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An in-depth exploration of group counseling, covering various aspects such as the types of groups, group stages, group dynamics, and specific techniques used in group therapy. It delves into the purpose and characteristics of different group formats, the roles and responsibilities of the group leader, and the therapeutic factors that contribute to the effectiveness of group counseling. The document also discusses the application of psychoanalytic and psychodramatic approaches within the group setting, as well as the importance of self-awareness, catharsis, and the integration of in-group learning into everyday life. By studying this document, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations, practical applications, and nuances of group counseling, equipping them with the knowledge to effectively facilitate and participate in group-based therapeutic interventions.
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______________ are commonly used by school counselors who assemble a group of school personnel to develop a plan to assist students. A team works together to determine how services can best be implemented. a. Encounter groups b. Psychotherapy groups c. Tasks groups d. Self-exploration groups - Answer: C __________ has preventative as well as remedial aims. a. self-care b. self-awareness c. group counseling d. group mentality - Answer: C
Group counseling can be designed to meet the needs of specific populations. Which of the following is NOT one? a. counseling groups for children b. counseling groups for unmanaged individuals with schizophrenia c. counseling groups for adolescents d. counseling groups for college students - Answer: B A group that is composed of people who are similar in age, type of problem, and personality characteristics can be called? a. a homogeneous group b. a heterogeneous group c. an endogenous group d. an androgynous group - Answer: A This type of group represents a microcosm of the social structure that exists in the everyday world and offers participants the opportunity to experiment with new behaviors, develop social skills, and get feedback from many diverse sources. a. a homogeneous group b. a heterogeneous group c. an endogenous group d. an androgynous group - Answer: B Psychoeducation groups are structured in such a way as to help people with all of the following EXCEPT: a. develop specific skills b. understand certain themes c. understand and resolve difficult life transitions d. learn how to coerce others to fulfill their wants and needs. - Answer: D
Group work is a beneficial and a. cost-effective approach to treatment b. unsuccessful form of treatment c. long-term, expensive treatment d. managed care unapproved form of treatment - Answer: A __________ is a process of reeducation that includes both conscious and unconscious awareness and both the present and the past. a. psychoeducational groups b. task facilitation groups c. brief group therapy d. group psychotherapy - Answer: D __________ or groups structured by some central theme are gaining in popularity. These groups feature the presentation and discussion of factual information and skill building through the use of planned skill-building exercises. a. psychoeducational groups b. task facilitation groups c. brief group therapy d. group psychotherapy - Answer: A
. __________ is well-suited to the needs of both clients and managed care, and these treatments can be effective as well as economical. a. psychoeducational groups b. task facilitation group c. brief group therapy d. group psychotherapy - Answer: C
Brief group work is popular in both __________ because of the realistic time constraints and the ability of a brief format to be incorporated in educational or therapeutic programs. a. hospitals and urgent care facilities b. mental health institutions and prison wards c. vocational settings and family agencies d. community agencies and school settings - Answer: D _____ is to encourage deeper self-exploration; to promote full use of potentials; to bring about awareness of self-contradictions. a. clarifying b. interpreting c. confronting d. supporting - Answer: B A member has a right to expect all of the following before making the decision of whether or not to join a particular group EXCEPT a. a discussion of the rights and responsibilities of group members b. a clear statement regarding the purpose of the group c. a pregroup interview, where the member will be presented with all the names and addresses of the other members d. information about the training and qualifications of the group leader - Answer: C _____ is a process that begins with presenting basic information about group treatment to potential group members to enable them to make better decisions about whether or not to enter and how to participate in a group. a. self-inventory b. confidentiality c. privileged communication d. informed consent - Answer: d
