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Florida PT Jurisprudence Exam 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers), Exams of Community Health

Florida PT Jurisprudence Exam 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers) Florida PT Jurisprudence Exam 2023 Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

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Florida PT Jurisprudence Exam 2023 Questions and

Answers (Verified Answers)

  1. what is Chapter FS 456?: Florida Statues, Health Professions and Occupa- tions: General Provision
  2. What is Chapter FS 486?: Florida Statues, Physical Therapy Practice Act
  • laws that govern safe practice in PT in Florida
  1. Rule 64B-17: Florida Administrative Code, Physical Therapy Rules
  • specific rules used to enhance the interpretation of the practice act
  1. 486.015: Legislative intent: Practice ensures that every physical therapist and physical therapist assistant practicing meet the minimum safety requirements
  2. 456.003: Legislative intent: The legislature shall regulate physical therapy to maintain safety and welfare of the public. a. The Department of Health and the board CANNOT set unreasonable standards

that would prevent qualified people from entering therapy. i. CANNOT create regulations that unreasonably affect job creation/retention.

  1. where do you find the definition of physical therapy and practice of phys- ical therapy?: 486.
  2. 486.021 (8) : Physical Therapy: (7 and 8): "Physical therapy" and "physiother- apy" are interchangeable terms as each refer to the same profession. 8. 486.021 (8): Practice of physical therapy (6) POC: i.A plan of care can be developed and implemented by a physical therapist, a practitioner of record (physician, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, dentist, podiatrist), or an advanced registered nurse practitioner. ii.If the condition is outside the scope of physical therapy the patient is to be referred to the appropriate professional. iii.Patients can be seen for 30 days through direct access for a condition that was not previously assessed by the practitioner of record. After 30 days, the practitioner of record must review and sign the plan of care.
  3. Does NOT apply if the patient has been diagnosed by an out of state physician as having a condition that requires physical therapy, AND the physical therapist is treating that condition.
  4. X-rays and radium for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes are outside the scope

of physical therapy.

iv. A physical therapy practitioner is NOT allowed to perform specific chiropractic spinal manipulations. Must refer to a licensed chiropractor practitioner if manipula- tion is required.

9. what are the practitioner of record? 458 459 460 461 464 466: - physician (medical doctor) 458

  • chiropractor 460
  • osteopathic physician 459
  • dentist 466
  • podiatrist 461
  • advanced registered nurse practitioner 464
  1. 486.021: Physical Therapist: : a person who is licensed and who practices physical therapy in accordance with the provisions established by Florida
  2. 486.021: Physical Therapist assistant: A person who is licensed under the provisions of Florida, and is able to perform patient-related activities under the direction of a physical therapist.
  3. 486.021: Physical Therapy practitioner: physical therapist or a physical ther- apist assistant.
  4. 64B17-6.001 (1): Unlicensed personnel: Anyone working/volunteering in a physical therapy setting, and not holding a license as a physical therapist or


  1. who issues physical therapy licenses?: 486.021 (3): a. Florida Physical Therapy Board issues physical therapy licenses 15. What talks about Licenses; active and inactive status; delinquency?: -
  2. A licensee must have what to practice?: A licensee MUST have an ACTIVE license to practice
  3. A licensee can choose what when renewing?: A Licensee can choose active, inactive, or retired status when renewing
  4. who sets the fees for status renewal?: The board sets the fees for both the active and inactive status renewal.
  • note renewal fee for inactive may not exceed fee for active status
  1. when can a licensee change their status?: Licensee may change licensure status at any time. 20. An active status licensee choosing inactive status: At the time of renewal any other time than renewal: At the time of renewal: must pay the
  • inactive status renewal fee,
  • if applicable, delinquency fee, and
  • the fee to change licensure status. any other time than renewal they must pay the fee to change licensure status Active status licensees choosing inactive status at any other time than at the time of license renewal must pay the fee to change licensure status
  1. An active status licensee or an inactive status licensee who chooses retired status at the time of license renewal must pay the retired status fee which ?: Fee to change to retired status shall NOT exceed $50 at time of license renewal.
  2. An active status licensee or inactive status licensee who chooses retired status at any time other than at the time of license renewal must pay: 1) the retired status fee
  1. a change-of-status fee. i. This fee (retired status fee) plus change-of-status fee must be paid if changing

to retired at any time other than the time of renewal.

