Download Gynecological Procedures and Terminology and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! OB-GYN Nursing Exam with Complete Questions and Answers 1. Adnexa - Correct Answer Appendages or accessory structures of an organ. 2. Bony pelvis - Correct Answer The 4 bones of the pelvis that make up the lower part of the trunk of the body; serves to support the upper body and protect the pelvic organs. 3. Breech - Correct Answer Intrauterine position of a fetus in which that buttocks or feet present first. 4. Cesarean section (C-section) - Correct Answer A surgical procedure in which the abdomen and uterus are incised to deliver a baby. 5. Corpus lutein - Correct Answer A small mass of yellow-colored tissue that develops on the ovary and that grows within the ruptured ovarian follicle after ovulation; responsible for secreting progesterone to maintain the high level of vascular supply to the uterine endometrium for the purposes of implantation and pregnancy. 6. Curettage - Correct Answer Removal of tissue with a blunt or sharp curette by scraping the surface; performed to remove abnormal tissue, to obtain tissue for examination and diagnostic purposes, or to remove tissue from infected areas. 7. DUB - Correct Answer Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding; abnormal uterine bleeding that is not due to a tumor, pregnancy, or infection, and occurs when menstruation is not taking place. 8. Dystocia - Correct Answer Difficult birth due to various reasons, such as cephalopelvic distortion, fetus size, or condition or position of fetus. 9. Dysmenorrhea - Correct Answer Painful menstruation. 10.Episiotomy - Correct Answer The surgical incision of perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening and prevent tearing of the perineum and muscles during delivery. 11.Exoneration - Correct Answer Refers to total removal of; usually used in reference to the surgical procedure of total pelvic exoneration, which involves the removal of the vagina, uterus, and cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, and rectum for surgical treatment of cancer. 12.Fimbria - Correct Answer Finger-like structures that form on an edge, such as the fimbria of the fallopian tubes. 13.Fistula - Correct Answer Abnormal communication between to normally separate internal structures, or an abnormal communication between an internal structure and the body surface. 14.Gravida - Correct Answer Refers to the pregnant female; the first pregnancy is referred to as Gravida I; additional pregnancies are numbered sequentially. 15.LEEP - Correct Answer Loop Electrosurgical Excision; Surgical procedure that uses the electrosurgical unit coupled to a loop electrode on the cautery pencil; used to excise a cone of tissue to remove an area of neoplastic. 16.Ligament - Correct Answer A band of fibrous tissue composed of collagen that connects bone to bone. 17.Marsupialization - Correct Answer Incision of a closed cavity with the suturing of the opened edges to the wall of the wound to form an open wound that will heal by second intention. 18.Myoma - Correct Answer A benign fibroid tumor of the uterus. 19.Occiput anterior - Correct Answer The most common relationship between the presenting fetal part and the maternal body pelvis. 20.Parity - Correct Answer The classification used to indicate the number of live and stillborn births that a female has delivered at more than 20 weeks of gestation. 21.Perineum - Correct Answer The area between the posterior portion of the vagina or scrotum and the opening to the anus. Forms the base of the perineal floor and posterior wall of the vagina. The elevator any muscles form a sling to keep the pelvic contents intact during coughing, straining, or bearing down in labor. 22.Pfannenstiel - Correct Answer Surgical transverse incision made in the lower abdomen, usually employed when performing a C-section. 23.Vestibule - Correct Answer An opening that serves as the entrance to a passageway, such as the vestibule of the vagina. 24.What is the fornix? - Correct Answer The annular recess created by the cervical-vaginal junction. 56.Second stage of vaginal delivery. - Correct Answer Complete dilation of the cervix and terminates with the birth of the infant. 57.Third stage of vaginal delivery. - Correct Answer Initiated with the birth of the infant and ends when the placenta is delivered. 58.Fourth stage of vaginal delivery. - Correct Answer Begins at the point and is completed when the mother's condition has stabilized. 59.What surgical intervention is commonly done during a normal vaginal delivery? - Correct Answer Episiotomy. 