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FMF Final Exam | Exam Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+), Exams of Military leadership

Semper Fidelis - ✔✔Always Faithful (Adopted ~1883) 1775 - ✔✔TUN TAVERN, PHILLY, PA, 2 BN Eagle, Globe and Anchor (Marine Corps Emblem): - ✔✔centered on the breast insignia-is the center of the device. Makes a clear statement that the wearer is a member of the Navy Marine Corps Team. First to fight - ✔✔Marines at the forefront of every American war since its founding (1775) 300+ foreign shore landings Leatherneck - ✔✔Leather stock neck piece worn 1775-1875 to protect from sabers No longer used, commemorated by standing collar on dress blue/white Devil Dog - ✔✔Battle of Belleau Wood, 1918 Marne River France From German teufelhunden Esprit de corps = unit pride - ✔✔Devotion and loyalty to Marine Corps with deep regard for history/traditions

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Download FMF Final Exam | Exam Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) and more Exams Military leadership in PDF only on Docsity! FMF Final Exam | Exam Actual Questions and Answers Latest Updated 2024/2025 (Graded A+) Semper Fidelis - ✔✔Always Faithful (Adopted ~1883) 1775 - ✔✔TUN TAVERN, PHILLY, PA, 2 BN Eagle, Globe and Anchor (Marine Corps Emblem): - ✔✔centered on the breast insignia-is the center of the device. Makes a clear statement that the wearer is a member of the Navy Marine Corps Team. First to fight - ✔✔Marines at the forefront of every American war since its founding (1775) 300+ foreign shore landings Leatherneck - ✔✔Leather stock neck piece worn 1775-1875 to protect from sabers No longer used, commemorated by standing collar on dress blue/white Devil Dog - ✔✔Battle of Belleau Wood, 1918 Marne River France From German teufelhunden Esprit de corps = unit pride - ✔✔Devotion and loyalty to Marine Corps with deep regard for history/traditions Examples = Enthusiasm, unit pride, unit reputation, competitive unit, "Uncommon valor was a common virtue" - ✔✔Admiral Nimitz speaking on Marines fighting ability on Iwo Jima 10 NOV 1775 - ✔✔USMC Founding, Tun Tavern, Philadelphia Continental Congress raised 2 battalions under CAPT Samuel Nicolas, 1st CMC of USMC b. 1776 - ✔✔First Marine landing i. Revolutionary War, New Providence Bahamas c. 1798 - ✔✔Congress makes USMC separate military service d. 1805 - ✔✔Shores of Tripoli, Barbary pirates, Derma First time "star and stripes" raised in eastern hemisphere e. 1847 - ✔✔Halls of Montezuma, Battle of Chapultepec, Mexico City f. 1859 = - ✔✔Robert E. Lee storm armory at Harpers Ferry i. Put down John Brown abolitionist led slave revolt g. 1861 - ✔✔Primarily naval detachments during Civil War c. Women in USMC - ✔✔= 1918 n. 1933 - ✔✔USMC re-organized into FMF o. 1950 - ✔✔Inchon landing, Amphibious Raid 1st time helos used in combat Battle of the Chosin Reservoir Fought through 7/10 Korean divisions, tactical withdrawal, all people/gear 23 Oct 1983 - ✔✔Lebanon truck bombing of HQ (killed 241) q. 1990/1991 - ✔✔Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm a. 1STLT Presley O'Bannon - ✔✔1805 i. Tripoli, first to hoist US flag over old world territory, Mameluke sword b. BGEN Archibald Henderson - ✔✔Grand Old Man of Marine Corps" i. Commandant from 1820 til death in 1859 1. Introduced higher standards of appearance, training, and discipline c. SGTMAJ John Quick - ✔✔i. MOH - Guantanamo Bay for emergency lift under Spanish/American shelling d. SGTMAJ Daniel Daly - ✔✔i. 2 MOH - (1) Chinese Boxer Rebellion, (2) First Caco War in Haiti ii. Belleau Wood - "Come on you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever" e. MGEN Smedley Butler - ✔✔i. 2 MOH = (1) Veracruz, (2) First Caco War in Haiti f. MGEN John Lejeune - ✔✔13th Commandant 1920-1929 i. First Marine to command Army division in combat (WWI, France 1918) g. LGEN Lewis "Chesty" Puller - ✔✔i. Nicaragua, "Tiger of the Mountains," force of ~30 Marines, Most decorated Marine h. CAPT Joseph Foss - ✔✔i. MOH - Pilot at Guadalcanal, #1 Ace w/ 26 kills i. Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington - ✔✔i. Black Sheep Squadron, WWII ACE j. CPL Ira Hayes - ✔✔i. Pima Indian, second flag raising at Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima k. PVT Opha Johnson - ✔✔i. First enlisted woman, 13 AUG 1918 l. CWO Annie Grimes - ✔✔i. 3rd black female Marine, first to retire after "full 20" m. BGEN Margaret Brewer - ✔✔i. 1st woman General, 11 MAY 1978 n. Molly Marine - ✔✔i. New Orleans statue honoring female Marines b. 1815 - ✔✔Battle of New Orleans i. GEN Andrew Jackson defeats British forces (lost 100, killed 2,000) a. 1814 - ✔✔Battle of Bladensburg i. 103 Marine/400 Sailors block force of 4,000 British from advancing on Marine Corps Emblem = EGA - ✔✔Present form adopted in 1868 Eagle = proud country Globe = global service Fouled Anchor = maritime traditions b. Scarlet Trouser Stripe - ✔✔Blood stripe" (1798, reappeared 1840-59) i. May represent bloodshed at Battle of Chapultepec c. Quatrefoil Officer Cover Emblem - ✔✔i. Fashion of the day, may be for sharpshooters to recognize friendly from above i. 3RDMARDIV, 3RDMLG, 1STMAW ii. MARFORPAC MEU = 31st d. IVMARDIV = New Orleans MAGTF Organization - ✔✔Four Functional Components CE = HQ, Command and control GCE = Kill on ground, reinforced with arty, recon, armor, engineers ACE = Kill from air, logistics LCE = Logistics supportDefine MAGTF: Marine Air Ground Task Force: MAGTF: it is the USMC's principle organizational concept for the conduct of all missions Balanced, combined-armed forces with organic ground, aviation and sustainment elements. They are flexible, task organized forces that can respond rapidly to anywhere in the world, conducting a variety of missions. Core elements of the MAGTF are: Command Element, Ground Combat Element, Air Combat Element Logistics Combat Element They are flexible, task organized forces that can respond rapidly to a contingency anywhere in the world. MAGTF examples: MEF, MEB, MEU, Special MAGTF (Katrina) KNOW THIS!!!! Question: Name 2 specific characteristics of every MAGTF? Answer: That they are flexible and task organized! SPMAGTF - ✔✔1. Temporarily formed for specific mission Elements of a MAGTF - ✔✔MEF = largest and most powerful of the MAGTF's (90 days) CE (MHG) / DIV reinforced / MAW / MLG MEB = Premier force for small-scale contingencies CE / REG / MAG / CLR (30 days) MEU (SOC) CE / BN / SQ / CLB (15 days) HQMC - ✔✔Commandant of USMC and staff agencies to furnish professional assistance to the Secretary, Under Secretary, Assistant Secretaries of Navy MCCDC (Quantico) - ✔✔Develop fully integrated Marine Corps war fighting capabilities to enable field combat-ready forces Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC). Know what it does and where it is located. Based at Quantico, Va, Commanded by LT Gen George Flynn, It develops Marine Corps war fighting concepts in the area of doctrine, organization, training and equipment. c. MARCORSYSCOM (Quantico - ✔✔i. Principle agent for equipping operational forces to accomplish mission Mission and Purpose of Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) - ✔✔Directly support national maritime strategy of protecting key naval chokepoints Implement controls Administrative = warning, signs, policies, training, limiting exposure Supervise Engineering = design, materials PPE Preserving life and preventing damage/injury