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Download FISDAP( AIRWAY) EXAM WITH QUESTIONS AND FULLY SOLVED CORRECT ANSWERS 2024-2025 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!



8 year old female with no respirations after 5 positive pressure ventilations. - ANSWER Which patient would be classified as "immediate" during and MCI? Calmly reassure her, encouraging her to calmly slow her rate of breathing. - ANSWER A 13 year old female watching a horror movie states she can't catch her breath and her fingers are numb. Respirations are 30 and deep with Sp02 of %100. She is speaking in clear sentences, has clear and equal breath sounds. You should? 10 to 12 - ANSWER You have inserted an OPA for a 21 year old apneic male. How many times per minute should you ventilate him with a BVM? Oxygenating and ventilating before and after suctioning. - ANSWER Proper technique to suction patient's airway includes? 15 liters/min - ANSWER When ventilating patient with BVM, what is the appropriate oxygen flow rate? Apply a nonrebreather mask at 10 liters/min - ANSWER An obese man complains of sever difficulty breathing. His skin is cool and moist and breathing 22 times per minute. He indicates he never goes to the doctor and often feels dizzy after walking. You should?

Pneumonia - ANSWER A 42 year old asthmatic patient complains of chest pain, shortness of breath and a violent cough that produces brownish sputum. What is the most likely cause? Pneumonia - ANSWER An 89 year old patient complains of difficulty breathing and a productive cough that has gotten worse over the past 12 hours. You should suspect? Decreases in size, causing exhalation - ANSWER As the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, the chest cavity? Evaluate both the respiratory rate and the rise and fall of the chest

  • ANSWER During initial assessment of an adult's respiratory status, you should? Pediatrics - ANSWER In which group of patients are you likely to encounter "see-saw" breathing? Mouth, Pharynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli. - ANSWER Which sequence correctly traces the path oxygen takes from the atmosphere to the lungs? 10 lpm via nonrebreather mask - ANSWER A 16 year old asthmatic female in a tripod position complains of increased shortness of breath. SpO2 is 79%. You should administer oxygen at? Encourage him to cough - ANSWER A 34 year old man is saying he

is choking, You note stridor and hoarseness in his voice. What should you do?

Assess insertion depth of the catheter - ANSWER An unresponsive trauma patient is gurgling. When you suction the oropharynx with a rigid catheter, the patient gags. You should? Chronic Bronchitis - ANSWER Thin 54 year old male with a nonproductive cough complains of difficulty breathing. Sitting upright with hands on his knees and you see retractions. Notice oxygen tubing around the house. You should suspect medical history of? Remove dentures - ANSWER Semiconscious patient's dentures completely loosened. You should? Diffusion - ANSWER Carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange at the alveolar level by which process? High flow oxygen with a nonrebreather mask - ANSWER 20 year old female unable to cath breath after minor car crash, numbness and tingling to hands and face. Vitals are P 118, R 24. What should you do? Dyspnea - ANSWER Which term best describes respiratory difficulty? 350 mL The average adult ventilation is 500 mL, but there is an area of dead space that traps 150 mL of air. 350 mL effectively reaches the

alveoli for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. - ANSWER What is the amount of air that normally

reaches the alveoli in an adult? Empysema Emphysema is a chronic destructive process of the alveoli. The alveoli regenerate but they are misshaped and consist of scar tissue. The scar tissue inhibits gas exchange. She has pursed lips because she is attempting to keep the alveoli open. Without the extra effort her alveoli will collapse due to increased surface tension. - ANSWER A 77 year old female has dyspnea, speaks in short word burst, and breathes with pursed lips. Lung sounds are diminished, distant, and clear. Vital signs are BP 152/90, P 86 and irregular, R

  1. What should you suspect? Spontaneous pneumothorax Performing strenuous activites can, on occasion, cause a collapsed (spontaneous pnemothorax) He has stable vital signs so you should suspect a S.P. If he had been hypotensive (88/40), you should suspect that the S.P had developed into a tension pneumothorax. - ANSWER An 18 year old male is cyanotic and complains of sharp chest pain and difficulty breathing after lifting weights. Vital signs are BP 110/66, P 88, R 22. What is the most likely cause? Bag-valve mask He is unresponsive and breathing too slow. This is a "Sick" patient and assisting his ventilations should be the first intervention. You

can increase his respiratory rate with a bag valve mask, which is why it is the most correct choice. - ANSWER An unresponsive 43 year old male is cool, pale, diaphoretic,

and breathing 6 times a minute. Which device should you use to administer oxygen? Assist his ventilations He is in respiratory failure. His breathing is ineffective because his respirations are fast and shallow. Shallow respirations do not allow for adequate oxygen exchange because the air is not drawn down far enough into the lungs. Assisting his breathing with positive pressure ventilations will help reduce any pulmonary edemy from the lower airway burns. - ANSWER A 42 year old male complains of shortness of breath after being sprayed with super-heated steam. He has burns to his face, neck and upper chest. Vital signs are BP 112/66, P 124, R 28 shallow and labored. What should you do? Bronchi The trachea splits at the carina into the left and right bronchus. The bronchi get smaller and smaller until it reaches the terminal bronchioles where the alveoli are located. - ANSWER What are the structures that brach off the trachea into the lower airway? Wheezing Wheezing is a high pitched whistling sound heard on EXHALATION. Wheezing suggest there is a LOWER airway OBSTRUCTION or CONSTRICTION. Exhalation is a passive process, and the wheezing noise is air passively leaving constricted bronchioles. - ANSWER What is the term for high-

pitched whistling sounds heard during expiration?

