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Flight Physiology Exam Questions and Answers for Flight Paramedics, Exams of Nursing

This study guide provides a comprehensive set of questions and answers related to flight physiology, covering key concepts such as boyle's law, charles' law, dalton's law, and henry's law. It also includes explanations of barotrauma, hypoxia, and other physiological challenges associated with flight. The guide is designed to help flight paramedics prepare for exams and understand the physiological principles that govern flight.

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Available from 11/13/2024

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Download Flight Physiology Exam Questions and Answers for Flight Paramedics and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity!

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

During ascent does gas expand or contact? - Correct Answer ✅Expand - Boyles Law During descent does gas contract or expand? - Correct Answer ✅Contact - Boyles Law Climb 100m will cause temperature to? - Correct Answer ✅Drop 1-degree Celsius - Charles' law For every 1,000 ft temperature will drop? - Correct Answer ✅2 degrees Celsius - Charles's law how to calculate celsius to fahrenheit - Correct Answer ✅(°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F How to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius - Correct Answer ✅(°F -

  1. / 1.8 = °C the temperature outside is 18 °C. What would that equal in Fahrenheit - Correct Answer ✅(18 * 1.8) + 32 (32.4) + 32= 64.4 °F

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

You're feeling ill and your body temperature is 101.3 °F. What is the temperature in Celsius? - Correct Answer ✅(101.3 -

  1. / 1. (69.3) / 1.8= 38.5 °C When you charge an oxygen tank, and the tank gets hot; that is an example of what gas law - Correct Answer ✅Charles' Law Does gas volume expand or shrink as temperature increases?
  • Correct Answer ✅expands Will a volume of a gas shrink or expand when temperature decreases? - Correct Answer ✅Shrink An oxygen cylinder left outside overnight will have a lower pressure reading in the morning due temperature drop. That is an example of what gas law? - Correct Answer ✅Gay- Lussac's Law All carbonated beverages are example of which gas law? - Correct Answer ✅Henry's Law Which gas law can cause the bends or decompression sickness? - Correct Answer ✅Henry's Law

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Gases diffuse from a higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is which gas law? - Correct Answer ✅Graham's Law This gas law is an example of the ongoing process of the diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood and the transfer of oxygen from blood into the cells. Which gas law is this? - Correct Answer ✅Graham's Law gas bubbles coming out of exposed grey matter when at altitude is an example of which gas law? - Correct Answer ✅Graham's Law Which gas explains why you get hypoxic when you increase in altitude? - Correct Answer ✅Dalton's Law Dalton's Law can be remembered by the phrase "Daltons Gang" because? - Correct Answer ✅Oxygen molecules that were "ganged up" at lower altitudes spread apart at higher altitudes, making less oxygen available for breathing. Ballon, barotrauma, equipment issues, air filled medical device expansion, AGE, and pneumocephalus = which gas law? - Correct Answer ✅Boyle's

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Soft tissues swelling at altitude "________ Gang" which gas law? - Correct Answer ✅Dalton's Charging Charles - Correct Answer ✅Charles' law Grey Matter = Which gas law? - Correct Answer ✅Graham's Heineken decompression sickness, the bends = which gas law? - Correct Answer ✅Henry's Barotitis media - Correct Answer ✅ear pain or ear block results from failure of the middle ear space to ventilate when going from low to high atmospheric pressure (descent.) Treat with Valsalva maneuver or with Oxymetazoline (Afin) Barodontalgia - Correct Answer ✅Acute toothache caused by air being trapped in a tooth. Commonly occurs during ascent, with decent bringing relief. "baro" means pressure, and "odontalgia" means tooth pain

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Barosinusitis, or sinus barotrauma - Correct Answer ✅Sinus block sinus block is an acute or chronic inflammation of one or more of the paranasal sinuses produced by the development of a pressure differences, usually negative (ascent) but can occur on BOTH ascent and descent, between the air in the sinus cavity and that of the surrounding atmosphere. Formula for calculating the partial pressure of O2 - Correct Answer ✅Gas concentration X FiO2= PP Dalton's law demonstrates that the concentration of O2 at 43,000 feet MSL is 21%. If the barometric pressure at 43, feet MSL is 162 torr, what would the partial pressure of oxygen be at this altitude? A) 45 torr B) 22 torr C) 34 torr D) 14 torr - Correct Answer ✅C) 34 torr Dalton's law states that as we ascend in altitude, the concentration of oxygen remains the same. However, because of the decreased barometric pressure, the partial pressure of oxygen decreases as altitude increases.

