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FTCE Professional Education Test: Questions & Answers, Exams of Nursing

A collection of questions and answers related to the ftce- professional education test, covering topics such as student interest, individualized education programs (ieps), bloom's taxonomy, cooperative learning, learning styles, culturally responsive classrooms, piaget's cognitive development, higher-order thinking, deductive and inductive thinking, classroom management, and more. It offers insights into key concepts and practices in education, making it a valuable resource for aspiring teachers preparing for the ftce.

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FTCE- Professional Education Test (Florida Teacher Certification

Examination) Questions and Answers

How does a student interest relate to student learning and mastery of objectives? - Correct AnswersThere is a direct correlation between student interest/engagement and student learning. Generally, if a student has a high level of interest and engagment then the student has an increased level of motivation and academic mastery. How does a teacher utilize an IEP? - Correct AnswersAn Individualized Education Program is used to serve the needs of students with learning disabilities. According to Bloom, how many types of educational objectives are there? - Correct AnswersThree - cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. What is cooperative learning? - Correct AnswersCooperative learning is an instructional straegy that focuses on team recognitition, individiual accountability, and equal opportunities for success. What is an example of a cooperative learning activity? - Correct AnswersJigsawing True or False: Direct instruction is a student-centered instructional strategy. - Correct AnswersFalse. Direct instruciton is a teacher-centered instructional strategy. How many learnign styles are there? - Correct Answers What is the first step in developing a culutrally responsive classroom? - Correct AnswersDevelop a self-assessment and analyze personal values and beliefs, concerning learners. What theorist developed the idea of multiple intelligences? - Correct AnswersHoward Gardner

In what stage of Piaget's cognitive development would a learner be equipped to think logically about abstract ideas? - Correct AnswersFormal operational stage (adolescence to adulthood) How does Bloom's taxonomy relate to higher-level thinkiong? - Correct AnswersThe levels at the top of the taxonomy (analyzing, creating, evalutationg) generally reflect higher-order thinking skills developed by students. What is the primary difference between deductive and inductive thinking? - Correct AnswersDeductive thinking strates with one or two general statements and leads to a specific conclusion, while inductive thinking requires students to take specific facts and leads to a genreal conclusion. True or False: Homework does not measure progress. - Correct AnswersFalse. Homework does measure progress. It provides a snapshot of how a student is mastering the skills and concepts being taught. What is a curriculum-based measurement? - Correct AnswersAn assessment that is driven directly from the curriculum being taught; generally speaking it would be derived from local and state standards. Why is it important to monitor pre-requisite skill development? - Correct AnswersThe reason pre-requisite skill development must be focused upon is that these skills lead up to the ultimate learning target. Therefore, if a student does not show competency of a learning target, the inadequacy may be more reflective of the pre-requisite skills involved in the learning process. Learning activites should always be based on: a. the textbook selected by the district. b. student interests. c. specific objectivies. d. questions that will be on the summative test. - Correct AnswersC. All learning activities should be based on specific objectives as determined by the state standards.

An elementary reading teacher wants to get parents reading nightly with their children. The most effeictive way to do this while fostering parent communication is to: a. invite parents to a "reading night" where studtns and parents meet to read and share favorite poems. b. develop a reaing log and have parents sign that they read with the child for 30 minutes each night. c. send home a newsletter that describes how reading with your child is beneficial. d. offer extra credit for students who read at home on a regular basis. - Correct AnswersA. Although all of the selections encourage reading, choice A, the reading night for parents and students, best meets the teacher's objective. A reading night would encourage parents to start reading with their children. It would also provide an opportunity to interact with the parents, fostering an open line of communication. A culturally responsive teacher should be aware of students': a. social skills. b. home culture. c. interests and attitudes. d. all of the above. - Correct AnswersD. To be a culturally responsive teacher you must be aware of the student's home culture, determine how it impacts social skills, and be aware of the student's personal interests and attitudes. What are the benefits of efficient transitions? - Correct AnswersMinimize outside distractions and negative behavior, increase instructional time, maintain optimal learning conditions, and help promote student independence. True or False: There is a negative relationship between student behavior and classroom arrangement? - Correct AnswersFalse. There is a positive relationship between student behavior and classroom arrangement. So, if a teacher is focusing on student behavior, the professional should pay attention to classroom organization. What does "wait time" mean in relation to transitions? - Correct Answers"Wait time" refers to allowing students the needed time to transition from one learning activity to the next or from one place in the learning environment to another.

