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GRI Exam With 100% Correct And Verified Answers 2024, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive overview of the gri (global reporting initiative) standards, which are required for all reports or other materials published that apply the gri framework on or after july 1, 2018. Key updates to the gri nomenclature, the most significant updates in the gri standards, the vision of the gri organization, the multi-stakeholder process used to develop the standards, the main features of the gri standards, and the requirements for creating a report in accordance with the gri standards (core or comprehensive option). It also addresses disclosures within the gri standards, the reporting principles, the process of report development, and the requirements for reporting on material topics, including the management approach and topic-specific disclosures. A wealth of information for individuals seeking to understand and apply the gri standards in their sustainability reporting efforts.

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Available from 06/27/2024

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GRI Exam With 100% Correct And

Verified Answers 2024

GRI Standards are required for all reports or other materials published that apply the GRI framework on or after ____. - Correct Answer-July 1, 2018 Updates to GRI nomenclature because of the update to Standards: 1) 'indicator' is now ___; 'aspect' is now ___. - Correct Answer-disclosure; topic One of the most significant updates in GRI Standards is ____. - Correct Answer- clarification of the definition of 'impact'; a report should focus on the impacts that the organization has on the economy, environment, and society, instead of impacts on the organization itself What are the 3 universal standards? - Correct Answer-GRI 101 Foundation GRI 102 General Disclosures GRI 103 Management Approach There are currently a total of ____ topic-specific Standards in the three blocks of Standards (200, 300, and 400). - Correct Answer- In the GRI Standards, topic Boundary disclosures have been moved to the ____ section of a report. - Correct Answer-management approach What is the vision of the GRI organization? - Correct Answer-A future where sustainability is integral to every organization's decision-making process. The GRI Standards are issued by the ____; also known by the acronym ____. - Correct Answer-Global Sustainability Standard Board; GSSB GRI Standards are developed through a ____ stakeholder process. - Correct Answer- multi- GRI has formed expert ____ groups to develop draft content on specific topics. - Correct Answer-working What are the 6 GRI expert working groups? - Correct Answer-Academia Business Capital Markets Civil Society Governments Labor Define 'disclosure'. - Correct Answer-Specific information that is to be reported.

Define 'topic'. - Correct Answer-An economic, environmental, or social subject. Define 'material topic'. - Correct Answer-A topic that reflects an organization's significant economic, environmental and social impacts or that substantively influences the assessments and decisions of stakeholders. Define 'management approach disclosure'. - Correct Answer-A narrative description about how an organization manages its material topics and their related impacts. Define 'GRI content index'. - Correct Answer-A navigation tool that specifies GRI Standards used and disclosures made, and the location of these in the report. What are the 4 main features of the GRI Standards? - Correct Answer-modular structure; Standards can be used individually or in combination content is organized into requirements (shall), recommendations (should), and guidance include a set of Reporting Principles requires organizations to identify and report on material topics Within the text of the Standards themselves, terms that are defined in the glossary are indicated by ____. - Correct Answer-being underlined What are the 2 basic approaches for using the GRI Standards? - Correct Answer- selected GRI Standards can be used, which might constitute a 'GRI-referenced' report GRI Standards can be used as a set to prepare a sustainability report in accordance with the GRI Standards (Core or Comprehensive option) There are 6 elements to a report that has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core or Comprehensive option. What are they? - Correct Answer-covers all of the organization's material topics applies the 10 GRI Reporting Principles has a GRI Content Index complies with all requirements for disclosures includes a specific claim about how the GRI Standards have been applied meets the necessary criteria to be either Core or Comprehensive What are 3 key things to remember about disclosures within the GRI Standards? - Correct Answer-they always appear in a box each disclosure has a title and unique number that corresponds wo the number of the Standard all Standards except 'Foundation' include disclosures The GRI Standards include requirements denoted by ____ and ____. - Correct Answer-'shall'; bold font

The GRI Standards include recommendations which are denoted by ____. - Correct Answer-'should' In addition to requirements and recommendations, the GRI Standards include ____. - Correct Answer-guidance True or false? Disclosures can have requirements, recommendations, and/or guidance.

