Download Preparing for Japanese Job Interviews & Oral Situations: A Guideline and more Study notes Japanese Language in PDF only on Docsity! GUIDELINE FOR ORAL INTERVIEW Your goal in the oral interview is to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in Japanese you have learned so far. Your performance will be evaluated on a 10-point scale with respect to the following: a. listening comprehension b. grammatical accuracy c. completeness of sentence structures (Speak in complete sentences.) d. appropriateness of word choices and styles e. extensiveness of vocabulary and grammatical structures f. fluency The interview will last about 20 minutes per person. Only the first 10 minutes will be used for determining your grade for the oral interview. Your peformance in the second 10 minutes of the interview will NOT affect your grade in any way and is used only to locate your overall Japanese language proficiency on the OPI-scale (Novice - Intermediate - Advanced - Superior). This is similar to the first interview you had prior to the LBAT program. You may be asked of something you have no idea how to answer, but don’t worry. In the first 10 minutes of the interview, the following topics will be covered. 1. Job Interview You are applying for one of the following companies: IBM-Japan, Coca Cola, & Citbank. Choose a company you would like to be employed by. In the job interview, you will probably be asked about the following. (You start by saying はじめまして.) ・ major ・ specialty ・ reason for choocing this company ・ hobbies (Use potentials in your answers.) ・ extracurriular actrivities ・ If you enter this company, what specific job would you like to perform? (In your answer, you need to include some of the following structures: V つもり/V たい/V ようとおもう) ・ Sometimes you may be asked to do certain types of jobs even though you are not specifically trained for them. What do you think of such practices? (Sample answer: わたしはどんなしごとで も … つもりです。) ・ In Japan, some women quit work after getting married. What do you think of this? 2a or 2b/c: 2a. Making a phone call Please call Division Manager Kobayashi of Panasonic. If she is not there, leave the following messages. ・ The time for tomorrow’s meeting was changed from 2:00 to 3:00. ・ I heard that Division Manager Kobayashi wants to have our new product catalogues. ・ Please allow us to send those catalogues to her. 2b. Receving a phone call Please answer the phone and take appropriate actions. (Your boss, Division Manager Kobayashi is away from her seat. She is in a meeting and scheduled to be back at 5:00.) Make sure you use appropriate level of politeness when you refer to your in-group or out-group members. 2c. Work reports Division Manager Kobayashi has just returned to her seat. Please tell her the message. Make sure you use expressions to inform other’s words and proper styles. 3. Arranging a welcome party. You will be presented with one of the situations similar to those listed below. Situation 1: I’m planning a welcome party for Ms/Mr. Han, a newly hired employee of this company. Since he/she does not yet speak Japanese well and I do not speak English, please be a translator for me. You =Translator, TA = Ms/Mr. Han, Teacher = 木村課長 先生: 〜さんの歓迎会をしようと思っていると言ってください。 You: We are thinking of giving you a welcome party. TA:Oh, for me? Thank you. 先生: 木曜日の晩、あいているかどうか、きいてください。 You: Are you free on Thursday evening? TA:I’m supposed to go to the airport to meet Mr. Brown of IBM on Thursday evening. You: 木曜日の晩は、IBMのブラウンさんをむかえに空港までいくことになっているそ うです。 先生: じゃあ、いつがあいているか、きいてください。 You: When are you free? TA:If it’s Friday evening, I have no plan. You: 金曜日の晩だったら、べつに予定は入っていないそうです。 先生:ああ、そうですか。じゃ、7時に「ことぶき」をよやくしますから、あけておいて くださいと言ってください。 You:He/She will make a reservation at Kotobuki at seven, so please keep that evening open. TA:All right.