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Food Safety Vocabulary: Key Terms and Definitions for ServSafe, Exams of Public Health

A comprehensive glossary of essential food safety terms and definitions, covering topics such as foodborne illness, contamination, pathogens, and haccp principles. It is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to understand the fundamentals of food safety and prepare for servsafe certification.

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Available from 12/19/2024

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Download Food Safety Vocabulary: Key Terms and Definitions for ServSafe and more Exams Public Health in PDF only on Docsity!

ServSafe Vocabulary

1. Foodborne illness : Illness carried or transmitted to people by food. 2. Outbreak of foodborne illness : incident in which two or more people experi- ence the same illness after eating the same food 3. Warranty of Sale

: rules stating how food must be handled in an establishment

4. reasonable care defense : defense against a food related lawsuit stating that an establishment did everything reasonably expected to ensure that the food served was safe 5. HACCP Principle 1 : Conduct a hazard analysis 6. HACCP Principle 2 : determine critical control points

7. HACCP Principle 3 : Establich critical limits 8. HACCP Principle 4 : establish monitoring procedures 9. HACCP Principle 5 : Identify corrective actions 10. HACCP Principle 6 : Verify that the system works

11. HACCP Principle 7 : establish procedures for record keeping and documenta- tion 12. Flow of Food : Path food takes through an establishment, from purchasing and receiving through storing, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating, and serving 13. high risk populations : People susceptible to foodborne illness due to the effects of age or health on their immune systems, including infants and preschool age children, pregnant women, elders, medicated ppl, diseased or weakened immune systems

14. immune system : body's defense against illness. ppl with compromised im- mune systems are more susceptible to foodborne illness 15. contamination : presence of harmful substances in food. 16. food safety hazards : biological, physical, chemical 17. time temperature abuse: any time it has been allowed to remain too long at a temperature favorable to the growth of foodborne microorganisms

18. cross-contamination: occurs when microorganisms are transferred from one food or surface to another 19. food contact surfaces: surface that comes into direct contact with food, such as a cutting board 20. clean: visibly free of soils

21. sanitary: reduced amount of microorganisms to safe level 22. pathogens: illness-causing microorganism 23. microorganisms: small, living organisms that can be seen only with iad of microscope. 24. toxins: waste of microorganism 25. 4 types of microorganisms/pathogens: bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi 26. bacteria: single celled living microorganism that can spoil food and cause foodborne illness. can quickly multiply to dangerous levels when food is improperly cooked, held, or reheated. some form spores that can survive freezing and very high temps. 27. bacterial growth: lag, log, stationary, death. splits in two. 28. FAT TOM: food, acid, temp, time, oxygen, moisture 29. danger zone: 41F to 135F 30. pH (7.5 to 4.6): neutral to slightly acidic pH that foodborne microorganisms grow well in

31. water activity: amount of moisture available in food for microorganisms to grow. measured in a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, with water having a water activity of 1.0. TCS food has water act. val. of .85 or higher. 32. Salmonellaosis: caused by salmonella commonly linked to poultry, eggs, dairy, produce 33. Shigellosis: an acute infection of the intestine by Shigella bacteria 34. Staphylococcal: found in salad containing TCS food, deli meat. symptoms include nausea, vomiting and retching, abdominal cramps 35. Clostridium perfingens: found in soil, where it forms spores that allow it to survive. carried in intestines. does not grow at fridge temps 36. Listeriosis: found in soil, water, and plants. grows in cool, moist climates. uncommon in healthy people. 37. Bacillus cereus: spore-forming bacteria found in soil. produces two diff. toxins when allowed to grow to high levels.

38. Clostridium Botulism: forms spores that are commonly found in water and soil. can contaminate any food. dont grow well in acidic food or fridge temps 39. Campylobacterosis: A gastrointestinal condition characterized by diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever, caused by eating raw meat or unpasteurized milk

contaminated with Campylobacter jejuni, a bacterium that infects poultry, cattle, and sheep.

40. Hemorrhagic Colitis (E Coli: found in the intestines of cattle or person's feces 41. Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vulnificus: found in waters where shellfish are harvested. 42. Hep A: feces of contaminated ppl; ready to eat foods and shellfish; 43. norovirus: ready to eat foods and water. -vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdom- inal cramps 44. Trichinella spiralis: parasitic nematode occurring in the intestines of pigs and rats and human beings and producing larvae that form cysts in skeletal muscles 45. Cycloporiasis: bird intestinal tracts, berries 46. Anisakiasis: ocean fish, bottom feeders, crabs lobsters, flounders 47. Giardiasis: animal droppings that contaminate waters 48. FoodborneToxin-mediated infections: both are getting you 49. 2 types of Fungi: mold and yeast

50. toxic metals: copper, zinc, nickel 51. Hand washing: temp 100, 10-15 sec 52. shellstock id tags: tags that document where the shellfish are harvested 53. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP): removal of oxygen 54. Bi-metallic stemmed thermometers: accuracy to within +- 2 degrees 55. label food: name of product, date, exp for 7 days later and initials 56. storage procedures for produce: fridge, don't mix cases