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Fortis College MENTAL HEALTH NUR208 mental health quiz 1 2023/2024 Fortis College MENTAL HEALTH NUR208 mental health quiz 1 2023/2024 Fortis College MENTAL HEALTH NUR208 mental health quiz 1 2023/2024
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Chapter 01: Mental Health and Mental Illness MULTIPLE CHOICE
a Conduct mental^ c
. health assessments.^. b Prescribe^ psychotropic^ d . medication.^. ANS: B
Establish therapeutic relationships. Individualize nursing care plans.
In most states, prescriptive privileges are granted to masters- prepared nurse practitioners who have taken special courses on prescribing medication. The nurse prepared at the basic level is permitted to perform mental health assessments, establish relationships, and provide individualized care planning.
Psychiatric nurses practice in safer environments than other specialties. Nurse-to-patient ratios a must be better because of the nature of the
. patients problems.
Psychiatric nurses use complex communication skills as well as critical thinking to solve
b multidimensional problems. I am challenged by
. those^ situations. That’s a misconception. Psychiatric nurses frequently use high technology monitoring
c equipment and manage complex intravenous
. therapies. Psychiatric nurses do not have to deal with as
d much pain and suffering as medical-surgical
. nurses do. That appeals to me.
The practice of psychiatric nursing requires a different set of skills than medical-surgical nursing, though there is substantial overlap. Psychiatric nurses must be able to help patients with medical as well as mental health problems, reflecting the holistic perspective these nurses must have. Nurse-patient ratios and workloads in psychiatric settings have increased, just like other specialties. Psychiatric nursing involves clinical practice, not just documentation.
Psychosocial pain and suffering are as real as physical pain and suffering.
. Recovery b . Attending
. Advocacy d Evidence-based . practice
An advocate defends or asserts another’s cause, particularly when the other person lacks the ability to do that for self. Examples of individual advocacy include helping patients understand their rights or make decisions. On a community scale, advocacy includes political activity, public speaking, and publication in the interest of improving the human condition. Since funding is necessary to deliver quality programming for persons with mental illness, the letter- writing campaign advocates for that cause on behalf of patients who are unable to articulate their own needs.
a always asks me which type of juice I want to help
. me swallow my medication. b explained my treatment plan to me and asked . for my ideas about how to make it better. c spends^ time^ listening^ to^ me^ talk^ about^ my . problems.^ That^ helps^ me^ feel^ like^ I^ am^ not^ alone. d told me that if I take all the medicines the doctor . prescribes, then I will get discharged sooner.
Caring evidences empathetic understanding as well as competency. It helps change pain and suffering into a shared experience, creating a human connection that alleviates feelings of isolation. The distracters give examples of statements that demonstrate advocacy or giving advice.
. reports occasional sleeplessness and anxiety. b reports^ a^ consistently^ sad,^ discouraged,^ and . hopeless^ mood. c is able to describe the difference between as if . and for real. d perceives difficulty making a decision about . whether to change jobs.
The correct response describes a mood alteration, which reflects mental illness. The distracters describe behaviors that are mentally healthy or within the usual scope of human experience.
a sees^ self^ as^ capable^ of^ achieving^ ideals^ and
. meeting^ demands. b behaves without considering the consequences . of personal actions. c aggressively meets own needs without . considering the rights of others. d seeks help from others when assuming . responsibility for major areas of own life.
The correct response describes an adaptive, healthy behavior. The distracters describe maladaptive behaviors.
a International Statistical Classification of Diseases
. and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) b Diagnostic^ and^ Statistical^ Manual^ of^ Mental . Disorders^ (DSM-5) c . A behavioral health reference manual d . Wikipedia
The DSM-5 gives the criteria used to diagnose each mental disorder. The distracters may not contain diagnostic criteria for a psychiatric illness.
. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) b (^) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
. Disorders^ (DSM-5) c (^) The ANAs Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing . Scope and Standards of Practice d (^) International Statistical Classification of Diseases . and Related Health Problems (ICD-10)
The DSM-5 details the diagnostic criteria for psychiatric clinical conditions. The other references are good resources but do not define the diagnostic criteria.
. is able to repress stressors. b . becomes depressed after the death of a spouse. c lives in a shelter for two years after the home is . destroyed by fire. d takes^ a^ temporary^ job^ to^ maintain^ financial . stability after loss of a permanent job.
Resilience is closely associated with the process of adapting and helps people facing tragedies, loss, trauma, and severe stress. It is the ability and capacity for people to secure the resources they need to support their well-being. Repression and depression are unhealthy. Living in a shelter for two years shows a failure to move forward after a tragedy. See related audience response question.
. patient outcomes
. diagnosis
. nursing^ actions
. symptoms
Analogies show parallel relationships. NANDA, the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, identifies diagnostic statements regarding human responses to actual or potential health problems. These statements represent clinical judgments. NIC ( Nursing Interventions Classification ) identifies actions provided by nurses that enhance patient outcomes. Nursing care activities may be direct or indirect.
Mental Illness Health 1 2 3 4 5 a
. 5
The student is happy and has an adequate self-concept. The student is reality-oriented, works effectively, and has control over own behavior. Mental health does not mean that a person is always happy.
. Epilepsy b . Schizophrenia
. Running amok d . Major depression
Culture-bound syndromes occur in specific sociocultural contexts and are easily recognized by people in those cultures. A syndrome recognized in parts of Southeast Asia is running amok, in which a person (usually a male) runs around engaging in furious, almost indiscriminate violent behavior.