Labored The use of accessory muscles is a sign of respiratory distress or failure. Nasal flaring is the body's response in effort to increase the size of the airway and attempt to draw in more air with each breath. Expect to initially see an increased respiratory rate and heart rate with labored breathing. As the patient begins to tire, the respiratory rate and quality will begin to decrease, which worsens the problem. - ANSWER The use of accessory muscles and nasal flaring are signs of what type of breathing? Stridor Stridor is an UPPER airway obstruction caused by the tissue swelling around the trachea, larynx, or epiglottis during INSPIRATION. - ANSWER What is the term for abnormal breath sounds that result from an obstructed airway? Respiratory Failure This rate is too slow and the fact that he is sleepy and difficult to arouse shows that he is in respiratory failure. An adult with a respiratory of 8 is too slow for adequate gas exchange. - ANSWER A 53 year old male is sleepy, diaphoretic, difficult to arouse, and breathing 8 times a minute. What should you suspect?

Apply high flow oxygen.

-She is alert and her respirations are still effective without the need for assisting ventilations. She only complains of shortness of breath, so applying high flow oxygen should be the first treatment.

  • ANSWER An alert 32 year old female complains of difficulty breathing. She speaks in 2-3 word sentences and has oxygen saturation of 92%. What should you do? When a patient has a completely obstructed airway and become unconscious the first thing you should do is start chest compressions. - ANSWER A 56 year old female has a complete airway obstruction from a piece of food. She becomes unconscious while you asses her. What should you do? Chronic bronchitis (sounds like snoring, excess mucus) Excessive mucus and pus production leads to obstructed airways. The consistent cough is the bodys response to clear the airway obstruction. - ANSWER A male complains of mild respiratory distress. He smokes 4 packs of cigarettes a day and reports a consistent cough and frequent respiratory infections. Chest sounds reveal bilateral rhonci. What should you suspect? Pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection of the lung tissue and the "rusty" sputum (spit) is a sign of lower airway infection. He is febrile (fever) from an immune response to the infection, and the "dull" chest pain is a common symptom at the location of the infection. - ANSWER A febrile 44 year old male complains of shortness of breath and has

dull chest pain. He has been coughing up "rusty" sputum for the last three days. What is the most likely cause?

Pulmonary embolism A pulmonary embolism is typically the result of a clot that has formed in the lower extremity with poor circulation. Hip surgery requires a patient to be immobilized for an extended period of time which can permit a clot to form in the distal portion of an extremity. The sudden unilateral chest pain is the lung with the clot. Any lung tissue distal of the clot will not allow for adequate oxygen exchange. - ANSWER a 75 year old female complains of a sudden onset of right sided chest pain and dyspnea. She is recovering from a recent hip surgery. What should you expect? First step is to face the bevel towards the septum. Apply a water soluble lubricant, do not use an oil based lubricant. - ANSWER How should you insert a nasopharyngeal airway? Trachea The trachea is a tube like structure that allows air passage from the upper airway into the lungs - ANSWER What is the Name of the hollow, semi flexible tube that carries in held air from the larynx to the lungs? Pharynx

This passage way is shared by air and food so it is a common site for a partial or complete obstruction, which could be food or a flaccid tongue - ANSWER What is the most common location for an airway obstruction larynx This structure is directly above the trachea the vocal cords are located here it is also known as the voice box - ANSWER What part of the respiratory system contains the vocal chords? nasopharynx The nasopharynx connects the opening of the nostrils to the soft palate? Which is located at the back of the mouth. This passage is designed to warm up and held air in filter out fine particulate matter. - ANSWER What is directly posterior to the nose? Cricoid Cartilage The inferior portion of the larynx is a cartilaginous ring. It is located directed inferior of the Thyroid cartilage. - ANSWER What ring shaped structure forms the lower portion of the larynx? cricoid cartilage Sellicks maneuver is also called cricoid pressure. It inhibits gas entering the

stomach during assisted ventilations. - ANSWER Where is Sellick's Maneuver applied? Contracts The diaphragm contracts in a downward motion drawing air into the lungs. - ANSWER What happens to your diaphragm during inhalation? Carina Located beneath the sternum. - ANSWER What is the name of the cartilaginous Ridge in the trachea at which the right and left lungs split? Oropharynx - ANSWER What is directly posterior to the mouth? 5 3 on the right and two on the left. - ANSWER How many lobes are in the lungs? Pharynx The pharynx is also known as the throat. The nasal cavity and a mouth share this passage way. Air moves down the larynx and food travels into the esophagus. - ANSWER What is the name of the

passageway shared by the digestive tract and the respiratory systems for air and food?

