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Guide to the LEED Green Associate Exam, Exams of Number Theory

A guide to the LEED Green Associate Exam with correct answers. It includes questions and answers related to the LEED rating systems, environmental benefits of green building, life-cycle cost analysis, certification bodies, credit interpretation requests, and minimum floor area requirements. The document also provides information on the appeals process, LEED project experience, and LEED AP with Specialty credentials. It is a useful resource for individuals preparing for the LEED Green Associate Exam.

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Available from 01/20/2024

Estrelia 🇨🇦



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With Correct Answers

How many types of credentials for LEED AP with Specialty are available? (Choose 1) A. 5 B. 6 C. 3 D. 4 E. 2 - correct answer A Is it possible to site for the LEED Green Associate exam and the LEED AP ID+C exam in one day? A. Yes B. No - correct answer A Is LEED project experience needed in order to sit for the LEED Ap O+M exam? A. Yes B. No - correct answer A

With Correct Answers

Where should you go to receive the most up-to-date information on the LEED rating systems? (Choose 1) A. The GBCI website B. The ISO website C. The USGBC website D. The Prometric website - correct answer C Which of the following is an environmental benefit of green building? (choose 1) A. Conserve natural resources B. Reduce solid waste C. Improve air and water quality D. Enhance and protect ecosystems and biodiversity E. All of the above - correct answer E How much time, on average, do Americans spend indoors? A. 10 percent B. 90 percent

With Correct Answers

C. 65 percent D. 35 percent - correct answer B According to the Department of Energy's website, space heating is the largest use in the US followed by lighting. True or False? A. True B. False - correct answer A Which of the following describes a high-performance building? (choose 1) A. Conserves water and energy B. Uses spaces, materials, and resources efficiently C. Minimizes construction waste D. Creates a healthy indoor environment E. All of the above - correct answer E Rise is individually managed within an IPD (integrated project delivery). True or False?

With Correct Answers

A. True B. False - correct answer B When working on a green building project, when is the best time to incorporate an integrative design approach? (choose 1) A. Schematic design B. Construction documents C. Design development D. Beginning of construction E. Substantial completion - correct answer A Life-cycle assessments (LCAs) are a beneficial tool to determine which of the following? (choose 1) A. Environmental benefits and potential impacts of a material, product, or technology B. Economics of building systems during the life of the building C. Environmental impacts of materials during construction

With Correct Answers

D. Social impacts of policies during a fiscal year E. Maintenance implications, including cost, during the life of the building - correct answer A The project team is looking to conduct a life-cycle cost analysis as a method of evaluating alternative flooring products. Which of the following should they take into consideration as inputs to that analysis? (choose 2) A. First costs, excluding the cost of installation B. First costs, including the cost of installation C. Maintenance, life expectancy, and replacement cost D. Maintenance, life expectancy, but not life expectancy - correct answer B & C Which of the following is an unacceptable way to refer to a registered project seeking LEED certification? (choose

A. "Registered with the certification goal of Silver" B. "Upon completion, this project will apply to become LEED certified"

With Correct Answers

C. "This project is registered under the LEED NC rating system" D. "As a first step toward LEED Green Building certification, [organization name] has registered this project with the USGBC to achieve LEED certification" E. "This project is LEED Platinum Registered" - correct answer E Which of the following is correct? (choose 1) A. U.S. GBC B. US GBC C. U.S.G.B.C. D. U.S. Green Building Council E. United States Green Building Council - correct answer D Who is responsible for the appeals process? (choose 1) A. GBCI B. USGBC C. Certification bodies

With Correct Answers

D. None of the above - correct answer A Credit interpretation requests (CIRs) provide which of the following? (choose 2) A. Responses to written requests for interpretation of credit requirements B. Determination of whether a particular strategy can be used to satisfy two different credits at once C. Clarification of one existing LEED credit or prerequisite D. Definitive assurance that a particular method or strategy permitted on a previous project will be applicable to other projects in the future - correct answer A & C Which of the following statements is true in reference to certification bodies? (choose 2) A. Certification bodies are managed by the USGBC B. Certification bodies are accredited to ISO standard 17021 C. Certification bodies are assigned to a project once a project is registered

With Correct Answers

D. Certification bodies are responsible for the responding to appeals E. Certification bodies help individuals prepare for their accreditation exams - correct answer B & C A project's LEED certification can expire. True or False? A. True B. False - correct answer A Which type of project is best suited for the LEED for Commercial Interiors rating system? (choose 1) A. An existing hotel renovating their HVAC system B. A ground-up, new construction of a school C. A tenant improvement project within an existing commercial building D. A renovation project focusing on walls, HVAC, and finishes with a 40,000-square-foot new addition - correct answer C A developer in Phoenix is seeking LEED Gold for a new lab facility to be built in the spring. They plan on occupying

