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Fundamentals of Nursing Exam Review: Key Concepts and Theories, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive review of key concepts and theories in nursing, focusing on prominent figures like florence nightingale and clara barton. It covers essential nursing principles, including the nursing process, medication administration, and various nursing theories. The document also includes a section on insulin types and administration, highlighting important safety considerations. This resource is valuable for nursing students preparing for exams or seeking a concise overview of fundamental nursing knowledge.

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Available from 12/26/2024

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Download Fundamentals of Nursing Exam Review: Key Concepts and Theories and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity!

Fundamentals of Nursing Perry and

Potter 11th Edition Unit One Exam Review

Florence Nightingale theory Concept of balance between environment and patient: emphasized prevention; clean air, water, and housing Clara Barton (1821-1912) Developed the American Red Cross in 1881 Harriet Tubman American abolitionist. Born a slave on a Maryland plantation, she escaped to the North in 1849 and became the most renowned conductor on the Underground Railroad, leading more than 300 slaves to freedom. Mary Mahoney First professionally trained African American nurse Isabel Robb Instrumental in establishing the American Nurses Association (ANA). Florence Nightingale theory Environmental Theory Lillian Wald and Mary Brewster opened henry street settlement, which focused on the health needs of poor people who lived in tenements in NYC Florence Nightingale Founder of modern nursing Domain of nursing theory The person, health, the environment or situation, and nursing. STAT medication order describes a single dose of medication to be given immediately and only once. Now medication order Medication is need right away (within 1 hour), but not STAT Nursing Process assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, evaluation Nursing Theories -describe, explain, and predict human behavior -used in practice, education, and research Henderson Theory of Nursing Principles and practice, 14 activities nurse assists on until patient can return to SELF CARE. Johnson Theory Behavioral system Newman theory Humans are in constant relationship with stressors in the environment Abdellah's Theory patient centered care

King nursing theory goal attainment Roy Nursing Theory To identify types of domains placed on patient, assess adaptation to demands, and help patient adapt. Watson: Nursing reciprocal transpersonal relationship in caring moments guided by carative factors Benner's stages of nursing proficiency

  1. Novice
  2. Advanced Beginner
  3. Competent
  4. Proficient
  5. Expert Benner theory of nursing five stages of skill acquisition of nurses

Novice advanced beginner competent proficient expert Kolcaba's Theory of Comfort addressed in 4 contexts: 1. physical comfort pertains to the bodily sensations 2. psychospiritual comfort pertains to the awareness of self, including esteem, sexuality, meaning in one's life, and one's relationship to a higher being 3. sociocultural comfort pertains to family, the relationships, and cultural traditions 4. environmental comfort pertains to the background, which includes light, noise, color, and temperature Pender's Nursing Theory Focuses on promoting health and managing stress American Association of critical care nurses theory Synergy Melesis transitions Glargine (Lantus) Long-acting insulin Onset 1 - 2 hour Peak (none) Duration 10-24 hours Detemir (Levemir) long acting insulin 1 -2 hour peak NPH Insulin Starts to work in 2 to 4 hours intermediate acting 8 to 10 hours duration is 10 to 18 hours Lispro (Humalog) Rapid-acting insulin. Onset: less than 15 minutes. Peak: 0.5-1 hour. Peak 1 -2 hours. Duration: 3-4 hours.

Aspart insulin (Novolog®) rapid acting insulin Glulisine (Apidra) rapid acting insulin Mixing insulin steps

  1. inject long-lasting insulin w/ air
  2. inject regular insulin w/ air
  3. draw up regular insulin
  4. draw up long-lasting insulin high alert meds REQUIRE 2-NURSE CHECK
  • insulin
  • PCA opioids
  • IV heparin
  • Chemo Autonomy in nursing Independent nursing interventions that the nurse initiates without medical orders. Community-oriented nursing Care of a population of individuals, families, and groups, or the community as a whole. community-based nursing the provision of acute care and care for chronic health problems to individuals and families in the community nursing theory differentiates nursing from other disciplines and activities by serving the purposes of describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling desired outcomes of nursing care practices subcutaneous injection injection into the subcutaneous tissue that lies between the epidermis and the muscle intramuscular injection an injection into deep muscle tissue, usually of the buttock, thigh, or upper arm automatic stop orders given for a limited time only; example is Schedule II or III drugs after an injury or surgical procedure