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Florida PT Jurisprudence Laws and Rules Exam 2023 Questions and
Answers (Verified Answers)
- Endorsement: licensure granted by the board persuant to the provisions of 486.081 or 486.
- Practitioner of record: 458 md 459 osteopathic 460 chiropractor 461 podiatrist 466 dentist
- Board of PT practice # of members: 7
- Board of PT practice members: 5 PTs (at least 4 years) - 1 may be a full time faculty member 2 never been licensed health care practioners
- Board of PT practice terms: 4 years
- How many times can you fail boards ANS 5 times
3 attempts and then educational training required then 2 more attempts allowed
- Requirements for temporary license (5): 1. application for permit
- graduate of US PT school
- application for licensure
- proof of malpractice insurance
- documentation of supervising therapist --must pass laws and rules?
- temporary license supervising therapist requirements: licensed at least 6 months. DIRECT supervision. cosign all records.
- Temporary permit voiding: 1. if does not pass NPTE
- within 6 months
- Reactivation of a license rules: 1. fee no greater than 200
- CEU requirements not greater than 10 hours for each year
- Has practiced 4 years in another state
- PAsses NPTE exam
- Continuing education requirements: 24 hours 12 can be online 2 prevention of medical errors (no more than 3) 1 HIV/AIDS (no more than 3)
no more than 5 hours of risk management
- Reasons to miss board meeting: court order, subpeona, death of family member, illness, hospitalization of immediate family Cannot miss more than 3 consecutive board meetings unless excused.
- Florida Statutes: PT - Chapter 486 other 456
- Florida administrative code: 64b
- Probable cause panel: 2 people - designate chair (2 members or 1 current and 1 past member)
- application fees: licensure by endorsement licensure by NPTE Laws and rules exam Initial licensure unlicensed activity fee biennial fee for active biennial fee for inactive retired status fee delinquent status fee
reactivate license change of status: licensure by endorsement 100 licensure by NPTE 100 Laws and rules exam 25 Initial licensure 75 unlicensed activity fee 5 biennial fee for active 75 biennial fee for inactive 50 retired status fee 50 delinquent status fee 55 reactivate license 50 change of status 40
- How many years must you have passed the NPTE and laws and rules to receive license ANS within 5 years
- Replication for license exam? laws and rules ANS DOH form #DOH- MQA 1143
- Requirements for reactivation of inactive license (4): 1. 10 hours of CE (no more than 6 at home)
- Medical errors precention for each biennium
- 2 hours specifically related to laws and rules within 1 year prior to reactivation
- proof of 24 hours of CE including med errors in the preceding biennium which the licensee held active license
- Spouses of military: Exempt from licensure renwal when out of state due to spouse's duties. Must document status and tell board within 6 mo of return. If at second half of biennium then exempt from CE.
- Program plan: establishment of objectives (goals) and specific remediation techniques
- Releasing info to a 3rd party not in actual care: Written consent from patient or legally authorized personnel
- Inquiries of patient prognosis from PTA: direct to PT
- Acute care PTA: PT will be readily and physically available for consultation to the PTA
- PTA employed under who needs general supervision by PT? under who needs direct ANS general: board certified orthopedic physician or physiatrist, chiro-practic physician certified in PT direct: any other physician than stated above.
