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Florida Restricted Barber Exam Latest Version
2024 Complete Solutions
- Tonsure Style worn by clergymen during the Middle Ages
- Peter the Great Historical figure who imposed tax on beards
- 1163 The year barber-surgeons began practicing after they took over the role of physician and surgeon from the clergy
- Company of Barber-Surgeons In 1540, Henry VIII recombined the barbers and surgeons of London through an Act of Parliament by granting a charter to the __________.
- Dutch and Swedish European settlers that brought Barber-Surgeons to America
- Terminal methods system In the early 1900s in New York City, what system outlined strict disinfection and cleaning practices?
- National Association of Barber Boards of America The organization that develops standards for licensing and policing the barber industry is the:
- Professional Responsibility The Associated Master Barbers and Beauticians of America (AMBBA) adopted the barber code of ethics to promote
- Mission Statement
cultural pulse for organizations often comes from the
- discretion An example of ________ is never breaching confidentiality by repeating personal information
- Straight When standing, your spine should be in what position
- 60 degrees At what angle should your arms be positioned when holding them away from your body while working?
- knees To sit correctly in a balanced position, the seat of the chair should be even with your
- organize your thoughts In the barbershop, what is the first communication step to help you determine your client's service expectations?
- professional attitute Your _____ is expressed through self esteem and confidence and the respect you show others
- communications establishing a professional online image is an essential ______ attribute
- OSHA standands What standards address issues relation to right to know about any potentially hazardous ingredients and how to avoid these hazards?
- Rules
_______establish specific standards of conduct and can be changed or updated frequently
- Phenolics tuberculocidal disinfectant
- bacterial spores disinfection is not effective against
- staphylocci What type of bacteria are pus forming and grow in clusters like bunches of grapes?
- pneumonia Diplococci are spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause diseases such as
- Cocci What type of bacteria rarely demonstrate self movement and are transmitted in the air, dust or within the substance in which they settle?
- form spores During the inactive stage, certain bacteria can
- bacteria single-celled microorganisms that have both plant and animal characteristics
- food poisoning Staph bacteria are responsible for __________.
- binary fission The division of bacteria cells into two new cells called daughter cells.
- MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)
a mutated strain of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus that is resistant to the antibiotic, methicillin.
- The body's defense mechanisms One action of the biofilm community is to resist
- Biofilms Which of the following keep the body in a chronic inflammatory state that is painful and inhibits healing?
- pesticides Disinfectants are _______________ and can be harmful if absorbed through the skin.
- autoclave effective sterilization typically requires the use of a(n) ________
- detergents What should you never mix with bleach?
- Phenolic disinfectants Which of the following are a form of formaldehyde, have a very high pH, and can damage the skin and eyes?
- petroleum distallates ________ are excellent and removing grime and oils from metals
- phenolics Which of the following are known carcinogens?
- alcohol What is not a disinfectant for surfaces or implements?
- Universal Precautions
First introduced in 1987 to reduce the spread of transmission of blood borne pathogens within the healthcare setting
- asymptomatic in most instances, people infected with hepatitis B virus or other blood borne pathogens are
- spray hose At the shampoo bowl, be careful how you handle
- 130 Water heaters should not be set at higher than _______________ degrees Fahrenheit.
- inactive the presence of soap in most disinfectants will cause them to become
- clusters staphylococci are pus-forming bacteria that grow in
- Spore test What is the accepted method for testing an autoclave?
- Accidental release measures Lists emergency procedures, protective equipment; proper methods of containment and clean up.
- semi-convex What type of blade consists of a convex blade that has a bevel ground onto the blade edge?
- offset
what handle design has a shorter thumb shank to reduce overextension and is considered to be more ergonomically correct?
- Chunking Shears that create pattens and texture in hair
- Cuticle When holding shears, you should insert the tip of your thumb into the grip no further than your
- Thick, coarse or damp An electric clipper with a pivot motor would be used to cut what type of hair?
- magnetic in what type of electric clipper motor do the blades pull in one direction?
- haircutting If the razor handle is in a straightened position with the thumb and first two fingers almost touching at the shank, this is what technique?
- shaving if the ball of the thumb and first two fingers are positioned on the flat side of the shanks with the handle pivoted up to allow the little finger to rest on the tang, this is the technique for ________
- with a smooth, steady grip A keen razor edge has fine teeth & tends to dig into a thumbnail ____________.
- moderate what pace is preferred when stropping
- conventional (marcel) iron
Which of the following requires the use of a stove to heat it?
- galvanic What machine introduces water-soluble products into the skin during a facial?
- histology the study of the microscopic structure of tissues
- protoplasm A colorless, jelly-like substance found inside cells in which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and water are present.
- nucleus what part of the cell plays an important part in cell reproduction and metabolism?
- daughter cells Mitosis is the usual process of cell reproduction of human tissues that occurs when the cell divides into two identical cells called
- Cytoplasm what part of the cell is needed for growth, reproduction and self-repair?
