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A set of practice questions and answers for the ftce professional education practice test #2. It covers various topics related to teaching practices, assessment, and classroom management. The questions are designed to help future educators prepare for the exam and assess their understanding of key concepts in education.
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Which of the following measures is a type of summative assessment? A. an End-of-Course assessment B. a homework assignment C. a learning styles inventory D. a whole-class question and answer session - Correct Answers โ โ A Students in a social studies class are having a whole-class discussion about the preservation of historical landmarks in their community. What are students likely to learn from the class discussion? A. Historical landmarks have little economic value B. Accurate information is critical for effective communication. C. Community problems can be solved through thoughtful discussion. D. Working with others can lead to better and quicker solutions to problems. - Correct Answers โ โ B A new teacher is using innovative instructional methods in his English class. To best ensure a supportive attitude from the principal, the teacher should A. Invite the principal to visit his class to observe his teaching methods and their effects. B. Present the principal with copies of scientifically based research that supports the teacher's instructional methods.
C. Send weekly reports to the principal to keep the principal apprised of the progress of the teacher's students. D. Organize parents to send e-mails to the principal supporting the teacher's instructional methods. - Correct Answers โ โ A After a science experiment, a high school teacher asks students to respond to the following two prompts:
B. To use a seating chart to plan and record student seat assignments in the testing room C. To remain in the testing room when the students are taking the assessment. D. To question students on test content or test items after the days set aside for state testing have passed. - Correct Answers โ โ D To become successful readers, which of the following skills is most important for students to have upon entering first grade? A. the ability to recognize letters by name B. the ability to recite the alphabet C. the ability to recognize short, high-frequency sight words D. the ability to use picture clues to aid in decoding text. - Correct Answers โ โ A A student who scores at the 80th percentile on a standardized achievement test has A. Scored the same as or better than 80 percent of a norm group B. Scored better than 20 percent of a norm group C. Correctly answered 80 percent of the test questions. D. Correctly answered 20 percent of the test questions. - Correct Answers โ โ A
As students in a social studies class watch a video about the importance of recycling, the teacher periodically stops the video and poses questions about the ideas presented. This strategy is most probably motivated by the teacher's understanding that A. teachers should demonstrate and model the use of higher-order thinking skills. B. teachers' efforts to maintain and reinforce student involvement correlate with students' cognitive engagement. C. students stay on task when they are aware that they are being monitored. D. students need structured, well-managed environments. - Correct Answers โ โ B The most appropriate way for a teacher to share an innovative instructional strategy with school colleagues is to A. send an email to all teachers describing the strategy and offering to demonstrate it in their classrooms. B. speak with the principal about demonstrating the strategy as part of a workshop for all interested teachers. C. speak with the superintendent about ways the strategy could be implemented throughout the school district. D. explain the strategy at the next school board meeting. - Correct Answers โ โ B
Which of the following is most likely to promote the creative thinking skills of high school students? A. in algebra, recognizing an equivalent representation of a numerical quantity B. in economics, locating details on a graph, chart, or diagram C. in science, predicting the logical next step D. in English, writing an original short story - Correct Answers โ โ D A student who exhibits a cognitive style that is right-brain dominant is likely to learn best through instruction based on A. presentation of content in small, step-by-step increments. B. detailed verbal explanations and instructions C. visual and kinesthetic global activities D. objective, short-answer questioning - Correct Answers โ โ C During a technology workshop, Mr. Black, the art teacher, tells the workshop presenter that he has been using a popular computer graphics software package in his classes and that his students thoroughly enjoy it. However, Mr. Black goes on to say that he has discovered that the school does not own any licensed copies of the software. What action, if any, should Mr. Black take? A. Immediately remove all copies of the software from the computers in the classroom.