Hearing Conservation MH Screen PPE - ✔✔The use of PPE is the last recourse for a commander to protect personnel from identified hazards and to manage associated risk. When and what necessary, proper use, proper care, limitations Helmet, ear pro, boots, glasses, gas mask IV. Four General Classes of Fires - ✔✔a. Class A i. Solid substance (wood, paper) = Water, if deep-seated AFFF b. Class B i. Liquids (oil, gas) = AFFF, Halon, or PKP c. Class C i. Electrical = CO2, d. Class D i. Combustible metals (mg, titanium) = High or Low velocity fog upwind 104 Operational COC - ✔✔104 POTUS SECDEF USNORTHCOM-GEN ROBINSON MARFORCOM-GEN WISSLER II MEF-MG MILLER II DIV- MG LOVE 10 REG- COL MCDONOUGH HQ BTRY-CAPT SARANGESE b. Service COC - ✔✔POTUS SECDEF SECNAV-SEAN STACKLEY COMMANDANT- LG NELLER MARFORCOM-GEN WISSLER II MEF-MG MILLER II DIV-MG LOVE 10 REG-COL MCDONOUGH HQ BTRY-CAPT SARANGESE c. SECDEF - ✔✔Subject only to the orders of POTUS i. Command and control over all Department of Defense d. SECNAV - ✔✔Statutory authority (10 U.S.C. § 5013) i.e. CEO i. Conduct all the affairs of the Department of the Navy e. Combatant Commands - ✔✔composed of forces from at least two Military Departments and has a broad and continuing mission **Know Marine Forces Command: Marine Forces Command (MARFORCOM), Marine Corps Forces, Pacific (MARFORPAC), Marine Corps Forces Europe (MARFOREUR), Marine Corps Forces Central (MARCENT). f. USMC Commandant - ✔✔highest-ranking officer in the United States Marine Corps i. Member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. B. Command of Aircraft and Missiles C. Electronic Warfare D. Anti-air Warfare E. Offensive Air Support F. Air Recon III. Marine Air Wing (MAW) - ✔✔a. 3 AD wings, 1 Reserve All can perform all 6 functions of aviation b. Each has its own unique structure i. MACG ii. MWSG iii. MWHS iv. 2 x MAG VH (Rotary Wing Air Group) v. 4 x MAG VF/VA (Fixed Wing Air Group) IV. Marine Aircraft Group (MAG - ✔✔b. Smallest aviation unit designed to conduct ops with no assistance (except supply) c. MAG Composition - ✔✔1. Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS) 2. Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron (VMGR) 3. Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron (VMR) 4. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron (VMU) 5. Fighter/Attack Squadron (VMFA) 6. All Weather Fighter/Attack Squadron (VMFA/AW) 7. Attack Squadron (VMA) 8. Medium Tilt-Rotor Squadron (VMM 9. Heavy Helicopter Squadron (HMH) 10. 1Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 11. Light Attack Helicopter Squadron (HMLA) V. Marine Air Command and Control System (MACCS) - ✔✔command, coordinate, and control air operations VI. Marine Air Control Group (MACG) - ✔✔a. Coordinates air command and control and air defense for MAW i. Marine Tactical Air Command Squadron (MTACS) 1. Equipment, maintenance, and operations for the TACC ii. Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron (MWHS) 1. Command, admin, and supply support iii. Marine Air Control Squadron (MACS) 1. Air surveillance and control of aircraft and surface-to-air weapons for AAW iv. Marine Wing Communication Squadron (MWCS) 1. Expeditionary comms for ACE v. Marine Air Support Squadron (MASS) 1. DASC capabilities for control and coordination of fixed and rotary wing aircraft vi. Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) 1. Close-in, low-altitude, surface-to-air weapons to defend forward assets, maneuver forces, vital installations and/or units engaged in special/independent ops (stinger missiles) VII. Marine Wing Group (MWSG) - ✔✔a. Provides motor transport, engineering, and organizational maintenance for MAW i. Essential ground support requirements b. Components i. Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron 1. Admin support, command and control ii. Marine Wing Support Squadron: 2 x Fixed/2 x Rotary Wing 1. Essential aviation ground support requirements to designated components of ACE VIII. ACE of MEF - ✔✔a. Typically supports MEF w/ 1+ MAWs (may be task oriented, reinforced IX. ACE of MEB - ✔✔MAG Task oriented support of SPMAGTF (mixture of fixed/rotary, etc.) X. ACE of MEU - ✔✔a. Generally a medium-lift helo squadron reinforced with several heavy-lift helos and AV-8B XII. Three Levels of Aviation Maintenance - ✔✔a. Organizational Level i. KC-130 Hercules - ✔✔i. Four engine, turboprop, aerial refueler, and assault transport ii. Self-deployable multi-mission aircraft 1. Carry 92 troops, 64 paratroops, 74 litters, or 35,000 lbs of cargo j. AH-1 Super Cobra - ✔✔HMLA i. Twin engine, tandem seat ii. Fire support = TOW, Hellfire, and Sidewinder missiles, Zuni rockets k. UAV - ✔✔VMU Pioneer = Imagery intelligence (IMINT) ii. Scan Eagle = Small, autonomous, remote controlled but flies self (15+ F-35 - ✔✔REPLACIN HARRIER, STEALTH, 485 NM RANGE GCE 106 Purpose/Employment of Marine Division - ✔✔106 Execute amphibious assaults and other ops as directed II. Types of Regiments/Battalions in Marine Division 7X - ✔✔a. Headquarters Battalion b. Infantry Regiments (x3) c. Tank Battalion d. Assault Amphibious Battalion (AAV) e. Light Amphibious Recon Battalion (LAR) f. Artillery Regiment g. Combat Engineer Battalion (CEB) a. GCE of a MEF - ✔✔Marine Division b. GCE of a MEB - ✔✔Reinforced Infantry Regiment MEU SOC - ✔✔Reinforced Infantry Battalion DIVISION TO FIRE TEAM - ✔✔DIVISION-MG REGIMENT-COL BATTLION-LT COL COMPANY-CAPT PLATOON-LT SQUAD-SGT FIRE TEAM-CPL, 4 MEMBER b. Infantry Regiment - ✔✔i. Locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or to repel his assault by fire and close combat c. Artillery Regiment - ✔✔i. Furnish close and continuous fire support by neutralizing, destroying, or suppressing targets that threaten the success of supported unit. d. Tank Battalion - ✔✔i. Close with and destroy the enemy by using armor-protected firepower, shock effect, and maneuver and to provide anti-mechanized fire support. a. HQ Battalion - ✔✔i. Exercise command and control, and administration. AAV Battalion - ✔✔Land the surface assault elements of the landing force and their equipment f. LAR Battalion - ✔✔i. Conduct recon, security, and economy-of-force op, and conduct follow-on ops as directed (limited offensive, delaying, etc.). CEB - ✔✔i. Enhance the mobility, counter-mobility, survivability through close combat engineer sUPPORT. Recon Battalion - ✔✔Recon, surveillance, limited scale raid AAV - ✔✔Amphibious troop transport Employment: Land surface assault elements... Fully tracked, crew of 3, 21 combat loaded troops or 10,000lbs cargo d. Medical Battalion - ✔✔i. Direct and general medical support (2d echelon) e. Dental Battalion - ✔✔i. General dental support a. LCE of MEF - ✔✔MLG (x90 days) b. LCE of MEB - ✔✔CLR (x30 days) V. Six Functions of Combat Service Support (CSS) <SSHTMG> - ✔✔a. Supply b. Services c. Health Services d. Transportation e. Maintenance f. General Engineering c. LCE of MEU(SOC) - ✔✔CLB (x15 days) VI. War Reserve Material (WRM) - ✔✔a. Mission essential principal end items, secondary items, and munitions required to attain operational objectives in scenarios authorized for sustainability planning and other stockage objectives i. MEF = 60 days ii. MAGTF ACE = 90 days VII. Echelons of Maintenance - ✔✔a. Organizational (1st and 2nd echelon) i. Performed by organization on its assigned equipment 1. Inspection, servicing, lubricating, and adjusting 2. Replacing parts, minor assemblies b. Intermediate 3rd and 4th echelon) i. Performed by activity in direct support of using organization 1. Calibration, repair, or replacement of unserviceable/damaged parts 2. Emergency manufacture of non-available parts 3. Technical assistance c. Depot (5th echelon) i. Major overhaul, complete rebuild, technical assistance a. Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) - ✔✔i. 20,000 lbs self-recovery winch, 300 mile range THE 7 TON b. High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) - ✔✔iv. M997/1035 = Ambulances c. Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP - ✔✔i. V-shaped hull to increase survivability a. Class I-10 SUPPLY - ✔✔Subsistence CLOTHES FUEL CONSTRUCTION AMMUNITION PERSONAL HYGIENE MAJOR END ITEMS MEDICAL REPAIR PARTS NON MILITARY X. Maritime Preposition Force (MPF) Ops AAA AAOG AAOE SLRP APOE APOD SPOE SPOD POG..NCHF BOG OPP - ✔✔ARRIVAL AND ASSEMBLY AREA TACTICAL AIR CONTROL CTR LANDING FORCE SUPPORT PARTY TACTICLA LOGISTICS GROUP LANDING FOR ORPERATION CONTROL NAVY BEACH GROUP 108 Function of CE in MAGTF - ✔✔108 coordination of air, ground, and logistic ops of assigned forces. a. Chief of Staff (XO) - ✔✔i. Directing, coordinating, supervising, and training staff (managerial duties b. Principle Staff - ✔✔G/S shops c. Special Staff - ✔✔Chaplain, Surgeon, IG, PAO, SJA, EO d. Personal Staff = - ✔✔aides, sgm, cmc a. Staff secretary b. Chaplain c. Surgeon d. Public Affairs Officer (PAO) f. Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)/Legal g. Inspector General - ✔✔(administrative assistant) a. 1 Shop - ✔✔ADMIN and Personnel b. 2 Shop - ✔✔INTEL c. 3 Shop - ✔✔OPS d. 4 Shop - ✔✔Logistics e. 5 Shop - ✔✔Planning (G only) f. 6 Shop - ✔✔COMM g. 7 Shop - ✔✔Inspector and Safety (G only) h. 8 Shop - ✔✔Comptroller (G only) i. 9 Shop - ✔✔Civil Affairs (G only) SGTMAJ - ✔✔discipline, morale, welfare, conduct, and leadership CMC - ✔✔Advise CG, staff, and unit commanders regarding Navy policy for Sailors VI. Table of Organization (T/O) - ✔✔a. Authorized number of personnel in a unit b. Prescribes normal wartime, mission, organizational structure, and personnel/equipment requirements VII. Table of Equipment (T/E) - ✔✔a. Basic allowances for equipment (T/A) - ✔✔VIII. Training Allowance IX. CE of MEF - ✔✔MHG 0-8 XI. CE of MEB - ✔✔0-7 XII. CE of MEU - ✔✔0-6 Commander Landing Force (CLF) - ✔✔Responsible for LF conduct of ops, subject to CATF command authority CLF may assume control of amphibious ops once he has sufficient power ashore and requests from CATF to assume control IV. Commander Amphibious Task Force (CATF) - ✔✔maintains control of ATF and debarking LF i. Ensures troops, equipment, and supplies are landed at the prescribed times, places, etc. a. LCC - ✔✔Blue Ridge Class i. Command ship for JTF, command/control 1. 34 O's, 564 E's 2. Flight deck = rotary LHA - ✔✔Tarawa Class i. Amphibious assault ship - General Purpose 1. ~1,900 troops 2. Flight deck = Harrier, rotary, tilt-rotor 3. Well deck = 1 LCAC or 4 LCU or 12 AAV c. LHD - ✔✔Wasp Class i. Amphibious assault ship - Multi-Purpose 1. ~2,100 troops 2. Flight deck = Harrier, rotary, tilt-rotor 3. Well deck = 3 LCAC or 2 LCU or 12 AAV LPD - ✔✔Austin and San Antonio Class i. Amphibious transport dock 1. ~800 troops 2. Flight deck = rotary, tilt-rotor 3. Well deck = 1-2 LCAC or 1 LCU or 14-26 AAV e. LSD - ✔✔Anchorage and Whidbey Island / Harper Ferry Class i. Dock landing ship 1. ~500 troops 2. Flight deck = rotary 3. Well deck = 2-4 LCAC or 1-3 LCU or 15 AAV VI. Classes of Ships That Provide Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS - ✔✔a. Amphibious Assault Ship (LHA) b. Guided Missile Cruisers (CG, CGN) c. Destroyers (DD, DDG) VII. Ship-to-Shore Movement - ✔✔a. L-Hour = 1st helo of. air assault wave touches down at LZ b. H-Hour = 1st assault element touches down at beach, LZ, etc. c. D-Day = Day that op commences d. Line of Departure (LOD) = line designated to coordinate departure of attack a. L-Hour - ✔✔1st helo of. air assault wave touches down at LZ b. H-Hour - ✔✔1st assault element touches down at beach, LZ, etc. c. D-Day - ✔✔Day that op commences d. Line of Departure (LOD) - ✔✔line designated to coordinate departure of attack a. Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) - ✔✔i. Land and water. OTH distance of 12-100 nm, speed and range b. Landing Craft Utility (LCU) - ✔✔Self-sustaining IX. Landing Force Shore Party (LFSP - ✔✔Initial/temporary landing force organization a. LFSP HQ - ✔✔C/C, admin, comms, security b. Shore Party - ✔✔supporting a colored beach over which force lands i. Allocate personnel PRN, liaison w/ supported units, defensive measures IV. Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) - ✔✔i. Noncombatant evacuation ops (NEO) ii. Strike and raids iii. Arms control, peacekeeping iv. Protection of shipping v. Nation assistance and Humanitarian assistance V. Military Operation on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) - ✔✔a. All military actions planned and conducted on a topographical complex and its adjacent terrain where manmade construction is the dominant feature. Rules of Engagement (ROE) - ✔✔Minimize civilian casualties and/or collateral damage Counter terrorism - ✔✔prevent, deter, pre-empt, respond Foreign Internal Defense - ✔✔free/protect society from subversion/lawlessness Counterinsurgency Ops - ✔✔defeat insurgency Stability Ops - ✔✔maintain/re-establish safety/security, essential services, etc Strategic Objective - ✔✔support of national security strategy Operational Objective - ✔✔military forces to accomplish assigned missions Tactical Objective - ✔✔activities at a particular time and place Operational Planning Team (OPT) - ✔✔a. Dynamic, ad hoc organization formed by either the future plans division or future operations center to conduct integrated planning 118 Marine Corps Planning Process - ✔✔118 Crisis planning / Focuses on mission and threat Phases of MCPP - ✔✔i. Problem Framing ii. Course of Action (COA) Development iii. Course of Action (COA) War Game iv. Course of Action (COA) Comparison and Decision v. Orders Development vi. Transition (Commander Review) IV. Deliberate Planning Terms - ✔✔a. Center of Gravity i. Source of power that provides strength (moral, physical, freedom) b. Commanders Critical Information Requirements (CCIRs) i. Commander decides what is critical c. Commanders Intent i. Intent and guidance in order to direct continued actions d. Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data (TPFDD) i. Data on force, non-unit related cargo, personnel, movement for OPLAN Center of Gravity - ✔✔Source of power that provides strength (moral, physical, freedom) Commanders Critical Information Requirements (CCIRs) - ✔✔Commander decides what is critical Commanders Intent - ✔✔Intent and guidance in order to direct continued actions Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data (TPFDD) - ✔✔Data on force, non-unit related cargo, personnel, movement for OPLAN Less Than Lethal Force - ✔✔Handcuffs, batons, dogs Show of force = Shout → Show → Shove → Shoot REAR AREA SECURITY - ✔✔Commanders responsibility to protect their people, property, and equipment Rear may divided into smaller geographic areas to enhance command/control 111 Article 1 - ✔✔111 I am an American..guard my country and way of life..give my life in their defense Article 2 - ✔✔I will never surrender..never surrender the members of my command..resist Article 3 - ✔✔i. If I am