What is the primary difference between positive and negative reinforcement? - Correct AnswersPositive reinforcement is presenting a motivating/reinforcing stimulus to the person after the desired behavior is exhibited; negative reinforcemnt occurs when a certain stimulus is remoed after a particular behavior is exhibited. True or False: Behavioral models are not connected to classroom management. - Correct AnswersFalse. Research clearly shows that behavior exhibited by stuents is related to the classroom mangement system. How would you describe the difference between prevention and intervention? - Correct AnswersPrevention is creating strategies to help students avoid certain negative behaviors and intervention in monitoring and addressing behavioral needs after they occur. How would you describe the difference between an accomodation and a modification? - Correct AnswersAn accommodation is support provided to students without changing the learning target; a modification is support provided which changes the learning target. What is bullying? - Correct AnswersBullying is actions of individuals who thrive on hostility and dominance over others. What tools would you utilize with a student who was visually impaired? - Correct AnswersTalking word processor, Braille output, large-print materials, qualified reader, Brailler, computer with voice output, electronic note-taker, screen magnification product, optical magnifier, and large-print label. What are benefits of usign technology in communication? - Correct AnswersTechnology provides the following benefits: provides alternative to traditional communication, facilitates instant and continuous feedback on learning, and meets the needs of twenty- firest-century learners. How would you describe classroom presence? - Correct AnswersClassroom presence is the sense or culture creating by the teacher determined by how, when, and why the teacher communicates.

True or False: Body language is not connected to successful communicaiton. - Correct AnswersFalse. Body language is one from of non-verbal communication. It plays a role in determining class presense and effecitiveness of overall communicaiton. A student-centered classroom uses reciprocal teaching to analyze a selection of text. The four basic steps that are used in reciprocal teaching are: a. summarize what you know, list what you want to learn, record what you have learned, then teach it to a friend. b. predicting, questioning, clarifying, summarizing. c. preparing, presenting, correcting, and verifying. d. summarizing, diagramming, designing, and pesenting. - Correct AnswersB. Reciprocal teaching is a strategy that allows students to alternate between the role of teacher and student. A student reads a selection, then teaches what was learned to a classmate or group of students. The four steps of reciprocal teaching are first to predict what the selection will be about, then ask questions while reading the material, then clarify the author's meaning, and finally summarize the text. Which of the followign statements from a teacher would be considered classroom management through teh use of negative reinforcemnt? a. "Every time you get out of your seat without permission, you get a makr on your behavior chart." b. "If you would start turning in your homework, I wouldn't have to call your mother every afternoon!" c. "If you reach your reading goal, you can recieve a reward." d. "Billy, sit down and focus on your work." - Correct AnswersB. B.F. Skinner's theory of operant conditioning states that negative reinforcement is a key component of regulating behavior. Negative reinforcement occurs when something unpleasant is removed as the result of an increase in a desired behavior. It allows students to avoid an unpleasant situation. In order to practice effective behavior mangement, classroom rules: a. should only be enforced when they are blatantly violated. b. should be followed by all students and be consistently enforced.

