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FISDAP Paramedic Final Exam-with 100% verified solutions-2024-2025 .docx, Exams of Nursing

FISDAP Paramedic Final Exam-with 100% verified solutions-2024-2025 .docx

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Download FISDAP Paramedic Final Exam-with 100% verified solutions-2024-2025 .docx and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! FISDAP Paramedic Final Exam- with 100% verified solutions- 2024-2025   You have received an order for a dopamine drip. You carry 500cc bags of D5W. How much dopamine should you add to the bag to create a 1600mcg/1mL dilution? A. 800 mg 2. During the absolute refractory period, what happens to the cardiac cell? A. It is unable to be stimulated. A. It is unable to be stimulated. 3. A 29 year old female fell from an 18 foot roof. During your rapid trauma assessment, where are you most likely to find life-threatening injuries? B. Head, chest, abdomen B. Head, chest, abdomen 4. Unequal pupils are a result of pressure on which structure  D. Oculomotor nerve D. Occulomotor nerve 5. What is an abnormally high level of carbon dioxide in the blood called? C. Hypercapnia C. Hypercapnia 6. What is oxygen deficiency in the body called? C. Hypoxia C. Hypoxia 7. What is your initial priority at a trench collapse? A. Establishing medical command A. Establishing medical command 8. A 23 year old male complains of neck stiffness and flu symptoms for the past few days. He also describes a high fever with a severe headache, dizziness and blurred vision. What should you suspect? C. Meningitis C. Meningitis 9. What causes an emphysema patient to have a pink appearance? B. Polycythemia B. Polycythemia 10. Which of the following is a musical, squeaking or whistling sound heard in inspiration and expiration while auscultating lung fields? A. Wheezing A. Wheezing 11. You are treating a 82 year old male in hypovolemic shock. In order to increase their blood pressure you should administer: D. isotonic crystalloid via IV D. isotonic crystalloid via IV 12. A 35-year-old man is pulseless and apneic. He was found in a lake after falling through the ice. His wife says he left the house 3 hours ago. His is cold and rigid. What should you do? A. Perform chest compressions A. Perform chest compressions 13. What does a pulsating mass in the abdomen suggest? A. Abdominal aortic aneurysm A. Abdominal aortic aneurysm 14. What is the safest and most effective landing pattern for a helicopter? A. At a slight angle like that of a jet A. At a slight angle like that of a jet 15. During inspiration, what happens to blood flow in the thoracic cavity? B. blood flow increases to the right atrium B. blood flow increases to the right atrium 16. What is the period of the cardiac cycle when stimulation will not produce any depolarization? B. Absolute refractory period B. Absolute refractory period 17. While treating a 56-year-old male for chest pain, you note a few PVCs on the monitor. You print a strip and measure the distance between the normal beats on each side of the PVC. The normal sinus rhythm continues on both sides of the PVC as if it were the normal beat, even though the PVC happens sooner than the sinus beat would have. The pause after the PVC would be: B. A compensatory pause B. A compensatory pause 18. A 5-month-old male is in cardiac arrest. Resuscitation efforts have been ongoing for 30 minutes. His heart rhythm is and has been asystolic throughout treatment. What should you do? B. Begin termination of resuscitative efforts B. Begin termination of resuscitative efforts 19. Which of the following requires ATP? A. Active transport A. Active transport 20. A 52-year-old male was the unrestrained driver in a frontal impact car crash. Which of the following injuries would lead you to believe the patient traveled "up and over" the dashboard instead of "down and under"? C. Ruptured diaphragm C. Ruptured diaphragm 21. How does the blood flow through the heart? B. Right atrium to the right ventricle to lungs to left atrium to left ventricle B. Right atrium to right ventricle to lungs to left atrium to left ventricle 22. As soon as an infant's head is delivered, what should you do? A. Bacteria 48. A 68-year-old female with CHF took 400 mg of furosemide and is now unresponsive. Vitals signs are BP 110/70, P 100, and R 6. What should you do? B. Begin manual ventilations B. Begin manual ventilations 49. Which stage of delivery begins with complete cervical dilation and ends with the delivery of the baby? A. Second A. Second 50. A 7-year-old boy is found supine at the base of 15-foot high jungle gym. His teacher is unsure if he fell from the equipment. Vital signs are BP 100/90, R 0, P 42, SaO2 93%. What should you do? C. Open his airway with a jaw thrust maneuver. C. Open his airway with a jaw thrust maneuver. 