______________ relate to issues that transcend usual male and female genders, sometimes deals with gender discrimination a. heterogeneous groups b. homogenous groups c. androgynous groups d. endogenous groups - Answer: C _____ refers to the unconscious process whereby members project onto you, the group leader, past feelings or attitudes that they had toward significant people in their lives. a. countertransference b. competence c. transference d. malpractice - Answer: C _____ refers to unresolved personal problems, which can be projected onto the members of a group. a. countertransference b. competence c. transference d. malpractice - Answer: A In this type of group, no new members are added for the predetermined duration of its life. a. homogeneous group b. heterogeneous group c. open group d. closed group - Answer: D
This stage of a group includes getting prepared, announcing the group, screening and selecting the members, and preparing them for a successful experience. a. formation stage b. orientation stage c. transition stage d. working stage - Answer: A In this group, new members replace those who are leaving, providing new stimulation. a. heterogeneous group b. homogeneous group c. open group d. closed group - Answer: C What is labeled "resistance" on the part of group members is often the result of a. the leader's failure to give members adequate orientation b. the members willingness to work on issues c. the group meeting on specific days and times d. the leader's and members willingness to communicate - Answer: A Characteristics of the initial stage are a. consolidation of group learning b. reluctance c. termination and follow-up d. orientation and exploration - Answer: D The __________ is generally characterized by increased anxiety and defensiveness a. closing stage b. opening stage c. initial stage
d. transition stage - Answer: D Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the transition stage? a. anxiety b. recognizing and dealing with conflict c. extremely high degree of cohesion d. challenging the group leader - Answer: C Interpreting the meaning of behavior patterns at appropriate times so that members will be able to engage in a deeper level of self-exploration and consider alternative behaviors is most critical at the a. initial stage of a group b. transition stage c. working stage d. consolidation stage - Answer: C When characteristics exist such as a high degree of cohesion, open communication, shared leadership functions, willingness to risk threatening material, and freely giving feedback and considering it non-defensively, it can be said that the group is at the a. initial stage b. transition stage c. working stage d. final stage - Answer: C __________ is characterized by the commitment of members to explore significant problems they bring to the sessions and by their attention to the dynamics within the group. a. transition stage b. consolidation stage c. orientation stage
d. working stage - Answer: D Which stage has the focus of applying what has been learned in the group and putting it to use in everyday life? a. transition b. consolidation c. orientation d. working - Answer: B If change is to occur, members must believe that change is possible, that they need not remain trapped in their past, and that they can take active steps to make their lives more authentic. __________ is therapeutic in itself because it gives members the incentive to commit themselves to the demanding work that change requires. a. freedom to experiment b. hope c. intimacy d. catharsis - Answer: B Unexpressed feelings often result in physical symptoms such as chronic headaches, stomach pains, muscle tension, and high blood pressure. The expression of pent-up feelings can be therapeutic because it releases energy that has been tied up in withholding certain threatening feelings. This describes a. catharsis b. self-discloosure c. cognitive reconstruction d. hope - Answer: A At the __________ members can discuss the efforts they have made since termination of the group to implement their learning in the real world.
a. initial session b. follow-up session c. last session of the group d. middle sessionn - Answer: B Psychoanalytic dream work consists of a. asking the member to act out all parts of his dream b. interpretation of the latent meaning of the dream c. having the member analyze and interpret his own dream d. the leader avoiding giving any interpretations of the dream - Answer: B ______ is a defense mechanism whereby we try to justify our behavior by assigning logical and admirable motives to it. Some people manufacture "good" reasons to explain away a bruised ego. a. transference b. countertransference c. rationalization d. free assoociation - Answer: C All of the following are advantages of a group EXCEPT a. multiple transference can be formed b. the group becomes a family of yesterday c. members can benefit from one another's work d. participants can't gain a clear sense oof how their defenses and resistances are manifested - Answer: D When anxiety is referred to as "free-floating," this suggests that a. it is floating over the unconscious, just as a ship floats over the ocean b. it is vague and general, not yet having crystallized into specific form
c. it is close to the surface of consciousness and is thereby ready to access through free association d. it is floating over the unconscious, just as a ship floats over the ocean, and it is close to the surface of consciousness and is thereby ready to access through free association - Answer: B Which ego defense mechanism involves attributing our own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and motives to others? a. displacement b. projection c. reaction formation d. regression - Answer: B The "identity crisis" is a hallmark of a. adolescence b. young adulthood c. school age children d. all of the above - Answer: A A person who is in Erikson's "middle age" stage a. is dealing with accepting the inevitability of his own death b. often suffers from a feeling of hopelessness c. is adjusting to retirement d. is concerned with achieving intimacy in his relationship - Answer: A When the group therapist experiences feelings from the past that are reactivated by a group member in the present, he or she is experiencing a. sublimination b. psychosis c. countertransference