With Correct Answers

32 percent of the facility. Which rating system should they register for? (choose 1) A. LEED for New Construction B. LEED for Commercial Interiors C. LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance D. LEED Core & Shell - correct answer D Which categories are specific to the LEED for Neighborhood Development rating system and not available in the other rating systems? (choose 2) A. Sustainable Sites B. Smart Location and Linkage C. Innovation in Design D. Green Infrastructure and Buildings E. Regional Priority - correct answer B & D Which rating system addresses the appropriate sizing of a project? (choose 1) A. LEED for Homes

With Correct Answers

B. LEED for New Construction C. LEED for Core & Shell D. LEED for Neighborhood Development - correct answer A Prerequisites are optional, depending on which categories and credits the project is pursuing. True of False? A. True B. False - correct answer B A law firm occupying a 50-year-old office building is replacing the mechanical systems to improve energy performance and implementing green procurement and operations policies. Which LEED rating system best applies to this project? (choose 1) A. LEED CI B. LEED EBOM C. LEED CS D. LEED NC E. LEED ND - correct answer B

With Correct Answers

Which of the the following statements are true in regard to credit weightings? (choose 2) A. USGBC consulted with NIST and the U.S. EPA's TRACI tool to determine the credit weightings B. The LEED rating systems were reorganized, and new credits were introduced to recognize what matters most, such as transportation. C. All of the LEED rating systems are based on a 100- point scale, except for LEED for Homes D. All credits are worth two points within the LEED NC, but only one point within LEED CS - correct answer A & C If a university wishes to build a new administrative building on their campus, they could look for LEED for New Construction or LEED for Schools rating systems and determine which one is more applicable. (choose 1) A. True, but only if the mechanical systems are on one loop B. False, administration buildings cannon be certified under NC

With Correct Answers

C. True, the project team will need to determine which rating system is best suited to the project D. False, the university would need to look at the LEED for Universities rating systemC. j - correct answer C Which reference guide would you look to for information about the LEED for Schools rating system for a new, ground-up construction project you are working on? (choose 1) A. Reference Guide for Green Interior Design and Construction (ID+C) B. Reference Guide for Green Building Operations and Maintenance (GBOM) C. LEED for Homes Reference Guide D. Reference Guide for LEED New Development E. Reference Guide for Green Buildling Design and Construction (BD+C) - correct answer E Whicho of the following statements is true about credit weightings and the carbon overlay? (choose 1) A. Consideres impact of direct energy use

With Correct Answers

B. Consideres impact of transportation C. Consideres impact of embodied emissions of water, solid waste, and materials D. All of the above - correct answer D Incorporating green building strategies, such as high- efficiency mechanical systems, on-site photovoltaic systems, and an indoor water wall to help with the indoor air quality implications? (choose 2) A. Increased life-cycle costs B. Increased first cost C. Reduced construction costs D. Increased soft costs E. Reduced soft costs - correct answer A & B If a project plans on earning Silver certification under the LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance rating system, which point range would they aim for? (choose 1) A. 50- B. 20-

With Correct Answers

C. 40-

D. 60-

E. 30-39 - correct answer A Which of the following meets the MPR regarding minimum gross floor area for LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance rating system? (choose 1) A. 250 square feet B. 500 square feet C. 1,000 square feet D. 2,500 square feet - correct answer C Which rating system has a minimum occupancy rate, in addition to the FTE occupancy, to comply with as an MPR? A. LEED CI B. LEED NC C. LEED EBOM D. LEED ND - correct answer C

With Correct Answers

WHich of the following statements are not true in regards to MPRs? (choose 2) A. The LEED project boundary must include all contiguous land that is associated with normal building operations for LEED project building, inlcuding all land that was or will be disturbed for the purpose of undertaking the LEED project B. The owner must commit to sharing whole-building energy and water usage data for 10 years C. LEED projects located on a campus must have project boundaries such that if the buildings on campus become LEED certified, then 100 percent of the gross land area on the campus would be included within a LEED boundary. D. Any given parcel of real property may only be attributed to a single LEED project building unreasonable shapes for the sole purpose of complying with prerequisites. E. Gerrymandering of a LEED project boundary is allowed.

  • correct answer B & E Which of the following statements are true in reference to minimum floor area requirements? (choose 2)

With Correct Answers

A. LEED NC must include a minimum of 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, while LEED CI requires a minimum of 250 square feet of gross floor area. B. LEED NC must include a minimum of 2,5000 square feet of gross floor area, while LEED CI requires a minimum of 250 square feet gross floor area. C. LEED CS must include a minimum of 5,000 square feet of gross floor area, while LEED EBOM requires a minimum of 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. D. LEED CS must include a minimum of 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, while LEED EBOM requires a minimum of 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. E. LEED for Schools must include a minimum of 1, square feet of gross floor area. - correct answer A & E How many years must a project commit to sharing whole- building energy and water use? (choose 1) A. Seven years B. Ten years, unless the building changes ownership C. Six months D. One year E. Five years - correct answer E

With Correct Answers

Which of the following statements are true? (choose 2) A. Appeals are mailed to GBCI B. Appeals can be submitted 25 business days after final certification review C. Appeals are free D. Appeals can pertain only to credits, not prerequisites or MPRs E. Appeals are submitted through LEED-Online - correct answer B & E Which of the following is new to all LEED rating systems under LEED 2009? (choose 1) A. Minimum program requirements B. Credit interpretation requests C. Regional Prioritization category D. Awareness & Education category - correct answer C

