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Florida Dental Laws and Rules Examination Questions and Answers Latest Update 2024, Exams of Nursing

Florida Dental Laws and Rules Examination Questions and Answers Latest Update 2024

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Available from 06/08/2024

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Florida Dental Laws and Rules Examination

Questions and Answers Latest Update 2024

Prepare a tooth with condition agents for placement of sealants or orthodontic appliances (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Charting existing oral conditions (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Packing and removing retraction cord w/o vasoconstrictors (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Removing and re-cementing properly contoured and fitted loose bands (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Place or remove temp restorations w/ non mechanical hand instruments (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Polish amalgams, not changing contour only w/ slow speed hand piece (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct

Polish clinical crowns (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Remove excess cement from dental restorations & appliances w/ non-mechanical hand instruments only (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Select & pre-size arch wires as long as dentist makes final adjustment (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Select & pre-size Roth bands, but not fit bands (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Select prescribed extra oral appliances, does not include final adjustment (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Cementing temp crown & bridges w/ temp cement (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Fabricating temp crowns & bridges intraoral (w/o ad occult) (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct

Inserting & removing alveolar dressings (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Monitoring Nitrous Oxide (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Making Impressions for study models to fabricate Roth retainers (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Taking impressions for and delivery of at-home bleaching trays (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Taking impression for passive appliance, occlusal guards, space maintainers and protective mouth guards (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct Changing Bleach pellets (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct, who received on- the-job training Applying topical anesthetics & anti-inflammatory agents which are not applied by aerosol or jet spray (DA) - ✓✓✓Direct, who received on-the-job training

Removing excess cement from Roth appliances with hand instruments (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect, who received on-the-job training Taking/recording pts. vital signs (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect, who received on-the-job training Irrigation and evacuation of debris (But not end) (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect, who received on-the-job training Placing/removing cotton rolls (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect, who received on-the-job training Retracting lips, cheeks, tongue (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect, who received on-the-job training Making impressions for study casts which are NOT being made for the purpose of fabricating any intro-oral appliances, restorations or Roth appliances (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect

Making impressions to be used for creating opposing models or the fabrication of bleaching stents, at home topical fluoride trays, and surgical stents for palatal coverage (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Applying cavity liners, varnishes or bases (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Applying topical fluorides, including fluoride varnishes (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Applying sealants (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Placing/removing matrices (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Placing/removing rubber dams (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Placing/removing period dressings (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Removing surgical dressings (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect

Placing/removing prescribed pre-treatment separators (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Positioning & exposing x-rays (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Removing sutures (DA) - ✓✓✓Indirect Fabricating tem crowns & bridges in he lab (DA) - ✓✓✓General, who received on-the-job training Providing educational programs, fluoride programs & other programs w/o diagnosis (DA) - ✓✓✓General, who received on- the-job training OHI (DA) - ✓✓✓General, who received on-the-job training Providing educational programs, fluoride programs and other programs w/o diagnosis (DH) - ✓✓✓No supervision

Retracting lips, cheeks, tongue (DH) - ✓✓✓General, who received training in pre-licensure or on-the-job Taking/recording vital signs (DH) - ✓✓✓General, who received training in pre-licensure or on-the-job Prophylaxis (DH) - ✓✓✓General Positioning/exposing x-rays (DH) - ✓✓✓General Reassess and charting of rest and suspected findings (DH) - ✓✓✓General Placing/removing period/surge dressings (DH) - ✓✓✓General Removing excess cement from restorations w/ hand instruments and scalars (DH) - ✓✓✓General Removing sutures (DH) - ✓✓✓General

Insert and/or perform minor adjustments to sports guards and custom fluoride trays (DH) - ✓✓✓General (diff from doc) Applying topical anesthetics and anti-inflammatory agents which are NOT applied by aerosol or jet spray (DH) - ✓✓✓General, who received training in pre-licensure end or on-the-job Obtaining bacteriological specimens, not cutting tissue (DH) - ✓✓✓General, who received training in pre-licensure end or on-the-job? Placing/removing cotton rolls (DH) - ✓✓✓General, who received training in pre-licensure end or on-the-job Placing/removing temp restoration with non-mechanical instruments only (DH) - ✓✓✓General, who received training in pre-licensure end or on-the-job?

