Download FISDAP Airway Exam Practice -with 100% verified solutions-2024-2025.docx and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! FISDAP Airway Exam Practice -with 100% verified solutions-2024-2025 1. Where does the stimulus to breathe originate? A. Spinal cord B. Diaphragm C. Heart D. Brainstem 2. What is the proper way to measure an oropharyngeal airway? A. The nose to the xyphoid process. B. From the center of the mouth to the angle of the jaw. C. From the tip of the nose to the lobe of the ear. D. By the size of the patients thumb. 3. During respiration, where does the process of the gas exchange occur? A. Trachea B. Aveoli C. Epiglottis D. Bronchioles 4. A conscious 32 year old complains of difficulty breathing. He is coughing while pointing to his throat. What should you do? A. Give four strong blows to the back. B. Place him supine and begin CPR. C. Encourage him to keep coughing. D. Administer abdominal thrusts. 5. A 34 year old female has fallen from a height of 10 feet. She is unresponsive with snoring respirations. What should you do? A. Use the jaw-thrust maneuver. B. Support her head and neck with a rolled towel. C. Attempt the chin-lift maneuver. D. Apply a cervical collar. 6. How much oxygen will a pocket mask on room air deliver? A. 92% B. 17% C. 10% D. 23% 7. An unresponsive 44 year old male has an oral airway and is being ventilated. He suddenly regains consciousness and starts to gag. What should you do? A. Insert a nasal airway. B. Request ALS to sedate the patient. C. Remove the airway and apply high-flow oxygen. D. Suction the airway and leave the adjunct in place. 8. Which of the following is a musical, squeaking or whistling sound heard in inspiration and expiration while auscultating lung fields? A. Gurgling B. Snoring C. Stridor D. Wheezing 9. A 29 year old male crashed his motorcycle. He is unconscious and the lower portion of jaw is torn from his face. He has gurgling respirations with bleeding into throat. What should you do? A. Insert an oropharyngeal airway. B. Perform a head chin tilt and apply a non-rebreather mask. C. Apply a nasal cannula and suction as needed. D. Apply a c-collar and administer blow-by oxygen. 10. You find a patient in the tripod position. What should you suspect? A. A cardiac emergency B. Gastrointestinal distress C. Respiratory distress D. A transischemic attack Scenario: 11. A 54 year old female is unresponsive and laying supine on the floor. What should you do? A. Obtain a set of vital signs. B. Insert an oral airway. C. Start CPR. D. Check for a carotid pulse. 12. What is the leading cause of infant and child death? A. Congenital defects B. Vascular stenosis C. Allergic reactions D. Respiratory arrest 13. What is the normal rate of breathing for an adult? A. 28 to 36 breaths per minute. B. 6 to 10 breaths per minute. C. 22 to 26 breaths per minute. D. 12 to 20 breaths per minute. 14. What is the coarse sound of fluid movement heard on inspiration called? A. Rhonchi B. Snoring C. Crackles D. Gurgling 15. What is the area where the base of the tongue and the epiglottis meet called? B. Simple rebreather mask at 4 lpm. C. Bag-valve mask at 8 lpm. D. Venturi mask at 8 lpm. 29. What is the normal tidal volume in an adult male? A. 1000 mL B. 350 mL C. 750 mL D. 500 mL 30. An unresponsive 64 year old male has a stoma. He is supine and apneic. What should you do? A. Assist his ventilations with an adult bag-valve mask and cover the stoma. B. Place a pediatric sized BVM over the stoma and ventilate. C. Obtain a set of vital signs and apply an AED. D. Apply a cervical collar and perform a jaw thrust maneuver. 31. What is the name of the smooth, moist epithelial layer that covers the lungs? A. Parietal peritoneum B. Visceral pleura C. Visceral peritoneum D. Parietal pleura Scenario: 32. Why is it important to avoid touching the back of the throat when suctioning? A. It causes the upper airway to spasm uncontrollably. B. It will cause contamination of the catheter. C. Tachycardia can occur due to vagus nerve stimulation. D. It can stimulate the gag reflex and cause vomiting. 33. Room air contains what percentage of oxygen? A. 21 B. 100 C. 36 D. 10 34. A 7 year old boy is found supine at the base of 15 foot high jungle gym. His teacher is unsure if he fell from the equipment. Vital signs are BP 100/90, R 0, P 42, SaO2 93%. What should you do? A. Open his airway with a jaw thrust maneuver. B. Start CPR. C. Insert an oropharyngeal airway. D. Open his airway with a head tilt-chin lift maneuver. 35. A 36 year old male complains of a sore throat with drooling. He is having difficulty breathing with stridor. His skin is pink and hot to the touch. What should you suspect? A. Pneumonia B. Bronchitis C. Epiglottitis D. Tonsillitis 36. What is oxygen deficiency in the body called? A. Hypoxemia B. Hyperoxia C. Hypoxia D. Hypercarbia 37. An 18 year old female with a suspected cervical spine injury has a significant amount of blood in her mouth. What should you do? A. Stabilize her head and suction her airway. B. Perform a jaw-thrust and finger sweep in order to remove blood from her mouth. C. Perform a jaw-thrust maneuver and attempt to ventilate her. D. Assess the her respiratory rate for no longer than 30 seconds. 