- blood example of connective tissue is:
- neurons nerve tissue is composed of special cells known as:
- sphenoid joins all of the bones of the cranium together
- zygomatic also known as malar or cheekbones
- serve as attachments for internal organs One of the primary suctions of the skeletal system is to:
- humerus The largest bone of the upper arm, extends from the elbow to the shoulder
- insertion the part of the muscle that moves and is farthest away from the skeleton
- thorax what bone framework serves as a protective covering for the heart, lungs, and other internal organs?
- Faradic Current Muscular tissue may be stimulated by electric current, which may be either high- frequency or
- Occipilalis muscle that draws the scalp backward
- Risoris smiling muscle
- helps extend the arm away from the body latissimus dorsi muscle
- Covers the entire back of the upper arm and extends the forearm tricep
- supinator Muscle of the forearm that rotates the radius outward and the palm upward
- skull
immovable joint
- integumentary system Body system helps regulate temperature
- endocrine type of glands that release hormonal secretions directly into the bloodstream
- lymph helps carry wastes and impurities away from the cells before it is routed back to the circulatory system
- Lymphatic/Immune System The spleen is part of what system?
- veins Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
- adductors Return the limb back toward the body
- afferent Sensory nerves
- maxillary Nerve that supplies impulses to the upper part of the face
- endocrine the body system that affects growth, development, sexual functions and health of the entire body
- provide a suitable fluid environment for the cells
One of the primary functions of the lymphatic/immune system is to
- natural covering The word integument means
- phalages bones of the fingers and toes
- occipital what artery supplies blood to the skin and muscles of the scalp and back of the head up to the crown?
- capillaries what blood vessels bring nutrients to the cells and carry away waste?
- accessory which nerves are affected during facial massage?
- hyoid a U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue muscles
- nerves Whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue
- Organic all living things and those that were once alive, carbon containing
- inorganic metals, minerals, water, air, ammonia are all examples of __________ siubstances
- 98 out of the 118 elements, how many are naturally occurring on Earth?
- reduction refers to either the loss of oxygen or the addition of hydrogen
- redox A combination of reduction and oxidation reactions.
- endothermic A chemical reaction that requires the absorption of energy or heat from an external source
- surfactant allows oil and water to mix or emulsify by reducing surface tension
- cold cream water in oil emulsion
- emulsion a suspension of one liquid dispersed in another
- anion A negatively charged ion
- Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (Quats) Common cationic ingredient used in dandruff shampoos
- epilator removes hair by pulling it out of the follicle
- mousses Styling aids typically consist of polymer and resin formulations that are designed to give the hair body and texture, an example is ___________.
- 35%
astringents may have an alcohol content up to what %?
- electricity What can move through or across matter and space
- rheostat adjustable resistor used for controlling the current in a circuit
- Volt measures Electrical pressure
- fuse original safety device that prevents overheating of electrical wires
- galvanic what type of current is a DC (low voltage)
- iontopheresis The process of infusing water-soluble products into the skin with the use of electric current, such as the use of the positive and negative pole of a galvanic machine.
- Desincrustation Process used to soften and emulsify sebum and blackheads in the follicles.
- Tesla high-frequency current violet ray, A thermal or heat producing current with a high rate of oscillation or vibration that is commonly used for scalp and facial treatments
- gamma rays used in nuclear power plants and cancer treatment
- violet, red shortest and longest wavelength within the visible spectrum of light
- ultraviolet known as cold light or actinic light
- light emitting diode Abbreviated LED; a medical device used to reduce acne, increase skin circulation, and improve the collagen content in the skin.
- blue when using LEDs, what color treats acne, tine, seborrhea and dandruff?
- Stratum Corneum outer layer of the epidermis
- Reticular layer of the dermis that contains lymph glands
- Nervous system controls activity of sweat glands
- Vesicle Small blister or sac containing clear fluid, lying within or just beneath the epidermis.
- impetigo example of a bulla
- nail biting An excoriation might be caused by
- vesicles dermatitis lesions may appear in various forms, such as
- bromhidrosis Foul smelling perspiration
- lentigines Technical term for freckles
- leukoderma caused by a burn, scar, inflammation or disease that destroys the pigment producing cells
- basal cell carcinoma Most common and least severe type of skin cancer; often characterized by light or pearly nodules.
- vitamin c what vitamin is important to skin and tissue repair
- Vitamin e Helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's UV light.
- 90% Basal cell carcinoma has what % survival rate with early diagnosis and treatment?
- dermal papilla the lower part of the hair bulb that is hollow, fits over and covers the _____
- every 4 to 5 months how often are eyebrows and eyelashes replaced?
- alopecia areata Autoimmune disorder that causes the affected hair follicles to be mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system
- catagen In what stage of hair growth does the club hair begin forming?
- monilethrix Technical term for beaded hair
- ringworm tinea
- Sycosis vulgaris Chronic bacterial infection of the bearded areas of the face
- Pseudofolliculitis barbae medical term for razor bumps
- barbers itch folliculitis barbae
- carbuncle acute, deep seated bacterial infection in subcutaneous tissue