51. What process involves a gas that travels from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration? A. Diffusion A. Diffusion 52. A 12-year-old male has suffered a blast injury. What phase would projectiles have caused injury to the patient? D. Secondary D. Secondary 53. A 25 year old female began to experience shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. She has difficulty speaking in full sentences. Vital signs are BP 116/64, P 96 and regular, RR 24 and labored, SpO2 93% on room air. You auscultate her lung sounds and hear high-pitched lung sounds on exhalation. What should you do? B. Administer albuterol via a nebulizer B. Administer albuterol via a nebulizer 54. You have been assigned to triage at an MCI. Your patient is bleeding from a cut on his head, R 22, P 100 radially, and he keeps asking "What happened?". What priority should be assigned to this patient? A. Yellow A. Yellow 55. A 32-year-old female seated at a restaurant has severe wheezing. She is flushed, appears anxious, and has a runny nose. She states that she is allergic to shellfish and peanuts. What should you suspect? A. Anaphylaxis A. Anaphylaxis 56. You arrive on scene to find a 14 year old male leaning forward in a chair. He appears anxious, is drooling and you hear high-pitched sounds when he inhales. His mother states he has a fever and has been complaining of a sore throat. What should you suspect? D. Epiglottitis D. Epiglottitis 57. How should you ensure that your glucometer is functioning properly? D. Insert a test strip and acquire a drop of the glucometer control solution D. Insert a test strip and acquire a drop of the glucometer control solution 58. What is the biggest difference between cardiogenic shock and hemorrhagic shock? A. Pulmonary edema A. Pulmonary edema 59. When you apply an end-tidal CO2 monitor, what are the 3 main items you are measuring? A. Metabolism, perfusion, and ventilation A. Metabolism, perfusion, and ventilation 60. What do you call progressively deeper, faster breathing alternating gradually with shallow, slower breathing? B. Cheyne-Stokes respirations B. Cheyne-Stokes respirations 61. What happens during phase 0 of the cardiac action potential? D. The fast sodium channels open. D. The fast sodium channels open. 62. A 26 year old female jumped from the second floor of her house. She states she was getting away from her abusive husband. What should you do? C. Determine if the scene is safe. C. Determine if the scene is safe. 63. What structure has baroreceptors? D. Aortic arch D. Aortic arch 64. An alert, 78 year old female complains of dyspnea. She speaks in full sentences and answers all your questions. Vital signs are BP 150/70, P 110 and irregular, R 26 and labored. You note peripheral cyanosis. What should you do? D. Apply high flow oxygen at 12-15 lpm. D. Apply high flow oxygen at 12-15 lpm. 65. When you are caring for more than one trauma patient at a time, when should you change your gloves? A. For each new patient A. For each new patient 66. A 2 year old male has ingested an unknown amount of gasoline. What is your primary concern in your initial assessment? D. Evaluating his airway. D. Evaluating his airway. 67. You arrive on scene to find a 4 year old male with a pulse but inadequate respiratory effort. At what rate do you administer assisted ventilation? B. 1 breath every 2 to 3 seconds B. 1 breath every 2 to 3 seconds 68. A 55 year old male remains in ventricular fibrillation after three shocks and an IV epinephrine. What should you do? C. Epinephrine (1:10,000) every three to five minutes. C. Epinephrine (1:10,000) every three to five minutes. 69. A 45 year old male complains of difficulty breathing after being removed from a home contaminated with carbon monoxide. His SpO2 is paradoxically 100%, what does this mean? B. CO is displacing O2 on erythrocyte hemoglobin. B. CO is displacing O2 on erythrocyte hemoglobin. 70. A 22 year old female complains of joint pain and flu-like symptoms over the past two days. Her abdomen is soft and non-tender, but she appears to have a circular rash on her lower left quadrant. What should you suspect? C. Lyme's disease C. Lyme's disease 71. What the mechanism of action for glucagon? D. Stimulate gluconeogenesis D. Stimulate gluconeogenesis 72. When delivering a radio report, it is important to B. provide a field assessment of the patient's condition. B. provide a field assessment of the patient's condition. 