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Gender Socialization - Introduction to Women Studies - Exam, Exams of International Women's Voices

Is past exam for Women Studies course. Key points are: Gender Socialization, Biological, Gender Freedom and Intersex Rights, Transgenderism, Oppression of Privilege, Gendered Bodies, Beauty Ideal, Conscious Beauty Practices, Anorexia Nervosa, Compulsive Eating

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Uploaded on 12/31/2012

sasirekha 🇮🇳



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Download Gender Socialization - Introduction to Women Studies - Exam and more Exams International Women's Voices in PDF only on Docsity!

Exam 2

  1. Gender Socialization a) The differences between gender, sex, and sexual orientation i) Sex: biological—male/female, transsexuality, intersex ii) Gender: social—masculine/feminine, transgenderism, transvestitism, androgyny iii) Gender Freedom and intersex rights iv) Social construction of gender, gendered processes and gender performance b) Gender ranking & systems of oppression of privilege i) The intersection of race, class and sexual orientation upon gender socialization ii) The gender pyramid c) Traits associated with masculinity and femininity (1) Double bind of women and appearance (2) 4 dictates of masculinity (3) Superwoman ideal (4) Women/nature & men/culture (5) Bifurcation of femininity (Madonna/whore)
  2. Gendered bodies a) Menstruation and seeing women’s bodies as dirty, shameful b) The beauty ideal i) 4 points of the beauty ideal ii) The intersection of race, class, and sexual orientation upon the beauty ideal iii) Disciplinary beauty practices iv) Double standard of beauty v) Conscious beauty practices c) Eating disorders i) Bulimia & anorexia nervosa, compulsive eating ii) Body image as third wave feminist issue iii) Theories of eating disorders—why do women, and increasingly men, have disordered eating? iv) Approaches to “solving” eating disorders
  3. Women’s Health and Wellness a) Androcentrism & gender stereotyping in medicine b) Medicalization—definition & examples c) Medical Issues i) Menopause—definition, medical advances & existing problems ii) Heart disease— definition, medical advances & existing problems iii) Breast cancer—definition, medical advances & existing problems iv) The intersection of race, class, and sexual orientation upon women’s health status
  4. Reproductive Choice a) Definition of pro-choice b) The gender-based realities of reproductive choice i) Problems with the pro-life/pro-choice paradigm ii) Reproductive justice c) History of birth control i) Legal history

ii) Sterilization practices iii) Parenting options (1) Reasons women want to control fertility (2) Facts concerning women’s fertility patterns (3) Medicalization of pregnancy iv) Birth control options d) Abortion i) Rates & public opinion poll data ii) Legal history iii) Fetal Rights iv) Moving beyond the pro-life vs. pro-choice debate v) Being truly pro-life Bring #2 pencils to the exam