Check airway for foreign body obstructions - ANSWER 56 year old female struggling to breathe with wheezing. She is unable to hold her head up or follow commands. What should you do? Phrenic - ANSWER What nerve primarily controls respiration? Compressions - ANSWER Unresponsive 16 year old male has snoring respirations after diving in a pond and nearly drowning. You should? Stridor - ANSWER Which is an indication of an upper airway obstruction? Wheezing - ANSWER What is the sound of a lower airway obstruction? Ventilate the patient via bag-valve mask - ANSWER An adult is breathing at a rate of 6 beats per minute. You should? Activate Beta 2 receptors - ANSWER Prescribed inhalers are helpful for patients with an obstructive pulmonary disease because they? BVM - ANSWER A 50 year old is not breathing and has a faint pulse. You should?

Shake vigorously - ANSWER A patient has a history of COPD. Before assisting

him in self-administering his inhaler you should? 5-6 - ANSWER How often should you ventilate a patient who is apneic and has a pulse? mucous secretions - ANSWER A 14 year old female Is short of breath. She has a history of cystic fibrosis. Lung sounds reveal coarse rhonchi. What is the most likely cause of her condition? suction the stoma completely - ANSWER A 64-year-old woman with a complete laryngectomy is in respiratory arrest you should? use two rescuers whenever possible - ANSWER When ventilating a patient with a bag valve mask device you should? albuterol inhaler - ANSWER A 28-year-old patient is experiencing Dyspnea and wheezing which medication should you request from medical control? Administer oxygen via non-rebreather mask 15 lpm - ANSWER 20 year old male complains of sudden onset shortness of breath. He is breathing at 24 times per minute and his pulse oximetry is 85% you should? encourage him to cough - ANSWER A 34-year-old male says he's choking. You note Stridor and hoarseness in his voice what should you do?

Epiglottitis - ANSWER Which condition could be considered an upper airway obstruction? Administer oxygen by non-rebreather mask - ANSWER An 18-year- old male complains of shortness of breath. He has a history of asthma and self administered two doses of his prescribed metered dose inhaler with no relief. Vital signs are P104 R 22 SP02 91% what should you do? tension pneumothorax - ANSWER Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause decreased compliance while ventilating via bag valve mask? Pneumonia - ANSWER A febrile 2 year old male in respiratory distress with crackles in the lower left lung field. You should suspect? Expiratory wheezes and long expiration - ANSWER Which of the following shows a sign of lower respiratory tract problem? Tuberculosis - ANSWER A 64 year old male complains of dyspnea and is coughing up blood tinged sputum. Upon auscultation you note cracks bilaterally. What should you suspect? feels like I'm drowning when I sleep - ANSWER Which statement indicates that the patient is suffering from a CHF rather than Pneumonia?

A rigid tip suction catheter - ANSWER When suctioning blood, fluid, and mucous from the oropharynx, the most appropriate device

is? Confirm Cardiac Rhythm Problem - ANSWER The reason for assessing the radial and the carotid pulse simultaneously is to? Acute Pulmonary Edema - ANSWER A patient presents with a sudden onset of shortness of breath crackles, hypertension, and jugular distension. You Should suspect? Congestive Heart Failure - ANSWER A 73 year old male is dyspneic. You note jugular vein distension and dependent edema. Vital signs are BP 158/93, P 130 R 36. What should you suspect? Perform abdominal thrusts - ANSWER A 19-year-old female began choking after eating a hot dog. When you first arrived on scene, she was coughing and drooling.Now, she is drowsy, slow to respond, and unable to cough. You should? Chronic bronchitis - ANSWER A 65 year old male is having trouble breathing. He is moderately overweight and has been coughing up yellowish phlegm. He smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and reports having episodes like this for many years pneumothorax - ANSWER Which of the following can be present with a sudden onset of difficult breathing and diminished breath sounds

Insert an NPA - ANSWER A semi-conscious 34 year old male begins to gag after insertion of an OPA Bronchitis - ANSWER An 18 year old febrile patient complains of malaise for several days. He is taking an oral antibiotic for an upper respiratory infection. Vital signs are bp 128/72, P118 and weak, R22 with rhonchi Barrel shaped chest - ANSWER Which of the following assessment findings should cause you to suspect a history of COPD? Emphysema - ANSWER A thin 75 year old male complains of difficulty breathing. He states he has smoked "3 packs of cigarettes a day for 30 years." He has bilateral wheezes 10 lpm via nonrebreather - ANSWER 16 asthmatic female is in tripod position complains of increased shortness of breath. SPO2 is 79% you should administer oxygen at Consider using a humidified oxygen - ANSWER During a long transport you are administering oxygen Deliver oxygen via nonrebreather at 15 lmp - ANSWER A 45 year old female is complaining of breathing difficult. Her lung sounds are clear but she is becoming cyanotic on the lips