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Flight Paramedic Certification Exam
- Agent Aspirin (ASA): Antidote Bicarb
- Agent Benzodiazepines: Antidote Flumazenil (Romazicon)
- Agent Beta Blockers: Antidote Glucagon
- Agent Calcium Channel Blockers: Antidote Calcium Gluconate
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- Agent Cocaine: Antidote Benzodiazepine s
- Agent Pit Vipers: Antidote CroFab, FabAV
- Agent Cyanide: Antidote Amyl Nitrate (inhaled), Sodium Nitrate (IV), Sodium Thiosulfate (IV)
- Agent Digitalis: Antidote
3 / 68 Digibind, Digoxin Fab
- Agent Dilantin: Antidote Supportive care
- Agent Ethylene Glycol (Anti-Freeze): Antidote IV Ethanol, Fomepizole (Antizol)
- Agent Hydrocarbons: Antidote Intubate
- Agent Isoniazid (INH):
4 / 68 Antidote Pyridoxine
- Agent Iron: Antidote Defroxamin e
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- Agent Methanol: Antidote IV Ethanol
- Agent Opiods: Antidote Naloxone (Narcan)
- Agent Organophosphates: Antidote Atropine, 2 Pam Chloride
- Agent Tricyclic Antidepressants: Antidote
6 / 68 Bicarb
- Agent Tylenol: Antidote Mucomyst, Acetadote
- Pediatric age range Neonate: Birth to 28 days
- Pediatric age range Infant: 28 days to 1 year
- Pediatric age range Toddler: 1 to 2 years
- Pediatric age
7 / 68 range Child: > 2 years
- Pediatric Normal BP formula: 90 + (2 x age)
- Pediatric Hypotensive BP formula: 70 + (2 x age)
- Neonate/Infant Emergency Fluid Resuscitation dose: 10cc/kg
- Toddler/Child Emergency Fluid Resuscitation dose: 20cc/kg
- Max number of fluid bolus infusion for a pediatric: 2
- Glucose management for all pediatrics: D-Stick< 60mg/dL, all ages 2cc/kg
- Glucose management DOC for a neonate: D
- Glucose management DOC for an infant: D
- Glucose management DOC for a toddler: D
- ABG value PH: 7.35-7.
- ABG value
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CO2: 35- 45
- ABG value HCO3: 22- 26
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- ABG value PaO2: 80-100 mmhg
- ABG value SaO2: >95%
- ABG value Base (excess/deficit): (-2) to (+2)
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value Na+ (sodium): 135 - 145 mEq/L
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value K+ (potassium): 3.5 - 5 mEq/L
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value Cl- (chloride): 95-105 mEq/L
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value CO2 (Carbon Dioxide): 22-
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- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen): 6- mg/dL
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value Cr (creatinine): .7-1.4 mg/dL
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel value Glucose: 80-120 mg/dL
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Sodium is...: The primary extracellular cation, helps nerves and muscles interact
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Potassium is...: The primary intracellular cation, responsible for cell excitability, resting membrane potential (MOST DANGEROUS ABNORMALITY)
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- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Chloride is...: An extracellular cation, maintains osmotic pressure, helps stomach produce hydrochloric acid
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Carbon Dioxide is...: Important for helping maintain the acid-base balance
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Blood Urea Nitrogen...: Helps provide a picture of renal clearance
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Creatinine...: Help provide a picture of renal clearance
- Chem 7 Basic Metabolic Panel Glucose...: Shows how much glucose is circulating in the blood
- Gas Laws Boyle's Law Equation: P1 x V1 = P2 x V
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- Gas Laws Boyle's Law Definition: The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to the volume of a gas at a constant temperature
- Gas Laws Dalton's Law Definition: The total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of the partial pressures of all the gases in the mixture
- Gas Laws Charle's Law Equation: V1 x T2 = V2 x T
- Gas Laws Charle's Law Definition: At a constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas
- Gas Laws Gay-Lussac's Law Equation: P1 x T2 = P2 x T
- Gas Laws
13 / 68 Gay-Lussac's Law Definition: Directly proportional relationship between temper- ature and pressure
- DCS is related to what gas law?: Henry's Law
- DCS Type 1 S/S, Tx: Pain Itching Swelling Recompression on TT
- DCS Type 2 S/S, Tx: Any neurologic sign Pain in two or more joint Pain the t-shirt or shorts area Hypovolemic Shock Recompression on TT
