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GA Auction Study Guide Exam Questions
with 100% Correct Verified Answers
- An auction listing contract --- correct answer --- Must be written to be enforceable
- Seller --- correct answer --- In the contracting to operate a consignment auction this determine the rules of the sale between the auctioneer and the
- If a public auction your seller directs you to disregard ethical behavior, you should --- correct answer --- Avoid the seller
- A real estate deed is a document to determine; --- correct answer --- Convey land ownership
- An auctioneers license number must be displayed on --- correct answer --- All advertising of all auctions
- An auctioneers first agency obligation is to --- correct answer --- Sellers
- How should an auctioneer dress? --- correct answer --- Comparable with your bidders
- The best chant for an auctioneer is to be --- correct answer --- Easily understood
- liquidation auction --- correct answer --- Selling remaining inventory at auction
- The Auction Commission can regulate the amount of commission you can charge to sell real estate.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Registration of bidders at an auction --- correct answer --- Creates a mailing list
- If a licensed Auctioneer allows an unlicensed person to call their auction, both parties have violated the law.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- A chapter 11 bankruptcy is a debtor in possession who has filed for reorganization.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- At an absolute auction you can legally --- correct answer --- Withdraw and item if no bid is received within a reasonable time.
- At a court ordered auction conducted by an attorney, the attorney must hold an Auctioneers license.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Principal --- correct answer --- In an agency situation, when a seller authorizes you to sell their property.
- A closing statement --- correct answer --- 1. Must include name and address of seller, price property sold for, date and location where sale was conducted, and date the seller was paid.
- How long must a closing statement be kept on record? --- correct answer --- 3 years
- Real Property --- correct answer --- Land with permanent building thereon
- Example of surcharge at an auction --- correct answer --- 10% buyer's premium
- An auctioneer may bid on behalf of the seller during the auction when - -- correct answer --- -
Prior notice has been given
- Federal laws regulating sell of firearms at an auction apply when? --- correct answer --- Always apply
- Personal property is anything that can be moved. True or False? --- correct answer ---
- A title to real property requires --- correct answer --- A copy of the deed to be transferred.
- A lein on personal property is not enforceable and prohibits property being transferred before the lein is settled.
T or F? --- correct answer --- False
- The use of false bidder, by bidders, cappers, or shills to raise the bid may --- correct answer --- Lead to revocation of your license
- Mechanic Lein --- correct answer --- Applies to autos repairs, attaches to property that labor and materials went into, and can attach to either real or personal property.
- Real property tax lean --- correct answer --- Taking precedence over all
- Valid Auction Contract's may --- correct answer --- Be a legal agreement between competent parties
- If a buyer's premium is charged at an auction must --- correct answer -- - Be included in the signed bidder contract
- As-is means --- correct answer --- There are no guarantees.
- At an absolute auction, the auctioneer may withdraw property when --- correct answer --- No bid has been received within a reasonable time
- An appraisal of personal property is --- correct answer --- An opinion of value, normally not re- quired to be made by certified appraiser, and estimates value, documented.
- When a buyer must sign a sales tax exempt form - -- correct answer --- When buying personal property for resale, to avoid paying sales tax
- Buyer's premium --- correct answer --- Additional percentage charged to bidder above their bid
- Any interest accumulated in an auctioneer's escrow account belongs to who? --- correct answer --- It is dispersed according to terms of the contract
- Auction advertising must include --- correct answer --- Name and license of auctioneer
- Authority of the auction commission is limited to --- correct answer --- Regulate issuance of licenses, revoke, censure, of suspend licenses
- Sale of the contents of self-contained storage units is exempt from auction law requirements if --- correct answer --- Sold by owner or agent of units holding a lein on contents after default of rent payments
- An auctioneer drawing a personal property estate auction contract must-
--- correct answer --- Be written contract before the sale
- Making substantial misrepresentations from the auction is grounds for revocation of auction license.
T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- Failure to maintain an escrow account is grounds for revocation of auction license.
T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- When you receive your auctioneers license you can conduct auctions anywhere in Georgia regardless of local restrictions.
T or F? --- correct answer --- False
- Consignee --- correct answer --- The person who receives property from somebody else to sell at an auction
- A Georgia auction license is not required to auction for a non-profit orga- nization when the organization --- correct answer --- Obtains a letter of exemption
- The Georgia Auction Education, Research, and Recovery Fund --- correct answer --- Must main- tain a minimum balance of 100,000, limits it's liability to 10,000 per claim, charges each new license $150, revokes the license of any auctioneer causing a claim to be paid from the fund.
- The Georgia Auction Commission is made up of 5 auctioneers and 1 person associated with auctions.
