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Flight Paramedic Certification: Emergency Medical & Aviation Safety, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive overview of essential knowledge for flight paramedics, covering a wide range of topics including emergency medical procedures, aviation safety, and critical care. It includes detailed information on antidotes for various agents, pediatric care guidelines, gas laws, decompression sickness, hypoxia, and altitude effects. The document also outlines camts standards for air transport teams, weather minimums, and flight crew qualifications. This resource is valuable for students and professionals seeking to enhance their understanding of flight paramedic practices and procedures.

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Available from 11/29/2024

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Flight Paramedic Certification Exam

  1. Agent Aspirin (ASA): Antidote Bicarb
  2. Agent Benzodiazepines: Antidote Flumazenil (Romazicon)
  3. Agent Beta Blockers: Antidote Glucagon
  4. Agent Calcium Channel Blockers: Antidote Calcium Gluconate

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  1. Agent Cocaine: Antidote Benzodiazepine s
  2. Agent Pit Vipers: Antidote CroFab, FabAV
  3. Agent Cyanide: Antidote Amyl Nitrate (inhaled), Sodium Nitrate (IV), Sodium Thiosulfate (IV)
  4. Agent Digitalis: Antidote

3 / 68 Digibind, Digoxin Fab

  1. Agent Dilantin: Antidote Supportive care
  2. Agent Ethylene Glycol (Anti-Freeze): Antidote IV Ethanol, Fomepizole (Antizol)
  3. Agent Hydrocarbons: Antidote Intubate
  4. Agent Isoniazid (INH):

4 / 68 Antidote Pyridoxine

  1. Agent Iron: Antidote Defroxamin e

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  1. Agent Methanol: Antidote IV Ethanol
  2. Agent Opiods: Antidote Naloxone (Narcan)
  3. Agent Organophosphates: Antidote Atropine, 2 Pam Chloride
  4. Agent Tricyclic Antidepressants: Antidote

6 / 68 Bicarb

  1. Agent Tylenol: Antidote Mucomyst, Acetadote
  2. Pediatric age range Neonate: Birth to 28 days
  3. Pediatric age range Infant: 28 days to 1 year
  4. Pediatric age range Toddler: 1 to 2 years
  5. Pediatric age

7 / 68 range Child: > 2 years

  1. Pediatric Normal BP formula: 90 + (2 x age)
  2. Pediatric Hypotensive BP formula: 70 + (2 x age)
  3. Neonate/Infant Emergency Fluid Resuscitation dose: 10cc/kg
  4. Toddler/Child Emergency Fluid Resuscitation dose: 20cc/kg
  5. Max number of fluid bolus infusion for a pediatric: 2
  6. Glucose management for all pediatrics: D-Stick< 60mg/dL, all ages 2cc/kg
  7. Glucose management DOC for a neonate: D
  8. Glucose management DOC for an infant: D
  9. Glucose management DOC for a toddler: D
  10. ABG value PH: 7.35-7.
  11. ABG value

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CO2: 35- 45

  1. ABG value HCO3: 22- 26

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  1. ABG value PaO2: 80-100 mmhg
  2. ABG value SaO2: >95%
  3. ABG value Base (excess/deficit): (-2) to (+2)
  4. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value Na+ (sodium): 135 - 145 mEq/L
  5. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value K+ (potassium): 3.5 - 5 mEq/L
  6. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value Cl- (chloride): 95-105 mEq/L
  7. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value CO2 (Carbon Dioxide): 22-

10 / 68 mEq/L

  1. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen): 6- mg/dL
  2. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value Cr (creatinine): .7-1.4 mg/dL
  3. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value Glucose: 80-120 mg/dL
  4. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Sodium is...: The primary extracellular cation, helps nerves and muscles interact
  5. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Potassium is...: The primary intracellular cation, responsible for cell excitability, resting membrane potential (MOST DANGEROUS ABNORMALITY)

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  1. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Chloride is...: An extracellular cation, maintains osmotic pressure, helps stomach produce hydrochloric acid
  2. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Carbon Dioxide is...: Important for helping maintain the acid-base balance
  3. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Blood Urea Nitrogen...: Helps provide a picture of renal clearance
  4. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Creatinine...: Help provide a picture of renal clearance
  5. Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Glucose...: Shows how much glucose is circulating in the blood
  6. Gas Laws Boyle's Law Equation: P1 x V1 = P2 x V

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  1. Gas Laws Boyle's Law Definition: The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to the volume of a gas at a constant temperature
  2. Gas Laws Dalton's Law Definition: The total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of the partial pressures of all the gases in the mixture
  3. Gas Laws Charle's Law Equation: V1 x T2 = V2 x T
  4. Gas Laws Charle's Law Definition: At a constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas
  5. Gas Laws Gay-Lussac's Law Equation: P1 x T2 = P2 x T
  6. Gas Laws

13 / 68 Gay-Lussac's Law Definition: Directly proportional relationship between temper- ature and pressure

  1. DCS is related to what gas law?: Henry's Law
  2. DCS Type 1 S/S, Tx: Pain Itching Swelling Recompression on TT
  3. DCS Type 2 S/S, Tx: Any neurologic sign Pain in two or more joint Pain the t-shirt or shorts area Hypovolemic Shock Recompression on TT

