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Fundamentals of Nursing TB Exam with Verified Correct Answers 2023/2024, Exams of Nursing

A series of multiple-choice questions and answers related to evidence-based practice in nursing. It covers key concepts such as the rationale for using evidence-based practice, the importance of patient values, the use of picot questions, and the different types of research studies. The document also includes questions about the research process, informed consent, and the goals of healthy people 2030.

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Available from 10/30/2024

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A nurse uses evidence-based practice (EBP) to provide nursing care. What is the best rationale? for the nurse's behavior? a. EBP is a guide for nurses in making clinical decisions. b. EBP is based on the latest textbook information. c. EBP is easily attained at the bedside. d. EBP is always right for all situations. - ANSWER>>>a In caring for patients, what must the nurse remember about evidence-based practice (EBP)? a. EBP is the only valid source of knowledge that should be used. b. EBP is secondary to traditional or convenient care knowledge. c. EBP is dependent on patient values and expectations. d. EBP is not shown to provide better patient outcomes. - ANSWER>>>c

A nurse wants to change a patient procedure. Which action will the nurse take to easily find research evidence to support this change? a. Read all the articles found on the Internet. b. Make a general search of the Internet. c. Use a PICOT format for the search. d. Start with a broad question. - ANSWER>>>c A nurse has collected several research findings for evidence- based practice. Which article will be the best for the nurse to use? a. An article that uses randomized controlled trials (RCT). b. An article that is an opinion of expert committees. c. An article that uses qualitative research. d. An article that is peer-reviewed. - ANSWER>>>a The nurse is reviewing a research article on a patient care topic. Which area should entice the

nurse to read the article? a. Literature review b. Introduction c. Methods d. Results - ANSWER>>>b The nurse is caring for a patient with chronic low back pain. The nurse wants to determine the best evidence-based practice regarding clinical guidelines for low back pain. What is the best database for the nurse to access? a. MEDLINE b. EMBASE c. PsycINFO d. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) - ANSWER>>>d A nurse writes the following PICOT question: How do patients with breast cancer rate their

quality of life? How should the nurse evaluate this question? a. A true PICOT question regardless of the number of elements b. A true PICOT question because the intervention comes before the control c. Not a true PICOT question because the comparison comes after the intervention d. Not a true PICOT question because the time is not designated - ANSWER>>>a A nurse is reviewing literature for an evidence-based practice study. Which study should the nurse use for the most reliable level of evidence that uses statistics to show effectiveness? a. Meta-analysis b. Systematic review c. Single random controlled trial d. Control trial without randomization - ANSWER>>>a

A nurse is reviewing research studies for evidence-based practice. Which article should the nurse use for qualitative nursing research? a. An article about the number of falls after use of no side rails b. An article about infection rates after use of a new wound dressing c. An article about the percentage of new admissions on a new floor d. An article about emotional needs of dying patients and their families - ANSWER>>>d A nurse develops the following PICOT question: Do patients who listen to music achieve better control of their anxiety and pain after surgery when compared with patients who receive standard nursing care following surgery? Which information will the nurse use as the ―C‖? a. After surgery. b. Who listen to music?

c. Who receive standard nursing care? d. Achieve better control of their anxiety and pain. - ANSWER>>>c The nurse uses a PICOT question to develop an evidence-based change in protocol for a certain nursing procedure. However, to make these changes throughout the entire institution would require more evidence than is available at this time. What is the nurse's best option? a. Conduct a pilot study to investigate findings. b. Drop the idea of making the change at this time. c. Insist that management hire the needed staff to facilitate the change. d. Seek employment in another institution that may have the staff needed. - ANSWER>>>a The nurse is trying to identify common general themes relative to the effectiveness of cardiac

rehabilitation from patients who have had heart attacks and have gone through cardiac rehabilitation programs. The nurse conducts interviews and focus groups. Which type of research is the nurse conducting? a. Nonexperimental research b. Experimental research c. Qualitative research d. Evaluation research - ANSWER>>>c In conducting a research study, the nurse researcher guarantees the subject no information will be reported in any manner that will identify the subject and only the research team will have access to the information. Which concept is the nurse researcher fulfilling? a. Bias b. Confidentiality c. Informed consent

d. The research process - ANSWER>>>b The nurse researcher is preparing to publish the findings and is preparing to add the limitations to the manuscript. Which area of the manuscript will the nurse researcher add this information? a. Abstract b. Conclusion c. Study design d. Clinical implications - ANSWER>>>b A nurse is trying to decrease the rate of falls on the unit. After reviewing the literature, a strategy is implemented on the unit. After 3 months, the nurse finds that the falls have decreased. Which process did the nurse institute? a. Performance improvement b. Peer-reviewed project

c. Generalizability study d. Qualitative research - ANSWER>>>a A nurse identifies a clinical problem with pressure injuries. Which step should the nurse take next in the research process? a. Analyze results. b. Conduct the study. c. Determine method. d. Develop a hypothesis. - ANSWER>>>d After reviewing the literature, the evidence-based practice committee institutes a practice change that bedrails should be left in the down position and hourly nursing rounds should be conducted. The results indicate over a 40% reduction in falls. What is the committee's next step? a. Evaluate the changes in 1 month.