- Min qualifications for perform electromyography (4): 1. must be trained
- formal education
- 200 hours of testing human subjects under direct supervision
- present evidence of 100 tests of neurologically involved patients
- Change of address: notify within 60 days
- Death of PT: 1. medical records must be available for 2 years after death
- must be published in newspaper at least 1 month after death
- TErmination or relocation of PT: 1. 2 years medical records be available
- Notice in newspaper no less than 4 times over 4 weeks
- SIgn placed outside office no less than 30 days prior to relocation
- Costs of duplicating medical records: first 25 pages $1/page over 25 = .25c/page reasonable costs of reproducing xrays
- Unable to practice with reasonable skill: 1,000 3 years probation PRN eval
- Obtain license with bribery: 500 2 years probation
- Guilt of crime relating to PT: 1500 6 months probation
- Treatment other than PT: 1000 1 year probation
- failure to maintain acceptable standards: 1000 letter of concern
- unlawful fee splitting: 1000 and/or 1 year probation
- negligent filing or false report: 1000 up to min 2 years probation
- offer practice beyond scope: 2500 and/or 1 year probation
- improper use of laser device: 2000 and/or 1 year probation
- Failure to comply with HIV/AIDS: 1000 and letter of concern
- Failure to report health care violator: letter of concern
- Improper delegation: 1000 and/or 6 months probation
- drug screen: 500 and/or 2 years probation
- Citations: requirement that subject correct violation within 60 days. Issued within 6 months after the filing of the complaint
- citation violations: 8: Advertising discounted services 200 Failure to turn over patient records 100 Obtaining license by bad check 100 Failing to report conviction 250 Failure to satisfy CE 300 - 1000 Failure to notify change of address 250 Failure to comply with audit of CE 250
Failure to pay fees 150
- Failure to complete CE fines: >9 hours 300 9 - 16 hours 600
16 1000
- Reinstatement of license when for definite period: upon expiration
- Reinstatement of license when ability to engage in safe practice: compli- ance with terms of final order and show ability to practice safely
- early Reinstatement of license when definite or indefinite - : petition with documentation of compliacne with final order and plan
- To show safety compliance: 10 hours of CE/year submission of mental or physical exam completion of substance treatment program
- How long to correct violation ANS 15 days
- HIV/AIDS requirement: 1 clock hour - online - first renewal of licensure modes of transmission, infection control, clinical management, prevention, florida law on AIDS
- Medical errors requirement: 2 contact hours - can be at home - each bienni- um medical documentation and communication, CI and indications for PT manage- ment, pharmacological components of PT and pt management. Study of root cause analysis,. error reduction and prevention, patient safety
- 1 contact hour: 50 minutes
- 1 CEU: 10 contact hours = 500 minutes
- CE approved 6: College/university 1 credit = 1 contact hour APTA sponsored courses FPTA sponsored courses Florida board meetings (50min = 1 contact hour) Probable cause council (5 hours) Laws and rules exam (2 hours)
- Excuses for not getting CEs 3: illness, courses not available, econom- ic/tech/legal hardships
- Notify department for missing board meeting 456: 5 days prior unless proof of emergency
- Who can limited licenses provide services to? 456: indigent, underserved or critical need populations within the state
- Who can challenge the validity of the examination? 456: Those that score 10% below min score
- Examination in another language 456: Must pay costs of translation and allow 6 months. 15 or more applicants must want the translation.
- Penalty for theft or reproduction of exam 456: 3rd degree felony
- Delinquent business license 456: must reapply within 6 months
- Prescription labeling 456: Must have name of practioner and license number on prescription. Name of practioner on bottle
- Financial interest disclosure 456: 1. tell pt about existence of financial inter- est
- name and address of the entity
- Pts right to obtain items/services
- 2 alternative sources
- post copy of disclosure and terms Violation is 1st degree misdemeanor
- Kickbacks 456: prohibited
- Legislative intent: every PT meets min requirements for safe practice
- Physical therapy definition: a person who is licensed and who practices PT in accordance with the provisions of this chapter 486
- Practice of PT definition: performance of assessment and treatment of hu- man beings or the prevention with physical, chemical or other properties of air, elec- tricity, exercise, massage and performance of acupuncture when no penetration of skin occures, radiant eneerfy (ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays), ultrasound, water. Implement plan of treatment.
- Direct acces # of days: 21
- sexual misconduct: prohibited.
- Grounds for denial of license: 1. illness or use of drugs
- fraud in PT or deceit in obtaining license
- convicted or guilty of crime related to PT
- failure to maintain acceptable standard of practice
- treating by other mens other than PT
- dividing transferring assigning rebating or refunding fees received for services
- having license revoked or suspended in antoher stat
- violating order from disciplinary hearing
- filing false report 10.practicing beyond scope
- viiolating 456
- If you vilate any provisions what penalty is it: first degree misdemeanor
- practice without active license
- use a license which is suspended or revoked
- otain license fraudulently
- use name PT unless licensed
- make false oath or affirmation
- conceal info relating to violations
- Injunctive relief: any person or the department in the name of the state may apply for injunctive relief int he court to enjoin any person from committing any act in violation of this chapter
- Practitioner disclosure of confidential info: immunity 456: shall not be civilly or criminally liable for the disclosure of confidential info to a sexual partner
or needle sharing partner under the following circumstances:
- if patient discloses the persons info
- the practitioner recommends the pt notify the partner and hte patient refuses
- adivses the partner reasonably and in good faith
- treatment programs for impaired practitioners 456:?