B. Continue to use the software, but contact the manufacturer about obtaining licensed copies. C. Continue to use the software, but contact the district technology specialist and discuss the problem. D. Continue to use the software and say nothing, because educators are allowed to use software without obtaining licensed copies. - Correct Answers โ โ A Which of the following strategies should a fourth-grade teacher use to promote students' comprehension of expository text? A. Giving them explicit instruction in identifying and using the various structures found in expository text. B. Routinely assigning them challenging expository text to read that requires consulting resource materials C. Encouraging them to memorize definitions of words they encounter frequently in expository text. D. Rewarding them (for example, with free time) for reading unassigned expository text on their own - Correct Answers โ โ A Which of the following types of assessment includes a variety of samples of a student's work, collected over time, that shows the student's growth and development? A. checklist B. daily quizzes
C. portfolio D. running record - Correct Answers โ โ C After students finish reading Charlotte's Web, the teacher asks, "Do you think Fern loved Wilbur?" A student replies "Of course!" The teacher then says "Tell us how you know that Fern loved Wilbur." What communication technique is the teacher using in her last statement? A. paraphrasing B. probing C. redirecting D. summarizing - Correct Answers โ โ B Mr. James, a new high school American history teacher, has asked Ms. Field, a mentor teacher, to observe a session of his history class because he has had difficulty motivating students to stay on task during cooperative learning activities. Mr. James can most effectively help Ms. Field prepare for the classroom observation by providing her with a A. Seating chart that indicates the students who tend to be "ringleaders" of the off-task behavior. B. Lesson plan for the class session that she will be observing.
C. Written detailed description of the problems he is having with students D. List of all students' names along with designation of their current grades in the class. - Correct Answers โ โ B A language arts teacher attended a summer workshop on critical thinking. The teacher plans to incorporate ideas from the workshop into her lessons. Which of the following language arts tasks would best elicit students' critical thinking skills? A. Using a dictionary to find the meaning of words B. Identifying and summarizing the major events in a narrative C. Evaluating the effectiveness of a written response according to audience and purpose D. Identifying standard English grammatical structures in a written work
C. Determining students' personal interests related to their home cultures D. Improving communication with the parents of students. - Correct Answers โ โ A A teacher sees another faculty member commit a violation of Florida education rules. The teacher must A. Report the alleged misconduct to appropriate authorities B. Discuss the alleged misconduct with the other faculty member. C. Wait a reasonable period to see of the other faculty member self- reports the misconduct. D. Keep quiet about the matter because it would be unethical to tell on anyone about the alleged misconduct - Correct Answers โ โ A Which of the following strategies is most effective for promoting students content area vocabulary development? A. providing ongoing, corrective feedback regarding pronunciation during reading in the content area B. giving frequent, short quizzes over content area vocabulary C. having students look up the definitions of a set of assigned words related to the content area D. semantically grouping new vocabulary words in the content area with familiar words that have similar meaning - Correct Answers โ โ D
On which of the following test question types does guessing have the most effect? A. constructed response B. fill in the blank C. multiple choice D. true-false - Correct Answers โ โ D When leading class discussions teachers should A. ask more questions of students sitting in the back of the room to make sure they are involved in the discussion. B. mainly use questions that elicit specific, concrete information about the topic of discussion. C. establish positive interactions that support students' responses. D. provide the correct answer if no one responds immediately. - Correct Answers โ โ C A new high school English teacher joins the Florida Council of Teachers of English. Which of the following is the most significant benefit of joining a professional organization in one's content field? A. increased opportunities to stay abreast of current developments in the field.