b. Implement the changes as a pilot study. c. Wait a month before implementing the changes. d. Communicate to staff the results of this project. - ANSWER>>>d A nurse is developing a care delivery outcomes research project. Which population will the nurse study? a. Nurses b. Patients c. Administrators d. Health care providers - ANSWER>>>b

. A nurse is implementing an evidence-based practice project regarding infection rates. After reviewing research literature, which other evidence should the nurse review? a. Quality improvement data b. Inductive reasoning data

c. Informed consent data d. Biased data - ANSWER>>>a

. A nurse is using the research process. Place in order the sequence that the nurse will follow.

  1. Analyze results.
  2. Conduct the study.
  3. Identify clinical problem.
  4. Develop research question.
  5. Determine how study will be conducted. a. 3, 4, 5, 2, 1 b. 4, 3, 5, 2, 1 c. 3, 5, 4, 2, 1 d. 4, 5, 3, 2, 1 - ANSWER>>>a The nurse is preparing to conduct research that will allow precise measurement of a phenomenon. Which methods will provide the nurse with the right kind of data? (Select all

that apply.) a. Surveys b. Phenomenology c. Grounded theory d. Evaluation research e. Nonexperimental research MULTIPLE CHOICE - ANSWER>>>A,D,E MULTIPLE CHOICE Before conducting any study with human subjects, the nurse researcher must obtain informed consent. What must the nurse researcher ensure to obtain informed consent? (Select all that apply.) a. Gives complete information about the purpose. b. Allows free choice to participate or withdraw. c. Understands how confidentiality is maintained. d. Identifies risks and benefits of participation.

e. Ensures that subjects complete the study. - ANSWER>>>A,B,C,D The nurse is reviewing nursing research literature related to a potential practice problem on the nursing unit. What is the rationale for the nurse's action? (Select all that apply.) a. Nursing research ensures the nurse's promotion. b. Nursing research identifies new knowledge. c. Nursing research improves professional practice. d. Nursing research enhances effective use of resources. e. Nursing research leads to decreases in budget expenditures. - ANSWER>>>B,C,D A nurse is following the goals of Healthy People 2030 to provide care. Which action should the nurse take? a. Allowing people to continue current behaviors to reduce the stress of change.

b. Focusing only on health changes that will lead to better local communities. c. Promoting a society in which all people live long, healthy lives. d. Focusing on illness treatment to provide fast recuperation - ANSWER>>>C A nurse is using the World Health Organization definition of health to provide care. Which area will the nurse focus on while providing care? a. Focusing on helping patients be disease free b. Providing care that involves the whole person c. Assuring that care is strictly personal in nature d. Directing focus only on the pathological state - ANSWER>>>B The nurse is preparing a smoking cessation class for family members of patients with lung cancer. The nurse believes that the class will convert many smokers to nonsmokers once they

realize the benefits of not smoking. Which health care model is the nurse following? a. Health belief model b. Holistic health model c. Health promotion model d. Maslow's hierarchy of needs - ANSWER>>>A A nurse is using Maslow's hierarchy to prioritize care for an anxious patient that is not eating and will not see family members. Which area should the nurse address first? a. Anxiety b. Not eating c. Mental health d. Not seeing family members - ANSWER>>>B The patient is reporting moderate incisional pain that was not relieved by the last dose of pain

medication. The patient is not due for another dose of medication for another 2 1/2 hours. The nurse repositions the patient, asks what type of music the patient likes, and sets the television to the channel playing that type of music. Which health care model is the nurse using? a. Health belief model b. Holistic health model c. Health promotion model d. Maslow's hierarchy of needs - ANSWER>>>B A nurse is assessing internal variables that are affecting the patient's health status. Which area should the nurse assess? a. Perception of functioning b. Socioeconomic factors c. Cultural background d. Family practices - ANSWER>>>A