With Correct Answers

Design reviews can prove to be a beneficial option for a team to pursue since the project can be awarded points before construction begins. True or False? A. True B. False - correct answer False LEED project registration provides which of the following (choose 2) A. Three credit interpretation requests (CIRs) B. One preapplication USGBC review of project submittals and documentation C. One point toward LEED certification for registration prior to the development of construction documents D. Access to online LEED credit submittal templates for the project E. Establishment of contact with GBCI and the assigned certification body - correct answer D & E An application for LEED certification must contain which of the following? (choose 2)

With Correct Answers

A. Project summary information, including project contact, project type, project cost, project size, number of occupants, estimated date of occupancy, etc. B. A list of all members of the design and construction team, including contact information, documented green building industry experience, and indication of all LEED Accredited Professionals C. Completed LEED credit submittal templates for all prerequisites and attempted credits, plus any documentation specifically required to support those templates D. Detailed documentation for all credits pursued, including full-sixed plans and drawings, photocopies of invoices for all purchased materials, records of tipping fees, all energy modeling inputs and assumptions, and evidence of all calculations performed in support of LEED credits - correct answer A & C When should the construction credits and prerequisites be submitted for certification review? (choose 1) A. Beginning of construction B. One year after occupancy C. After substantial completion D. Once permit is obtained

With Correct Answers

E. Six months after occupancy - correct answer C Regarding the application process for LEED certification, which of the following is a correct statement? (choose 1) A. LEED credit submittal templates and documentation may be submitted only after occupancy B. All LEED credit submittal templates and documentation must be submitted prior to construction. C. Prerequisites and credits marked as "Design" may be submitted and reviewed at the end of the design phase D. The optional design-phase submittal allows projects to secure points for specified LEED credits, for which a preliminary certification will be awarded, if the project has earned a sufficient number of points. - correct answer C How long does a project team have to submit an appeal after receiving certification review comments back from GBCI? (choose 1) A. 15 business days B. 25 business days

With Correct Answers

C. 45 business days D. 1 week E. 1 month - correct answer B Which of the following correctly characterize credit interpretation requests (CIRs)? (choose 3) A. Can be viewed only by the primary contact for a registered project B. Can be submitted any time after the project is registered C. can be requested through LEED-Online D. Can be requested only in a written request mailed to GBCI E. Can address more than one credit or prerequisite F. Are relevant to one specific project and will not be referenced in the CIR database - correct answer B, C & F A LEED Accredited Professional is presented with a project that was started without sustainable design or LEED certification in mind and is about to enter the construction documents phase. However, neither the

With Correct Answers

owner nor any of the design team members involved thus far have significant experience with either LEED or sustainable design. Given this situation, which of the following would tend to have the most influence on the effectiveness of the sustainable design process for a project aimed at LEED certification? (choose 3) A. Starting the sustainable design process and consideration of LEED-related goals as soon as possible B. Extensive research, evaluation, and life-cycle assessment for intended material and technology C. Aggressive value engineering of individual line items to ensure that the budget is not exceeded D. Collectively delegating responsibility for specific target LEED credits and associated strategies - correct answer A, D & E Which of the following rating systems do not utilize LEED- Online as means for project teams to submit documentation for certification review? (choose 2) A. LEED NC B. LEED ND C. LEED for Homes

With Correct Answers


E. LEED EBOM - correct answer B & C What is the foundation for sustainable design for individual buildings or entire neighborhoods? (choose 1) A. Carbon emissions B. Location C. Water use D. Orientation E. Energy use - correct answer B What type of assessment is used to determine brownfield sites? (choose 1) A. ASTM C1540 Brownfield Testing B. ASTM E1903-97 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment C. ASTM E408 Standart Test Methods for Total Emittance of Surfaces, Using Inspection Meter Techniques D. ASTM E789 Standard Test Methods for Evaluation for Sites - correct answer B

With Correct Answers

Which of the following types of properties is best suited for a LEED project? (choose 2) A. Prime farmland B. Floodplains C. Habitat for any endangered species D. Within 500 feet of wetlands E. Within 250 feet of a body of water F. Public parkland - correct answer D & E Which of the following street grid density descriptions promotes a more pedestrian friendly community? (choose

A. A higher street grid density with narrow streets interconnecting B. A higher street grid density with wide streets interconnecting C A Lower street grid density with wide streets interconnecting D. A lower street grid density with narrow streets interconnecting - correct answer A

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Which of the following represent the major factors that impact transportation effects on the environment? (choose 3) A. Vehicle technology B. Fuel C. Human behavior D. Quality of roads E. Suburban development - correct answer A, B & C Which of the following are sustainable strategies that should be implemented on an auto-dependent green building? (choose 4) A. Provide priority parking for carpools/vanpools B. Provide a mass transit discount program to employees C. Supply alternative fuel vehicles and accessibility to recharging stations D. Offer discounted parking rates for multioccupant vehicles