T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- A valid contract must include --- correct answer --- An offer by one of the parties, an acceptance of the offer by another party, and consideration
- A corporation can be exempt from licensing by --- correct answer --- Filing an application of exemption with Georgia Auction Commission, have a licensed auctioneer supervise operation, have a licensed auctioneer controls funds in his escrow account.
- Auctioneers are required to deposit funds belonging to others in their escrow account when --- correct answer --- The total sale exceeds $2,000, the sale is settled after 48 hours of sale
- An auctioneer is responsible for having their name and license including in all advertising of an auction.
T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- Auctioneers must issue closing statements and include --- correct answer --- Name and ad- dress of seller, price property sold for, date and location of sale, kept on file for 3 years, inventory of property sold, date seller was paid.
- A sale advertised as an "auction" means --- correct answer --- Bidder may retract their bid any time prior to the auctioneering saying sold, and the auctioneer may refuse any and all bids
- A penalty fee of $ will be imposed for auctioneering without a license-
--- correct answer --- $
- In Georgia, sales tax must be charged on personal property sold to the consumer at --- correct answer --- An estate sale held on site, a public auction holding regular sales, inventory liquidations
- A sale advertised as "absolute auction" means --- correct answer --- Each item must be sold to high bidder, bidder may retract their bid any time prior to the auctioneer saying sold
- At an absolute auction, the only legal way to protect the price of the property is to have a by-bidder to bid the price up.
T or F? --- correct answer --- False
- Absolute Auction --- correct answer --- If you advertise an auction that "everything will be sold to the bidder regardless of the price."
- Contract --- correct answer --- Legal agreement between competent parties
- Executed contract --- correct answer --- A signed contract
- Negotiation of a contract --- correct answer --- Must be the intent to create a legal obligation, terms must be definite and complete, must address price, property description, and delivery, must include parties to the contract
- The Statue of Frauds requires that auction contracts must be written. T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- Common law requires that auction contracts must be written. T or F? - -- correct answer --- False
- Parol evidence in a contract may be abided by, but is not enforceable in a court of law.
T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- Compliance with the statue of frauds requires --- correct answer --- Names of parties to the contract, statement of related subject matter, all terms and conditions, signature of the parties
- A contract to perform an action which is impossible to performs is a valid contract.
T or F? --- correct answer --- False
- Which essential element of a valid contract is not required to prove legal capacity? --- correct answer --- A citizen of Georgia
- Misrepresentations and mistakes both affect the validity of a contract. T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- Acceptance of an offer is one of the essential elements if a valid contract. When your bidder rejects his bid prior to completing the sale, the backup bidder is obligated to accept the last bid received.
T or F? --- correct answer --- False
- Something of value must be received to make a contract binding, "Love and affection" is accepted as a form of consideration.
T or F? --- correct answer --- False
- Acceptance of an offer by a party influenced under duress or undue influence is not enforceable.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An emancipated minor can enforce a contract. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- A mentally incompetent person cannot enforce a contract. When can this person enforce a contract? --- correct answer --- When they are adjudged competent by the courts.
- A void contract was never legal this it was binding. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- A void able contract is an example of making a contract with a minor, which can be made void at the option of the minor, but not made by the responsible party of the contract.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Requirements of a valid contract are --- correct answer --- Competent parties, mutual agreement, consideration, legal purpose, in writing.
- A unilateral contract is an agreement between two parties. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Written auction contract --- correct answer --- Expressed
- Auction contracts are usually assignable. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- A breach of contract situation occurs when --- correct answer --- A violation of terms of the contract agreement occurs
- Remedies for breach of contract may be --- correct answer --- Damages that are Compensatory, punitive, nominal, or liquidated
- Punitive damages for breach of contract --- correct answer --- Payment to punish the party breach- ing the contract
- When either the auctioneer of the seller violates the conditions of the contract either party can be charged with breach of contract.
T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- Failure to disclose agency relationship may lose your auction license. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An oral contract may be permitted to establish agency relationships. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Client --- correct answer --- The seller in an agency relationship
- In a fiduciary relationship, the auctioneer is to place the welfare of their client ahead of their own.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An auctioneer may represent both the seller and buyer after full disclosure. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Auctioneer is not responsive for wrongdoings of seller by disclosure of agency relationship.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Quickly dropping the bid to a friend is not a violation of the seller/agency relationship.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Auctioneer should it disclose any harmful information about the seller. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Misrepresentation by the auctioneer on behalf of seller may cause civil and criminal liability to the seller.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Furnishing public information to the buyer may be violation of the agency relationship.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Duties of the seller include compensating the auctioneer according to terms of the contract.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An auction contract establishes a special agency relationship which is the same as a power of attorney.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Material misrepresentations made by and auctioneer constitute fraud. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An auctioneer who designs with another (buyer) to defraud (seller) third party is guilty if fraud.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Operating in a negligent manner is a form of fraud. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- And attempt to fix commission is a violation of the Sherman-Clayton Act. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An auctioneer may receive commission from both the seller and buyer but only with full disclosure.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- When soliciting an auction contract, you should always tell the seller their property will bring as much as they think it will.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Sales tax must be charged before the buyers premium is added to the bid, thus increasing your profits.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Completion of the sale are auction is when --- correct answer --- The auctioneer says, "SOLD."
- Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a liquidation of a debtor's assets. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- The seller in a bulk transfer must furnish a list if creditors to the Auction- eer before the contract is signed.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An auctioneer who has not followed legal procedures may be responsible for a crime involving firearms sold at auction.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Failure of an Auctioneer to give notice to creditors in a Bulk Transfer does not affect title of property to buyers. --- correct answer --- True
- Knowingly misrepresenting property by an Auctioneer at an auction con- stitutes --- correct answer --- Fraud
- As an auctioneer, you are permitted to sell for profit 5 used cars per year without a used car license.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- To sell firearms at a consignment auction, you must --- correct answer --- Have a auctioneers & firearms license
- Whig is the most inappropriate way to secure and auction listing? --- correct answer --- Set up an office in the funeral home
- In selling wavy equipment your advertising should include serial num- bers --- correct answer --- To locate stolen property, to locate pledged property, to identify model & year, if it is a bulk transfer
- The most important person at an auction --- correct answer --- Auctioneer
- You must have an auctioneers and real estate license to auction real property in GA.
T or F? --- correct answer --- True
- The auctioneers fiduciary relationship is usually with the buyer. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- The real estate broker who sells only real property auction is exempt from requirements for auctioneer licensing.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- A full time Auctioneer is --- correct answer --- An auctioneer who owns his own company, an auctioneer who works exclusively doe another auction company
- A company desiring to obtain an auction company license, requires no training.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- In order for a contract to be binding, the signatures if two witness are required.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- As a qualifying veteran taking the Georgia Auction Exam, you ate allowed a 5 point advantage. Thus, you must score 70% to pass.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- As a licensed Auctioneer, you are entitled to a 2% referral fee on all deals you set up with a real estate agent even though you are not licensed in real estate.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- You can demand an opening bid & refuse small increment bids at a reserve auction. --- correct answer --- True
- An auctioneer may be allowed to group or divide lots at an auction if _--
- correct answer ---_ Prior notice has been given
- As a licensed Auctioneer for hire to the public, you are required to accept a consignment you suspect to be stolen.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- A contract between an auctioneer and mentally incompetent person is still enforceable by either party.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- An auctioneer as a professional license is governed by both laws and ethics.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- A valid contract must include --- correct answer --- Date contract is signed, date of performance, consideration
- Ethics may be defined as --- correct answer --- Honest and fair business dealings
- After completing this course and passing the state exam, but before you receive your license , if you contract an auction and the seller fails to honor it, can you sure and recover losses?
Y or N --- correct answer --- No
- The terms "antique" and "collectible" mean the same thing. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- The term "estate auction" always refers tot he sale of property. T or F - -- correct answer --- True
- Encumbrance --- correct answer --- A claim or lien on property
- If a bidder premium is chargers at the auction, it must be announced at the beginning of the sale.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Georgia auction law requires you to have a writren, signed contract to legally operate an auction.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Any auction generating gross sales below $2000 is not required to de- posit proceeds into an escrow account.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- An auctioneers license must be displayed or made available at each auction.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- The principal auctioneer must include their name and license in all adver- tising Of an auction.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- The auctioneer is allowed to have three "NO SALES" during the duration. Of any absolute auction.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- In conducting an absolute auction any item may be withdrawn if no bids have been received within a reasonable time.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- The Georgia auctioneer commission is composed of six auctioneers and one other person not connected with the auction business.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- An unlicensed person can conduct auctions by being supervised by a licensed auctioneer.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- In an agency relationship you are entitled to receive compensation if _--
- correct answer ---_ You are a legally licensed Auctioneer
- An unlicensed person can conduct auctions I livestock legally without being licensed
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- The biennial license fee for an auctioneer is $200 T or F --- correct answer --- False
- A Copy of an auction contract must be held in file for 3 years T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Misrepresentation of property sold at an auction is considered a major violation of auction law.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An auction clerk must also hold an auctioneers license. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- The purpose of the auction license law is to protect the public. T or F _--
- An individual serving a three year apprenticeship under a licensed auc- tioneer does not have to attend an auction school.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- The auctioneers commission is elected by the licenses of this state. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- All advertising by an auctioneer must include their name, address, and license number.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- When advertising an absolute auction, you are allowed to withdraw any item that did not receive a bid of at least 65% of it's origins cost.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- At an absolute auction it is legal for the owner of the property to have an agent to bid on their behalf.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- It is legal at an absolute auction to require a minimum opening bid. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- You must have an auctioneers license to conduct a fundraising auction. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An owner of property to be sold may bid, if that fact is announced at the beginning of the sale, and that the sale was not advertised or announced as absolute.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- In order to renew your auctioneers license you must attend an eight hour continuing education seminar every year.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- An auction company licenses must maintain an escrow account. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- A license auctioneer may or may not choose to hold a company license. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- A licensed auctioneer is responsible for all risks of an exempt auction company.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- The principal auctioneer must issue a closing statement for all auctions that they conduct.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- The principal auctioneer is responsible for including their name and license number and/or the auction company's name and license number in all advertising of an auction.