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

At sea level: 760 torr x 0.21 = 159 torr 40,000 feet: 162 torr x 0.21 = 34 torr barobariatruama - Correct Answer ✅Barotrauma is tissue injury caused by a pressure-related change in body compartment gas volume. Barobaria trauma is best prevented by... - Correct Answer ✅Pre oxygenation- Caused by a large/sudden release of nitrogen from the adipose tissues of the body upon decompression. Pts with decreased Vt and FRC can not "blow off" the excess nitrogen fast enough. Signs of barobariotruama during flight transport - Correct Answer ✅-neurological symptoms as a result of a rapid release of nitrogen from -disoriented -hallucinations -short-term memory loss -difficult in concentrating who is at greater risk of barobariotruama during flight transport? - Correct Answer ✅-overweight or obese patients -pregnant patients

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

-pediatrics Four basic variables that affect gas volumetric relationships are? - Correct Answer ✅Temperature Pressure Relative mass of gas or the number of molecules AGE stands for? - Correct Answer ✅Atrial Gas Embolisms and is the lead cause of death among scuba divers. What are the 8 stressors of flight? - Correct Answer ✅1. Decreased partial pressure of oxygen

  1. Barometric pressure
  2. Thermal changes
  3. Decreased humidity
  4. Noise
  5. Vibration
  6. Fatigue
  7. G-force DEATH-factors effecting flight stressors - Correct Answer ✅D
  • Drugs E - Exhaustion

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

A - Alcohol T - Tobacco H - Hypoglycemia Night vision is decreased beginning at how many feet? - Correct Answer ✅5,000 ft You have a patient on a non-rebreather mask at 0.5 Fi02 and you are at sea level. You will be flying to an altitude with a torr of 500. What will be the oxygen requirement at this pressure? - Correct Answer ✅0.5 x 760 / 500 = 0.76 Fi required for ascent (76% oxygen) pneumocephalus - Correct Answer ✅the presence of air in the intracranial space Boyle's Law what is the pressure value at sea level? - Correct Answer ✅760 torr or mmHg (1 ATM) what is the pressure value at 10,000 ft - Correct Answer ✅523 torr or mmHG what is the pressure value at 18,000 ft - Correct Answer ✅380 torr or mmHg (1/2 ATM)

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

hypoxic hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅"Not enough oxygen in the air" AKA altitude hypoxia inadequate ventilation or reduction in the P)2 and is characterized by a lack of oxygen entering the blood. What can cause hpoxic hypoxia? - Correct Answer ✅Increase in altitude lung disease airway obstruction right-to-left shunt n the heart reduction in gas exchange in the alveoli low Po Clinical hypoxia will start to develop within a few hundred feet from the ground but symptoms do not begin until height of how many feet? - Correct Answer ✅5, what patients are more susceptible to hypoxic hypoxia? - Correct Answer ✅cardiovascular pneumothorax tension pneumothorax

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

hypoxic hypoxia patients ill become? - Correct Answer ✅cyanotic At how many feet and what presentage does oxygen saturation start to reduce? - Correct Answer ✅-The blood oxygen saturation 98% at sea level --reduced to 87% at 10,000 ft and -60% at 22,000 ft. Oxygen Adjustment Calculation - Correct Answer ✅(FiO2 x Pressure on the ground or where you're at) P1 /pressure you're flying to P histotoxic hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅The cells are unable to use oxygen. There is plenty of oxygen available, and it can bind to hemoglobin, but the tissues cannot access it. "poisoning" What causes histotoxic hypoxia? - Correct Answer ✅results from poisoning or metabolic disorders such as: cyanide, alcohol, carbon monoxide, nitroglycerin, sodium nitroprusside (Nipride)