- document of authorization granted by the board and issued by the dept for a person to engage in PT practice: license
- T/F pt related activities performed by PTA for board cert ortho or physia- trist physician do not require onsite supervision by PT: TRUE
- T/F PT practitioner only includes PT and PTAs: TRUE
- what is involved in direct supervision: physical presence of licensed PT for those under temporary permit
- under what criteria can acupuncture be PT practice: no skin puncture
- what is the hour limit for license reactivation CEUs: 10
- Under what 3 conditions can license be reactivated: "1. Reactivation CEUs
- proof of practice in other state for 4 years prior:
- applies for and passes exam":
- how many hours of CEUs for renewal: 24 biennially
- 2 ways CEUs are approved: "1. by accredited PT/PTA college/university
- FPTA or APTA sponsored/approved":
- T/F A licensee against whom a petition is filed cannot be named or ID'd by initials in public records or documents and proceedings must be closed to the public: TRUE
- T/F The record of proceeding and orders by board may be used against a licensee in another proceeding.: False- cannot be used
- T/F You may be denied license or face disciplinary action if convicted or found guilty of a crime related to PT practice.: TRUE
- T/F You may be denied licensure or face disciplinary action for directly or indirectly dividing, transferring, assigning, rebating, or refunding fees received for services: TRUE
- T/F A PT cannot perform specific spinal manipulation.: False- PT cannot perform any interventions which he is not competent to perform
- T/F The board can opt to not reinstate a PT if he is deemed unqualified until he/she can present evidence of safety in PT practice: TRUE
- T/F It is illegal to conceal info relating to violations of FL laws/rules: True- illegal to knowingly conceal
- "Which of the following automatically revoked privilege to practice in FL::
- Inactive status:
- Injunctive status:
- Retired status:
- Delinquent status": Inactive, retired, and delinquent status
- What is the status of a license that is not renewed at the end of bienni- um ANS Delinquent status
- What happens when a delinquent licensee fails to become active or inactive prior to expiration of current licensure cycle ANS License is null
- What are the 4 requirements for reactivation of an inactive or retired license ANS "1. Documentation of 10 hrs cont ed (<6hrs home study)
- Medical errors prevention course:
- Laws and rules 2 hrs cont ed:
- Documentation 24 hrs approved cont ed":
- What is the policy for licensure renewal for spouses of members of armed forces ANS exempt from renewal provisions for period of time which licenseeis absent from the State of FL due to spouse's duties with Armed Forces
- What is procedure for license renewal exemption for military spouses?- : Licensee notifies Board within 6 months of return to FL or spouse's d/c from duty
- If military spouse utilizes exemption for renewal, what occurs if status change occurs within 2nd half of biennium ANS exempt from continuing ed re- quirement
- term for stage of illness or injury characterized by actual or reasonable potential for a rapid change in medical status that would affect the PT POC: acute care
- offering of info aimed at resolution of perceived problem: consultation
- term for authorization and empowerment by PT of PTA or unlicensed personnel to carry out actions subject to licensure: delegation
- term for observational, verbal, or manual determinations of the function of the MSK or neuromusuclar sys relative to PT (ROM, motor power, posture, biomech, locomotion, functional abilities): assessment
- term for spv of subordinate personnel performing actions subject to licensure pursuant to FL statutes while licensed supervisor is immediately physically available: direct spv
- term for spv of PT accessible at all times by 2-way communication enabling PT to respond to inquiry when made or readily available for con- sultation during care within same geographic location as assistant: general spv
- term for establishment of objectives/goals and specific remediation techniques: program plan
- term for conditions and performances essential for quality PT service and pt care: standards
- term for any individual not holding current license as PT or PTA: unli- censed personnel
- what is the primary concern of PT wrt delegation (3): pt safety, well-being, best interest
- T/F PTs and PTAs should safeguard the confidentiality of info and require verbal consent form pt to release info: False! Written consent
- T/F PTs should act as proxy for applicant in an exam for certification or registration: FALSE
- T/F PTs are responsible for giving referring practitioner with any info that will assist in determination of accurate medical dx: TRUE
- T/F A PT must implement POC dictated by referring practitioner even if contraindicated: false- PT should not implement POC contraindicated
- what is the PT to do if practitioner dictates contraindicated POC: Imme- diately notify referring practitioner that PT will not be following request with reasons for refusal
- T/F PTA is responsible for IDing level of acuity of illness: False- PT responsibility