d. transference - Answer: C How is catharsis a part of psychodrama? a. pent-up feelings are not dealt with b. catharsis is neither necessary or desired c. catharsis is facilitated by the use of certain techniques designed to intensify feelings and pent- up feelings are released through acting d. catharsis is useful only after members fully understand fully understand what is causing a particular problem - Answer: C The psychodrama method emphasizes a. spontaneity and creativity b. an intellectual understanding of the causes of conflicts c. a way of challenging irrational beliefs d. understanding life scripts - Answer: A The protagonist is a. the person selected to work b. the symbolic figure in a member's life that antagonizes the member c. the group member who serves as an alter-ego d. the director when he or she is role-playing with the member who is working - Answer: A The auxiliary ego is a. a group member who plays symbolic roles b. an inner part of the member that is in conflict c. the person who is chosen to work on a conflict d. played at all times by the director - Answer: A The major task for a child of preschool age is
a. to engage in social tasks b. eo explore the world c. to achieve a sense of industry d. to establish a sense of competence - Answer: D Psychodrama was designed to facilitate the expression of feelings in a spontaneous and dramatic way through the use of a. free association b. role playing c. dream analysis d. shame-attacking exercises - Answer: B The ventilation of stored-up feelings is known as a. breaking out b. breaking down c. working through d. catharsis - Answer: D Grasping the essence of a message at both the feeling and the thinking levels; simplifying client statements by focusing on the core of the message is defined as a. active listening b. clarifying c. restating d. summarizing - Answer: B To prepare members to assimilate, integrate, and apply in-group learning to everyday life is defined as a. modeling b. suggesting
c. terminating d. initiating - Answer: C _____ is to offer an external view of how the person appears to others; to increase the client's self- awareness. a. giving feedback b. suggesting c. facilitating d. goal setting - Answer: A _____ is to warn members of possible risks in group participation; to reduce these risks. a. blocking b. evaluating c. protecting d. facilitating - Answer: C _____ is to avoid fragmentation and give direction to a session; to provide for continuity and meaning. a. reflecting feelings b. summarizing c. initiating d. blocking - Answer: B _______ is to protect members to enhance the flow of group process by intervening to stop counterproductive group behavior. a. reflecting feelings b. summarizing c. protecting d. blocking - Answer: D
_________ is to foster trust in the therapeutic relationship, to communicate understanding, and to encourage deeper levels of self-exploration by identifying with clients by assuming their frames of reference. a. supporting b. empathizing c. reflecting feelings d. interpreting - Answer: B In the era of ___________, brief interventions and short-term groups have become a necessity. a. managed care b. universal health care c. chronic mental illness d. frivolous lawsuits - Answer: A __________ focuses on understanding not only racial and ethnic minority groups (African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and White ethnics) but also people with physical disabilities; older people; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals; and a variety of special needs populations. a. brief group therapy b. multicultural counseling c. psychoeducational counseling d. task facilitation groups - Answer: B The most important issue in the warm-up phase is creating an atmosphere that fosters a. spontaneity and involvement b. specificity of behavioral goals c. a regression to early childhood memories d. an ability to critically evaluate one's thoughts - Answer: A
________________ is a vehicle for the technique of role reversal when an auxiliary ego may not be available, or the actual person is too threatening to engage in an encounter. a. doubling b. the magic shop c. the empty chair d. the mirror technique - Answer: C The technique whereby a protagonist speaks directly to the audience by expressing some uncensored feeling or thought is a. the mirror technique b. projection c. soliloquy d. role reversal - Answer: C We rely on ______________________ to help us warm up our innate spontaneity. a. physical, mental, emotional, and relational "starters" b. the group leader c. the dominant members of the group d. our intuition - Answer: A What are risks of group work? - Answer: patients decompensating confidentiality safety confrontation intimidation What are the benefits of group work? - Answer: -Social support -other perspectives gained
-learn adaptive behaviors and coping skills Who warns members about potential risks associated with group work? - Answer: The leader Why do leaders have to give informed consent? - Answer: Because it is both legally and ethically right to do so What are major goals of group work? - Answer: -Resolve own conflict -learn coping skills -Give members HOPE that things can get better What are encounter groups? - Answer: An enactment of here and now but related to past or future event What is group therapy? - Answer: remediation of past problems/difficulties (longer) What are self-exploration groups? - Answer: personal growth, experience and self-awareness groups What are task groups? - Answer: Designed to assist task forces, committees, big projects ___________ is a defensive behavior that keeps memories forgotten and likely related to a past trauma a. denial b. regression c. repression d. displacement - Answer: C