  • Correct Answer-true The 'starting point' for using the GRI Standards is ____. - Correct Answer-GRI 101: Foundation True or false? It is a requirement to apply ALL Reporting Principles to claim that a report is in accordance with GRI Standards? - Correct Answer-true What are the 4 content principles? - Correct Answer-Stakeholder Inclusiveness, Sustainability Context, Materiality, Completeness What are the 6 quality principles? - Correct Answer-Accuracy, Balance, Clarity, Comparability, Reliability, Timeliness Some of the disclosures under section 102 (General Disclosures) are required - as a minimum - to create a report that is in accordance: ____ option. - Correct Answer-Core Each topic-specific standard follows the same format. What is the format? - Correct Answer-Introduction Management Approach disclosures Topic-specific disclosures References What is the Stakeholder Inclusiveness principle? - Correct Answer-Requires the reporting organization to identify stakeholders and explain how it has responded to their reasonable expectations/interests. What is the GRI definition of 'stakeholder'? - Correct Answer-an entity or individual that can be expected to be affected by the reporting organization's activities -stakeholders might have claims under the law -stakeholders can be those invested in the organization or with other relationships, including NGOs and vulnerable groups What is the Sustainability Context principle? - Correct Answer-Requires the report to present the reporting organization's performance in the 'wider context of sustainability'. What is the Materiality principle? - Correct Answer-Requires the report to cover topics that: -reflect the organization's significant economic, environmental, and social impacts

-influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders What is the Completeness principle? - Correct Answer-Requires the report to include coverage of material topics and their topic Boundaries to reflect economic, environmental, and social impacts, and enable stakeholders to assess the organization's performance in the reporting period. What is the purpose of the Reporting Principles for defining report quality? - Correct Answer-The Reporting Principles guide choices to ensure the quality of information, including proper presentation. What is the Accuracy principle? - Correct Answer-Requires that the reported information be sufficiently accurate and detailed for stakeholders to assess the organization's performance. What is the Balance principle? - Correct Answer-Requires that reported information should reflect both positive and negative aspects of the organization's performance to enable a reasoned assessment of overall performance. What is the Clarity principle? - Correct Answer-Requires information that is understandable and accessible to stakeholders. What is the Comparability principle? - Correct Answer-Requires that report information is consistently presented in a way that: -enables stakeholders to analyze changes over time -could support comparison to other organizations What is the Reliability principle? - Correct Answer-Requires the data gathering, analysis, etc. is conducted in a way that van be subject to examination. What is the Timeliness principle? - Correct Answer-Requires that information is reported on a regular schedule so that information is available for stakeholders to make informed decisions. To publish any kind of in accordance report, what needs to be true regarding the 10 Reporting Principles? - Correct Answer-ALL of the 10 Reporting Principles are required to be applied throughout the entire reporting process. Each of the Reporting Principles consists of ____ and ____ how to apply the principle. - Correct Answer-requirements; guidance The guidance for each of the Reporting Principles includes ____ to help and organization assess whether it has applied the principle. - Correct Answer-tests What does GRI suggest as the first 3 steps toward report development? - Correct Answer-identify a sustainability reporting team

create awareness and secure commitment towards reporting hold a kickoff meeting When reporting General Disclosures: the General Disclosures Request ____ about an organization and its sustainability practice. - Correct Answer-contextual information The 'organizational profile' in General Disclosures consists of 13 disclosures that provide an overview of an organization's ____, ____, ____, and ____. - Correct Answer- organization size, geography, operations, activities The strategy section of General Disclosures consists of 2 disclosures, intended to give insight on ____. - Correct Answer-strategic issues for addressing sustainability General Disclosures' 'Ethics & Integrity' section consists of 2 disclosures that reveal ____ and ____. - Correct Answer-the organization's values, principles, standards, and norms the mechanisms for advice and concern about ethics General Disclosures 'Governance' consists of 22 disclosures that provide an overview of ____. - Correct Answer-the governance structure, composition, and the organization's highest governing body in sustainability reporting General Disclosures 'Stakeholder Engagement' consists of disclosures to provide detail about ____. - Correct Answer-items such as a list of stakeholders engaged, how they were identified/selected, type of engagement, topics raised General Disclosures 'Reporting Practice' consists of 12 disclosures that provide an overview of ____. - Correct Answer-the process used to define the context of the report, the material topics, and boundaries, reporting period, external assurance Materiality is the principle that determines which topics are sufficiently important to ____. Are all topics/materiality of equal importance? - Correct Answer-report on; Materiality topics' emphasis within a report is expected to reflect their relative priority Material assessment assess topics against 2 dimensions. What are they? - Correct Answer-significance of the organization's economic, environmental, and social impacts substantive influence on assessments and decisions of stakeholders Define 'impact'. - Correct Answer-The effect an organization has on the economy, environment, and/or society. It may be a positive or negative contribution to sustainable development. It is possible for organizational impacts to be positive and negative; ____ and ____; ____ and ____; ____ and ____; and ____ and ____. - Correct Answer-actual and potential direct and indirect

