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Foundations of Nursing Leadership: Chapter 40 Questions and Answers, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive set of questions and answers related to chapter 40 of a nursing textbook, focusing on leadership styles, management theories, and the characteristics of effective leaders and followers in the nursing profession. It explores various leadership styles, including democratic, laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational, and delves into the roles and responsibilities of nurse managers. The document also examines the importance of empowerment and the skills necessary for effective leadership and management in nursing.

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Available from 11/15/2024

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A nurse manager announces that all nursing staff will rotate day and night shifts effective immediately to improve teamwork on the unit. What type of leadership is the manager displaying? Laissez-faire Transactional Democratic Authoritarian C, democratic A graduate nurse works closely with a more experienced nurse who provides guidance and practical teaching as she assumes a new position on the nursing unit. What role is the experienced nurse assuming? Mentor Manager Preceptor Leader C, preceptor A new nurse appears stressed and has difficulty completing his work. He clocks out late every day. The charge nurse describes his problem as “running from one duty to the next and having no organization or daily routine.” Which factors are likely affecting this nurse? Select all that apply. Time management problems Heavy patient load Understaffed unit Leadership qualities Inadequate orientation and training A,B,C,E

A newly graduated nurse is working with a mentor and learning the new role. What are the responsibilities of the new nurse as a mentee? Select all that apply. Demonstrate an ability to move toward independence. Encourage excellence in others. Seek feedback and use it to modify behaviors. Demonstrate flexibility and an ability to change. Clearly communicate learning needs. A, C, D, E What characteristics create an effective nurse manager? Select all that apply. They are clinical experts and serve as a resource in patient care. They understand business and can manage the department’s finances. They have a master’s degree with a focus in leadership and management. They display innate leadership skills. They are committed to the goals of the organization. Are leaders and managers the same thing? No, not every manager is a leader and not every leader is a manager what is the definition of a leader an individual who uses effective communication skills and interpersonal skills to influence others what is a nurse manager a nurse who holds authority within the hierarchy of an organization what are the skills and jobs carried out by nurse managers (10 total) decision making power and organizational duties (includes staffing, policies, training, error management), control budget, have people skills, clinical expertise, and good business sense What are 3 traits of leaders? ambition, self improvement, and excellence

what is a SWOT analysis and its purpose strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (helps to understand strengths and weaknesses) What does SOAR stand for strengths, opportunities, aspirations, results What are examples of leadership opportunities that build leadership knowledge and skills (9) seeking mentor, continuing education, open communication, time management, serving as a mentor, research, conferences, task delegation, additional degrees and certifications what are characteristics of democratic leaders? (4) providing guidance, sharing group planning, sharing decision making, and sharing outcomes what are characteristics of Laissez-faire leaders? (4) inactive leading style, lack of guidance and direction, followers are in control, and keeping distance from action What are characteristics of transactional leaders? (6) being rigid, controlling, top-down decisions, directive, and traditionalist what are characteristics of a transformational leader? (6) being inspiring, being motivational, coaching and mentoring, listening to followers, and having a vision What characteristics do good nurse followers have? (4) suggest improvements, inform leaders of problems, work towards group goals, and give open input What are some challenges to being and effective leader and manager? (5) scarce resources, individuals with different needs, changing labor market, resources with alternative uses, and difference of opinions Which leadership styles show a "top-down" decision-making and management style? Authoritarian

Democratic Transactional Transformational The nurse is evaluating her personal leadership skills using a SWOT analysis. What will be included in the self-reflection? Opportunities Organization Objectives Observation Martin is a leader who inspires and motivates others. He listens, communicates clearly, and mentor’s new staff. Which type of leadership style best describes his actions? Authoritarian Democratic Transactional Transformational Next What are the 3 primary tasks of leaders? set direction (help develop a vision or goal), build commitment, confront challenges that come from innovation, change, and turbulence What is it to supervise to be in charge what are 3 primary management theories? scientific management (Frederick taylor), human relations management (works to motivate and guide), servant leadership (selflessly serves others, employees first) Definition of a manager (3) employee of an organization who has power, authority, and responsibility Define coercion

power to control others through threats or discipline. Person can enforce standards, policies, and procedures Define referent informal power created through relationships with people in an organization. Done by gaining others respect Define reward Ability to control or allocate incentives (salary, bonuses) What are sources of power? (5) positional, rewards, coercion, expertise, and referent Define empowerment a psychological state, feeling that one has been given power to solve problems, take initiatives, and exercise autonomy What are traits of empowerment (4) self determination, meaning, confidence, and impact What are 7 necessary skills to lead and manage well time management, schedule, identify goals, set priorities, organize work, delegate, informational What are other names for authoritarian leadership? (3) autocratic, directive, controlling Define notion Abstract or general idea from particular instances such as the basic concepts of psychology and the concept of gravity What are other names for democratic leadership participative leadership What is the goal of leadership? Influence people and motivate actions towards a common goal. Effective leaders create a path for people to move "in the same direction", at the same speed, not because they are forced to, but because they want to

What are components of informal negotiation (5) clarify the situation, set the stage, conduct negotiation (set ground rules), continue with counters, agree on resolution