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Sign of histotoxic hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅Cherry red skin. Stagnant Hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅"Blood isn't moving" Failure to transport oxygenated blood. Reduced cardiac output or pooling of blood In flight medicine, stagnant hypoxia results from? - Correct Answer ✅Venous pooling in the patient during accelerated maneuvers, such as steep turns and other maneuvers that increase the gravitational load on the aircraft. Or blood pooling in the lower extremities of patients and crew members who sit in an aircraft for extended periods. Stagnant hypoxia will cause every kind of shock expect? - Correct Answer ✅Hypovolemic Stagnant hypoxia will cause what kind of skin reaction? - Correct Answer ✅Cyanotic skin

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

A patient with a tension pneumothorax would experience which type of hypoxia? - Correct Answer ✅Stagnant hypoxia a tension pneumothorax compresses the mediastinum and vena cava, thus restricting the flow of blood, which is the definition of stagnant hypoxia. Hypemic Hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅Reduction in the O carrying capacity in the blood. Impaired attachment of oxygen to hemoglobin. or reduced number of red blood cells. hemorrhage, anemia, and drugs (sulfanilamide nitrates) "anemic" Causes of hypemic hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅carbon monoxide poising, hemorrhage, anemia, blood loss, excessive smoking, use of nitrite, and sulfa drugs, sickle cell disease.

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Hypemic hypoxia will cause what kind of shock? - Correct Answer ✅Hypovolemic shock What is a skin of hypemic shock? - Correct Answer ✅Pale skin Stages of hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅Indifferent Compensatory Disturbance Critical Indifferent Stage of Hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅Full reasoning abilities, some loss of night vision slightly increased HR and RR, decreased night vision experienced between sea level and 10,000 ft but it may manifest at altitudes as low as 5,00 ft. Compensatory Stage of hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅Increased HR, ventilations, slowed judgement

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

  • increased BP occurs, impairment of task performance occurs Disturbance stage of hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅Slurred speech, impaired judgement, "drunk" dizziness, sleepiness, tunnel vision, and cyanosis Critical Stage of Hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅No longer able to physiologically function, death imminent. marked mental confusion and incapacitation indifferent stage is from how many feet and what zone? - Correct Answer ✅-physiologic zone -starts at sea level to 10,000 ft. What happens to the body during the indifferent stage? - Correct Answer ✅-slight increase in heart rate and ventilation. -Night-vision deterioration occurs at 5000 ft. at how many feet does the second stage of hypoxia start? - Correct Answer ✅-compensatory stage, which occurs from
  • 10,000 to 15,000 ft.

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

How does the body react during the compensatory stage of hypoxia? - Correct Answer ✅-the body attempts to protect itself against hypoxia. -Increases in blood pressure, heart rate, and depth and rate of respiration occur. Efficiency and performance of tasks that require mental alertness become impaired in this stage. The third stage of hypoxia and at how many feet does this occur? - Correct Answer ✅-disturbance stage -15,000 and 20,000 ft. How does your busy react during the disturbance stage of hypoxia? - Correct Answer ✅-dizziness, sleepiness, tunnel vision, and cyanosis. -Thinking becomes slowed, and muscle coordination decreases. At how many feet does the four stage of hypoxia occur - Correct Answer ✅-critical stage -20,000 and 30,000 ft

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

How does the body react during the critical stage of hypoxia - Correct Answer ✅-marked mental confusion -incapacitation -unconsciousness, usually within a few minutes. What is the most important stage of hypoxia to recognize - Correct Answer ✅The indifferent stage because you can still fully think PaO2 decreases __________ per every 1000 ft increase in altitude - Correct Answer ✅5 mmHg PaO2 decreases 5 mmHg per every ___________ in altitude - Correct Answer ✅1,000 ft increase Aerodontaligia - Correct Answer ✅Tooth pain that occurs on ascent due to air being trapped in fillings and expands due to Boyle's Law Sterile Cockpit - Correct Answer ✅Only essential conversation during take off and landing and busy airspace. Appropriate breaking of rule is to point out an obstacle. Flight Following - Correct Answer ✅Flight following is 15 min while in flight and 45 min while on the ground.