B. increased opportunities to obtain grants for school-based projects in the field. C. expanded access to experienced mentors in the field. D. expanded access to quality lesson plans and other instructional resources in the field. - Correct Answers โ โ A When planning learning experiences for diverse students, which of the following is an important guideline for teachers to keep in mind? A. Teachers should avoid incorporating the cultural backgrounds of their students into the curriculum. B. Teachers should recognize that, within a particular cultural group, individual variation is to be expected. C. Students from different cultural backgrounds will share few common educational interests and aspirations. D. Students' cultural backgrounds have little impact on how students construct knowledge or interact in the classroom. - Correct Answers โ โ B Students in a third-grade class are working in groups doing an experiment in which they drop a ball from various heights and measure the greatest height the ball reached when it bounced. Before the experiment begins, the teacher asks the students to formulate a hypothesis about what they expect to happen. After they have collected all their data, the students create a graph that shows maximum height reached when the ball was dropped from different
heights. Afterward, which of the following prompts regarding the experiment would be most effective for assessing students' higher- order thinking skills? A. Did you always measure the bounce to either the top or the bottom of the ball? B. Did the ball bounce more times when it was dropped from a higher height? C. Write a justification for the information shown in your graph. D. Without referring to the instructions provided to you, write a set of step-by-step procedures tha - Correct Answers โ โ C During a science unit on simple machines, a girl in the class complains to the teacher, "This is boy stuff. Why do I have to do it?" Several of the other girls in the class nod in agreement. The teacher ponders how best to deal with this incident. She should first A. check herself to make sure she is not modeling any gender stereotyping. B. lead a class discussion about science-related career opportunities. C. check classroom materials to make sure they do not reflect gender stereotyping. D. attend a workshop about promoting gender equity. - Correct Answers โ โ A
A school district permits teachers to borrow computers from their schools to take home. According to the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, if a teacher in the district borrows a computer from the school, it would be unethical for the teacher to A. keep the computer for more than one business day. B. fail to delete his or her files before returning the computer C. fail to use the computer for authorized school business only. D. fail to repair any damage that might occur to the computer when it is in his or her home. - Correct Answers โ โ C A first-grade teacher wants to help students develop reading comprehension as they begin to read. To achieve this goal, the teacher plans to explicitly teach and model reading comprehension skills. In general, which of the following skills would be most appropriate for beginning instruction in reading comprehension skills? A. making inferences B. making predictions C. recalling details D. summarizing - Correct Answers โ โ C Which of the following assessment methods is most likely to yield valid information about what students know and understand?
A. informal observation with a checklist B. student self-assessment C. peer assessment D. student journaling - Correct Answers โ โ A A teacher begins a language arts class by saying, "Today, your 10- minute writing activity is on the subject of school uniforms. Please begin writing in your journals, and stop when I give the signal." Some of the students begin the writing assignment, but most of the students have puzzled expressions and are not writing. The teachers addresses the class, "Do you have a question about the assignment?" One student responds, "What do you want us to write? We don't understand." Which of the following tenets would have been most helpful for the teacher to consider when crafting the writing assignment? A. Effective teachers communicate instructional tasks clearly to students. B. Effective teachers know how to shape the classroom into a community of learners engaged in active inquiry. C. Effective teachers use a variety of modes and tools of communication. D. Effective teachers appreciate the cultural dimensions of communi - Correct Answers โ โ A
A new high school teacher wants to learn how to more effectively lead whole-group class discussions. Which of the following measures probably would most help the teacher in improving his or her practice? A. Ask colleagues for their opinions on whether holding whole-group class discussions is a worthwhile instructional activity. B. Search the Internet for guidelines on how to effectively lead whole- group discussions and practice the advice provided. C. Study articles in professional journals on how to effectively lead whole-group discussions. D. Arrange to observe a colleague who effectively uses whole-group discussions. - Correct Answers โ โ D Which of the following science tasks would best elicit students' critical thinking skills? A. solving a problem after choosing an appropriate formula B. retrieving information from a chart, table, diagram, or graph C. generalizing or drawing conclusions D. recognizing examples and nonexamples of concepts - Correct Answers โ โ C Middle school students who are at risk of academic failure benefit most when
A. teachers help the students understand the structure and organization of school at the middle level. B. the students are given opportunities to experience academic success on assignments they perceive as meaningful and challenging. C. the students are routinely grouped together to do class assignments to avoid being put in competition with their higher-achieving peers. D. teachers minimize the use of any form of assessment to avoid causing stress due to low achievement. - Correct Answers โ โ B Which of the following behaviors by a teacher most likely would be considered a violation of the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida? A. In a private conference with a student, the teacher points out that the student is not performing as well academically as the other students in the class. B. In front of a student's classmates, a teacher makes disparaging comments about the student's answer to a question from the teacher. C. A teacher offers extra points for correcting tests, which tends to benefit lower-achieving students more than higher-achieving students. D. A teacher has a disruptive student removed from the classroom and asks the principal not to return the disruptive student to the classroom.