60.Cord blood is collected routinely with every delivery. Why? - Correct Answer To check cord gases. Also, it's collected for it is rich with stem cells which can be preserved and used for later use if needed. 61.What does "fetal distress" mean? - Correct Answer Sustained low heart rate. 62.List the possible sites for ectopic pregnancy. - Correct Answer Fallopian tubes, peritoneal cavity, ovary, or uterine cervix. 63.Leiomyoma - Correct Answer Benign lesions of the uterus. 64.What are the two great curses that haunted natural childbirth from ancient times? - Correct Answer Shrunken pelvis and obstructed labor. 65.Puerperal fever - Correct Answer Infection after childbirth, happened quite frequently. The mother usually became septic and died shortly after (48 hours). 66.Normal birthing in the early days of human civilization was most often handled by trained__________. - Correct Answer Midwives. They adhered to a strict level of cleanliness and employed natural means to assist women in childbearing. They also participated in educating young women about their bodies, having children, and healthy pregnancies. 67.During the middle ages and renaissance, midwifery almost died out when_____________ began trying to monopolize childbirth services. - Correct Answer barber-surgeons. Women were forbidden to practice medicine or midwifery and many midwives were accused of being witches and killed. 68.Chamberlin Birthing Forceps - Correct Answer Developed by Peter Chamberlin (1674). 69.Dr. Ginza Semmelweis - Correct Answer In 1847, he instituted rules in his ward that physicians MUST wash hands between patients. By the end of the 1800's many dress were finally beginning to accept the research of Dr. Semmelweis and others. 70.Chloroform - Correct Answer Discovered in July 1831 by American physician Samuel Guthrie. In 1847, Chloroform was used by James Young Simpson for childbirth. 71.Eventually_______replaced Chloroform. - Correct Answer Ether. 72. In 1940, __________ was introduced. This heavy dose of narcotics and amnesiacs caused laboring women to lose control (they were stuck in the stage 2, excitement phase of anesthesia). - Correct Answer Twilight sleep 73.What were the complications that arose from Twilight sleep? - Correct Answer Recovery was a long process b/c of the drugs and breastfeeding was more impossible than before. Twilight sleep was also difficult on the babies for they were born sleepy and unable to respond or suck. Also, breathing was difficult and babies had to be watched carefully to insure that they didn't stop breathing. 74.Dr. Brantley Dick-Reed - Correct Answer In 1944 he wrote Childbirth Without Fear. He studied midwives with laboring women and learned how these women assisted laboring women to give birth without medication using relaxation techniques. He also studied the fear-pain cycle and discovered that women who were not afraid of childbirth had less pain and fewer problems. 75.Dr. Fernando Lamaze - Correct Answer In 1953 he published his findings about labor and delivery in Russia. His philosophy sustained scientism for faith and introduced self-hypnotism as a method of coping and a way to remove God from the birth arena. He also started the Lamaze classes which opened the door the childbirth education classes and helped bring fathers back into the picture. Eventually, natural childbirth was reborn in the 1960's 76.The Female Genitourinary system consist of... - Correct Answer the organs, glands, secretions and other elements of reproduction referred to as pudendum. The female reproductive organs are both internal and external. 77.Vestibule - Correct Answer Location of the urethra, space posterior to clitoris, it's enclosed by the labia minor and it's anterior to the vagina. 78.Bartholdi’s glands - Correct Answer Secrete vaginal lubricant, lies deep in the bulbocavernosus. 79.Hymen - Correct Answer Thin, vascular membrane of connective tissue that surround the vaginal orifice. Wide variations of thickness and elasticity. The presence or absence of a hymnal ring does not indicate sexual activity. 80.The reproductive organs lie in the_______ _________protected by the bony pelvis. - Correct Answer pelvic cavity. 81.________ and _________ form the pelvic outlet. - Correct Answer bones, ligaments 82.The ________ _______ of the uterus and the ________ constitute the birth canal. - Correct Answer dilated cervix, vagina. 83.D&C - Correct Answer Dilation and Curettage. Done within 10 minutes, done on women that have polyps, blood clots, and can't stop bleeding. Usually goes on for about a month or more. 84.D&E - Correct Answer Dilation and Evacuation. Done up to 12 weeks, possibly 16 weeks (1st trimester). 85.Cone Biopsy - Correct Answer Done w/or without laser, looks for cancerous cells on the cervix. 