short-term and long-term intended and unintended What does GRI require regarding a materiality matrix? - Correct Answer-GRI does not require a materiality matrix nor a specific matrix, but if a matrix is used, it should have two dimensions or axes: -reflect the organization's significant economic, environmental, and social impacts -influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders An organization identifies material topics primarily by applying which 2 principles? - Correct Answer-Stakeholder Inclusiveness and Materiality When possible, GRI requires a link between identified ____ and topic-specific Standards. - Correct Answer-material topics All material topics, including those not covered by GRI Standards, form the content of the ____. - Correct Answer-sustainability report What are examples of GRI sector-specific Standards? - Correct Answer-airport operators, electric utilities, event organizers, financial services, food processing, media, mining/metals, NGOs, oil/gas, real estate/construction Before starting the stakeholder engagement process, it is important to plan for 2 specific items. What are they? - Correct Answer-what to ask from different stakeholders what methods to use for stakeholder engagement For each material topic, the organization is required to identify and explain the ____. - Correct Answer-topic Boundary Organizations using GRI Standards are expected to report not only on impacts they cause, but also on impacts they ____ and impacts that ____. - Correct Answer- contribute to; are directly linked to their activities, products, or services through a business relationship For each material topic, a topic Boundary disclosure requires a description of what 2 things? - Correct Answer-where the impact occurs the organization's involvement with the impact What are an organization's options for reporting when a topic Boundary extends beyond the organization? - Correct Answer-When a topic Boundary includes part of a supply chain that cannot be assessed, the organization is still required to report the management approach for the topic. The recognized reasons for omission can be used when data is not available or accessible.

When reporting on material topics, the reporting organization is required to report a ____ and report on ____ for each material topic. - Correct Answer-management approach disclosure; topic-specific disclosures If an organization combines the management approach disclosures for a group of material topics, it is required to ____. - Correct Answer-indicate which topics are covered by each disclosure If there is no management approach for a material topic, the report must describe ____ and ____. - Correct Answer-reasons for not having one; any plans to implement one The management approach for a material topic might include these 7 items: - Correct Answer-policies, commitments, goals and targets, responsibilities, resources, specific actions, the grievance mechanism Under GRI Disclosure 103-1, organizations will be able to provide the following two items: - Correct Answer-topic Boundaries why a topic is material Information about preparing a report in accordance are set our in what Standard and section? - Correct Answer-GRI 101: Foundation, Section 3, Table 1 Both in accordance options have the same requirements for ____, ____, and ____. - Correct Answer-organization profile, stakeholder engagement, reporting practice When filing in accordance: Core option, organizations must report what for each material topic? - Correct Answer-Organization must report on at least one topic-specific disclosure for each material topic. When filing in accordance: Comprehensive option, organizations must report what for each material topic? - Correct Answer-Organizations must report all topic-specific disclosures for each material topic. What are 4 things to keep in mind about omissions? - Correct Answer-can be used if an organization cannot report a disclosure that is required can only be used for certain disclosures GRI 101 provides a list of permitted reasons for omission must be included in content index What does GRI require or recommend regarding reporting format? - Correct Answer- GRI does not stipulate; reports can be published in paper, electronically, or combination of both.