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General Psychology Midterm Exam, Exams of Psychology

A midterm exam for a general psychology course. It covers a wide range of topics in psychology, including biological psychology, neuroscience, sensation and perception, gestalt psychology, motivation, and eating disorders. The exam questions test the student's understanding of key concepts, theories, and processes in these areas of psychology. The document could be useful for university students studying psychology as study notes, lecture notes, or exam preparation material. It provides a comprehensive overview of the topics covered in a general psychology course and could be used to review and reinforce the key concepts learned in the course.

Typology: Exams


Available from 08/08/2024

DrShirleyAurora 🇺🇸



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Download General Psychology Midterm Exam and more Exams Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! General Psychology Midterm exam 1. The branch of psychology that is focused on understanding the internal physical events and processes that correspond with our experiences and behavior is called: biological psychology. 2. The branch of science that is concerned with the study of the nervous system is called: neuroscience 3. Neurons are: highly specialized cells that receive and trans- mit information from one area of the body to another. 4. The three basic types of neurons are: sensory neurons, mo- tor neurons, and in- terneurons. 5. ___________ neurons convey information about the environment from the sense organs to the brain, and _________ neurons communicate in- formation to the muscles and glands. Sensory; motor 6. Which part of the neuron receives messages from other neurons? dendrite 7. A neuron may have thousands of _____, but can have only one _____. dendrites; axon 8. The part of the neuron that carries messages to other cells in the body is the: axon 9. As a general rule, communication within a neuron progresses from: the dendrites to the cell body to the axon. 10. Phrenology refers to: a pseudoscience that related personali- ty characteristics to bumps on the skull. 1 / 4 General Psychology Midterm exam 11. Which brain structure exerts considerable influ- ence over the secretion of hormones throughout the body? the hypothalamus 12. In combination, the brain and spinal cord make up the: central nervous sys- tem. 13. In psychology, the term sensation formally refers to: the process of detect- ing a physical stimulus. 14. In contrast to sensation, the term perception is formally defined as the: active mental process of integrating, organiz- ing, and interpreting sensory data. 15. According to _____, whether we can detect a change in the strength of a stimulus depends upon the intensity of the original stimulus. Weber's law 16. Who was the founder of Gestalt psychology? Max Wertheimer 17. Gestalt psychologists: emphasize that we per- ceive whole objects rather than isolated pieces of sensory infor- mation. 18. The blind spot: is a small gap in our field of vision. 19. The sense of hearing is also known as: audition 20. Taste is to _____ as smell is to _____. gustation; olfaction 21. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that involves: the degeneration of the myelin sheath, slow- ing or interrupting the transmission of neural messages. 2 / 4