. deviant behaviors. b present disability or . distress.
c people with mental
. disorders. d mental^ disorders . people^ have.
The DSM-5 classifies disorders people have rather than people themselves. The terminology of the tool reflects this distinction by referring to individuals with a disorder rather than as a schizophrenic or alcoholic, for example. Deviant behavior is not generally considered a mental disorder. Present disability or distress is only one aspect of the diagnosis.
. Schizophrenia
. Dissociative fugue
b (^) Bipolar disorder d (^) Alzheimers disease
The 12-month prevalence for Alzheimers disease is 10% for persons older than 65 and 50% for persons older than 85. The prevalence of schizophrenia is 1.1% per year. The prevalence of bipolar disorder is 2.6%. Dissociative fugue is a rare disorder. See related audience response question.
. describes hearing Gods voice speaking. b is usually pessimistic but strives to meet . personal goals. c is wealthy and gives away $20 bills to needy . individuals. d always has an optimistic viewpoint about life and . having own needs met.
The question asks about risk. Hearing voices is generally associated with mental illness, but in charismatic religious groups, hearing the voice of God or a prophet is a desirable event. Cultural norms vary, which makes it more difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. The individuals described in the other options are less likely to be labeled mentally ill.
. Effectiveness in work
. Productive activities
. Communication skills
. Fulfilling relationships
The information given centers on relationships with others that are described as intense and unstable. The relationships of mentally healthy individuals are stable, satisfying, and socially integrated.
Data are not present to describe work effectiveness, communication skills, or activities.
advocacy during a multidisciplinary patient care planning session?
. All mental illnesses are culturally determined. b Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are cross- . cultural disorders. c Symptoms of mental disorders are unchanged . from culture to culture. d Assessment^ findings^ in^ mental^ disorders^ reflect^ a . persons^ cultural^ patterns.
A nurse who understands that a patients symptoms are influenced by culture will be able to advocate for the patient to a greater degree than a nurse who believes that culture is of little relevance. The distracters are untrue statements.
a. Incidence
. Prevalence
. Co-morbidity d . Clinical epidemiology
Clinical epidemiology is a broad field that addresses studies of the natural history (or what happens if there is no treatment and the problem is left to run its course) of an illness, studies of diagnostic screening tests, and observational and experimental studies of interventions used to treat people with the illness or
symptoms. Prevalence refers to numbers of new cases. Co- morbidity refers to having more than one mental disorder at a time. Incidence refers to the number of new cases of mental disorders in a healthy population within a given period. See related audience response question.
a Psychological stress is the basis of most mental
. disorders. b This illness results from developmental factors . rather than stress. c Research^ shows that^ this^ condition^ more^ likely . has a biological basis. d It must be frustrating for you that your spouse is . sick so much of the time.
Many of the most prevalent and disabling mental disorders have strong biological influences. Genetics are only one part of biological factors. Empathy does not address increasing the spouses level of knowledge about the cause of the disorder. The other distracters are not established facts.
. Prevalence b . Co-morbidity
. Incidence d . Parity
Incidence refers to the number of new cases of mental disorders in a healthy population within a given period of time. Prevalence describes the total number of cases, new and existing, in a given population during a specific period of time, regardless of when they became ill. Parity refers to equivalence, and legislation required insurers that provide mental health coverage to offer annual and lifeti me benefits a t the same level p ro vided fo r medi c al /su rgi cal coverage. Co-morbidity refers to having more than one mental disorder at a time.
recognized by Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)?
. All genomes are unique. b . Care^ is^ centered^ on^ the^ patient. c . Healthy development is vital to mental health. d Recovery occurs on a continuum from illness to . health.
The key areas of care promoted by QSEN are patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics.
a There is no functional difference between the
. two. Both identify human disorders. b The^ DSM-5^ diagnosis disregards culture, whereas . the nursing diagnosis takes culture into account. The DSM-5 diagnosis describes causes of c disorders whereas a nursing diagnosis does not . explore etiology. The DSM- 5 diagnosis guides medical treatment, whereas the nursing diagnosis offers a d framework^ for identifying^ interventions for^ issues . a patient is experiencing.
The medical diagnosis is concerned with the patients disease state, causes, and cures, whereas the nursing diagnosis focuses on the patients response to stress and possible caring interventions. Both tools consider culture. The DSM-5 is multiaxial. Nursing diagnoses also consider potential problems.
. Coordination of care b . Health teaching
. Milieu therapy
. Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is part of the scope of practice of an advanced practice nurse. The distracters are within a staff nurses scope of practice.
1. An experienced nurse says to a new graduate, When youve practiced as long as I have, you instantly know how to take care ofpsychotic patients. What information should the new graduate consider when
analyzing this comment? Select all that apply.
The experienced nurse may have lost sight of a patients^ individuality,^ which^ may^ compromise
. the^ integrity^ of^ practice. New research findings should be integrated b continuously^ into^ a^ nurses^ practice^ to^ provide^ the . most effective care. Experience provides mental health nurses with c the essential tools and skills needed for effective . professional practice. Experienced psychiatric nurses have learned the d best ways to care for mentally ill patients . through trial and error. e An intuitive sense of patients needs guides . effective psychiatric nurses.
Evidence-based practice involves using research findings and standards of care to provide the most effective nursing care. Evidence is continuously emerging, so nurses cannot rely solely on experience. The effective nurse also maintains respect for each patient as an individual. Overgeneralization compromises that perspective. Intuition and trial and error are unsystematic approaches to care.