Hormon/al; Hormono/poiesis) False True 71. Spiro- means breathe or breathing. (Spiro/meter; Spiro/metry) True False 72. The suffixes -algia and -dynia mean pain. (Neur/algia; Gastro/dynia) True False 2738 2819 2716 2895 2774 2862 2690

73. The visual examination of the abdominal cavity through the belly wall is called: lapar/o/scop/y anterior and posterior colp/o/rrhaphy dilation and curettage tubal ligation 74. The surgical term that actually means "surgically breaking joint apart" is: arthro/clasia synov/ectomy osteo/clasia arthro/tomy 75. The opening through which food passes into the alimentary (to nourish) canal is the: pharynx esophagus palate mouth 76. Meningo- and Meningio- mean membrane. (Mening/itis; Mening/ioma) True False 77. A muscle term for large is: serratus magnus profundus minimus 78. The diagnostic term Ar/rhythmia means: heart ab/normality present at birth any variation from a normal heart rhythm or contraction obstruction of an artery in the heart vascular inflammatory disorder 79. Adeno- means gland. (Aden/itis; Aden/oma) True False 2916 2975 2940 2797 2927 2970 2689

80. Salpingo- means tube or canal. (Salping/itis; Salping/oplasty) True False 81. The diagnostic term given to the condition characterized by the enlargement of the thyroid gland and means throat is: gout ketosis goiter cretinism 82. Malac/o- means hard. (Osteo/malacia; Chrondo/malacia) True False 83. Galacto- and Lacto- mean sugar. (Glact/orrhea; Lact/ase) True False 84. -metr/y means the process or procedure of measuring. (Opto/metr/y; Feto/metr/y) True False 85. -ose means sugar. (Fruct/ose; Sucr/ose) False True 86. Carcin/o- means crab or crab-like. (Carcin/oma; Carcin/ogenic) False True 87. Ar- means fast. (Ar/rhythmia; Ar/kansas) True False 2852 2794 2764 2802 2822 2717 2700

88. The medical term that refers to extremity blood vessels is: vaso/constrictor peripheral vascular auscultation mano/meter 89. Peri- means through or across. (Peri/carditis; Peri/dontal) False True 90. Retino- means eye or eyeball. (Retin/itis; Retino/scop/y) False True 91. Ile/o- means flank. (Ile/um; Ile/itis) True False 92. Sarco- means fleshy. (Sarc/oma; Sarc/oid) True False 93. Sagitto- means arrow or arrow-like. (Sagitt/al Plane; Sagittal/is) False True 94. Meta- means change or beyond. (Meta/bolism; Meta/carpal) True False 95. The word part in its combining form that means "first" is: novo- prim/o- mono- octo- 96. 2913 2830 2848 2776 2853 2851 2801 2981 2739

Cryo- means hidden. (Cryo/surgery; Cryo/genic) False True 97. Clino- means together. (Clino/dactylia; Clino/cephaly) True False 98. Cau- and Causto- mean to burn. (Cau/terization; Caust/ic) True False 99. -centesis means a surgical puncture to drain fluid. (Abdomeno/centesis; Thoraco/centesis) False True 100. Colo- means big intestine or large intestine. (Col/ostomy; Col/itis) True False 101. Gero- or Geronto- mean old. (Ger/iatrics or Geront/olog/y) True False 102. CP means - Cerebral Palsy. False True 103. Homo- and Homeo- mean same. (Homo/graph; Homeo/pathic) True False 104. Strepto- means chain (twisted-chain). (Strepto/coccus; Strepto/dermat/itis) 2720 2722 2731 2766 2883 2773 2868

True False 105. The diagnostic term that means skin or tissue bruise is: laceration furuncle contusion eczema 106. Chiro- and Mano- mean hand. (Chiro/practor & Sphygmo/mano/meter) True False 107. The muscular, hollow organ that temporarily holds the urine is the: nephron urinary bladder "vesiclo- or cysto-" urethra prostate 108. Aneurysm means vein. (Aneurysm/ectomy; Aneurysm/orrhaphy) True False 109. Part/o- and Toci- mean pregancy. (Partur/ation; Dys/toc/ia) False True 110. Vito and Bio- mean to record. (Vit/al Signs; Bio/logical) False True 111. Somo- and Corpo- mean total. (Som/atic & Corp/us) True False 112. Meno- and Menstro- mean weekly. (Meno/pause, Menstr/ation) False 2973 2725 2888 2695 2826 2879 2860 2799

True 113. Lymph/o- means node or swelling. (Lymph/edema; Lymph/adenitis) False True 114. Iatro- means to treatment or cure. (Iatro/genic; Ped/iatrics) True False 115. Both food and air travel through the: trachea larynx mouth and pharynx or throat esophagus 116. The small organs that produce and drain tears from the eye are the: meibomian glands and ducts lacrimal glands and ducts sebaceus glands and ducts optic glands and ducts 117. The diagnostic term Myx/oma means a tumor or swelling of: oil lymph mucus sweat 118. The procedural term for X-ray of the veins after an injection of contrast medium dye is: venograph/y echocardiogram venogram electrocardiograph/y 119. Spondylo- means organ or intestine. (Spondyl/itis; Spondyl/oma) True False 2775 2924 2965 2909 2942 2864