86.Hysterectomy - Correct Answer Can be done vaginally, abdominally, or LAVH (Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy) which is becoming more common. 87.Tubal ligation - Correct Answer Usually done after giving birth (PPTL: Post- Partum Tubal Ligation), Fallopian tubes are cut and tried off to prevent further pregnancies, a permanent procedure. 88.Cesarean Section (C-section) - Correct Answer Usually done if the baby is too big to be passed out of the vaginal canal, it's a breech baby, or if it's in distress. 89.Diagnostic and surgical procedures may be carried out using a... - Correct Answer Vaginal, abdominal, or both vaginal and abdominal approach. 90.Each approach requires... - Correct Answer different positions, preparations, and drapes and set-ups. Allot of the drapes have 2 holes, one for the abdomen and a flap for the vagina. 91.When doing a prep for a Lap Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy, how would you do it? - Correct Answer Have 2 separate preps, first one you use on the vagina, then the second prep you would use on the abdomen, nipples-knees. 92.Why is a Foley catheter used? - Correct Answer To prevent bladder distension and possible injury. If one is being used, make sure you keep your eye on the output. Changes in volume, color, or presence of blood needs to be reported immediately. 118. Colposcopy - Correct Answer Is an instrument that shines a light on the cervix and magnifies the view for the doctor. 119. A _______ ________ is applied to the cervix and vagina with a cotton ball or swab. The solution turns abnormal tissue ______ for identification of areas that may need further evaluation. - Correct Answer vinegar solution, white. 120. Colposcopy-directed biopsy - Correct Answer Is a procedure in which the cervix is examined with a colposcopy for abnormalities and a tissue sample is taken. 121. Cervical biopsy - Correct Answer Done on patients that have been diagnosed by PAP smear for severe cervical dysplasia or intraepithelial cancer of the cervix. 122. Cold cone biopsy - Correct Answer Is a surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia and is done from the presence of precancerous changes in the cervix. A large area of tissue around the cervix is excised for examination in Pathology. 123. Cervical punch biopsy - Correct Answer The cervix may be stained with iodine solution (Lugholes) in order to see abnormalities better. A small tissue samples are taken from the cervix and examined for disease or other problems. Usually done in a dress office. 124. Tubal Perfusion - Correct Answer To test tubal patency using methylene blue and saline. Using a laparoscope, dye entering the uterus from the fallopian tubes indicate patency. 125. Hysterosalpingography - Correct Answer Infertility radiologic study of the uterus and tubes after repeated negative Ruben testing. 126. Pelvic laparoscopy - Correct Answer a six procedure that examines and treats pelvis organs through a small six viewing instrument (laparoscope) inserted into the abdomen at the naval. 127. When will a pelvic laparoscopy be recommended? - Correct Answer Pelvic pain due to Endometriosis (uterine tissue found outside of the uterus), abdominal infections, suspected twisting/torsion of an ovary, ovarian cyst, scar tissue, perforation of the uterus following a D&C or by and IUD, evaluation of infertility, sterilization, evaluation and removal of an abnormal pelvic mass, removal of uterine fibroids (myomectomy), removal of the uterus (hysterectomy), six tx of tubal pregnancy, and evaluation of a women who may have appendicitis or salinities. 128. Complications and considerations with pelvic laparoscopy. - Correct Answer Care must be taken not to perforate blood vessels, the uterus or bladder, Perforation leads to infection, this is a sterile procedure, and surgeon expertise, patient selection, and adequate anesthesia and safe equipment are essential. 129. Hysteroscopy - Correct Answer Is used to diagnose and treat many uterine disorders, including extremely heavy periods and abnormal bleeding. 130. Diagnostic hysteroscopy - Correct Answer Is performed to examine the uterus for signs of normalcy or abnormality (Myomas). 131. Operative hysteroscopy - Correct Answer Is performed to treat a disorder after it has been diagnosed. 132. Can a diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy be performed together? - Correct Answer Yes, depending on the patient and the nature of the patient's medical condition. 133. Abnormal bleeding may be caused by a _______ _______, it may also be caused by benign growths, such as ______ ______ or ______. - Correct Answer hormonal imbalance, fibroid tumors, polyps. 