Structural analysis is an especially appropriate strategy for determining the meaning of which of the following words? A. explain B. pressure C. umbrella D. unbelievable - Correct Answers โ โ D A social studies teacher has planned a thematic unit called "Saving the Planet." The teacher begins the unit with the topic of natural resources. To determine students' prior knowledge about natural resources, the best graphic organizer for the teacher to use is a A. decision tree B. flowchart C. story tree D. web - Correct Answers โ โ D In general, a teacher's expectations would tend to have the LEAST effect on a middle school student's A. academic performance B. behavior C. peer relations D. self-concept - Correct Answers โ โ C
A teacher who holds a valid Florida professional certificate wishes to add a subject coverage. The teacher most probably can obtain accurate information about adding a subject coverage to his or her professional certificate by contacting A. the State Board of Education. B. a member of the district school board C. the district superintendent D. his or her principal - Correct Answers โ โ A In giving students problems in which they must generalize an algebraic or geometric pattern, a mathematics teacher is most likely promoting students' use of A. conditional reasoning B. deductive reasoning C. inductive reasoning D. syllogistic reasoning - Correct Answers โ โ C As a culminating activity for a unit on nutrition, a high school interdisciplinary team plans to have an informal social event at school for their classes. Which of the following is most likely to occur when the social event takes place?
A. Field-independent learners and field-dependent learners will be equally active during the event. B. Field-independent learners will tend to be more passive than field- dependent learners during the event. C. Field-dependent learners will tend to be more passive than field- independent learners during the event. D. Both field-independent learners and field-dependent learners will be passive during the event - Correct Answers โ โ B It is appropriate for a teacher to share information about a minor student without written permission from the student's parent when A. school counselor who has been seeing the student wants to examine the educational records kept by the teacher on the student. B. colleague who is conducting a research project wants to use non- personally-identifiable information from the educational records kept by the teacher on the student. C. colleague who has the student in another class wants to look at the educational records kept by the teacher on the student. D. noncustodial parent want to review the educational records kept by the teacher on the student. - Correct Answers โ โ B Current thinking regarding literacy instruction calls for a balanced and comprehensive approach to early reading instruction that includes
A. Intense instruction in phonics followed by literature-based, integrated language arts instruction. B. Explicit, systematic phonics instruction in the context of meaningful connected reading of informative, engaging text. C. Explicit, systematic phonics instruction alternated with basal reading program that includes grade-level reading materials for students. D. Implicit acquisition of word recognition skills in the context of literature-based, integrated language arts instruction. - Correct Answers โ โ B A high school economics teacher has students work as members of an investment team in a stock market simulation activity over a period of weeks. At the end of the simulation activity, each team must summarize its activities and present a report to the entire class. After the reports have been presented, the teacher asks the students to write a journal entry in which they assess the effectiveness of their investment team's decision making during the stock market simulation. Which of the following is a primary benefit of having the students reflect on the effectiveness of their team's decision making? A. It will promote a healthy, competitive spirit among the students B. It will allow the teacher to reward those students who exhibited leadership skills C. It will provide a means for the teacher to assess the students' ability to apply decision-making skills
D. It will promote self-assessment on the part of the students - Correct Answers โ โ D A teacher has observed that, during the whole-class discussions, English Language Learners (ELLs) in her classroom rarely volunteer comments. In leading class discussions, it is important the teacher is aware that A. Asking the ELLs less challenging questions they can get right will make them more willing to participate in future discussions. B. ELLs who are more willing to speak in class are usually more proficient language users than those who are reluctant to speak C. Cultural factors as well as language ability affect the extent to which ELLs speak out in class. D. Probing for further explanation or clarification when ELLs give responses should be avoided, so that they will not be embarrassed in front of their peers. - Correct Answers โ โ C To encourage students to think critically and consider a variety of ideas during a class discussion, a teacher should ask A. affective domain questions B. convergent questions C. divergent questions D. who, what, where, and when questions - Correct Answers โ โ C
