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Florida State Fire Fighting Exam-with 100% verified solutions-2024.docx
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what is the mission of the fire service To save lives and protect property What NFPA standard establishes basic training criteria for Firefighter I and Firefighter II? 1001 a is a collection of rules enacted by law in a particular jurisdiction code which of the following best describes the action first taken after an alert to the station? dispatching of emergency services responders The use of ten-codes in radio transmissions was replaced when agencies began to adopt which of the following? national incident management system (NIMS) What task may a telecommunications center be assigned during a progress report? providing periodic time transmissions which of the following must be considered when deciding the size of a collapse zone type of building construction and safest location for personnel what time of reaction absorbs energy as it occurs
endothermic which of the following best describes when SARs are used for confined space rescues and technical rescue incidents which of the following SCBA components warns when the system is reaching 20-25% of cylinder capacity end of service time indicators When donning SCBA, all straps on the harness assembly and facepiece should be: fully extended Which types of SCBA air cylinders are tested every five years? steel and aluminum which of the following best describes when an SCBA cylinder needs to be replaced during inspection if cylinder contains less than 90% of capacity which of the following types of rope is the only rope required to have a rope log life safety rope which part of the rope is used to tie a knot or hitch working Which type of knot can be used to secure a victims hands or feet to drag the victim to safety. handcuff
Once a search is complete, a firefighter should: report promptly to the supervisor. What are the two objectives for a structural search? search for life assess fire condition in the acronym LUNAR, the A stands for assignment which of the following best describes the result of running a generator for a long period of time without a load will overheat and damage generator which rescue tool power source is typically powered by pumps hydraulic what stabilizing tool uses a system of at least three posts wedged between the ground and a vehicle resting on its side or top buttress tension system hybrid vehicles that use color coded wiring use to mark high voltage wiring orange When using a strut and buttress tension system, firefighters must ensure all parts have a safety margin that is: in excess of the weight being secured
What type of extrication method is used to stabilize a vehicle that is upside down or lying on its side? butters tension system What initial action is the next priority after stabilizing the scene? stabilize the victim what type of structural collapse occurs when the floor and/or roof assemblies on both sides of a load-bearing wall collapse, allowing a good chance of victim survival A-frame in the OATH method of signaling on a search line, two tugs represents A-Advance which of the following is an example of a push/pull tool pike pole Cutting edges on axes should be inspected for: chips, cracks, or spurs. when caring for an unprotected metal surface, use a metal file to
remove burrs from cutting edge NFPA 1931 requires that single, roof combination and extension ladders must support a maximum load of 750 lbs (340kg) Ground ladders should be service tested before being placed in service, while in service, and after use that exposes the ladder to high heat or rough treatment. once each year which of the following describes the best placement of a ladder to be used for entry or rescue from a window ladder tip slightly below sill, or wedged under sill lip which of the following is a reason that modern construction may tend to contain fires for longer periods of time energy efficient designs What should a firefighter do before stepping off a ladder, parapet wall, or other place of safety onto the roof of a burning building, especially if the roof surface is obscured by smoke or darkness? sound the roof for structural integrity by striking with an axe
what type of hose is designed for drafting water from state water supplies or connecting to a fire hydrant hard-suction hose what type of fire hose damage can weaken the jacket which can lead to ruptures under pressure organic damage which of the following equipment is necessary for service testing nozzles with shutoff valves the test site for service testing should be on a slight grade which of the following procedures should be followed when service testing fire hose stand away from the discharge valve connection when charging hose Which action of fire fighting foam creates a barrier between the fuel and the fire? separating Foam lowers surface tension of water, allowing it to fires in class A materials penetrate
Class A foam extinguishes and/or prevents ignition by: allowing water to penetrate fuels when applied to solid fuels, class A foam blankets the fuel, controls flames, then breaks down, releasing water to cool the fuel class B foams are especially effective on hydrocarbon fuels and polar solvents the degree of foam expansion depends on the type of foam concentrate, accurate proportioning, quality of the foam concentrate and method of aeration which of the following statements about Class A foam concentrates is MOST accurate class A foam reduces the surface tension of water, allowing better water Flammable liquids that mix readily with water are: polar solvents Which foams are required to extinguish fires of ethanol or ethanol-based fuels?