134. In some cases, abnormal bleeding may be a sign of __________ ________, particularly in women over 45 (postmenopausal bleeding). - Correct Answer endometrial cancer. 135. Why is postmenopausal bleeding a concern? - Correct Answer It is usually a key sign that someone has endometrial cancer. You are considered postmenopausal when you have experienced no bleeding for 1 year. If you start bleeding after that time frame, you need to see your dr. 136. Conditions that can be diagnosed or treated with hysteroscopy include... - Correct Answer infertility caused by blockages or adhesions, abnormally painful periods, post-menopausal bleeding, irregular or unusually light periods, uterine abnormalities, recurrent miscarriage, pelvic pain, removal of intra-uterine devices (IUD's), removal of small polyps or fibroids. 137. Although hysteroscopy is not used to treat endometrial cancer, it can be used to obtain _______ samples for _______ when a malignancy is suspected. - Correct Answer tissue, biopsy. 138. Air or gas are not used to expand the uterus for danger of air or gas embolism. What is used instead? - Correct Answer Pre-warmed high viscosity 1.5% Glycine (liquid glucose) and 0.9% normal saline can also be used. A pressure controlled infusion pump is used to prevent fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Intrauterine pressures should be maintained at or below the mean arterial pressure and also to prevent uterine rupture. 139. T or F: When using a liquid glucose solution for distension, immediately clean instruments in warm H20. - Correct Answer True, the solution will make the instruments sticky which can acquire bacteria over time, have warm sterile H2O on your back table. 140. Complications with a hysteroscopy. - Correct Answer Air or gas embolism, laceration of cervix, and specific complication secondary to intervention. 141. Diagnostic laparoscopy - Correct Answer Is used to view a women's reproductive organs-uterus, ovaries, tubes, and bear by organs. 142. When would it be recommended? - Correct Answer When other diagnostic tests, such as US (ultrasound) and X-ray cannot confirm the cause of condition such as; pelvic or abdominal pain, examine a tissue mass, confirm endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease, look for blockages of the tubes or other causes of infertility. 143. When doing a laparoscopic procedure, make sure you have _________ _________ on your field. - Correct Answer defogger solution. 144. The CO2 in the abdomen is inflated at a pressure of ____mmHg max. - Correct Answer 15 145. Complications with laparoscopy. - Correct Answer Hemorrhage, wound infection, viscous perforation, damage to structures. 146. Vaginal procedures are done to... - Correct Answer repair the pelvic outlet post childbirth. 147. Colporrhapy (Kelly procedure) - Correct Answer For prolapsed vaginal wall r/t urethrocystocele (herniation of bladder into vaginal canal) 148. Enterocyte (Cul-de-sac Hernia) - Correct Answer Bowel herniates in the vaginal Cul-de-sac 149. Vesicovaginal - Correct Answer Bladder/vagina fistulas 150. Rectovaginal - Correct Answer rectum/vagina fistulas 151. Cystocele - Correct Answer Prolapse or protrusion of the bladder into the vagina. Caused by a defect in the pub cervical fascia - fibrous tissue that separates the bladder and vagina. segment) and Placenta abruption (the placenta breaks away from the wall of the uterus too early, before the baby is supposed to be born.) 177. When positioning the mother for a C-section, she should be laying in the _______ position with her _______ ______ on a roll to keep uterine pressure off the vena cava. - Correct Answer supine, right hip 178. Postoperative considerations of a C-section. - Correct Answer A C- section is a major abdominal surgery, women who have C-sections are more at risk for: an infection, excessive bleeding, blood clots, injuries to the bladder or bowel (rare), postpartum pain, and a longer hospital stay. 179. T or F: Each C-section increases risks in the future pregnancies of placenta previa and abruption placenta. - Correct Answer True. 180. The incidence of an ectopic pregnancy is higher among women with... - Correct Answer previous tubal disease, tubal surgery, previous ectopic pregnancy, assisted reproduction, and IUD users. 181. Implantation in the distal half of the fallopian tube - Correct Answer This represents the vast majority of all ectopic and is the type most likely to resolve spontaneously through "tubal abortion" which is the closer the ectopic is to the fimbriae, the more likely it will outgrow it's blood supply and be expelled out the end of the tube. 182. Isthmic ectopic - Correct Answer The isthmus is the narrowest portion of the tube, least distensile, and ectopic that grow here are more likely to rupture and to rupture early in the course of the pregnancy. 