captured..resist by all means available...every effort to escape and aid others..NO parole nor special favors Article 4 - ✔✔i. If I become a POW..keep faith..give no information..harmful to my comrades..If I am senior..If not Article 5 - ✔✔When, rank, service number, and DOB..evade answering...utmost of my oral or written statements disloyal...NO HARM Article 6 - ✔✔i. I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for ..dedicated TO FREEDOM..I will trust in the United States of America Article I: I am a sailor; I will die for my country Article II: I will never surrender as long as I can fight Article III: If captured, I will not accept special favors/treatment; try to escape Article IV: If I am a prisoner, I will help my fellow POWs, if senior, I will take charge, if not, I will follow the most senior. Article V: I will give only my name, SSN, Rank and DOB. I will not say or sign anything that may hurt my fellow officers/men or my country. Article VI: I will never forget that I am an American and responsible for my conduct. Four Specific Items of Info Required to Give Captors - ✔✔Name, rank, Service number, and DOB III. Rights and Responsibilities of Enemy POWs - ✔✔a. Rights i. Receive sanitary, protective housing and clothing ii. Receive sufficient food to sustain good health iii. Receive adequate medical care iv. Receive necessary facilities for proper hygiene v. Practice religious faith vi. Keep personal property, not weapons and military equipment/documents vii. Send and receive mail viii. Receive packages containing non-contraband items such as food, clothing, religious, educational, and/or recreational materials. ix. To select a fellow POW to represent you x. Receive humane treatment xi. Have a copy of Geneva Convention and annexes/special agreements xii. Copy of camp regulations, notices, orders, and publications about POWs b. Obligations of POW i. Give name, rank, service number, and DOB ii. Obey lawful rules and regulations iii. Perform paid labor 1. Not military, degrading, dangerous, or unhealthy iv. Maintain military discipline and courtesies/honors Handling Enemy POWs CIST - ✔✔Procedure <CIST> Capture Cleanup and Decontamination = As recommended in MSDA Disposal of Contaminated Materials = Proper disposal Certification for Re-entry = By CDO or OOD Follow-up Reports = Filed with safety officer PPE - ✔✔a. Head Protection = helmets, hats b. Foot Protection = leather, safety shoes c. Hand Protection = protection sharp objects, electricity, or chemicals d. Safety Clothing = flame-proof, disposable, or impervious to chemicals e. Personal Fall Protection = harness f. Personal Flotation Device = Life jacket g. Respiratory Protection h. Other PPE PRN 114 HF - ✔✔2-29.9 MHz VHF - ✔✔i. 30-88 MHz ii. 116-150 MHz iii. Radios 1. SINGCARS a. AN/PRC-119 (manpack (8km), vic mounted(35km)) b. Small handheld (100 channels) iv. Reliable comms for 10 mile range (four thirds curvature) v. Common Nets 1. TAC, MEDEVAC, FSC UHF - ✔✔225-400 MHz iv. HAVE QUICK counter measures = single-channel and frequency hopping v. Forward Air Control (FAC) ground-to-air Phonetic Alphabet - ✔✔ALPHA TO ZULU Comm Security - ✔✔Crypto-security = providing technically-sound cryptosystems and using properly Transmission Security = protect transmissions from interception and exploitation Emission Security = deny unauthorized person information of value (interception) Physical Security = physical measures to safeguard classified equipment, material, and documents Tactical Chat (TAC-CHAT) - ✔✔Near real-time, multi-participant text Enhance situational awareness, more info with reduce exchange time Transmission Ranges LO M HI PA - ✔✔LO = 200-400 meters M = 400 m to 5 km HI = 5-10 km PA = 10-40 km LOAD