Irrigation of debris (but no end) (DH) - ✓✓✓General, who received training in pre-licensure end or on-the-job Fabricating temp and crown and bridge in the lab (DH) - ✓✓✓General, who received training in pre-licensure end or on-the-job? Applying fluoride varnishes (DH) - ✓✓✓No supervision OHI (DH) - ✓✓✓No supervision Applying topical fluoride (DH) - ✓✓✓General Polishing restorations, which is not for the purpose of changing the existing contour of the tooth and only with: burnishes, slow-speed hand pieces, rubber cups, and bristle brushes (DH) - ✓✓✓General? Polishing clinical crowns of the teeth which is not for the purpose of changing the existing contour of the teeth and only

using: slow-speed hand pieces, bristle brushes, rubber cups, Porte polishers and air-abrasive polishers (DH) - ✓✓✓General Applied sealants (DH) - ✓✓✓General (diff from doc) Placing/removing prescribed pre-treatment separators (DH) - ✓✓✓General (different from doc) Making impressions for bleaching trays, fluoride trays, and surgical stents to provide palatal coverage (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Taking impressions for and delivery of at home bleaching trays (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Taking impressions for passive appliances (mouth guards, space maintainers) (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Monitor/remove in-office bleaching materials after bleach placement by dentist (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect (diff from doc)

Cementing temp crown and bridge with temp cement (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect (diff from doc) Marinating restorations w/ finishing burs, green stones and/or burley wheels w. slow-speed rotary instruments, which are not for the purpose of changing existing contours or occlusion (DH)

  • ✓✓✓Indirect (diff from doc) Monitoring Nitrous Oxide, turn off nitrous (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect (diff from doc) Applying cavity liners, varnishes & bases (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Placing subgingivally chlorhexidine & doxycycline or minocycline (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Placing/removing rubber dams (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Placing/removing matrices (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect

Root planning (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Removal of excess remaining bonding adhesive or cement following Roth appliance removal w/slow speed rotary instrument, hand instruments or ultrasonic (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Securing/unsouring arch wires by attaching or removing the fastening device (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Taking impressions for study casts which are not being made for the purpose of fabricating any intro-oral appliances, restorations or Roth appliances (DH) - ✓✓✓Indirect Fabricating temp crowns or bridges intra orally, not to include adjustment of occlusion (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct Removing and re-cementing properly fitting loose bands (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct

Changing bleach pellets in the internal bleaching process of non-vital, end treated teeth after the placement of a rubber dam (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct, who received on-the-job training Fabricating temp crowns or bridges intra-orally (w/o adjust occlusion) (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct Gingival curettage (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct Inserting or removing post op otitis dressings (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct Packing/removing retraction cord (No vasoconstrictor) (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct Selecting & pre-sizing Roth bands, including the selection of the proper size band for a tooth to be banded which does not include or involve any adapting, contouring, trimming or cementing, or otherwise modifying the band material such that it would constitute fitting the band - ✓✓✓Direct

Selecting prescribed extra oral apple (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct Selecting and pre-sizing arch-wires prescribed by the pts. dentist (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct Preparing tooth surface by applying conditioning agents for Roth appliances (sealant materials which do not include placing brackets) (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct Apply bleaching solution, activate light source, monitor and remove in-office bleaching materials (DH) - ✓✓✓Direct The administration of local anesthesia becomes a remediable and delegable task if a FL licensed DH has? - ✓✓✓Has been appropriately certified by the Board and has received a certificate from the Florida Department of Health authorizing the DH to administer LA DH and DA trained prior to ___ who were at the time authorized to perform tasks set forth by Board Rule may

continue to perform those tasks without the formal training required by Rule Ch. 64B5-16? - ✓✓✓April 30, 1980 Removing and re-cementing properly contoured and fitting loose bands that are not permanently attached to any appliance - ✓✓✓Emergency Remediable Task Securing or unsouring an arch wire by attaching or removing the fastening device - ✓✓✓Emergency Remediable Task Inserting or removing dressings from alveolar sockets in post- operative otitis when the patient is uncomfortable due to the loss of a dressing from an alveolar socket in diagnosed cases of post-operative otitis - ✓✓✓Emergency Remediable Task Placing or removing periodontal dressings when the patient is uncomfortable due to the loss of a periodontal pack during the prescribed period of treatment - ✓✓✓Emergency Remediable Task

Cementing temporary crowns or bridges using temporary cement when the patient is uncomfortable due to the loss of a temporary crown or bridge - ✓✓✓Emergency Remediable Task Placing temporary medicinal restorative material when the patient is uncomfortable due to the loss of a temporary medicinal restoration - ✓✓✓Emergency Remediable Task A DA who has received on-the-job training may perform two tasks under DIRECT supervision? - ✓✓✓1. Apply topical anesthetics and anti-inflammatory agents which are not applied by aerosol or jet spray 2 Changing bleach pellets in the internal bleaching process of non-vital, end treated tooth after placement of a rubber damn A DA who has on-the-job training may perform 5 tasks under INDIRECT supervision? - ✓✓✓1. Retraction of lips, cheek and tongue

  1. Irrigation & evacuation of debris not to include end
  2. Placement and removal of cotton rolls
  3. Taking & recording pts. vital signs
  1. Removing excess cement from Roth appl. w/ non-mechanical instr. only A DA who has on-the-job training may perform 3 tasks under GENERAL supervision? - ✓✓✓1. Instructing pt. in OH care & supervising OH care
  2. Provide end programs, faculty or staff programs and other end services which do not involve diagnosis or treatment
  3. Fabricating temp crowns or bridges in LAB