73. What is the primary action of insulin? C. Facilitate glucose transport into cells. C. Facilitate glucose transport into cells. 74. What cells form the initial clot following vascular injury? C. Thrombocytes C. Thrombocytes 75. What is the first confirmation of tube placement after orotracheal intubation? B. Auscultation of the epigastrium B. Auscultation of the epigastrium ? 76. A 88 year old male is combative and angry. His wife states that he is normally pleasant and calm. What intervention would narrow your differential diagnosis? B. A blood glucose reading B. A blood glucose reading 77. What does preload refer to? B. The pressure in the filled ventricle at the end of diastole. B. The pressure in the filled ventricle at the end of diastole. 78. Which immunoglobulin is mainly responsible during inflammation? B. IgE B. IgE What percent of oxygen is delivered with a pocket mask on room air? C. 17 C. 17 ? . A 57 year old male complains of chest pain, shortness of breath and nausea. A 12 lead ECG shows ST elevation in Ieads V2, V3 and V4. What should you administer? B. Aspirin and oxygen. B. Aspirin and oxygen. 81. Which of the following is an autosomal disorder of the exocrine glands which results in physiological changes in the respiratory, GI, integumentary, and muscoskeletal systems? D. Cystic fibrosis D. Cystic fibrosis 82. What structure prevents food or liquid from entering the trachea? D. Epiglottis D. Epiglottis 83. What is diphenhydramine HCL? B. Antihistamine B. Antihistamine 84. An 18 year old male was struck in the head by a large rock. When caring for this patient, what should you continually reassess? A. Level of consciousness. A. Level of consciousness. 85. What is the onset of action for succinylcholine? B. 60-90 seconds A. Compensated shock How many people does it take to provide Optimal BVM ventilation? 1 but 2 is better  1 but 2 is better  During the resuscitation of a 45 year old female you note a change in rhythm and the ECG now shows sinus bradycardia. What should you do? A. Assess for a pulse A. Assess for a pulse . A 23 year old alert and pregnant female complains of severe abdominal pain after an motor vehicle crash. You note her stomach is rigid and distended. There is no vaginal bleeding or discharge. Vital signs are BP 94/58, P 128, R 30 and shallow, SpO2 90%. What should you suspect? A. Uterine rupture A. Uterine rupture A motor vehicle collided with an electrical pole resulting in downed power lines. A large crowd has gathered around the accident. Whom should you call for support? B. Local Power Company and State Police B. Local Power Company and State Police What effect does reducing preload have in a patient with pulmonary edema? D. Improved cardiac efficiency D. Improved cardiac efficiency Which of the following would properly represent a female who has been pregnant three times, given birth twice, and had one spontaneous abortion? C. G3, P2, AB1. C. G3, P2, AB1. A 28 year old male has severe flank pain radiating to his back. He squirms around on the floor unable to find a comfortable position, rating his pain a 9/10. He has consumed no fluids over the past day. Vital signs are BP 200/80, P 100, R 18. What should you do? A. Administer morphine or hydromorphone. A. Administer morphine or hydromorphone. An 18 year old female with a suspected cervical spine injury has a significant amount of blood in her mouth. What should you do? A. Stabilize her head and suction her airway. A. Stabilize her head and suction her airway. A a family calls you to take their 20 year old son to the hospital for an involuntary psychiatric evaluation. They state that he is physically aggressive and refuses to take his antipsychotic drugs. He is quiet and refuses to communicate. What should you do? C. Call for police assistance to get a transport hold. C. Call for police assistance to get a transport hold. You are dispatched for a 78 yo male who has fallen. He currently has no complaints and is alert and oriented. He is unsure if he lost consciousnessness at any point. He takes metoprolol and atorvastatin. His blood pressure when lying down is 140/90 with a HR of 58 which becomes 100/60 with a HR of 59 when standing. You suspect which of the following as a the most likely etiology of his fall: C. medication side effect C. medication side effect What is an injury to ligaments around a joint called? B. Sprain B. Sprain Which structure filters blood into a nephron? D. Glomerulus D. Glomerulus What drug is a specific antagonist