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GACE Early Childhood Education 001,002 113 Questions with Answers, Exams of Linguistics

A comprehensive overview of the gace early childhood education 001,002 exam, covering a wide range of topics related to early childhood education, including phonics, word analysis, syntax, semantics, comprehension strategies, literary elements, and grammar.

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Available from 07/17/2024

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GACE Early Childhood Education

001,002 113 Questions with Answers

Phonics ✔ Method for teaching students to read, which relies on studying the rules and patterns found in language. Phonological Awareness ✔ The ability of the reader to recognize the sound of spoken language Phonemic Awareness ✔ the ability to break down and hear separate and/or different sounds and to distinguish among the sounds one hears. Alphabetic Principle ✔ Understanding that written words are composed of patterns of letters that represent the sounds of spoken words. Word Analysis ✔ the process readers use to figure out unfamiliar words based on written patterns decode ✔ to change communication signals into messages root words ✔ a word from which another word is developed base words ✔ a stand alone linguistic unit that cannot be deconstructed or broken down into smaller words contractions ✔ shortened form of two words in which one or more letters have been deleted prefixes ✔ beginning units of meaning that can be added to a base word or root word suffixes ✔ ending units of meaning that can be affixed or added onto the ends of root or base words compound words

✔ occur when two or more base words are connected to form a new word sectional endings ✔ suffixes taht impart a new meaning to the base or root word morphology ✔ the study of word structure syntax ✔ phrases and sentences from words semantics ✔ refers to the meaning exprssed when words are arranged in a specific way conspicuous strategies ✔ a sequence of teaching events and teacher actions used to help students to learn new literarcy information and relate it to their eixisting knowledge mediated scaffolding ✔ temporary support or guidance provided to students in the form of steps, tasks, materials, and personal support during initial learning strategic integration ✔ when information is carefully combined with what the learner already knows and understands to porduce a more generalizaable higher order skill background knowledge ✔ the basic knowledge most children bring to their learning experiences emergent literacy ✔ the early reading and writing behaviros that precede and develop into conventional iterarcy literal comprehension ✔ the understanding of the basic facts of a given passage inferential comprehencion ✔ rhe ability to create ro infer a hypothesis for a given statement based on collected facts and information evaluative comprehension ✔ the ability tunderstand and sort facts, opinions, assumptions, persuasive elements, and the validity of a passage inferencing

✔ an evaluative process that involves the reader in making a resaonable judgement based on the information given and engages children in literally constructing meaning. monitoring ✔ means self clarifying summarizing ✔ engages the reader in pulling out the essential bits of information in a longer passage or excerpt of text and making them into a cohesive whole Prior knowledge ✔ all of an individuals prior experiences, education, and development that recede his or her entrance into a specific learning situation or his or her attemts to comprehend a specific text schemata ✔ structres taht represent generic concepts stored in the memory Character ✔ the person, such as a hero or villain, represented in a story setting ✔ the placer or location where a story occurs themes ✔ the underlying messages, above and beyond all plot elements, that writer want to convery mood ✔ the atmosphere or attitude the writer converys through descriptive language legend ✔ a traditional narrative or colletion of related narrative, popularly regarded as historically factual but actually a mixture of fact and fiction myth ✔ stories that are more or less universally shared in a culture ot explain its history and traditions novel ✔ the longest form of fictional prose containi g a variety of characterizations, settings, local color, and reginalism. novel ✔ most have complex plots, expanded descriptions, and attetnion to detail.

poem ✔ a work in which the only requiremetn is rhythm. subgenres include fixed types of literature such as sonnets, elegies, odes, pastorals, and villanell. Unfixed types of leterature include bland verse and dramatic monologue romance ✔ a highly imaginative tale set in a fantastical realm dealing with the conflicts between heroes and villains and/or monsters short story ✔ typically a terse narrative with less devlopmental background about characters but that still includes description, point of view, and tone. Folktale/Fairy Tales ✔ Adventures of animals or hunmans and the supernatural characterize these stories. The hero is usually on a quest and is aided by other worldly helpers. More often than not the story focuses on good and evil and reward and punishment fables ✔ animals that act like humans are featured in these stories; they usually reveal human foibles or someties teach a lesson. myths ✔ stories about events from the earliest times, such as the origin of the word are considered true in their own societies legends ✔ these are similar to myths except that they tend to deal with evnts that happened more recently tall tales ✔ Purposely exaggerated accounts of individuals with superhuman strengths exposition ✔ when characters and their situations are intorduced rising action ✔ the point at which convlict starts to occur climax ✔ the highest point of conflict, often a turning point falling action ✔ the result of the climax denouement