120. Osm/o- and Olfact/o- mean nose. (Osm/ia; Olfact/ory) False True 121. -stalsis and spasm means to contract. (Peri/stalsis; Laryngo/spasm) False True 122. Herpet/o- means to creep. (Herpes; Herpet/ic; Herpet/iform) True False 123. -e means instrument. (Stetho/scop/e; Oto/scop/e) True False 124. Volvo- and Volvul/o- means to twist or roll. (Volvul/us; Volvul/osis) False True 125. Actino- means heat. (Actino/dermat/itis; Actino/therap/y) False True 126. Lingu- and Glosso- mean tongue. (Lingu/al & Gloss/itis) True False 127. Helminth/o- and Vermi- mean worm. (Helminth/ic; Vermi/form) False True 128. E- means out or outward. (E/vicerate; E/version) False 2823 2865 2771 2751 2878 2688 2789 2770 2752

True 129. Irid-, Irid/o- and Iro- mean rainbow. (Irid/itis; Irido/rrhexis) True False 130. -gen- means to develop or begin. (Carcino/gen; Leucocyto/gen/esis) False True 131. -y, -ation, and -ing mean procedure of or process of. (Psych/iatry; Lact/ation; Massag/ing) False True 132. The diagnostic term Keratitis actually means: inflammation of the ear inflammation of the eyes cornea inflamed membrane inflamed eyeball 133. Semi- and Hemi- mean whole. (Semi/membraneous; Hemi/sphere) True False 134. Estro- means menstration. (Estro/gen; Estro/genic) False True 135. The medical term that means discharge of amnionic fluid from the uterus during pregnancy is: amniorrhexis hysterorrhexis amniochorial amniorrhea 136. The medical term that means without feeling or without sensation is: a/phoria an/esthesia 2765 2881 2972 2857 2760 2903 2960

psycho/somatic eu/phoria 137. Meso- and Medi- mean side or edge-. (Meso/derm; Medi/al) True False 138. Re- means again. (Re/production; Re/generation) False True 139. Presbyo- means new. (Presby/opia; Presby/acuria) True False 140. The medical term that means lack of muscle coordination is: pyosis syncope ataxia stenosis 141. Pharmac/o- means drug. (Pharmac/ology; Pharmaco/mania) False True 142. Psycho- and -noia mean mind. (Psych/ology; Para/noia) True False 143. The suffix -poiesis means: hardening formation or development pain to mix 144. Dipso- means to thirst. (A/dips/ia; Poly/dipsia) False 2800 2847 2840 2976 2831 2842 2919 2746

True 145. Lieno- and Spleno- mean spleen. (Lien/oma and Spleno/megaly) False True 146. Bulimo- means hungry or excessive appetite. (Bulim/ia; Bulim/ic) True False 147. Post- means after or behind. (Post/partum; Postero/anterior) True False 148. Tele-, Telo-, and Tel- mean end. (Tele/metry; Telo/phase; Tele/vision) True False 149. The term "hyperplasia" means: increase in development to begin development decrease in development to stop development 150. The suffix -ician or in Phys/ician (is natural/________) literally means: doctor one who director specialist 151. Ir- means lack of or not.. (Ir/regular; Ir/radiation) False True 152. os- means mouth or mouth-like opening. (-os/tomy; Os Uteri) False True 2714 2839 2872 2887 2969 2778 2821

153. Cholecysto- means gall bladder. (Chole/cyst/itis; Chole/cyst/opexy) True False 154. The medical term Stomato/gastric means: pertaining to the stomach and its contents pertaining to the nose and stomach pertaining to the mouth and stomach pertaining to the abdomen 155. The medical term Concussion means: to disorient to cause mental pain to shake violently “causing brain bleeding” to confuse 156. The Eye Chart that measures visual acuity is: X-Chart E-Chart D-Chart A-Chart 157. The jellylike liquid located in the posterior chamber of the eye is the: vitreous fluid conjunctiva fluid aqueous fluid lacrimal fluid 158. Myco- and Tinea means fungus. (Myco/statin; Tinea Corporis) True False 159. Ergo- and Dynamo- mean work. (Erg/ometer; Dynam/ic) True False 160. A(n) “_______” is a noninvasive roentgeno/graph/y diagnostic technique. 2726 2928 2896 2974 2944 2803 2757 2957

Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT-Scan) Xero/gram PET scan angiogram 161. Tricho-, Trichino-, and Pilo- mean hair. (Trich/oma; Trichin/osis; Pil/oma) True False 162. My- and Myos- mean ligaments and tendons. (My/oma; Myos/itis) False True 163. Procto- means to probe. (Proct/ology; Procto/scope) True False 164. The combining form that means vision or sight is: kerat/o- dacry/o- ophthalm/o- opt/o- 165. The TIA refers to a: temporary blood clot sudden heart attack lingering stroke transient ischemic attack 166. The diagnostic term A/dactyl/ia means: extra digits/refers to refers to missing toes, fingers, or digits 2805 2841 2902 2934 2936

spider like fingers and toes/condition of jointed fingers and toes/pertains to 167. Conjunctivo- means joined together. (Con/junctiv/itis; Con/junctiv/oma) True False 168. Sebo- means sweat. (Seb/aceous; Seb/orrhea) True False 169. Naso- and Rhino- mean horn. (Nas/al; Rhino/plasty) False True 170. Ana- means to combine. (Ana/tom/y; Ana/phase) False True 171. -gnosis means knowledge. (Dia/gnosis; Pro/gnosis) False True 172. Phyto- and Lichen mean plant. (Phyto/dermitis; Lichen/ification) False True 173. Bi- and Bin- means two. (Bi/lateral; Bin/ocular) True False 174. A procedure of making a record of muscle activity is called: electro/myo/graph/y electro/myo/lith/o/tom/y electro/myo/graph electro/myo/gram 2736 2856 2807 2694 2767 2835 2710 2979

175. The anatomical terms Sym/physis Pubis literally mean: pain in the joint : late difficult movement : early growing together : at private parts bone cell growth : at birth 176. The surgical term that actually means male sterilization is: vesiculectomy tubal ligation vasostomy vasectomy 177. Dromo- means to run. (Dromo/mania; Syn/drome) False True 178. White Blood Cells (WBCs) are called: plate/lets leuko/cytes or leuco/cytes erythro/cytes thrombo/cytes 179. The term that means finger-like end of the fallopian tube is the: fossae fundus fimbria fascia 180. Arthro- means bone. (Arthr/itis; Arthro/desis) False True 2982 2925 2917 2899 2701

181. Pep- and Peps/o- mean digestion. (Pep/tic; Peps/in) False True 182. Polio- means white. (Polio/myel/itis; Polio/myel/opathy) False True 183. Audi- means to hear. (Audi/olog/y; Audi/ogram) False True 184. Pneumo- and Pulmono- mean lung. (Pneumon/ia; Pulmon/ary) False True 185. Kelo- means raised red hard scar. (Kel/oid; Keloid/ectomy) False True 186. Amphi- literally means across. (Amphi/centric; Amphi/arthrosis) False True 187. Masto- and Mammo- mean chest. (Mast/itis; Mammo/gram) False True 188. -physis means growth. (Sym/physis; Epi/physis) False True 189. -oid means faulty or false material. (Lip/oid; Lymph/oid) False True 2829 2838 2706 2836 2781 2692 2795 2834 2812

190. Nucleo- and Karyo- mean nut or nucleus. (Nucle/ar; Karyo/kinesis) False True 191. The medical term that means containing both mucus and pus is: sputum muco/purulent sputum and mucus spittle 192. TID means - two times per day True False 193. The suffix -uria means: gout urine urgent spondylosis 194. Oligo- means scanty, slight, or few. (Oligo/spermia; Oligo/menorrhea) True False 195. Lacrimo- and Dacryo- mean fluid. (Lacrim/orrhea; Dacry/aden/itis) True False 196. Cranio- means head. (Crani/al; Crani/oplasty) False True 197. Immediately after the filtrate passes through the Bowman's capsule it enters the: 2809 2985 2882 2813 2785 2737 2963

capillaries renal collecting tubule arteriole glomerulus 198. The anatomical term Thymus literally means _______________. chest or cavity flowers, spirit or soul lymph or lymphoid gumma or gum 199. The term for abnormal collection of fluid in the peritoneal cavity is: gavage ascites feces vomit 200. Lord/o- means hunchback. (Lord/osis; Lordo/scolio/sis) True False 201. Kypho- means laterally crooked. (Kyph/osis; Kypho/scoliosis) False True 202. Candidi- means glowing white. (Candidi/asis; Candida) True False 203. The term Di/gest/ion literally means: three parts to move forward the process of/two/separations double compression 204. -cytosis means a decrease (in cells). (Leuco/cyt/osis; Thrombo/cyt/osis) False True Sino- and Sinus means cavity or hollow. (Sin/us; Sinus/itis) 2926 2943 2791 2783 2715 2897 2742 2858

205. True False 206. The Endocrine and Nervous Systems are referred to as: physiological systems chemical systems structural systems master body systems 207. The diagnostic term Beri/beri refers to ________________ and is caused by the lack of thiamine (part of B Complex: B-1) in the diet. body sores “sores/sores” body chilling “chill/chill” body weakness "weakness/weakness" body skin cracking “cracking/cracking” 208. The diagnostic term Pyloric Stenosis literally means: condition of narrowing the gate keeper one who binds together emptying the stomach compressing the stomach 209. The diagnostic term for a chronic respiratory disease characterized by paroxysms of coughing, wheezing, panting with shortness of breath is: croup asthma pertussis influenza 210. The muscle term fascia means: tunnel band that separates membrane covering 2912 2952 2939 2892