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  1. Cutis Marmorata S/S, Tx: Mottled Skin Recompression on TT
  2. AGE is due to what gas law?: Boyle's Law
  3. What happens with an AGE: Breath holding on ascent, over inflation of alveoli, possible pneumothorax, gas pushes through membrane into pulmonary capillaries, gas bubbles block vessels, lead to ischemia and infarct of tissues

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65. AGE

S/S, Tx: Any neurologic sign with Hx of hyperbaric exposure Recompression on TT

  1. Atmospheric calculations 33ft of sea water =: 1 atmosphere
  2. Atmospheric calculations surface atmosphere + 33ft of sea water =: 2 atmospheres absolute (2ATA)
  3. Atmospheric zones Physiologic Zone: Sea level to 10,000 ft MSL Night vision decreased beginning at 5,000 ft MSL
  4. Atmospheric zones Physiologically Deficient Zone: 10,000 ft - 50,000 ft MSL

16 / 68 Oxygen required to survive

  1. Atmospheric zones Physiologically Deficient Zone Time of Useful Consciousness at 30,000 ft MSL: 90 Seconds
  2. Atmospheric zones Physiologically Deficient Zone Rapid cabin depressurization leads to...: Cutting Time of Useful Consciousness in HALF
  3. Atmospheric Zones Space Equivalent Zone: >50,000 ft MSL
  4. Types of hypoxia Hypemic: Reduction in O2 carrying ability Anemia, hemorrhage

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  1. Types of hypoxia Histotoxic: Poisoning of the cytochrome oxidase system Cyanide, CO, alcohol
  2. Types of hypoxia Hypoxic: Not enough oxygen in the air altitude, deficiency in alveolar O2 exchange, pneumothorax
  3. Types of hypoxia Stagnant: Reduced cardiac output High G forces, cardiogenic shock
  4. Stages of hypoxia: Indifferent - some loss of night vision Compensatory - çHR, vent, slowed judgement

18 / 68 Disturbance - drunk Critical - death

  1. Stressors of flight Self imposed: Dehydration Exhaustion Alcohol Tobacco Hypoglycemi a
  2. Stressors of flight Inherent: Thermal Changes é Humidity Gravitational forces Fatigue

19 / 68 é Partial pressure of O Barometric pressure change Noise Vibration

  1. G Forces - Gx Direction of Force Toleration Example: Anterior/Posterior Best tolerated Accelerating/decelerating in your car
  2. G Forces - Gz Direction Toleration Example:

20 / 68 Vertical Falling from a roof and landing on your feet

  1. G Forces - Gy Direction Toleration Example: Lateral Least tolerated Being T-Boned in a car wreck
  2. Altitude Effects Every 1,000 ft increase causes temp to drop...: 2° Celcius
  3. Altitude Effects Barondontalgia: Occurs on ascent Air trapped in filling expands (Boyle's Law)

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  1. Altitude Effects Barotitis: Occurs on descent Air trapped in middle ear unable equalize due to blocked Eustachian Tube
  2. Altitude Effects Barosinusitis: Occurs both ascent and descent Air blocked in sinuses unable to equalize
  3. CAMTS stands for...: Commission for the Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems
  4. CAMTS Air Transport Team Members: Flight nurse Flight Paramedic

22 / 68 Respiratory Therapist Flight Physician

  1. CAMTS Air Medical Resources Management: Distributes workload The operational practice of involving ALL members of the flight team in the mission planning, decision making, and mission safety Crew Resource Management in the military
  2. CAMTS Critical phases of flight: Take off Landing (short final) Refueling Taxi (ground or air)
  3. CAMTS Distance you must be able to pull your flight suit away from your body: 1/4"

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Safe operation of the air craft comes before...: Patient care

  1. CAMTS Long range flights are anything over...: 3 hours
  2. CAMTS The only time you do not need to wear a seatbelt is...: Straight and level flights (or when PIC (pilot in charge) directs you)
  3. CAMTS Rotary wing PIC qualifications: 2,000 hours total flight time 1,200 hours in rotary wing A/C 1,000 hours as PIC 100 hour as PIC at night Must be instrument rated

24 / 68 Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) cert strongly encouraged Area Orientation - 5 hours total with 2 at night before solo mission

  1. CAMTS Fixed wing PIC qualifications: 2,000 hours total flight time 1,000 hours as PIC 100 hours as PIC at night Must possess Airline Transport Pilot cert Must be instrument rated
  2. CAMTS Federal Aviation Regulation Part 91: Applies to everyone No duty day No weather minimums
  3. CAMTS Federal Aviation Regulation Part 135: Applies to flying passengers for

25 / 68 money Max duty day 14 hours 8 hours total flying time 8 hours "bottle to throttle"

  1. CAMTS Weather minimums Non mountainous - Local Day: 800' ceiling 2 mile visibility
  2. CAMTS Weather minimums Non mountainous - Local Night w/ NVGs or TAWS: 800' ceiling 3 mile visibility
  3. CAMTS Weather minimums