c. should have unpredictable consequences. d. should be fexible and followed when neccessary. - Correct AnswersB. Rules that are not consistently enforced are ignored. If a rule is only enforced for some students, the class will begin to feel that the teacher is "unfair" and the teacher will begin to lose credibility and control of the classroom. True or False: Lower expectations should be provided for students who lack internal motivation. - Correct AnswersFalse: Expectations should not be lowered for students who lack motivation; better yet, higher expectations should be laid out for this type of student. How many key strategies are presented for students who lack motivation? - Correct AnswersFive key strategies are outlined. What kind of feedback is beneficial for all students? - Correct AnswersFeedback for all students should focus on specificity and accuracy and be designed to improve performance. True or False: Providing students with thoughtful feedback is an important instructional practice. - Correct AnswersTrue: Providing students with thoughtful feedback is an important instructional practice that supports a student's growth and development. What is genuine praise? - Correct AnswersGenuine praise is providing students with affirmation that is focused on specificity. When giving feedback, is it most beneficial to discuss multiple skill sets? Yes or No? - Correct AnswersNo. When giving feedback, students are able to focus and gain more academic ground when they are focusing on one skill at a time. What does it mean to differentiate in literacy? - Correct AnswersDifferentiation in literacy focuses on providing leveled support to readers within the classroom. What is visualization? - Correct AnswersVisualization is a straegy which opens up sutdent thinking by using snesory informaiton to stiumlate imagination whith both spoken and written words

True or False: Analogy is a practical tool which builds students' confidence while focusing on lower-level thinking skills. - Correct AnswersFalse: Analogy is a higher-order thinking skills activitiy, which foceses on generalting new compareisaons. What are three general ways that instruction can be differentiated? - Correct AnswersThe three general ways to differentiate instruction are Content, Process, and Products. Why is it important to get to know your students? - Correct AnswersThe rationale behind getting to know your students is that this knowledge will prepare you to best meet the needs of the students and provided engaging lessons. True or False: If a teacher is going to differentiate the curriculum, he or she must do this within every content area. - Correct AnswersFalse: As a teacher is analyzing where differentiation may occur, it is not necessary to differentiate in every content area. Why is it impotant to establish guidelines? - Correct AnswersThe reason teachers need to establish guidelines when considering technology is that sutents must know what is expected of them in order to make good choices whitin the learning enviorment. What is a back-up plan? - Correct AnswersA back-up plan is an alternative lesson planned in order to prepare for a scenariao where technology fails or does not work as expected. True or False: Teachers should not vary technology usage. - Correct AnswersFalse: Teachers should vary technology usage for the sake of variety and student engagement. What is acquisition intervention? - Correct AnswersIntervension focused on the idea that the task is too diffcult for the student. What is motivation intervention? - Correct AnswersIntervention focused on the idea that the student is not motivated to successfully complete the task. What is proficiency intervention? - Correct AnswersIntervention focused on the idea that the student needs more support to successfully complete the task.

What is content-area literacy? - Correct AnswersContent-area literacy is a focus on the idea of being able to successfully read content-area text. True or False: Motivation is related to academic needs. - Correct AnswersFalse: Motivation is related to social and emotional needs. What are the four key components of the Adolescent Literacy Support Framework? - Correct AnswersThe four key components of the Adolescent Literacy Support Framework are Motivation, Literacy Strategies, Across the Curriculum, and Organizational Support. Prior to teaching a unit on bacteria and viruses, a teacher has students evaluate a list of content-area statements as being true or false. After the lesson is complete, the students reevaluate the statements. What was the purpose of giving the assignment before the lesson if it was also to be completed afterward? a. The teacher was using anticipation chart to increase student interest and focus the instruction. b. The teacher wanted to see if the students already knew everything about the topic. c. The teacher knows that if the students already have mastered the topic, they won't pay attention in class. d. The teacher was using a concept map to determine student interest. - Correct AnswersA. The teacher is using an anticipation chart to direct the students's focus on the new topic. Drill and practice is primarily used to: a. practice previously learned skills. b. expose students to new concepts. c. keep students on task in class. d. reteach a skill that a student has failed to master. - Correct AnswersA. Drill and practice problems should only be used to practice previously learned skills. An intermeidate science teacher wants to develop a lesson that would teach her students to categorize items as a scietist would, while appealing to students with a naturalistic intelligence. Which plan would best meet her objective?