  1. Inactive may change to active at any time (must meet all requirements): At the time of renewal: At the time of renewal: must pay the active status renewal fee.
  • any applicable reactivation fees as set by the board and, if applicable, the delinquency fee and the fee to change licensure status
  1. Inactive may change to active at any time (must meet all requirements): At any other time: At any other time: will only pay the difference between inactive renewal fee and the active renewal fee PLUS any reactivation fees.
  • fee to change licensure status
  1. what happens if licensee fails to renew before expiration?: If a licensee fails to renew before expiration they become delinquent. 26. Failure of a delinquent licensee to become active or inactive before the next renewal cycle (two years) renders the license They must apply for what? additional delinquency fee ?: - Failure of a delinquent licensee to become active or inactive before the next renewal cycle (two years) renders the license void.
  2. Must apply for NEW licensure to obtain active or inactive status. ii. Additional delinquency fee, not to exceed renewal fee. Each board, or the department if there is no board, shall by rule impose an additional delinquency fee, not to exceed the biennial renewal fee for an active status license, on a delinquent licensee when such licensee applies for active or inactive status.
  3. Active status applying for a change in status will incur what?: Active status applying for a change in status will incur an additional fee not to exceed the biennial renewal fee. Each board, or the department if there is no board, shall by rule impose an

additional fee, not to exceed the biennial renewal fee for an active status license, for processing a licensee's request to change licensure status at any time other than at the beginning of a licensure cycle

28. Inactive licensees that have been so for at least applying for active status may have to what?- : Inactive licensees that have been so for at least two consecutive biennial licen- sure cycles applying for active status may have to take a portion of the national exam or special purpose exam to ensure competency and safety.

  1. if retired for more than years or transferring from another state and has not been actively practicing within the last years. what can be required?: Same is true if retired for more than five years or transferring from another state and has not been actively practicing within the last 5 years. The entire national exam can be required.

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  1. who must met continuing education requirements?: ALL inactive licensees must meet continuing education requirements for all periods of inactivity before reactivation. i. Same is true for retired status licensees. Before the license of a retired status licensee is reactivated, the licensee must meet the same requirements for continuing education, if any, and pay any renewal fees imposed on an active status licensee for all biennial licensure periods during which the licensee was on retired status 31. T/F Status of a licensee does alter the right for the licensee to be disciplined for acts/omissions committed while holding a license: False Status of a licensee does NOT alter the right for the licensee to be disciplined for acts/omissions committed while holding a license
  2. A person who has been denied renewal of licensure or certification may regain licensure, certification, or registration if they what?: A person who has been denied renewal of licensure or certification may regain licensure, certification, or registration if they meet the qualifications and complete the application process for initial licensure
  3. what section has the requirements for reactivation of an inactive or retired license?: 64B17-5. 34. An inactive or retired licence will be reactivated once the following have been completed:

11 / 38 Payment fees Documentation: i. Payment of fees:

  1. Biennial (every 2 years) renewal fee.
  2. Unlicensed activity fee.
  3. Reactivation fee.
  4. change of status fee ii. Documentation of 10 hours of continuing education for each year the license was inactive with:
  5. Two hours on prevention of medical errors.
  6. Two hours of Florida Physical Therapy Laws and Rules.
  1. Maximum of six of the 10 hours can be home study. iii. Documentation showing the applicant is in good standing and has practiced in another state for the four years (at least 400 hours a year) preceding reactivation if transferring from out of state. iv. Proof of passage of the National Physical Therapy Examination.
  2. Direct Supervision: 486.021(9) & 64B17-6.001 (1)(e): Supervision that is characterized by the physical presence of a licensed physical therapist to be able to direct care. means supervision by a physical therapist who is licensed pursuant to this chapter. Except in a case of emergency, direct supervision requires the physical presence of the licensed physical therapist for consultation and direction of the actions of a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who is practicing under a temporary permit and who is a candidate for licensure by examination.
  3. General Supervision: 64B17-6.001 (1)(f): Supervision (PTA) in which the physical therapist is accessible at all times by two-way communication and available for consultation during treatment and in the same geographic location.
  4. what chapters talk about continuing education?: 486.109 and 64B17-9. 38. how many contact hours of continuing education is required? and when is it required?

when would you be exempt from these hours? required courses?: 24 contact hours of continuing education required every two year renewal period for active licenses (2.4 continuing education units). Exempt from hours if licensing occurs in the second half of the renewal period (except for prevention of medical errors and HIV/AIDS courses). With the exception of the required courses in the prevention of medical errors and HIV/AIDS, applicants who become licensed in the second half of the biennium are exempt from this continuing education requirement for their first renewal.

