Download FISDAP Airway Exam Study Guide 2024 and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! FISDAP Airway Exam Study Guide 2024 with Complete Solutions. Alveolar air volume - Correct Answer-Amount of air that reaches alveoli for gas exchange (approx. 350 ml. For adult male) Tidal volume minus dead space Dead air space - Correct Answer-Anatomically: structures that hold air, but can't participate in gas exchange. Physiologically: alveoli or capillaries destroyed by disease Expiratory reserve volume - Correct Answer-Amount of gas that can be forcefully expired at the end of a normal expiration Inspiratory reserve volume - Correct Answer-Amount of gas that can be forcefully inspired in addition to a normal breaths tidal volume Internal respiration - Correct Answer-Exchange of gases between blood cells and tissues Peak expiratory flow - Correct Answer-The greatest rate of airflow during forced expiration when lungs are fully inflated Residual volume - Correct Answer-After maximal forced exhalation, amount of air remaining not able to be expelled Tidal volume - Correct Answer-Amount of air in a respiratory cycle (500 ml, 5-7ml/kg) Minute volume - Correct Answer-Amount of gas moved in and out of respiratory tract per minute Air trapping - Correct Answer-A respiratory pattern associated with an obstruction in the pulmonary tree. Rate increases to overcome resistance Angle of Louis - Correct Answer-Angulation of the sternum that indicates the point where the second rib joins the sternum. (manubriosternal junction) Anoxia - Correct Answer-total lack of oxygen available to the tissues Apnea - Correct Answer-Respiratory arrest Atelectasis - Correct Answer-Abnormal condition characterized by collapse of alveoli, preventing exchange of co2 and o2 in a part of the lungs Barrier device - Correct Answer-Thin film of material placed on the patient's face used to prevent direct contact with the patient's mouth during PPV Carina - Correct Answer-Where the trachea divides into right and left bronchi Ronchi - Correct Answer-Rattling or rumbling in the lungs. Inspiration and expiration. Fluid in larger airways and may be cleared from a cough. Stridor - Correct Answer-Harsh, high-pitched inspiratory sound best heard over the neck Rattles (ronchi) - Correct Answer-Inflammation and mucus or fluid in larger airways heard on inspiration. Associated with bronchitis or pneumonia Crackles (rales) - Correct Answer-Wet lungs - sounds like hair rolled in finger tips. fluid in smaller airways, crackling or popping sound on inspiration, sound that indicates presence of fluid in smaller airways Croup - Correct Answer-Viral infection in upper airway that sounds like a seal bark Wheeze - Correct Answer-Whistling sound heard on inspiration or expiration in pharynx, trachea, bronchi Biots respirations - Correct Answer-Irregular respirations and rate with periods of apnea from increased ICP, brain damage at medulla, DKA, and OD'ing Agonal respirations - Correct Answer-Slow, shallow, irregular from anoxic brain injury Central neurogenic hyperventilation - Correct Answer-Similar to Kussmaul respirations, deep and rapid breathing from increased ICP Cheyne-Stokes respiration - Correct Answer-A pattern of gradually increasing rate and depth of breathing that tapers to slower and shallower breathing with a period of apnea before the cycle repeats Hering-Breuer reflex - Correct Answer-Reflex that limits inspiration and prevents overinflation Hiccup - Correct Answer-Spasm of the diaphragm Benign tumor - Correct Answer-Not spreading aggressively Malignant tumor - Correct Answer-Aggressively spreads Secondary tumor - Correct Answer-Spread from its original location Barotrauma - Correct Answer-Injury that results from rapid or extreme changes in pressure Bronchiolitis - Correct Answer-Acute infectious inflammatory disease of the upper and lower respiratory tracts that results in obstruction of the small airways Bronchitis - Correct Answer-Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract Bronchopulmonary dysplasia - Correct Answer-Respiratory condition in infants usually arising from preterm birth Carbon Dioxide narcosis - Correct Answer-Mostly seen in COPD where CO2 is excessively retained causing ALOC Carpopedal spasm - Correct Answer-Cramping of extremities from hyperventilation Circumoral paresthesia - Correct Answer-A feeling of tingling around lips Collapsed lung - Correct Answer-Brooks sucks Costochondritis - Correct Answer-Inflammation of the cartilage in the anterior chest that is painful Cystic Fibrosis (CF) - Correct Answer-Genetic disease marked by hyper-secretion of glands, including mucous in lungs Emphysema - Correct Answer-Destruction of the alveoli Esophagoduodenoscopy - Correct Answer-Endoscope is used to look at the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum Hamman's sign - Correct Answer-Crunching sounds occasionally heard on the heart when air is in mediastinum Mainstem bronchi - Correct Answer-Each of two main breathing tubes off the trachea Mediastinitis - Correct Answer-Infection in the mediastinum Mediastinoscopy - Correct Answer-Surgical procedure of looking into mediastinum with an endoscope NCPE (Non-Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema) - Correct Answer-Fluid collection in the alveoli of the lung that does not result from heart failure Ostomy - Correct Answer-A hole, usually referring to a surgically made hole. Pallor - Correct Answer-Pale washed out coloration of skin Peak flow meter - Correct Answer-Device used to assess severity of respiratory distress Pleural effusion - Correct Answer-Fluid in the pleural space, usually fluid that seeped from lung or chest wall Pleurisy - Correct Answer-Painful rubbing of pleural lining Pneumomediastinum - Correct Answer-Air entrapped within the mediastinum. Pneumonia - Correct Answer-Infection in lungs Pulmonary abscess - Correct Answer-Collection of pus within the lung Pulmonary bleb - Correct Answer-Cavity in the lung much like a balloon Pulmonary Embolism (PE) - Correct Answer-Clot lodged in pulmonary artery Respiratory failure - Correct Answer-Inadequate blood oxygenation and or ventilation to meet the metabolic demands of body tissue Retractions - Correct Answer-Use of accessory muscles Supraglottic - Correct Answer-Airway structure above vocal chords Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) - Correct Answer-Vent setting that generally allows the patient to inspire at will and to the depth that he or she desires Tuberculosis (TB) - Correct Answer-Highly contagious bacterial infection known for causing pneumonia and infecting other parts of the body Peritonsillar abscess (PTA) - Correct Answer-Infection of tissue between the tonsil and pharynx Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) - Correct Answer-A virus linked to bronchiolitis in infants and children Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) - Correct Answer-Any of several bacterial strains of S. aureus resistant to methicillin (a penicillin) and related drugs Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) - Correct Answer-Viral syndrome causing nasal congestion and fever Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE) - Correct Answer-Bacteria resistant to vancomycin