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Fundamentals of Cell Biology and Genetics, Exams of Biology

A comprehensive overview of the key concepts and structures in cell biology and genetics. It covers topics such as the composition and functions of various cellular organelles, the processes of cell division (mitosis and meiosis), the principles of inheritance and genetic expression, and the fundamental mechanisms of life at the molecular level. The document delves into the intricate details of cellular processes, the role of biomolecules, and the mechanisms of heredity, offering a solid foundation for understanding the building blocks of living organisms. This resource would be particularly valuable for students studying biology, biochemistry, or related fields, as it covers a wide range of topics that are essential for understanding the fundamental principles of life sciences.

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Available from 08/13/2024

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NLN Pax Biology Exam 115 Questions with Answers 2023

Cell - CORRECT ANSWER smallest living unit and the basic unit of function and structure for all living things. Nucleus - CORRECT ANSWER contains genetic information or DNA, controls the activities of the cell. DNA - - CORRECT ANSWER Deoxyribonucleic Acid - genetic information. Plasma or Cell Membrane - CORRECT ANSWER Semipermeable membrane that separates the contents of the cell from the surrounding fluids (interstitial fluid). Interstitial Fluid - CORRECT ANSWER contains substances such as aminoacids, sugars, fatty acids, hormones, neurotransmitters and salts. Selectively permeable or semi permeable membrane - CORRECT ANSWER refers to the selective nature of the plasma membrane. It contains pores and channels that allow only particles of the right size or right chemical nature to pass through. Additionally plasma membrane contains receptors that bind with specific substances, thus allowing special entry or signals to the cell to perform a certain activity. Cytoplasm - CORRECT ANSWER Fluid matrix found between the plasma membrane and the nucleus that act as scaffolding for the organelles. Organelles - CORRECT ANSWER or "little organs" are specialized units in the cell that perform certain functions. Mitochondria - CORRECT ANSWER are the locations for cellular respiration that is the conversion of food to energy at the cellular level, thus the mitochondria are the sites of energy production and most of its ATP.

ATP - CORRECT ANSWER adenosine triphosphate - chemical the cell uses to store and transfer energy within itself. Ribosome - CORRECT ANSWER site of protein synthesis in the cell. Endoplasmatic Reticulum(ER) - CORRECT ANSWER serves as means of transport within the cell and is made up of many channels. Rough ER - CORRECT ANSWER named for the fact that it has ribosomes on its surface, serves to store and deliver proteins made by the attached ribosomes. Smooth ER - CORRECT ANSWER Free of ribosomes, found in a variety of cells, performs varying functions in different cells, including the storage of enzymes and minerals and the folding of proteins, among other things. It is thought to be involved in the detoxification of chemicals and the metabolism of fats. Golgi Complex - CORRECT ANSWER modifies and packages proteins destined for use in the cell or for export from the cell. Lysosome - CORRECT ANSWER sacs that contain strong digestive enzymes, responsible for digesting cell structures that are no longer living or that are malfunctioning and for digesting waste. Cell wall - CORRECT ANSWER exclusive to plant cells and it involves the plant cells, essential for their protection, maintenance of shape and water balance. Chloroplast - CORRECT ANSWER contains chlorophyll, which is necessary for photosynthesis. Vacuole - CORRECT ANSWER large compartments in the cytoplasm that serve as places for secretion, excretion and storage. Chromatin - CORRECT ANSWER loosely structured DNA found when the cell is not dividing.

Chromosomes - CORRECT ANSWER condensed rod shaped bodies of DNA found when the cell is dividing. Mitosis - CORRECT ANSWER process of cell division that happens in non- reproductive or somatic cells. The new cells are identical copies of the parent cell. This is achieved by a doubling of the chromosomes prior to division. Zygote - CORRECT ANSWER cell created by the union of a sperm and an egg, contains a full set of chromosomes, half from each parent. Meiosis - CORRECT ANSWER process of cell division that happens in reproductive cells or gametes (cells that contain only half of the genetic material). It consists first of a doubling of chromosomes then two subsequent divisions. So the product is 4 daughter cells each with half of the genetic material than a non-reproductive or somatic cell. Tissue - CORRECT ANSWER cells with common structure and function Muscle Tissue - CORRECT ANSWER skeletal, cardiac and smooth Epithelial Tissue - CORRECT ANSWER skin and lining of organs Nervous Tissue - CORRECT ANSWER neurons Connective Tissue - CORRECT ANSWER cartilage, blood, fat and bones Organ - CORRECT ANSWER various tissue forms combined to perform a specialized function. Organ System - CORRECT ANSWER number of organs working together to perform a major function Natural Selection - CORRECT ANSWER process by which the traits that promote or enhance an organism's ability to survive and reproduce are passed on to following generations.