39. One contact hour = One continuing education unit =: One contact hour = 50 minutes. One continuing education unit = 10 contact hours. 10 contact hours = 1 CEU

  1. Maximum continuing education hours per subject area:: - Risk manage- ment: 5 hours.
  • HIV/AIDS education: 3 hours.
  • Prevention of medical errors: 3 hours.
  • Home study: 12 hours for active license.
  • Only 6 hours allowed with an inactive license. 41. Continuing education instructors will receive up to hours of credit for teaching. can professors be given contact hours when teaching their normal course?- : Continuing education instructors will receive up to 6 hours of credit for teaching. i. One contact hour for each hour presented. ii. Instructors/professors teaching their normal course of instruction will not be given continuing education hours. 42. Clinical instructors: Contact hours: Clinical instructors get 1 contact hour for 160 hours of clinical internship for a maximum of six contact hours.

i. Must be credentialed by the American Physical Therapy Association to receive credits.

  1. The board approves continuing education credit for:: i. Courses sponsored by physical therapy programs. ii. Courses sponsored/approved by:
  2. American Physical Therapy Association.
  3. Florida Physical Therapy Association. ii. Attendance at Florida Board meetings in which disciplinary cases are being heard if the licensee is not on the agenda. iv. Former Board members serving on the Board's Probable Cause Panel.
  1. They shall receive five contact hours of risk management credit for the renewal period during service on a panel. v. Passing Florida Laws and Rules Examination:
  2. Counts for two contact hours. a. Unless taking the exam due to disciplinary actions.
  3. All or a portion of hours required can be waived due to hardships or emergencies.: Acceptable hardships/emergencies include: i. Illness of self or close relative in which licensee has caregiving responsibilities. ii. Required courses not reasonably available. iii. Other economic, technological, or legal hardships related to the ability to complete continuing education requirements.
  4. Licensees must keep what after Continuing education courses?:. Li- censees must keep an official record (receipts, certificates, etc.) of the continuing education completed for four years from the date of completion. 46. Compliance with Continuing Education Requirements: Chapter? how are CEU tracked?: 456. a. Department will establish an electronic system to track licensee compliance with continuing education at time of renewal. b. Licensees cannot renew until they comply with all requirements
  1. 64B17-8.001: Requirements for Instruction on HIV/AIDS:: a. Licensees must complete at least 1 hour of HIV/AIDS education (board approved course or school coursework taken within five years of initial licensure date can count towards requirement). i. Must be completed by the first biennial renewal of the licensee. 48. 64B17-8.002: Requirements for Prevention of Medical Errors Education:- : a. Two contact hour medical error prevention course required every cycle. b. Courses can be completed via home study. c. Courses shall include concepts of error reduction and prevention, and patient safety. The class shall also contain the following:

i. Medical documentation and communication; ii. Contraindications and indications for physical therapy management; and, iii. Pharmacological components of physical therapy and patient management

49. 64B17-8.003: Requirements for Human Trafficking Education: course contains what? (6): a. Licensees licensed by January 1, 2021 MUST complete one hour of human trafficking education. i. Must be completed no later than January 1, 2021 b. Course is to be at least one hour and include ALL of the following: i. Sex trafficking, ii. Labor trafficking, iii. How to identify potential victims, iv. How to report cases, v. Resources available to victims, and vi. Signage posting requirements. c. This course can be completed via the home study program. 50. 486.085: Physical therapist; renewal of license; inactive status; reactiva- tion of license; fees Renewal fee not exceed how many hours required by an inactive license?

what must be paid before activation? what must be met prior to reactivation? Licensee can fulfill one of the following instead of the continuing education requirements:: a. Renewal fee not to exceed $200. b. For an inactive license no more than 10 classroom hours shall be required per year that a license is inactive c. All applicable fees must be paid before reactivation: i. Application fee, renewal fee, delinquency fee, and reactivation fee. d. All continuing education requirements must be met prior to reactivation.