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Emergency action plan activated 15 minutes after failure to report in Flight suit must be? - Correct Answer ✅Flame retardant and pull 1/4 inch away from the body. Long range flights are any flight over how many hours? - Correct Answer ✅greater than 3 hours The only time you don't need to wear a seat belt is? - Correct Answer ✅during straight and level flight or when the PIC "Pilot in command" can be used interchangeably Visual Flight Rules (VFR) - Correct Answer ✅you can fly only in weather condition that you can see where you are flying. Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) - Correct Answer ✅This means that the weather condition do not allow safe flight by sight alone, and the pilot must be able to us their instruments to fly.

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Inadvertent instrument Meterological Conditions (IIMC) - Correct Answer ✅This means that the pilot began flying in VFR weather and unexpectedly en countered weather that required flying by instruments Referred to as "Double IMC" How big should a landing zone be? - Correct Answer ✅100 ft x 100 ft The landing zone needs to have less than ____ degree slope to avoid the danger of the blades coming in to contact with an object or person on a slope? - Correct Answer ✅ 5 degrees What is considered to be an unreliable sign of hypoxia? - Correct Answer ✅Cyanosis because the SP02 has to below 75% before it is detectable What are late signs of hypoxia? - Correct Answer ✅Cyanosis and hypotension What is emergency transmit frequency? - Correct Answer ✅Airband frequencies of 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz are internationally designated distress signal channels.

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Post Crash Sequence - Correct Answer ✅Turn off in order: 1.) Throttle 2.) Fuel 3.) Battery -Exit the aircraft and anyone who needs assist -Grab first aid and survival kits -Assemble at the 12 o'clock position from the nose of the aircraft at a distance of a minimum of 50 feet. -Begin building a shelter, build a fire, gathering water, creating a signal (shelter is the first priority) What is the universal distress frequency? - Correct Answer ✅243.0 MHz Standard of care (negligence) - Correct Answer ✅-Presence of duty -Breach of duty -Foreseeability -Causation -Injury -Damages

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Duty to Report - Correct Answer ✅-Child abuse -Elder abuse -Violent crime FAR Part 91 - Correct Answer ✅Applies to everyone No duty day No weather minimums (PIC assumes risk), 8 hours "bottle to throttle" (drinking alcohol) FAR Part 135 - Correct Answer ✅Flying Passengers for $ (taxi service) Max 14 hour duty day 8 hours total flying time 8 hours bottle to throttle Elements to prove malpractice - Correct Answer ✅-Duty, -Breach of duty, -Injury or damage, -Causation, -Forseeability

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

Negligence - Correct Answer ✅-failure to take proper care in doing something -careless neglect, often resulting in injury. Deviation from accepted standard of performance. Malpractice - Correct Answer ✅Based on a professional standard of care, as well as the professional statues of the caregiver. The radio signal that follows the curvature of the earth and has the greatest range is? - Correct Answer ✅VHF low-band FM Rules of 3's for survival outdoors - Correct Answer ✅-3 minutes without oxygen -3 hours without shelter in extreme conditions -3 days without water -3 weeks without food In a non-pressured aircraft the average time of useful consciousness at 18,000 ft and lower is? - Correct Answer ✅30 minutes

Physiology Exam Questions and Answers

In a non-pressured aircraft the average time of useful consciousness at 25,000 ft is? - Correct Answer ✅3-5 minutes In a non-pressured aircraft the average time of useful consciousness at 30,000 ft is? - Correct Answer ✅ 90 seconds, 1-2 minutes In a non-pressured aircraft the average time of useful consciousness at 35,000 ft is - Correct Answer ✅30-60 seconds In a non-pressured aircraft the average time of useful consciousness at 40,000 and higher is? - Correct Answer ✅15 seconds or less Flicker Vertigo - Correct Answer ✅An imbalance in brain cell activity caused by exposure to low-frequency flickering or flashing light. Light flickering from 4 to 20 times per second can precipitate reactions, including nausea, migraines, unconsciousness, and seizures.