___________ is a defensive behavior that involves a patient refusing to accept that there is a problem a. displacement b. rationalization c. projection d. denial - Answer: D ___________ is a defensive behavior that involves going back to an earlier stage of development such as bed wetting a. projection b. regression c. displacement d. repression - Answer: B ___________ is a defensive behavior that is a redirection of emotion a. projection b. displacement c. reaction formation d. repression - Answer: B ___________ is a defensive behavior where the person is behaving opposite of what they feel. a. rationalization b. repression c. regression d. reaction formation - Answer: D What happens in the first stage of group? - Answer: Pregroup-formation and screening What happens in the second stage of group? - Answer: Initial stage-Orientation and exploration
What happens in the third stage of group? - Answer: Transition stage-dealing with resistance and conflict What happens in the fourth stage of group? - Answer: Working stage-cohesion and productivity What happens in the fifth stage of group? - Answer: Final Stage-consolidation, termination, and using what was learned in their everyday life What happens in the sixth stage of group? - Answer: Evaluation-post group issues What is one of the most important things we can develop in a group setting? - Answer: Trust Which therapy is catharsis important in? - Answer: Psychodrama therapy How does a patient end up with a cathartic experience in psychodrama? - Answer: During the acting What do we need to help patients with after a cathartic experience? - Answer: Processing the emotion and self-awareness by doing cognitive restructuring What is free association and how is it used in a group setting? - Answer: No filter, say how you feel. Let them go and say what comes to mind and then discuss it later Which group is free association use in most often? - Answer: Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic What is the main premise of an analytic group? - Answer: Restructuring the client's character and personality. Focus on how the past is affecting the present
What is the role and function of the group leader? - Answer: Facilitating, giving support, providing balance, helping to face resistance What is interpretation? - Answer: Analysis of free associations, dreams, resistances, and transference feelings Who does interpretations in the group? - Answer: Typically the leader, but everybody can. What is brief psychodynamic therapy? - Answer: Shorter therapy, specific conflict. Which patients would be most appropriate for brief psychodynamic therapy? - Answer: Good for a lot of things but not good for severe characterlogic flaws such as: Borderlines Narcissists antisocial personality disorder Typically adolescents benefit from this therapy Who of the following would NOT make interpretations in the analytic group? a. the group leader b. the participants c. individuals viewing the sessions through a one-way window d. the members becoming adjunct therapists - Answer: C Brief psychodynamic therapy (BPT) is a. mainly designed for borderline personality disorders b. suitable for all clients regardless of diagnosis c. appropriate for a variety of clients' needs d. primarily aimed at working with narcissistic personality disorders - Answer: C
Which of the following is NOT one of Erikson's eight stages of development? a. trust vs. mistrust b. generativity vs. stagnation c. authenticity vs. role playing d. intimacy vs. isolation - Answer: C A group member who has difficulty accepting her own feelings of hostility tends to view most other group members as hostile. It is likely that she is a. projecting her own hostility onto other members b. quite perceptive of others' true feelings c. rationalizing her feelings d. engaging in countertransference - Answer: A Psychodrama is based on the premise that the best way to promote creativity is through a. rigorous thought experiments b. brainstorming sessions c. spontaneous exploratory activities d. shame-attacking exercise - Answer: C Opening up clear and direct communication among the participants and helping them assume increasing responsibility for the group's direction is defined as a. suggesting b. facilitating c. goal setting d. giving back - Answer: B Appraising the ongoing group process and the individual and group dynamics is defined as a. blocking b. facilitating
c. evaluating d. interpreting - Answer: C Offering possible explanations for certain thoughts, feelings, and patterns of behavior is defined as a. interpreting. b. evaluating. c. giving feedback. d. active listening. - Answer: A Saying in slightly different words what a member has said to clarify its meaning is defined as: a. reflecting feelings b. supporting c. facilitating d. restating - Answer: D Expressing concrete and honest reactions based on observation of members' behaviors is defined as: a. disclosing oneself b. giving feedback c. confronting d. clarifying - Answer: B _______ is to let members know that they are heard and understood beyond the level of words. a. active listening b. restating c. clarifying d. reflecting feelings - Answer: D
____ is to help members develop alternative courses of thinking and action. a. giving feedback b. suggesting c. interpreting d. supporting - Answer: B _____ is to help group members work more effectively; to increase the pace of the group process. a. modeling b. protecting c. blocking d. initiating - Answer: D A major difference between group therapy and group counseling lies in: a. the techniques employed to facilitate the process of interaction b. the group's goals c. the age of the participants d. the theoretical orientation of the group leader - Answer: B