i. Licensee can fulfill one of the following instead of the continuing education requirements:

  1. Practiced physical therapy in good standing in another state for four years preceding the filing for reactivation.
  2. Passes the licensing exam within five attempts.
  3. 486.108: Physical therapist assistant; Renewal of license; inactive status; reactivation of license; fees Renewal fee not exceed how many hours required by an inactive license? what must be paid before activation? what must be met prior to reactivation? Licensee can fulfill one of the following instead of the continuing education requirements:: a. Renewal fee not to exceed $ b. For an inactive license, no more than 10 classroom hours per year that the license was inactive are required. c. All applicable fees must be paid before reactivation: i. Application fee, renewal fee, delinquency fee, and reactivation fee. d. All continuing education requirements must be met prior to reactivation. i. Can fulfill one of the following instead of continuing education requirements for reactivation of an inactive license:
  1. Practiced physical therapy in good standing in another state for four years preceding filing of application
  2. Applies for and passes the licensing exam within a maximum of five attempts 52. 456.038: Renewal and Cancellation notice At least days prior to end of licensure cycle the department shall:: a. At least 90 days prior to end of licensure cycle the department shall: i. Forward renewal notification (whether active or inactive), or ii. Forward notice of pending cancellation of licensure to a delinquent licensee.

b. Each notification will state that a licensee that remains on inactive status for more than two consecutive renewal cycles and wishes to reactivate the license may need to show competency in order to resume practicing. by sitting for a special purpose examination or by completing other reactivation requirements, as defined by rule of the board or the department if there is no board.

  1. what was repealed?: 64B17-2.005 Biennial Renewal and Inactive Status; Delinquency; Reactivation; and Change of Status Fees 54. 64B17-6.004: Address of License Each licensee must what?: a. Each licensee must keep their current address on file with the Board of Physical Therapy Practice. b. Licensee must notify the Board in writing within 60 days moving. 55. Reinstatement of license: 65B17-7.003 Board shall reinstate a suspended license, or remove restrictions, once licensee has Licensee can petition for early reinstatement if the licensee: (3) To prove his/her ability to safely practice a licensee must submit evidence:: a. Board shall reinstate a suspended license, or remove restrictions, once licensee has complied with all terms and conditions. b. Licensee can petition for early reinstatement if the licensee: i. Has complied with all terms and conditions;

ii. Can practice therapy safely; and iii. Is in an undue hardship and the suspension is not necessary for continued protection of the public. c. To prove his/her ability to safely practice a licensee must submit evidence: i. Completion of any required continuing education unit, ii. Submission of evaluations of mental and/or physical well bearing, iii. Compliance with treatment plan, iv. Satisfaction of all criminal sanctions when applicable v. Licensee's employment history, references, and other factors that will demon- strate licensee's rehabilitation.

56. 486.135: False representation of licensure, willful misrepresentation or fraudulent representation to obtain license

a. Must have a physical therapy license (cannot be suspended or revoked) in order to use the following words implying that they are a physical thera- pist:: a. Must have a physical therapy license (cannot be suspended or revoked) in order to use the following words implying that they are a physical therapist: i. Physical therapist, ii. Physiotherapist, iii. Physical therapy, iv. Physiotherapy, v. Registered physical therapist, vi. Licensed physical therapist, vii. P.T., or viii. Any other words, letters, abbreviations, or insignia indicating they are a physical therapist. b. Must have a physical therapy license and a doctoral degree to use the letters "D.P.T." in connection with their name or place of business. c. Must have a physical therapy assistant license (cannot be suspended or revoked) in order to use the following words implying that they are a physical therapist assistant: i. Physical therapist assistant, ii. PTA, or iii. Any other words, letters, abbreviations, or insignia indicating or implying they are a physical therapist assistant.

iv. Unlawful for any person to obtain or attempt to obtain a license by any willful misrepresentation or any fraudulent representation.

57. 486.151: Prohibited acts; penalty a. Unlawful for any person to: Violations of this section are what?: i. Practice, or attempt to practice, physical therapy:

  1. Without a license or temporary permit.
  2. With a license that is suspended, revoked, or void. ii. Obtain, or attempt to obtain, a temporary or actual license via fraudulent misrepresentation. iii. Unlawful to identify as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant (title or abbreviation) if not a therapist or if license is suspended/revoked.