alcohol-resistant foams which of the following statements about foam proportioning is MOST accurate mixing Class A foam at a higher recommended percentage results in a thick, dry foam which of the following proportioning methods depends on the Venturi principle to draw foam through a hose connected to the foam concentrate container and into the water stream eduction which of the following statements about foam proportioners and delivery systems is most accurate the foam proportioner and delivery system must be compatible to proceed usable foam which of the following statements about foam hazards is most accurate some foam concentrates and their vapors may be harmful if inhaled the deployment of a master stream devices requires a minimum of two firefighters If a vehicle using ethanol or methanol is on fire, use only to extinguish. alcohol resistant class B foam
Which kind of ground cover fire is slow moving and smoldering? ground fire which kind of ground cover fire burns on the soil surface, consuming low-lying grass, shrubs, and other vegetation surface fire which of the following is a long narrow strip of fire extending from the main fire finger What rule can be amended if a life safety hazard to a victim that can be saved without undue risk to firefighters is present on scene? two in, two out rule What fireground role is defined as the one that works to locate and assist firefighters trapped during operations? rapid intervention crew/team What fire ground role should be two or more members wearing complete PPE and respiratory protection with purpose of locating firefighters incapacitated during operation? rapid intervention crew/team
which of the following best describes the flash point of flammable liquids less than 100 degrees (38 degrees Celsius) where should apparatus be located at a class B fire upwind and uphill of the incident Water as a mechanical tool can move to where they can burn safely. class B fuels techniques for extinguishment at bulk transport vehicle fires are similar to fires in flammable fuel storage facilities which of the following best describes a way to determine the nature of cargo at a bulk transport vehicle fire use bills of lading or placards which of the following best describes approach and staging techniques used at flammable gas incidents approach from and stage on the upwind side
which of the following best describes the process taken at flammable gas incidents if gas is burning use hose streams to protect exposures if needed Control of all evidence must be maintained as part of the required in legal cases. chain of custody which of the following may appear on floors and indicate where fuel burned in that location charring which of the following decides what evidence is collected fire investigator Who has legal responsibility for determining origin and cause of a fire? fire chief responsibility for can lie with state fire marshal, state police, or other state agency fire cause Once the control of scene has been relinquished, personnel can only re-enter after: securing permission from owner
Which alarm system component serves as the "brain" for the fire alarm system? fire alarm control panel the fire alarm control panel contains electronics that control and monitor the fire alarm system. the fire command center consolidates all fire protection system controls for a structure in one room. In which type of sprinkler system does air or nitrogen under pressure replace the water in the sprinklers above a valve? dry pipe system which of the following statements about dry-pipe sprinkler systems is most accurate accelerators and exhausters are quick opening devices that allow air to exit and water to enter the pipes quickly which of the following statements best describes an automatic dry standpipe system water is admitted to the system upon opening of the hose valve
Which heat detector uses two metals, one which expands faster than the other when heated, to break a circuit and send a signal to the fire alarm control panel? bimetallic detector the is the vertical piping to which the one way check valve, alarm valve, and main drain are attached riser the sprinkler system feed main is the pipe connecting the riser to the cross mains Sprinklers' temperature ratings can be identified by: the color coded sprinkler frame arms which of the following emergency scene lighting equipment has the disadvantage of contaminating the scene with exhaust fumes if the vehicle is not positioned downwind vehicle mounted generator What type of company is responsible for forcible entry? truck company Knowing types of doors and door hardware can help firefighters:
select correct forcible entry tools what classification of portable fire extinguisher is used for fires that involve combustible liquids and gases class B what classifications of portable fire extinguisher is used for fires that involve combustible metals and alloys class D which of the following factors is a primary reason that firefighters should not create tactical ventilation openings in an uncoordinated manner can spread fire to uninvolved areas any power tool not marked double insulated should have a three prong plug which of the following is a telecommunications system public safety answering point (PSAP) which of the following regulates all radio communication in the united states federal communications commission (FCC)
which of the following is a radio communications best practice speak with a loud, controlled, clear voice which of the following should be in an arrival report correct address of the incident which of the following provides the telecommunications center with a continuous record of actions at scene progress report what does the national fire incident reporting system (NFIRS) do outlines necessary information needed to complete incident reports What portable fire extinguisher rating is based on the approximate square foot (square meter) area of flammable liquid a nonexpert operator can extinguish? class B rating What survival action includes steps that can be performed before communicating a MAYDAY? seeking safe haven