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- Cutis Marmorata S/S, Tx: Mottled Skin Recompression on TT
- AGE is due to what gas law?: Boyle's Law
- What happens with an AGE: Breath holding on ascent, over inflation of alveoli, possible pneumothorax, gas pushes through membrane into pulmonary capillaries, gas bubbles block vessels, lead to ischemia and infarct of tissues
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65. AGE
S/S, Tx: Any neurologic sign with Hx of hyperbaric exposure Recompression on TT
- Atmospheric calculations 33ft of sea water =: 1 atmosphere
- Atmospheric calculations surface atmosphere + 33ft of sea water =: 2 atmospheres absolute (2ATA)
- Atmospheric zones Physiologic Zone: Sea level to 10,000 ft MSL Night vision decreased beginning at 5,000 ft MSL
- Atmospheric zones Physiologically Deficient Zone: 10,000 ft - 50,000 ft MSL
16 / 68 Oxygen required to survive
- Atmospheric zones Physiologically Deficient Zone Time of Useful Consciousness at 30,000 ft MSL: 90 Seconds
- Atmospheric zones Physiologically Deficient Zone Rapid cabin depressurization leads to...: Cutting Time of Useful Consciousness in HALF
- Atmospheric Zones Space Equivalent Zone: >50,000 ft MSL
- Types of hypoxia Hypemic: Reduction in O2 carrying ability Anemia, hemorrhage
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- Types of hypoxia Histotoxic: Poisoning of the cytochrome oxidase system Cyanide, CO, alcohol
- Types of hypoxia Hypoxic: Not enough oxygen in the air altitude, deficiency in alveolar O2 exchange, pneumothorax
- Types of hypoxia Stagnant: Reduced cardiac output High G forces, cardiogenic shock
- Stages of hypoxia: Indifferent - some loss of night vision Compensatory - çHR, vent, slowed judgement
18 / 68 Disturbance - drunk Critical - death
- Stressors of flight Self imposed: Dehydration Exhaustion Alcohol Tobacco Hypoglycemi a
- Stressors of flight Inherent: Thermal Changes é Humidity Gravitational forces Fatigue
19 / 68 é Partial pressure of O Barometric pressure change Noise Vibration
- G Forces - Gx Direction of Force Toleration Example: Anterior/Posterior Best tolerated Accelerating/decelerating in your car
- G Forces - Gz Direction Toleration Example:
20 / 68 Vertical Falling from a roof and landing on your feet
- G Forces - Gy Direction Toleration Example: Lateral Least tolerated Being T-Boned in a car wreck
- Altitude Effects Every 1,000 ft increase causes temp to drop...: 2° Celcius
- Altitude Effects Barondontalgia: Occurs on ascent Air trapped in filling expands (Boyle's Law)
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- Altitude Effects Barotitis: Occurs on descent Air trapped in middle ear unable equalize due to blocked Eustachian Tube
- Altitude Effects Barosinusitis: Occurs both ascent and descent Air blocked in sinuses unable to equalize
- CAMTS stands for...: Commission for the Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems
- CAMTS Air Transport Team Members: Flight nurse Flight Paramedic
22 / 68 Respiratory Therapist Flight Physician
- CAMTS Air Medical Resources Management: Distributes workload The operational practice of involving ALL members of the flight team in the mission planning, decision making, and mission safety Crew Resource Management in the military
- CAMTS Critical phases of flight: Take off Landing (short final) Refueling Taxi (ground or air)
- CAMTS Distance you must be able to pull your flight suit away from your body: 1/4"
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Safe operation of the air craft comes before...: Patient care
- CAMTS Long range flights are anything over...: 3 hours
- CAMTS The only time you do not need to wear a seatbelt is...: Straight and level flights (or when PIC (pilot in charge) directs you)
- CAMTS Rotary wing PIC qualifications: 2,000 hours total flight time 1,200 hours in rotary wing A/C 1,000 hours as PIC 100 hour as PIC at night Must be instrument rated
24 / 68 Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) cert strongly encouraged Area Orientation - 5 hours total with 2 at night before solo mission
- CAMTS Fixed wing PIC qualifications: 2,000 hours total flight time 1,000 hours as PIC 100 hours as PIC at night Must possess Airline Transport Pilot cert Must be instrument rated
- CAMTS Federal Aviation Regulation Part 91: Applies to everyone No duty day No weather minimums
- CAMTS Federal Aviation Regulation Part 135: Applies to flying passengers for
25 / 68 money Max duty day 14 hours 8 hours total flying time 8 hours "bottle to throttle"
- CAMTS Weather minimums Non mountainous - Local Day: 800' ceiling 2 mile visibility
- CAMTS Weather minimums Non mountainous - Local Night w/ NVGs or TAWS: 800' ceiling 3 mile visibility
- CAMTS Weather minimums