T or F - -- correct answer --- True
- Auctioneers and auction companies both must maintain an escrow ac- count.
T or F --- correct answer ---
- Auctioneer must deposit al monies coming into their possession into an escrow account.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- You must include $100 with your application to sit for the auctioneers examination
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- Late fees for late renewal if auctioneers license will require a $ penalty T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Auctioneering without a license will result in a $ penalty --- correct answer --- $
- The education, research, and recovery fund requires a contribution of
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- A licensed auctioneer who owns his own company is a full time auction- eer.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- A licensed auctioneer who works exclusively for an auction company is a full time auctioneer.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- A full time auctioneer who exempts a company and works exclusively for this company is the most likely to lose their license.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Auction records must be kept in file for 7 years. T or F --- correct answer --- False
- The statute of Frauds requires that auction contracts must be written. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- When you receive your auction license you can auction any personal property anywhere in Georgia regardless to local restrictions.
T or F --- correct answer ---
- Failure to maintain an escrow account is grounds for revocation of auc- tion license.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Escrow accounts must be accessible to the auction commission for inspection.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Auction licenses expire at the end of each odd numbered year. T or F _--
- correct answer ---_ False
- Advertising of an "auction" is considered to be a reserve auction unless advertised otherwise.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- Auctioneers should have product knowledge because --- correct answer --- The seller will know that the auctioneer has done his due diligence, auctioneer will be prepared to ask for a reasonable opening bid, auctioneer will prove credibility with this knowledge
- If you sell an item after the auction & you found that it was misrepresent- ed, what do you do? --- correct answer --- Recall the item and refund the money.
- To authenticate antiques at auction, you should --- correct answer --- Get an experts opinion
- An ordinance may be; --- correct answer --- A rule established by a government authority
- A sale advertised as an "auction" means; --- correct answer --- Items sold with reserve
- As a license auctioneer you are; --- correct answer --- An agent of the seller
- What must be included in an auction contract? --- correct answer --- Date of sale, sellers name, commission rate charge, buyers premium if charged
- A bid assistant should --- correct answer --- Relay bids to the auctioneer
- The auctioneer may refuse any bid at an absolute auction after full dis- closure to all interested parties --- correct answer --- False
- If a property is sold "subject to confirmation" --- correct answer --- Owner may accept or reject any bid
- In a bulk transfer, an auctioneer must notify all creditors at least how many days before the sale? --- correct answer --- 10
- Open statements at an auction should include --- correct answer --- Terms and conditions
- Disclosure of "not responsible for accidents" in auction advertising does what? --- correct answer --- Relieves no one from liability
- Bankruptcy reorganization for a company is which chapter? --- correct answer --- 11
- Inquiries about the sale of cattle at auction should be directed to who? --- correct answer --- -
Agriculture department
- Placing lotts in numerical order benefits who? --- correct answer --- Buyers, sellers, load out crew
- Any transfer in bulk and not in the ordinary course of the transferee's business may be a bulk transfer.
T or F --- correct answer --- False
- A written auction contract is an agreement that creates an obligation T or F --- correct answer --- True
- An auctioneer acting on behalf of property owner upon signing of a contract, becomes an agent.
T or F --- correct answer --- True
- In bankruptcy, the estate of the debtor is placed in the hands of a trustee. T or F --- correct answer --- True
- The bulk sale transfer article is a part of the uniform commercial code. T or F --- correct answer --- True
20 0. Caveat emptor means "let the buyer beware" T or F --- correct answer - -- True
- An auction conducted with no reserves is an absolute auction. T or F --- correct answer --- True