- T/F PT is responsible for assessment, IDing level of acuity of illness, planning pt's treatment program, and implementing and directing program- : TRUE
- T/F PT must be available for consultation at all times: TRUE
- T/F PTs are required to provide on-site SPV when students are perform- ing pt care: TRUE
- When PTs are participating in student/trainee programs, by whom must the program be approved ANS "1. Council on Postsecondary Accreditation OR
- US Dept of Education":
- T/F PTA may initiate or change treatment independently: False- requires approval of PT
- T/F PTA shall not provide services to pt in acute phase of injury/illness or inpt in hospital unless PT is physically available for consultation: TRUE
- T/F PTA shall report all untoward pt responses or changes in medical status to PT: TRUE
- T/F PTA can answer pt inquiries regarding prognosis: False- must be referred to PT
- In what form must PT be available to PTA during non-acute and outpa- tient pt care ANS at all times by telecommunication within same geographic location
- T/F The PT shall not delegate portions of skilled PT to any personnel
lesser trained than PTA: TRUE
- T/F PTs are not responsible for special knowledge and skills implicit in school settings: False- PTs shall keep abreast of special knowledge and skills implicit in school settings and shall practice in accordance with previous stated standards
- Unlicensed personnel cannot be utilized to perform treatment.: False- can under direct SPV of PT or PTA
- under what kind of SPV must a PTA employed by a board cert ortho physician or physiatrist or chiro with physiotherapy cert be ANS general SPV
- under what kind of SPV must a PTA not employed by a board cert ortho physician or physiatrist or chiro with physiotherapy cert be ANS onsite
- In what 3 things must a PT be trained and competent in prior to perform- ing EMG as an aid to dx ANS "1. Inserting and adjusting electrodes
- Reading and IDing normal and abnormal signals on the grid:
- Interpreting audible signals":
- A PT must have no less than formal ed within accredited institution in what 5 areas ANS "1. Human dissection
- Human physiology:
- Neurology:
- Neuro-anatomy & neuro-phys:
- Pathological conditions":
- To perform EMG, how much testing on human subjects and under what kind of SPV is required ANS 200hrs, direct SPV of licensed physician or PT who is qualified with 100 tests on neuro pts with corroborated findings with licensed individual
- within how many days of address change must the Board office be notified ANS 60 days
- Any PT/PTA responsible for pt medical records must do what ANS ensuremaintenance of those records at least 2 yrs after death
- Within 1 month from death of PT/PTA, the executor must issue a notice how and indicating what ANS Through general circulation in the county of the PT/PTA practice, indicating records available to pt/clients at a specific time & place
or will be destroyed in 4 weeks
- How many times must notice of date of termination/relocation of pt records be published upon relocation/termination? Where else must this be posted ANS 4x over 4 wks; conspicuous location in the office for at least 30 days
- What is the reasonable cost for 25 pages of pt record ANS $1 / pg
- What is the reasonable cost for >25 pages of pt record ANS $0.25 / pg
- What is the reasonable cost for XRay and imaging ANS the actual cost""
- What kind of medication can be administered by a PT ANS topical meds
- Whose responsibility is it to define and delineate ed, training, and expe - rience required to perform duties within PT practice setting in writing as part of policies and procedures ANS PT
- T/F PTAs can delegate revision of goals: false- PT must establish and revise PT goals
- T/F PTAs can complete pt progress notes as long as they are signed by the PT: false- PTs shall not delegate PT progress notes
- term for the provision of guidance or oversight by PTs or PTAs for accomplishment of delegated tasks: supervision
- How many hours of HIV/AIDS courses must be attained biennially ANS 1 hour
- What 5 subject areas must courses on HIV/AIDS include ANS "1. Modes oftransmission
- Infection control:
- Clinical Management:
- Prevention:
- FL law on AIDS":
- How many hours of medical error prevention must be completed bien- nially ANS 2 hours
- What 3 areas should be encompassed by medical error prevention courses ANS "1. Documentation/communication
- Contraindications and indications for PT management:
- Pharm components of PT practice":
- T/F Applicants who become licensed in the second half of the biennium
are exempt from CEU reqs for first renewal.: TRUE
- 1 CEU = clock hours: 10
- T/F Courses in the basic sciences counts as CEU material.: TRUE
- How many hours of risk management is acceptable per biennium ANS - <=5hrs
- Up to how many hours are allowed for home study during a biennium?- : <=12 hrs
- Course instructors can receive how many hours per biennium ANS <=6hrs
- T/F Instructors teaching their normal course of instruction receive con- tact hours toward cont ed: FALSE
- Continuing education credits are available for attendance at Board meet- ings where disciplinary cases are being heard if not present for another purpose: TRUE
- What credits do Probable Cause Panel Board Members receive ANS 5 hrsrisk management