FREQ in SINCGAR - ✔✔1 Obtain authorized operating frequency from SOI or NCS 2 Set FCTN to LD 3 Set MODE to SC 4 Set CHAN to MAN, CUE, or desired channel (1 - 6 5 Press FREQ 6 Press CLR 7 Enter new frequency 8 Press STO 9 Repeat steps a thru h for additional frequencies that you wish to load 10 Set FCTN to SQ MER team/vic = 350m/150m, 400m (max) M249 - ✔✔MACHINE GUN 5.56mm, air-cooled, belt/mag-fed, gas-operated auto weapon MER = 1,000m (area), 800m (point), 600m (grazing), 3,600 (max) M240G - ✔✔MACHINE GUN 7.63mm, air-cooled, belt-fed, gas-operated auto weapon MER = 1,800m, 600m (grazing), 3,725m (max) M2 .50 CAL - ✔✔MACHINE GUN MK-19 - ✔✔MACHINE GUN 40mm, air-cooled, blowback operated 2,212m (max) 81mm Mortar - ✔✔Surprise/demoralize, max number from all mortars simultaneously) 81mm, smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded, high angle 70-4,737m range, 12 rounds/min max, 3-5 rounds/min sustained 60mm Mortar - ✔✔60mm , smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded, high angle, drop or trigger 70-3,490m range, Ammo = HE, WP, ILLUM, TP M777 Howitzer - ✔✔155mm, 9 crew, medium-sized, towed arty. MV22 or helo MER = 22,400m/14miles (convention) 30,000m/18.6 miles (rocket assist) HE, RAP, smoke, WP, Illumination, DPICM (bomblets), Copperhead (cruise missile), SADAR (parachute → self-guided) M142 - ✔✔High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Mobile arty firepower on wheeled vehicle XVII. TOW - ✔✔(Tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided) a. Crew portable, vic mounted, heavy anti-armor b. Range = 3,750m (must keep crosshairs centered) Camouflage - ✔✔anything to keep yourself from looking like what they really are (natural and manmade) Cover - ✔✔Protection from bullets, fragmentation, flame, or NBC agents. c. Concealment - ✔✔Anything that hides you from enemy observation (doesn't protect) Five Paragraph order <SMEAC> - ✔✔Situation Enemy forces, friendly force, attachments/detachments Mission Clear, concise statement of the task to be accomplished Execution Concept of Ops = Summary of tactical plan Subordinate Tasks Coordinating Instructions Actions at objective, routes to and from, timing, fire support Admin and Logistics Rations and ammo, distribution points, HMs, BAS, POWs Eight-Digit Coordinates on Map - ✔✔Right and Up (→↑) Map Colors RED BLUE BLACK BROWN RED-BROWN GREEN - ✔✔a. Red = Man-made feature b. Blue = Water c. Black = Man-made feature d. Brown = Relief features e. Red/brown = combined on red-light readable maps i. Cultural features, relief features f. Green = Vegetation Map Features HILL SADDLE RIDGE DEPRESSION DRAW FINGER - ✔✔Hill = Cocentric circles Saddle = Dip between 2 hills Ridge = Sloping line of high ground Depression = Closed lines with tic marks Draw = Less developed stream course i. U or V shaped lines pointing to high ground Finger (spur) i. U or V shaped lines pointing away from high ground Azimuths GRID MAG BACK - ✔✔a. Grid Azimuth = north on map b. Magnetic Azimuth = magnetic north pole c. Back Azimuth = Add/subtract 180º VII. Orient Map with Compass - ✔✔a. Use declination diagram (on all USMC maps) VIII. Location of UNK by Intersection - ✔✔a. Use at least 2 known positions shooting azimuth to UNK spot IX. Location of UNK by Resection - ✔✔a. From UNK spot shoot azimuths to at least 2 known spots X. Distance Between Points - ✔✔Straight line and/or curved line distance 119 3 Phases of Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) - ✔✔a. Care Under Fire / Direct Threat Care b. Tactical Field Care / Indirect Threat Care c. Tactical Evacuation / Evacuation LAYOUT CAMP FACILITIES - ✔✔Food 30 m from trash Shitters 50 ft from tents 100 ft from water bull *Everything else is 100m apart