Download FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING LATEST UPDATE WITH BEST SOLITIONS GURANTEED PASS 2024/2025. and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING LATEST UPDATE WITH BEST SOLITIONS GURANTEED PASS 2024/2025. Aims of nursing promoting health, preventing illness, restoring health, facilitating coping with disability or death promoting health promoting good physical, mental and emotional health by identifying, analyzing, and maximizing the patient's strengths as components of preventing illness, restoring health and facilitating coping with disability or death preventing illness reduce the risk of illness by avoiding or achieving early detection of illness or to maintain function within the constraints of an illness. Teach by example, educational programs, community programs, literature, and health assessments restoring health performing assessments that detect an illness refering questions and findings to other healthcare providers, providing direct care, collaborating, planning, teaching and carrying out rehabilitation for illnesses, working in rehab programs facilitating coping with disability or death hospice, refer to support groups roles of nurses caregiver, communicator, teacher/educator, leader, advocate LPN 1 year program, can do most nursing functions RN AS or BSN degree, completes all nursing skills, specialized training, BSN level looking into evidence-based practice, papers focused on research Graduate education-masters nurse practitioner, educator, management doctorate higher level of practice professional nursing organizations to be considered a profession a professional organization needs to be in place to set standards for practice and education. This sets education minimums, and continuity of care ANA Professional organization for RN's in the US. Publicizes standards of Practice to ensure knowledgeable, safe, comprehensive, nursing care by those who will receive a license Nurse practice act defines legal scope of practice, excludes untrained or unlicensed people from practicing, establishes education and licensing criteria, creates a state board of nursing, makes and enforces rules and regulations nursing process assess, nursing diagnosis, identify expected outcomes, implement care, evaluate results assess collect, validate and communicate patient data, vital step-all remaining steps depend on complete, accurate, factual data, made at the beginning of care and throughout the course of care, goal is to come up with dx and interventions. four essential competencies cognitive, technical, interpersonal, ethical/legal nursing diagnosis actual and potential health problems that nursing intervention can prevent or resolve. the goal of the nursing diagnosis is to focus on the patient's responses to health problems (NANDA) identify expected outcomes what do we want the patient to achieve as a result of nursing care? Implement the care have patient exercise, eat more fiber, increase fluids, give meds for constipation, etc. evaluate the results was the outcome achieved-did the pt have a bowel movement within two days? initial comprehensive assessment completed after pt has been admitted to the floor, purpose is to obtain all possible information about the pt, complete database for problem identification and care planning, past hx, allergies, and all pertinent physical findings (skin breakdown) auscultation listening with the stethescope to lungs, heart and abdomen, listen for pitch, loudness,quality and rate normal breath sounds bronchial-heard over the trachea-high pitched, harsh sounds bronchiovesicular- heard over the mainstream bronchus-moderate"blowing" sounds, vesicular-heard over the base of the lungs-soft and low pitched When assessing the abdomen what order should the techniques be performed inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation purpose of documentation if it isn't recorded, it didn't happen, to identify actual and potential health problems, plan appropriate care, evaluate the pt's responses to tx, roles of the nurse in dx procedures assist, be responsible for equipment needed, witness pt's consent, schedule tests, prepare pt physically and emotionally, provide care after test, dispose of used equipment, transport specimens ABC airway, breathing, circulation afebrile without fever anti-pyretic fever reducing agent apnea no breathing bradycadia heart rate below 60 bradypnea decreased respiratory rate dyspnea difficulty breathing febrile with fever hypertension elevated blood pressure hypotension decreased blood pressure hypothermia core body temp too low opthalmoscope instrument used to visual eyes orthopnea breathe easier in an upright position otoscope instrument used to visual ears tachycardia heart rate above 100 tachypnea increased respiratory rate adventitious breath sounds crackles-fine to course crackling sounds due to fluid in the air passages wheezing- high pitched,musical-generally from narrowing of air passages stridor-harsh high pitched heard on inspiration crackles fine to course crackling sounds due to fluid in the air passages stridor harsh high pitched heard on inspiration wheezing high pitched,musical-generally from narrowing of air passages physical assessment collect objective data about the patient, explain the exam to the pt and perform in warm, quiet, private environment