Adaptation - CORRECT ANSWER "survival of the fittest" - For natural selection to occur, organisms must have variations,some of which give the individuals having them an advantage in the struggle for survival. The struggle for survival occurs because each generation of a species produces more offspring than can survive. In this struggle, the individuals best suited to their environment lives and passes on the traits to their offspring. Fossil Record - CORRECT ANSWER remnants or traces of organisms from past geologic eras. Vertebrates - CORRECT ANSWER animals with back bones. Biogeography - CORRECT ANSWER geographical distribution of plants and animals. Comparative Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER comparison between organisms' structures. Comparative Embryology - CORRECT ANSWER comparison between organisms' embryos. Evolution - CORRECT ANSWER theory regarding the processes that have produced the biological diversity we see today. Molecular Biology - CORRECT ANSWER Biology at molecular level. Active Transport - CORRECT ANSWER involves the use of energy in the form of ATP to move substances across the membrane. Diffusion - CORRECT ANSWER particles move in a random manner, spreading evenly throughout an available space and moving from regions of high concentration to those of low concentration. Osmosis - CORRECT ANSWER specific water type of diffusion, water moves from an area of high water concentration (or low particle concentration) to an area of low water concentration (high particle concentration).

Filtration - CORRECT ANSWER movement of water and solutes through a membrane by fluid, or hydrostatic pressure. Hypertonic solution. - CORRECT ANSWER greater concentration of solute, this solution will draw water out of a cell or other Hypotonic solution. - CORRECT ANSWER lower concentration of solute, this solution will let water move into a cell or the other Autotroph - CORRECT ANSWER organisms that produce their own food from inorganic substances. Heterotroph - CORRECT ANSWER organisms that obtain their food by consuming plants or other animals, also referred as consumers. Herbivore - CORRECT ANSWER Plant eaters Omnivore - CORRECT ANSWER Plant and meat eaters Carnivore - CORRECT ANSWER meat eaters Trophic Level - CORRECT ANSWER ecosystem divisions made based on the basis of how the organism meets its nutritional needs Ecosystem - CORRECT ANSWER is a functional unit consisting of living things in a given area, non-living chemical and physical factors of their environment, linked together through nutrient cycle and energy flow. Food Chain - CORRECT ANSWER the path along which food is transferred from level to level. Food Web - CORRECT ANSWER the interrelationship between different food chains Decomposer - CORRECT ANSWER organisms that consume nonliving organic material and release inorganic material that gets recycled through the ecosystem

Biotic - CORRECT ANSWER factors that include living parts of the ecosystem Abiotic - CORRECT ANSWER factors that include non-living influences of an ecosystem such as temperature, humidity, soil composition. Predator - CORRECT ANSWER An organism that lives by preying on other organisms Prey - CORRECT ANSWER An animal hunted or caught for food Symbiosis - CORRECT ANSWER A close, prolonged association between two or more different organisms of different species that may, but does not necessarily, benefit each member Parasitism - CORRECT ANSWER the relation between two different kinds of organisms in which one receives benefits from the other by causing damage to it (usually not fatal damage) Commensalism - CORRECT ANSWER the relation between two different kinds of organisms when one receives benefits from the other without damaging it Mutualism - CORRECT ANSWER biological interaction between two organisms, where each individual derives a fitness benefit. Biosphere - CORRECT ANSWER global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements Biome - CORRECT ANSWER any major regional biological community such as that of forest or desert Deserts - CORRECT ANSWER landscape or region that receives little precipitation Tropical Rain Forest - CORRECT ANSWER a type of wet forest found near the equator that harbors the richest diversity of terrestrial plant and animal species Deciduous Forest - CORRECT ANSWER forest made of trees that shed leaves habitually on a cyclic basis