A teacher who has academically gifted students in the class can best prepare to work with these students by keeping in mind they need A. Opportunities for independent learning that encourage them to apply creative and critical thinking B. Time to work independently when their peers are working in small groups C. Structured activities that reinforce basic skills more often than their peers D. External rewards because they often lack intrinsic motivation to learn. - Correct Answers โ โ A A fifth-grade student has a grade equivalent score of 7.6 on a standardized reading test. The student's grade equivalent score indicates that the student A. Is ready for seventh-grade reading material. B. Is in the top 7.6 percent of students who took the test. C. Did as well on the test as an average seventh-grader in the sixth month of the school year would do on a standardized seventh-grade reading test. D. Did as well on the test as an average seventh-grader in the sixth month of the school year would do on the same standardized reading test that the fifth-grade student took. - Correct Answers โ โ D
During an informal conversation, a second-grade English Language Learner (ELL) tells his teacher, "My madre - I mean, my mother - she work on grocery store." Which of the following would be the most appropriate teacher feedback in response to the student's statement? A. "Oh, so the Spanish word for mother is madre? That's good to know. B. "What should you do to the verb work when it comes after the word she?" C. "Your mother works in a grocery store? What does she do there?" D. "Should you say, "on a grocery store' or 'in a grocery store'?" - Correct Answers โ โ C Assigning students to work with a partner, a middle school language arts teacher challenges each pair with the following question: "How many uses can you think of for a book?" In giving the students this task, the teacher is most likely promoting their use of A. convergent thinking B. creative thinking C. deductive thinking D. generalization - Correct Answers โ โ B
In which of the following classes is the activity LEAST consistent with a tactile/kinesthetic modality preference? A. In language arts, students put on a play and dress in costumes. B. In mathematics, students do a survey on favorite jean brands and summarize results. C. In social studies, students participate in a simulation activity acting out a historical event. D. In science, students work in small groups to compare the heat reflection properties of various fabrics. - Correct Answers โ โ B The Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS) is administered to all kindergarten students in Florida public schools to assess their school readiness at the beginning of the school year. This assessment practice can be expected to enhance the children's experiences in kindergarten by A. Promoting the children's awareness of their own skills and needs and thereby their ability to choose personally useful learning activities. B. Helping teachers to ensure instruction is developmentally appropriate for the children in their classes. C. Helping teachers to determine whether teacher-directed or student- directed activities will best achieve targeted learning standards. D. Encouraging children to view the classroom as a place where academic learning and progress are important. - Correct Answers โ โ B
During group presentations, after students have worked in cooperative learning groups to investigate the properties of magnets, a fifth-grade teacher notices that two students, Rosa and Katie, are whispering to each other instead of paying attention to the presentations. When the girls look in the teacher's direction, the teacher give them a stern look. Immediately, the girls quit whispering and direct their attention to the presentations. The teacher's behavior is an example of A. extinction B. negative reinforcement C. nonverbal communication D. modeling - Correct Answers โ โ C A kindergarten teacher has the students sitting in a circle on the carpet while the teacher passes around a bag containing plastic letters. Each student is to reach in the bag, remove a letter, show the letter to the group, and then say the name of the letter and its sound. That concept is the teacher working on with these children? A. alphabetic principle B. decoding C. fluency D. print awareness - Correct Answers โ โ A