183. Corneal ectopic - Correct Answer These ectopic grow in the portion of the tube that passes through the uterine cornea. These tend to rupture early and violently, with massive abdominal hemorrhage. Many of the fatalities due to ectopic pregnancy are from corneal pregnancies. 184. First degree perineal laceration - Correct Answer Involves the vaginal mucosa or perineal skin. 185. Second degree perineal laceration - Correct Answer Extends into the vaginal sub mucosa or perineum with or without the perineal body musculature being involved. 186. Third degree perineal laceration - Correct Answer Involves the anal sphincter. 187. Fourth degree perineal laceration - Correct Answer Involves the rectal mucosa. 188. Cervical Circulate (Shirodkar's procedure) - Correct Answer Is the placement of a large diameter Dacron or Merilee taupe around the cervix at the level of the internal OS to prevent spontaneous abortion. The procedure id usually performed in late second trimester or early third trimester of pregnancy to correct an incompetent cervix. 189. Tuboplasty - Correct Answer Microscopic resection and anastomosis of the fallopian tube. It is the operative choice when infertility is secondary to tubal obstruction. 190. Bartholdi’s Gland cyst - Correct Answer Obstruction of a Bartholdi’s gland duct commonly results from Gonococcal infection, other various infections or most frequently trauma, and can manifest as cyst formation. Patient can experience pain while walking or sitting. 191. Why would a Simple Vulvectomy be performed? - Correct Answer It's performed on women with multifocal in situ neoplastic of the vulva. 192. T or F: the biggest problem following a Myomectomy is adhesion formation. - Correct Answer True. It can be reduced with gentle tissue handling, removing the talc powder from gloves. avoiding the posterior peritoneal surface of the uterus and incorporating various uterine suspension techniques. 193. When doing a hysterectomy, why would the ovaries be left behind? - Correct Answer So the patient won't go into early menopause. Ovaries are usually left behind for their hormonal value. 194. Oophorectomy - Correct Answer Removal of the ovaries. Done if there’s prophylaxis, ovarian malignancy, cystic ovaries, strangulated ovaries, infection and adhesions, and extensive endometriosis. 195. Salpingectomy - Correct Answer Removal of part or all of the fallopian tube. This can include tubal ligation procedures, but is usually indicated by other pathology, such as occlusive disease or ectopic pregnancy. It is especially indicated when there is a desire to leave the associated ovary intact. 196. The pelvic girdle consists of the_________. - Correct Answer iliac crest, ischia, pubic bones, and sacrum. 197. Bartholdi’s glands are located within the _________. - Correct Answer vestibule. 198. The pH of vaginal fluids is________. - Correct Answer Acidic. 199. The uterine lining is called the_________. - Correct Answer Endometrium. 200. The ligament that supports the bulk of the ovary is called the _________ ligament. - Correct Answer suspensory. 201. The uterine tubes are contained within the _______ ligament. - Correct Answer broad. 202. The uterine appendages are the _________. - Correct Answer ovaries and fallopian tubes. 203. Which is a synonym for the fallopian tubes? - Correct Answer Uterine tubes. 204. In which position is the patient generally placed into for a D&C? - Correct Answer Lithotomy. 205. What accessories are needed for the operating room table in order to place the patient in lithotomy position? - Correct Answer stirrups and foot holders. 206. The internal cervical so is the __________. - Correct Answer aperture at corpus uteri cervical junction. 207. The 3 layers of the uterine wall are the __________. - Correct Answer visceral peritoneum, myometrium, and endometrium. 208. The 2 hormones from the anterior pituitary that stimulates the ovarian cycle are_______ and ______. - Correct Answer LH and FSH. 209. The absence or abnormal stoppage of the menses is called________. - Correct Answer amenorrhea. 210. Posterior colporrhapy is performed to ___________. - Correct Answer repair a rectocele. 211. A Foley catheter is used routinely during a pelvic procedure to ___________. - Correct Answer decompress the bladder to prevent injury. 212. The Trendelenburg position is used to prevent injury and enhance visualization by displacing the abdominal contents ___________. - Correct Answer superiorly.