Coniferous Forest - CORRECT ANSWER forest consisting mostly of conifers such as firs, pines and spruces, usually in climates too dry or too cold to support deciduous forest Tundra - CORRECT ANSWER low, shrubby or mat-like vegetation found at extremely high latitudes or elevations, near the limit of plant growth. Soils usually subject to permafrost. Plant diversity is typically low and the growing season is short. Photosynthesis - CORRECT ANSWER process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight Chlorophyll - CORRECT ANSWER The coloring pigment produced by all green plants, which assists the plant in using sunlight to produce food Cuticle - CORRECT ANSWER waxy layer that helps prevent water loss through evaporation Stomate - CORRECT ANSWER pores on the lower surface of the leaves that allow carbon dioxide to enter and oxygen to be released during photosynthesis without losing too much water Sepal - CORRECT ANSWER encase flowers before they bloom Angiosperms - CORRECT ANSWER flowers, are responsible for reproduction Petal - CORRECT ANSWER useful in attracting pollinators Stamen - CORRECT ANSWER consists of filament and anther Filament - CORRECT ANSWER supports the anther Anther - CORRECT ANSWER where pollen is produced Pistil - CORRECT ANSWER consists of stigma, style and ovary

Stigma - CORRECT ANSWER receives pollen Style - CORRECT ANSWER leads to the ovary Ovary - CORRECT ANSWER contains ovules and is where fertilization occurs Ovule - CORRECT ANSWER reproductive plant cell Seed - CORRECT ANSWER after fertilization the ovules inside the ovary develop into seeds Fruit - CORRECT ANSWER thick flashy protective layer that develop from the walls of the ovary Isotonic - CORRECT ANSWER 2 solutions in equilibrium or same concentration, no movement from one side to the other. Passive Transport - CORRECT ANSWER does not require energy and makes use of diffusion and filtration. Gene - CORRECT ANSWER set of instructions that determines that characteristics of an organisms Allele - CORRECT ANSWER either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character Dominance - CORRECT ANSWER relationship between different forms (alleles) of a gene at a particular physical location (locus) on a chromosome Phenotype - CORRECT ANSWER what an organism looks like as a consequence of the interaction of its genotype and the environment Genotype - CORRECT ANSWER the particular alleles at specified loci present in an organism

Segregation - CORRECT ANSWER the separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes Independent Assortment - CORRECT ANSWER Genes which are not linked will behave independently of each other, and will assort according to simple rules of probability Codominance - CORRECT ANSWER A condition in which both alleles of a gene pair in a heterozygote are fully expressed, with neither one being dominant or recessive to the other Linkage - CORRECT ANSWER traits that tend to be inherited together as a consequence of an association between their genes Heterozygote - CORRECT ANSWER an organism having two different alleles of a particular gene and so giving rise to varying offspring Homozygote - CORRECT ANSWER an organism having two identical alleles of a particular gene and so breeding true for the particular characteristic Sex-linked traits - CORRECT ANSWER genes found in the X chromosome but not on Y Autosome - CORRECT ANSWER any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome Replication - CORRECT ANSWER the process whereby DNA makes a copy of itself before cell division Nucleotide - CORRECT ANSWER a compound made of a base, a sugar, and a phosphate; the bits that make up nucleic acid inside a cell, including RNA and DNA. Deoxyribose - CORRECT ANSWER a sugar (pentose) that is a constituent of nucleic acids Double Helix - CORRECT ANSWER two strands of nucleotides joined together by nitrogenous bases connected to each other with hydrogen bonds

Uracil - CORRECT ANSWER a base containing nitrogen that is found in RNA (but not in DNA) in DNA it gets substituted by thymine. Phosphate Group - CORRECT ANSWER A chemical group found in DNA and RNA, and often attached to proteins and other biological molecules. It is composed of one phosphorous atom bound to four oxygen atoms Transcription - CORRECT ANSWER the process forming m-RNA according to the information contained in the DNA Translation - CORRECT ANSWER messenger RNA (mRNA) produced in transcription is decoded to produce a specific amino acid chain, or polypeptide, that will later fold into an active protein Messenger RNA (m-RNA) - CORRECT ANSWER made from DNA in the nucleus through transcription. Transfer RNA (t-RNA) - CORRECT ANSWER that transfers a specific active amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain at the ribosomal site of protein synthesis during translation Nitrogenous Base - CORRECT ANSWER A nitrogen-containing molecule having the chemical properties of a base (adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine or uracil) Aminoacid - CORRECT ANSWER The basic building block of proteins, they are molecules containing an amine group, a carboxylic acid group and a side chain