The nurse is admitting a patient diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. It is the fourth time the patient is being admitted in the last 6 months for high blood glucose levels. During the admission process, the nurse asks the patient about employment status and displays a nonjudgmental attitude. What is the rationale for the nurse's actions? a. External variables have little effect on adherence. b. A person's adherence is affected by economic status. c. Employment status is an internal variable that impacts compliance. d. Noncompliant patients thrive on the disapproval of authority figures. - ANSWER>>>B The nurse is working on a committee to evaluate the need for increasing the levels of fluoride in the drinking water of the community. Which concept is the nurse fostering?

a. Illness prevention b. Wellness education c. Active health promotion d. Passive health promotion - ANSWER>>>D The nurse is working in a clinic that is designed to provide health education and immunizations. Which type of preventive care is the nurse providing? a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention c. Tertiary prevention d. Risk factor prevention - ANSWER>>>A The patient is admitted to the emergency department of the local hospital from home with reports of chest discomfort and shortness of breath. The patient is placed on oxygen, has labs

and blood gases drawn, and is given an electrocardiogram and breathing treatments. Which level of preventive care is this patient receiving? a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention c. Tertiary prevention d. Health promotion - ANSWER>>>B A patient is admitted to a rehabilitation facility following a stroke. The patient has right-sided paralysis and is unable to speak. The patient will be receiving physical therapy and speech therapy. Which level of preventive care is the patient receiving? a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention c. Tertiary prevention d. Health promotion - ANSWER>>>C

Upon completing a history, the nurse finds that a patient has risk factors for developing lung disease. How should the nurse interpret this finding? a. A person with the risk factor will get the disease. b. The chances of getting the disease are increased. c. Risk modification will have no effect on disease prevention. d. The disease is guaranteed not to develop if the risk factor is controlled. - ANSWER>>>B The nurse is caring for a patient who has been trying to quit smoking. The patient has been smoke free for 2 weeks but had two cigarettes last night and at least two this morning. What should the nurse anticipate? a. The patient does not want to and will never quit smoking. b. The patient must pick up the attempt right where the patient left off. c. The patient will return to the contemplation or precontemplation phase.

d. The patient will need to adopt a new lifestyle for change to be effective. - ANSWER>>>C The nurse is working in a drug rehabilitation clinic and is in the process of admitting a patient for ―detox.‖ What should the nurse do next? a. Identify the patient's stage of change. b. Realize that the patient is ready to change. c. Teach the patient that choices will have to change. d. Instruct the patient that relapses will not be tolerated. - ANSWER>>>A A female patient has been overweight for most of her life. She has tried dieting in the past and has lost weight, only to regain it when she stopped dieting. The patient is visiting the weight loss clinic/health club because she has decided to do it. She states that she will join right after

the holidays, in 3 months. Which stage is the patient displaying? a. Precontemplation b. Contemplation c. Preparation d. Action - ANSWER>>>B Upon completion of the assessment, the nurse finds that the patient has quit drinking and has been alcohol free for the past 2 years. Which stage best describes the nurse's assessment finding? a. Contemplation b. Maintenance c. Preparation d. Action - ANSWER>>>B The patient had a colostomy placed 1 week ago. When approached by the nurse, the patient

and their spouse refuse to talk about it and reject the opportunity to be taught about how to care for it. How will the nurse evaluate this couple's stage of adjustment? a. Shock b. Withdrawal c. Acceptance d. Rehabilitation - ANSWER>>>B A patient diagnosed with chronic emphysema (lung disease) states ―I would be better off dead.‖ The nurse learns that the patient, has recently become unemployed because of oxygen dependency. The patient's spouse will have to go to work to support the family. Which action should the nurse take? a. Develop a plan of care for the family. b. Contact psychiatric services for a referral. c. Assure the patient that things will work out.

d. Focus the plan of care solely on maximizing patient function.

  • ANSWER>>>A A nurse is teaching about the transtheoretical model of change. In which order will the nurse place the progression of the stages from beginning to end?
  1. Action
  2. Preparation
  3. Maintenance
  4. Contemplation
  5. Precontemplation a. 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 b. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 c. 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 d. 1, 5, 2, 3, 4 - ANSWER>>>A Which areas should the nurse assess to determine the effects of external variables on a patient's illness? (Select all that apply.)

a. Patient's perception of the illness b. Patient's coping skills c. Socioeconomic status d. Cultural background e. Social support - ANSWER>>>C,D,E A nurse meets the following goals: helps a patient maintain health and helps a patient with an illness. Which factors assist the nurse in achieving these goals? (Select all that apply.) a. Understands the challenges of today's health care system. b. Identifies actual and potential risk factors. c. Has coined the term ―illness behavior.‖ d. Minimizes the effects of illnesses. e. Experiences compassion fatigue. - ANSWER>>>A,B,D A nurse is teaching about the goals of Healthy People 2030. Which information should the