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Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care Basics Exam Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A set of questions and answers related to basic nursing assistant care, covering topics such as communication, observation, safety, infection control, and emergency response. It is designed to help nursing assistant students prepare for exams and gain a better understanding of essential concepts in the field.

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Available from 01/15/2025

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Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care

Basics Exam Questions and Answers


Before accidents occur - Answer-When should unsafe conditions be reported? "There are raised, red marks the size of pinpricks on Mrs. Johnson's torso." - Answer-Which of the following is an example of objective information The NA should speak slowly and clearly - Answer-What is a proper way for a nursing assistant to respond if a resident does not hear her or does not understand her? NA uses medical terminology with the resident - Answer-Which of the following is an example of a barrier to communication The NA should ask open ended questions that require more than yes or no responses - Answer-Which of the following are ways for NAs to avoid barriers to communication? Because cultural background helps determine how people communicate and can help the NA communicate better with the resident. - Answer-Why is it important for an NA to consider a resident's cultural background when communicating with him?

Taste - Answer-Which of the following senses is not used in making observations? Nurses - Answer-With whom should nursing assistants use medical terms and abbreviations? Chest pain - Answer-Which of the following should an NA report about a resident to the nurse immediately? Suffix - Answer-The part of the word that is added to the end of a root to form a new word is called a Face the resident with the light on the NA's face - Answer-If a resident has a hearing impairment, the NA should use the face of an imaginary ______ to describe position of objects - Answer-One way that an NA can help a resident who is visually impaired is to Assess the situation and assess the victim - Answer-The first two steps to take when approaching an emergency are The NA should remain calm and lower the tone of her voice - Answer-What is the best way a nursing assistant can respond to a combative resident sweet - Answer-A sign of the onset of diabetic ketoacidosis is breath that smells It may actually reinforce the behavior - Answer-Why is it important for a nursing assistant not to overreact when a resident behaves inapporpriately With every resident in his care - Answer-With whom should an NA use Standard Precautions?

urine - Answer-Under Standard Precautions, the term body fluids includes Gloves should be changed before contact with mucous membranes - Answer-Which of the following is true of wearing gloves The resident cannot speak, breathe, or cough. - Answer-In which of the following situations should an NA give abdominal thrusts to a residents at least 20 seconds - Answer-When washing hands, an NA should use friction for Put on gown, mask and goggles, and gloves - Answer-Which of the following is the proper order to don personal protective equipment (PPE)? Dyspnea - Answer-What is the medical term for difficulty breathing every time an NA touches something - Answer-A NA will come into contact with microorganisms They are practiced in addition to Standard Precautions - Answer-Which of the following is true of Transmission Based Precautions Loosen clothing around the neck - Answer-When a resident s suspected of having a heard attack, a NA should By contact with blood or body flueds - Answer-What is one way that bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted? Too little food - Answer-Insulin reaction can be caused by

Clear walkways of clutter - Answer-Which of the following statements is true of preventing falls? Before helping with food - Answer-When should a nursing assistant identify a resident? Sitting as upright as possible - Answer-In which position should a resident be placed for eating? Washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol based hands rub - Answer-Hand hygiene is Body mechanics helps save energy and prevent injury - Answer-Which of the following statements is true of body mechanics Bend her knees - Answer-When helping a resident sit up, stand up, or walk the NA should wash her hands - Answer-The single most important thing the NA can do to prevent the spread of disease is to The NA should stand with her legs shoulder width apart - Answer-which of the following is a way to use proper body mechanics Remove residents, activate alarm or call 911, contain fire, extinguish - Answer-RACE is an acronym for safety ruse, and means Elevate the legs unless the resident has a head or abdominal injury - Answer-If a resident is in shock, a nursing assistant should An incident report will need to be copleted for all falls - Answer-which of the following is true of resident falls?

Hold a thick pad against the woulnd and press down hard - Answer-To control bleeding , a nursing assistant should By direct physical contact - Answer-How is MRSA most often spread? Through proper handwashing - Answer-What is the best way to control the spread of MRSA Following the Standard Precautions in caring for all residents - Answer-Which of the following is an NA responsibility related to infection prevention? Move furniture away to prevent injury to the resident - Answer-Which of the following is a correct response if a resident is having a seizure? The inability to speak or to speak clearly - Answer-A sign that a stroke is occurring is (A) Pour hot drinks away from residents - Answer-To serve hot liquids to residents, a nursing assistant should Description of emergency response actions - Answer-What information does a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) contain? By coughing - Answer-Tuberculosis may be transmitted Through proper hand washing and handling of contaminated wastes - Answer-What is the best way to control the spread of C. difficile? Put on gloves - Answer-If an NA needs to clean up a spill, what is the first step that she should take?