Download Business Process and Information Systems for Collaboration and Teamwork and more Slides Management Information Systems in PDF only on Docsity! CHAPTER NO # 2 GLOBAL E BUSINESS AND COLLABORATION BY MUHAMMAD NADEEM REG NO ; MS120162059 GROUP MEMBERS NAME / REGISTRATION ID UMAR JALAL From slide 6 to 17 REG ;MS120162094 MUHAMMAD NADEEM From slide 18 to 30 REG ; MS120162059 MUHAMMAD TAHIR From slide 31 to 43 REG ;MS120162064 Section 5Th b OUTLINE
0 ~ Management decision problems
0 Improving decision making.
BUSINESS PROCESS 1. Reffer to the manner in which works are organised, coordinated and focus to produce valuable products or services. 2. Business Process are the collection of activity to produce a products or services. 3. Organisation performance upto high extant depends on hoe well the business process designed and controlled. 4. Company business process can be the source of competitive strengths. HOW IT IMPROVES BUSINESS PROCESS IT can do much more in business process today such as ; Checking clients credits. Generating an invoice. Downloading E-Book from Amazon. Buying a computer online at best buy. Downloading a music trick from Itune. These are all new business process based on IT and are not possible without today’s information technology. Management information system (mis) MIS also designate a specific categories of information systems. MIS provide middle managers with reports on the organisation current performance. This information are to control the business and predict future’s performance. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM This system support not routine decision making. This system focusing on the problems that are unique and rapidly changing, for which the procedure for arriving the solution may not be fully pre_defined in advance. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI) 1. Business Intelligence is a contemporary term for data and software tools. 2. BI system is used for organizing, analysing and providing access to data. 3. Access to data help manager and other enterprise users making more informed decisions. Supply chain management System 1. A Supply chain management System is a system which firms are using to manage the relationship with their suppliers. CUSTOMERS RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ☆ Customers use this system to manage the relationship with their customers. ☆ CRM system provide information to coordinate all of the business process that deal with customers in sale ,marketing and service to optimize revenue,customers satisfaction and customers retention. ☆ This information help firms identify, attract and retain most profitable customers. Knowledge Management System Some firms perform better than others because they have better knowledge about how to create, produce and deliver products and services. BUSINESS benefits of collaboration Below table summarizes some of the benefits of collaboration identified by the writers and scholars. Productivity: People working together can complete a complex task faster than the same number of people working in isolation. Benefit People who are working together/collaborative ly can communicate errors and correct action fast. But in isolation can lead to time delay among production units. Quality Benefit As a result of all above collaborative firm have superior sales growth and financial performance. Financial performance Tools and techniques required for collaboration and Teamwork ☆ A collaboration or tea-oriented culture won’t produce benefits if there is no information system in place to enable collaboration. ☆ Currently more than hundreds of tools are designed but most important collaboration tools are given below. 1. E-MAIL AND INSTANT MESSAGING. 2. SOCIAL NETWORKING. 3. WIKIS. Email And INSTANT MESSAGING 1. A major communication and collaboration tool supporting interaction jobs. 2. This tool includes feature for sharing files and voice, videos and tax messages with multiple participants. The Information Systems Function in Business Today every business need information systems to operate their activities and there are different kinds of systems. To operate these system we required following. The information system Department. Organizing The information system. • THE INFORMATION SYSTEM DEPARTMENT The information system department consists on specialist such as 1.Programmers 2.System Analyst 3.Project Leaders 4.Information Systems Managers. Information system manager Information systems managers are leaders of teams of programmers and analysts, project managers, physical facility managers, telecommunications managers, or database specialists In many company the information systems department is headed by the Chief Information Officer. CIO CIO is a senior manager who oversees the use of information technology in the firm. Today the CIO’S are expected to have a strong business background as well as information system. Large firm’s today also have positions for Chief Security Officer, Chief Privacy Officer and Chief Knowledge Officer. Chief security officer CSO is in charge of information systems security for the firms and are responsible for the enforcing the firms information security policy. • Organizing the information systems functions There are alternative ways of organizing the information technology system functions within a firm’s. A very small company will not have a formal information system group. But a large company will have a separate information system department which may be organized along several different line, depending on the nature and interest of the firm’s such as 1. decentralizing arrangement 2. separate department 3. divisional groups • Decentralizing arrangement Decentralizing arrangement is that where each functional area of the business has its own information system department overseen by a corporate CIO. • Separate department The information systems functions may be run as a separate department similar to the other functional department