Download Frontier Airlines Flight Management Study Guide and more Exams Space Flight Mechanics in PDF only on Docsity! Frontier Airlines F light Management Study Guide Questions & Answers. Required Duty Items - Flashlight Whistle Watch Uniform and Wings Passport Frontier ID Check-n Procedures... - Sign in via CrewWeb. Find Captain. Read Must Reads. Passenger Boarding Total PBT. Check V-file mailbox, insert revisions. Find crew Attend crew briefing. Positive check in. Standard Crew Brief - Aircraft and gate Crew introduction Turbulence and weather Abnormal conditions Sterile cockpit procedures Serving time available MEL Items Emergency procedures review Pre board checklist - Safety equipment Security Stowage of crew bags Seats - lap belt and shoulder harness Snags - MELs Supplies Show-n-tell Demo equipment Special instructions Pre-board Checklist A - Zone A - emergency equipment: PA/Interphone FWD Slide Packs FWD galley-carts, LAV A Bags FWD FWD Outboard Jump seat FWD Galley equipment Food, beverage, FD, waste/water Demo equipment Special instructions Zone A FWD Emergency Equipment - 1 Megaphone 1 Flight Attendant Kit 1 First Aid Kit 1 ELT (overwater equipped) 2 Cabin Halona Fire Extinguishers 2 PBE 2 POB 2 Spare Life Vests 2 Survival Kits (overwater equipped) Pre-board Checklist B FA. - Zone b emergency equipment, PA AFT slide packs, CCD. AFT galley and LAV D&E, sealed carts. Bags AFT. AFT Jump seats. AFT Galley equipment. DIRECTV to Pay. Food/beverage. AFT galley (including liquor) drink cart prep. Ice beer, TDP W/C Bag Announcements (special presentations) Zone B AFT Emergency Equipment. - 1 Halona Fire Extinguisher. 1 Water Fire Extinguisher. 2 PBE. 1 Megaphone. 1 First aid kit (2 if A320 A/C). Infant Life Vests POB 2 and spare Mask(s). 1 Onboard Wheelchair 1 set straps. 1 Wheelchair pouch. 1 AED. 1 EMK. 2 Survivor Kits (overwater equipped. 1 Life raft Direct TV - Sty Paid Pause Free - Never used Pre board Checklist C FA. - Safety Information Cards, Seat Belt Extensions (6), Overawing exits. Cabin Security sweep, overhead bins Bags AFT. FWD inboard jump seat. DIRECTV screens, seatbacks, tray tables. Seat Belt extensions, headsets, Magazines. Demo equipment (AFT galley) Pre-board Checklist D. FA. - Life Raft. Assist C with Safety information cards, seat belt extensions (6) over wing exits. Assist C with security sweep, overhead bins. Bags AFT. AFT inboard, A/C L or outboard A/C R jump seat. Assist C with DIRECTV screens, seatbacks, tray tables Seat belt extensions, headsets. Demo equipment AFT galley Assigned Jump seats - A = FWD outboard B = AFT outboard C = FWD inboard D = AFT inboard A/C L or Outboard A/C R Flight Attendant Cabin Coverage - FAA minimum Flight Attendants must be onboard during boarding and deplaning Thru Flights A319-1 A320-2 FA must stay onboard Can step off w/in vicinity of the door. Pre-boarding Specials. - Prisoners and armed escorts. Blind/visually impaired. UM. Disabled. Deaf/hearing impaired. Elderly. FAMs No English A calls the Flight Deck "Cabin is secure" Safety Demonstration Announcement - Safety Demonstration - What? Safety Demonstration When? Before takeoff after C cross check complete Whom? B Safety Demonstration Positions - A - Row 1 C - OWE D - Row 20 B = Galley announcements Compliance Checklist by C - Seatbelts, seat backs Tray table up and locked Stowage of carryon bags PEDs secured or stowed CRS Food, beverage and trash items Last but not least - B secures AFT galley A secures FWD galley, dump the coffee, locks FWD Lavatory C Turns off cabin lights to signify compliance check is finished and announces “we will be dimming the cabin lights for takeoff. If you need additional lighting, individual reading lights are located in the unit above your seat." Cabin ready light? - Immediately after compliance check is complete Exception for Gate Departure - Return of jet way Return to gate Pushback - second time Sterile Cockpit Critical Phase - Under 10k feet Approx. 10 minutes FSB sign cycles Refrain from any contact with the FD except for safety related matters Announcement After Takeoff A FA - Ladies and Gentlemen, a few safety reminders for our flight today...Can use laptops Announcements FSB OFF All Attendants - any FA can read the announcement over the PA - No checking necessary Announcements FSB On All Attendants - Any FA can read the announcement over PA and need to walk the Walk verify In-flight Service - Type of service is designated by destination Service only commences if it is safe All service starts FWD and moves AFT Trash cart used for first pickup Cars never left unattended Monitor cabin every 15 minutes 30 minutes prior to landing - Specials to FD Close, Seal and Secure Service Carts Close GLX Announcement Prior to Descent 20 minutes before landing B FA - After the Captain PA his/her PPA and the FSB sign is turned on.... The captain has turned on the FSB sign... Sterile Cockpit Critical Phase (descent) - Under 10k Feet Approx. 10 minutes FSB sign cycles Refrain from any contact with the FD except for safety related matters Announcement Approach (Final Descent) - FA B "we appreciate your assistance... Compliance Check - Seat belts, seat backs Tray tables Stowage of carryon bags PEDs secured or stowed CRS Food, beverage and trash items Cabin Ready Light on - Immediately after the landing gear has been lowered. Do not have to call. Captain will call. Announcement Arrival/Taxi - FA a Once off the main runway "Welcome to... Cabin Lighting - Boarding = BRT (All) Taxi = BRT (All) Takeoff = Off (All) Inflight = DIM2 (Ceiling, Galley) Landing = Off (All) Deplaning = BRT (All) Arrival at Gate - Fasten Seat belt sign off Announcements Flight attendant door responsibility Disarming doors and cross checking Thanking passengers Aftermath - After all passengers have deplaned, C will walk to the AFT galley ensuring no passengers are in the cabin or lavatories and confirm the AFT doors disarmed by stating "AFT doors disarmed, cross check complete, Cabin clear. Help clean the plane Go to the hotel Report next day at the designated time and place -