a. Plan an outdoor trip and have students gather items then work in groups to sort them based on their categories. c. Assemble an assortment of items found in nature and hae students work in cooperative learning groups to sort the items in various ways that demonstrate knowledge of physical characteristcs. d. Hae students use graphic organizers, brainstorm items that are found in nature, sort them into catorgiries, then report their results ot the class. - Correct AnswersA. Only choice A gets the students out of the classroom and into nature. Students with a naturalistic intelligence function best when the subject matter concerns things found in the natural world. What is the difference between formative and summative assessment? - Correct AnswersFormative assessment focuses on evaluating during the process of learning a unit or chapter, while summative assessment focuses on evaluating at the end of the unit of study. What are standards? - Correct AnswersStandards are agreed-upon measures for the quality of the work to be completed. True or False: Performance criteria form the basis for performance-based assessments. - Correct AnswersTrue: Performance criteria form and the basis for performance-based assessments. Should teachers closely monitor the amount of assessments for students? Yes or No? - Correct AnswersYes. It is critical that teachers do not overload students with assessments while also sustaining high expectations for learning. What is the ultimate purpose of assessment? - Correct AnswersThe ultimate purpose of assessment is to evaluate and improve sutdent learning. True or False: The best place to attack the idea of plagiarism is after the assessment has been designed. - Correct AnswersFalse: Ultimately, the best way to fight plagiarism in the classroom is to analyze the assessment at the very beginning of the design process. What are examples of formative assessments? - Correct AnswersThe following are formative assessments: examination, term paper, and project.

True or False: Rubrics are useful when creating assessments. - Correct AnswersTrue: Rubrics provide clear expectations for student learning. What are the three primary forms of assessments? - Correct AnswersDiagnostic, Formative, and Summative. What is a criticism of True/False assessments? - Correct AnswersThe students taking this type of examination have a 50 percent chance of gaining the correct answer, which could adversely affect the scores across the group. What is a portfolio? - Correct AnswersPortfolios consist of student work that displays mastery of skill of the task. Portfolios are considered to be a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more content areas. True or False: One disadvantage of a muliple-choice test is that it can be considered to be inauthentic and indirect. - Correct AnswersTrue: One disadvantage of a multiple-choice test is that it can be considered to be inauthentic and indirect. What is a possible benefit of assessment utilizing technology? - Correct AnswersTechnology can aid in identifying and addressign academic needs of students. True or False: Technology has the ability to provide an active expreinece for students. - Correct AnswersTrue: Technology has the ability ot provide an active expreince for students. Is technology intrincically or extrincically motivating for students? - Correct AnswersTechnology is intrinsically motivating for students. What type of test could a school district use to determine if state standards were being effectively taught? a. Norm-referenced test. b. Criterion-referenced test c. Cognitive test

d. Authentic assessment test - Correct AnswersB. A criterion-referenced test (also called a criterion-based test) is used to test mastery of specific benchmark standards. Tests such as the now-retired Florida FCAT and the new PARCC assessments are criterion- referenced tests. Which of the following is the best example of a cognitive objective? a. Students will complete a two-digit multiplication skills test with 85 percent mastery. b. Students ill demonstrate knowledge of the struction of animal cells. c. Students will identify the main characters in a short story. d. Students will be able to brainstorm possible endings to a story. - Correct AnswersA. A cognitive objective has three main components: the condition, the behavior, and the degree. Choice A is the only one that gives a measurable degree of mastery (85%). The best tool for a teacher to use to keep a running, averaged record of student scores throughout the year is a: a. spreadsheet b. database c. word document d. grade book - Correct AnswersA. Spreadsheets are useful tools for calculating running totals of scores since they can be designed to calculate averages as you add in data. Most districts have online grading programs that are used for entering grades, calculating averages, and posting marks online for parents, guardians, and sutdents to view.