✔ the final resolution of the plot allegory ✔ a story in verse or prose with characters representing virtues and vices ballad ✔ a story told or sung, usually in verse and accompanied by music drama ✔ plays-comedy, modern, or tragedy--typically conducted in five acts. epic ✔ a long poem usually of book length that reflects values inherent in the generative society. epic devices include an invocation to a muse for inspiration, an overall purpose for writing, an universal setting, a protagonist and an antagonist who possess supernatural strengh and acument, and the interventions of a supreme beirn or the gods. episte ✔ a letter that is not always originally intended for public distribution but due to the fame of the sender and or recipient, becomes public domain. essay ✔ a limited lenth prose work that focuses ona topic and popounds a definite point of view thourgh an authoritative tone. fable ✔ a terse tale offering up a moral or exemplum. Animals speak and act characteristically human, illustrating human foibles legend ✔ a traditional narrative or collection of narrative, popularly regarded as historically factual but actually a mixture of fact and fiction. myth ✔ stories that are more or less universally shared in a culture to explain its history and traditions novel ✔ the longest form of fictional prose containing a variety of characterizations, settings, local color, and regionalism. topic ✔ what the paragraph or story is about main idea

✔ the imporatant ideas the authro wants the reader to know about the topic topic sentence ✔ what the passage is about introductory statement ✔ provides a brdige between any previous, relevant text and the content to follow; it provides information about the text and also sets the ttone and parameters. summary statement ✔ a concise presentation of the essential data from that passage supporting details ✔ sentences that give more information about the topic and the main idea logical order ✔ a reader can follow the information easily and quickly sequence of events ✔ details are presented in the order in which they have occured statement support ✔ the main idea is stated and the rest of the paragraph explains or proves it comparison contrast ✔ when a paragraph describes the differences or similarities of tow or more ideas, actions, events, or things classification ✔ the paragraph presents grouped information about a topic cause and effect ✔ this pattern describes how two ro more events are connected transitions ✔ words that signal relationships between ideas can help to improve the flow of a document summarization ✔ students go over the main point of the text, along with strategically chosen details that highlight the main point question and answering ✔ students answer questions regarding a text, either out loud in small groups or individually on paper

question generating ✔ the opposite of question answering, where students learn to ask questions and think critically about texts graphic organizers ✔ graphical representations of the content in a text text structure ✔ the use of headings, sidebars, etc. that give important clues to the reader about what to look for in a story monitoring comprehension ✔ making certain that the text is making sense to the reader textual marking ✔ where students interact with the text as they read to help them focus on the importance of small things and provice a reference point for review discussion ✔ the process by which students are encouraged to see the range of possibilities in a text by sharing their thoughts aobut it in a group persuasion ✔ a piece of writng whose purpose is to change the midns of the audience members or to get them to do something exposition ✔ discourse whose only purpose it to inform narration ✔ discourse that is arranged chronologically description ✔ discourse whose purpsoe is to make an experience available through one of the five senses fact ✔ something that is true and can be proved opinion ✔ something that a person believes, thinks, or feels figurative language ✔ language that uses creative or poetic methods to convey points hyperbole

✔ the literary version of exaggeration metaphor ✔ any time one thing is used in place of soemthing else in text, signifying some sort of resemblance personification ✔ whenever an author gives human life to an inanimate item simile ✔ comparisons between two objects or between a person and an object that use the words like or as to identify the similarities idiom ✔ phrases or words used only in specific locations or culture verb ✔ asserts something about the subject of the sentence and expresses an action, event, or state of being noun ✔ a word used to name or idenify a person, animal, place, thing, or abstract idea pronoun ✔ substituted for a noun or another pronoun adjective ✔ modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quanntifying other words adverb ✔ can modify a verb an adjective another adverb a phrase or a cluase preposition ✔ links nouns pronouns and phrases to ther words in a sentence conjunction ✔ links words phrases or clauses interjection ✔ worded added to a sentence to convey emotion antecedent ✔ the word or word group that a pronoun stands for present tense ✔ expresses an action that is currently happening or is always true

past tense ✔ expresses an action that occured in a past time future tense ✔ expresses an action or a condition of future time present perfect tense ✔ expresses an action or a condition taht started in teh past and is continue to or completed in the present past perfect tense ✔ expresses an action or a condition that occured as a precedent ot some other action or condition future perfect tense ✔ epxresses an action that started in the past or the present and will conclude at some time in the future indicative mood ✔ used to make unconditional statements subjunctive mood ✔ used for conditional cluases or wish statements that pose untrue conditions chronology ✔ the order of event through time: often listed along a timeline or in a list by date. Historic causation ✔ the concept that events in history are linked to one another by an endless chain of cause and effect History ✔ the study of the past especially aspects of human past: political incidents; econonic events and cultural and social conditions