to opiate derived drugs? D. Narcan D. Narcan A 16 year old was freed from entanglement in a motor vehicle crash. Their right arm is amputated below the elbow. What should you do with the amputation? C. Wrap it in moistened gauze, place it in a bag, and keep it cool C. Wrap it in moistened gauze, place it in a bag, and keep it cool During the action potential of a cardiac cell, what causes the initial conformational change in the sodium-potassium pump? B. Adenosine triphosphate B. Adenosine triphosphate A tachypneic 17 year old male has an open gunshot wound to the right anterior chest. What should you do? C. Apply an occlusive dressing. C. Apply an occlusive dressing. What neurotransmitter is responsible for stimulation of the postganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic nervous system? C. Acetylcholine C. Acetylcholine A 6 year old male complains of belly pain. What should you use to determine his pain level? C. Oucher pain scale C. Oucher pain scale which of the following substances is most likely to cause premature atrial contractions? A. Caffeine A. Caffeine An alert 17 year old male was struck in the abdomen with a large wrench. Vital signs are BP 90/78, P 120 R 22. He is cool, pale and diaphoretic. Palpation of the abdomen reveal bruising, pain, and rigidity to the right upper quadrant. To which organ should you suspect injury? B. Liver B. Liver . An intoxicated 45 year old homeless man was hit in the chest. He complains of pain with inspiration. Bilateral lung sounds are clear. Vital signs are BP 130/80, P 76, R 12, SpO2 94%. What should you suspect? A. Rib fractures A. Rib fractures 132. What does oversecretion by the adrenal cortex cause? A. Cushing's disease A. Cushing's disease 133. What is the main site of drug metabolism? A. Liver A. Liver 134. Your 65 year old male patient presents with a fever and sharp, steady pain along the upper neck and shoulder that worsens when he takes a breath. Vital signs are BP 144/92, P 99 and regular, R 18 and regular, SpO2 of 95% on room air. What should you do? C. Perform a 12-lead ECG C. Perform a 12-lead ECG A 23 year old pregnant female is pushing when you arrive. You find her bag of water broke and the fluid was green. Fetal heart tones are 80. What should you do? C. Place her on her side and apply oxygen. C. Place her on her side and apply oxygen. A 16 year old boy tells you that he "caught" his 40 year old mother "holding a handful of sleeping pills." The son explains that she is depressed, and he is convinced that she meant to kill herself. She is extremely agitated and is refusing treatment. What should you do? A. Request law enforcement assistance to transport the patient. A. Request law enforcement assistance to transport the patient. A 56 year old female has an arm injury with arterial bleeding. The dressing becomes soaked with blood. What should you do? B. Apply additional dressing material with direct pressure. B. Apply additional dressing material with direct pressure. A 32 year old female attempted to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills and cutting her wrists. She has dark red blood oozing from the wrist lacerations. Vital signs are BP 90/52, P 130 and weak, R 18. What type of bleeding should you suspect? C. Venous C. Venous A 51 year old male with a history of COPD is having difficulty breathing. Vital signs are BP 136/74, R 22, P 100, SpO2 95%. What should you do? D. Administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask. D. Administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask. What is the leading cause of cardiac arrest in pediatric populations? C. Respiratory compromise C. Respiratory compromise A 55 year old female has difficulty breathing and is unable to lie supine. She has pedal edema and bilateral crackles are heard on auscultation. What should you suspect? A. Congestive heart failure A. Congestive heart failure .alert, ambulatory, 26 year old female admits to laying her motorcycle down at 25 mph to avoid a crash. She has extreme pain to her left side where you note severe abrasions. She denies any neck or back pain. What should you do? C. C-collar and immobilize her fully in the standing position. C. C-collar and immobilize her fully in the standing position. A 45 year old female has type I diabetes and a non-healing foot ulcer. You find that she lacks sensation in her foot. What should you suspect? B. Peripheral neuropathy B. Peripheral neuropathy What environmental emergency is life-threatening? C. Heat stroke C. Heat stroke 145. Where is the blood found during hemoptysis? C. Sputum C. Sputum