38. Which of the following is the MOST common cause of airway obstruction? A. The tongue B. Trauma C. Laryngeal spasm D. Foreign bodies 39. A 4 year old male has snoring respirations. What should you do? A. Insert a nasopharyngeal airway. B. Perform a head-tilt maneuver. C. Insert an oropharyngeal airway. D. Gently shake to wake up the patient. 40. An 8 month old male is unresponsive to painful stimuli. Vital signs are P 50 and regular, R 8 and labored, and capillary refill is greater than 6 seconds. What should you do? A. Apply an AED. B. Administer oxygen. C. Assist ventilations. D. Start CPR. 41. A 21 year old male is having trouble catching his breath after exercising. He has a history of asthma. Vitals signs are BP 140/90, P 120, R 22. Lung sounds reveal inspiratory wheezes. What should you do? A. Apply a non-rebreather mask. B. Assist his ventilations with a bag-valve mask. C. Assist in administration of his metered dose inhaler. D. Apply a nasal cannula and obtain a pulse oximetry reading. 42. A 44 year old male involved in a car accident is in respiratory distress. What is the best way to assess his breathing? A. Count his respiratory rate for 10 seconds and multiply by six. B. Expose the his chest and palpate while counting breaths. C. Reposition his head and look, listen, and feel, near his face. D. Observe the rate as fast or slow and move on to secondary exam. 43. A conscious 18 year old male is bleeding profusely from his mouth. How should you position him? A. Sitting up and leaning forward. B. Leaning back with a nasopharyngeal airway. C. Lateral recumbent position with pressure dressing. D. Supine with knees flexed. 44. What is the name of the leaf shaped valve that prevents food from entering the trachea? A. Pharynx B. Bronchi C. Epiglottis D. Larynx Scenario: 45. A 36 year old female begins vomiting en route to hospital. You have rolled her on her side, but she continues to have secretions in her airway. How long should you suction her? A. Until clear. B. 10 seconds. C. 15 seconds. D. 60 seconds. 46. A 54 year old female is in respiratory arrest and has inadequate chest rise during ventilations. What should you do? A. Check for a FBAO B. Asses end tidal CO2 C. Reposition the jaw D. Determine her SpO2 47. Which is a sign of respiratory failure for an adult? A. Mouth breathing B. Skin is pink and dry. C. Breathing 16 times per minute. D. Nasal flaring C. Distant lung sounds D. Crackles 61. What condition results when the alveoli collapse? A. Pneumonia B. Pneumothorax C. Effusion D. Atelectasis 62. A 19 year old underweight female complains of difficulty breathing. She has been coughing up clear sputum and has bilateral ronchi. She has a light coating of small crystalline granules on her arms and legs. Her father states "This shortness of breath is different from normal." What should you suspect? A. Cystic Fibrosis B. Pneumonia C. Asthma attack D. COPD exacerbation 63. What is the most appropriate method for opening the airway of a patient with a suspected cervical spine injury? A. Jaw-thrust B. Neck lift C. Head-tilt, chin-lift D. Head-tilt, jaw-thrust 64. What is the most frequent cause of upper airway obstruction in an adult? A. Sputum B. Tongue C. Vomitus D. Foreign body 65. A 56 year old male complains of pinpoint pain to the left side of his chest along with difficulty breathing. He states that he recently went off his blood thinners before a hernia surgery. What should you suspect? A. Acute myocardial infarction B. Pulmonary embolism C. Pulmonary edema D. Tension pneumothorax Scenario: 66. A 23 year old female is immobilized on a backboard when she starts vomiting. What should you do? A. Tilt the backboard to the side. B. Insert a nasopharyngeal airway. C. Suction using a soft tipped catheter. D. Provide her with an emesis bag. 67. A 43 year old unresponsive female is slumped over in a chair. Vital signs are P 43, R 0. What should you do? A. Check for a medical bracelet. B. Obtain a pulse oximetry reading. C. Apply high-flow oxygen by non-rebreather mask. D. Assist her ventilations. 68. What is the location of bifurcation in the trachea? A. Valleculi B. Alveoli C. Carina D. Bronchi 1. ANSWER: D 2. ANSWER: B 3. ANSWER: B 4. ANSWER: C 5. ANSWER: A 6. ANSWER: B 7. ANSWER: C 8. ANSWER: D 9. ANSWER: C Feedback: An oropharyngeal airway is used to lift the tongue and requires the supporting structures of the jaw, therefore an OPA would be ineffective for this patient. Oxygen should be administered, however, and the nasal cannula will provide a greater concentration than any of the other methods listed. 10. ANSWER: C 11. ANSWER: D 12. ANSWER: D 13. ANSWER: D 14. ANSWER: A 15. ANSWER: A 16. ANSWER: A 17. ANSWER: C 18. ANSWER: D