Download HA Final exam review Pathophysiology NR283 and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 4 /4 /2024 12:42 م HA Final exam review - xxx about:blank 1/3 Final Exam Review New Stuff: Understand the order and direction of proper blood flow in the heart When listening to heart sounds- understand the meaning of listening to landmarks (example: aortic and pulmonic are valve closures) SA node = pacemaker of the heart Major risk factors of heart disease “Z” pattern is used for auscultating hear sounds (understand proper areas of cardiac landmarks / ex: aortic, the 2 intercoastal space right sternal border)nd The order of listening to heart sounds (think lab )� Right sided heart failure VS Left sided heart failure o Understand the clinical manifestations for each and how they differ and how they are similar Understand what the difference in auscultating, inspecting, palpating (we ASCULTATE PALPATE heart sounds, we the radial pulse) Normal vs abnormal heart rate (athletes commonly have bradycardia although this is EXPECTED, it would still be considered abnormal) When would the RN find it appropriate to take an apical pulse vs radial pulse Normal vs abnormal heart sounds (Normal= S1 & S2 are present / Abnormal =turbulence) Proper structure of the heart- understand where the apex is, where the chambers are located Normal= auscultate/ palpate for 30 seconds and multiple by 2 Abnormal= auscultate / palpate for 1 full minute (60 seconds) Definition of S1 & S2 Orthostatic hypotension (sitting, laying & standing- will see a change of 20 more intervals in blood pressure) How to properly take a blood pressure (when would an abnormal blood pressure occur?) Feet should be flat on the ground, sitting position, rest time, proper cuff size for patient Old Stuff ADPIE o Vital signs: T 98.6° F, P 79, RR 16, BP 120/83, O2 sat 99% on room air. o Pain: Pain level 5/10. Client states that his pain is located in the right upper quadrant of his abdomen. Describes the pain as a “stabbing” sensation that is worse after eating meals. o Goals: Client will have a pain level of 2 or less on a 0 to 10 scale by 1900 this evening. 4 /4 /2024 12:42 م HA Final exam review - xxx about:blank 2/3 o Orders: Implement nonpharmacologic therapies for pain management (music therapy). PRN (as needed) hydrocodone (oral) every 4 hours as needed for pain. Assessment: Vital signs, Pain (subjective or objective data) Diagnosis (nursing): acute pain (remember this is what the nurse is treating NOT a medical diagnosis Planning: goals (we want the pain to be at 2 or less by 1900 this evening) Implementation: non-pharmacological or pharmacological (Remember this what the nurse does (give pain medication, have the patient change positions, make them ice packs or heating pads ect) Evaluate: Did the implementations work- did the patient have a pain score below 2 after I gave them pain medications and an ice-pack? If it worked our plan was successful, if not we need to change our plan leading to changed in implementation. Snellen chart= visual acuity= patient positioned 20 feet away Clinical manifestations of Bacterial/Viral Pneumonia, Asthma (clear secretions for a cold, greenish/yellow for Pneumonia, wheezing on auscultation for asthma patients, ect) Priorities of nursing: o ABC (airways, breathing & circulation) Example: capillary refill: normal= >3 seconds abnormal <3 seconds (this assessment is checking circulation- be able to understand how assessment abnormalities can effect the nurses priorities) Epitaxies- continuous can effect circulation Appropriate use of the pain scale (example 1-10 pain scale for adults, FACES for children) Tinnitus vs vertigo (definitions and clinical manifestations) PERRLA (with pupils should constrict consensually or being brough tolight object patient pupil should constrict =NORMAL finding) Communication and culture considerations: remember all translation should go through hospital translator Signs/symptoms of metabolic syndrome Pain can cause distress in vital signs (tachycardia is an abnormal sign the RN may see) Signs/symptoms of dehydration Definition of communication Definition of assessment (example: assessing ears, subjective and focused objective information should focus on the EARS) Employee considerations for skin care/nose (working outside in the sun for skin, painter for nose) Understand how a patient would present if drowsy vs lethargic