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Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care - Chapter 23 Exam Questions and Answers
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Terminal illness - Answer-A disease or condition that will eventually cause death Grief - Answer-Deep distress or sorrow over a loss - an adaptive (changing) process, usually involves healing five stages of grief - Answer-denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance how nursing assistants can help with grief - Answer-listening and being ready to offer help reactions to death - Answer-shock, denial, anger, guilt, regret, relief, sadness, loneliness factors affecting feelings and attitudes about death - Answer-experience with death, personality type, religious beliefs, cultural background
focus of care for dying resident - Answer-Meeting physical needs, as well as providing comfort and emotional support. Promote independence. guidelines for residents who is dying - diminished senses - Answer-▪ Reduce glare, keep lighting low. ▪Speak in normal tone. ▪Tell resident about care being provided. ▪Ask questions. ??? ▪Encourage family to speak, avoid subjects that are disturbing. ▪Observe body language. guidelines for residents who is dying - care of mouth and nose - Answer-▪ Give mouth care often. ▪Apply lip balm to dry lips and nose. guidelines for Resident who is dying - skin care - Answer-▪ Give baths and incontinence care. ▪Bathe perspiring residents often. ▪Keep skin clean and dry. ▪Change sheets and clothes, keep wrinkle-free. ▪Give regular skin care and repositioning. guidelines for resident who is dying - pain control and comfort - Answer-▪ Observe and Report signs of pain. ▪Observe body language (residents may not be able to communicate that they are in pain). ▪Frequent changes of position, back massage, skin care, mouth care, proper body alignment. ▪If fever / chills, use extra blankets. guidelines for resident who is dying - environment - Answer-▪ Display favorite objects and photographs where easily seen.
▪Play music if requested. ▪Ensure room is comfortable, appropriately lit, well ventilated. ▪Call light within reach. guidelines for resident who is dying - emotional / spiritual support - Answer-▪ Listening may be most important - pay attention to conversations. ▪Report comments about fear to nurse. ▪Touch can be important - hold resident's hand as you sit quietly. ▪Do not avoid dying person or family. ▪Do not deny death. ▪Give accurate information in a reassuring way. ▪Tell nurse if clergy is requested. Give privacy for visits. ▪Do not discuss personal religious or spiritual beliefs. Hearing - Answer-The last sense to usually leave the body is patient controlled analgesia (PCA) device - Answer-method of pain control that allows patients to administer pain medication to themselves Extraordinary Measures - Answer-used to prolong life when there is no reasonable expectation of recovery legal rights when dying - Answer-▪Right to refuse treatment. ▪Right to have visitors. ▪Right to have privacy. dying person's Bill of Rights - Answer-I have the right to
▪be treated as a living human until I die. ▪maintain a sense of hopefulness, however changing its focus may be. ▪be cared for by those who can maintain a sense of hopefulness, however changing this may be. ▪express my feelings and emotions about my approaching death in my own way. ▪participate in decisions concerning my care. ▪expect continuing medical and nursing attention even though "cure" goals must be changed to "comfort" goals. ▪not die alone. ▪be free of pain. ▪have my questions answered honestly. ▪retain my individuality and not be judged for my decisions, which may be contrary to the belief of others. ▪expect that the sanctity of the human body will be respected after death. ▪be cared for by caring, sensitive, knowledgeable people who will attempt to understand my needs and will be able to gain some satisfaction in helping me face my death. treating residents who are dying with dignity - Answer-▪ respect resident's wishes ▪do not isolate or avoid ▪don't make promises that cannot be kept ▪involve resident in their care and activities - person-centered ▪listen, but do not offer advice ▪be professional ▪keep resident as comfortable as possible ▪keep resident clean and dry ▪assure privacy, respect privacy of family and visitors ▪help with family's physical comfort
Hospice care - Answer-Special care a dying person needs, given in hospital or skilled nursing facility, or in home. 24/7. Will have a doctor's order. hospice team members - Answer-doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors, nursing assistants, home health aides, therapist, clergy, dietitians, volunteers goal of hospice / palliative care - Answer-comfort and dignity of the resident Palliative care - Answer-care given to people who are dying that emphasizes relieving pain, controlling symptoms, preventing side effects and complications mindset - Answer-nursing assistants will need to adjust their ________________ when caring for residents in hospice independent - Answer-residents who are dying need to feel __________________ for as long as possible guidelines for hospice care - Answer-▪ be a good listener ▪respect privacy and independence ▪be sensitive to individual needs ▪be aware of your own feelings ▪recognize the stress ▪take care of yourself ▪take a break when you need to common signs of approaching death - Answer-▪ disorientation ▪confusion
▪reduced responsiveness ▪blurred / failing vision ▪unfocused eyes ▪impaired speech ▪diminished sense of touch / taste ▪loss of movement / muscle tone / feeling ▪rising or below normal body temp ▪decreasing blood pressure ▪weak pulse that is slow or rapid ▪Cheyne-Stokes respirations ▪rattling / gurgling ▪cold / pale skin ▪mottled / spotted / blotched skin ▪perspiration ▪incontinence Cheyne-stokes - Answer-Alternating periods of slow, irregular respirations and rapid, shallow respirations heartbeat, pulse, respiration, blood pressure - Answer-Body will not have ________________, _________________, ________________, or _________________ when death occurs. Rigor mortis - Answer-When the muscles in the body become stiff and rigid after death. Between 2- hours, temporary. Post-mortem care - Answer-Care of the body after death (after declared dead by nurse or doctor)
guidelines for post-mortem care - Answer-▪ Bathe the body, put pads under head / perineal area, follow standard precautions. ▪Do not remove tubes. ▪Put dentures back in if instructed to. ▪Close the eyes and mouth. ▪Position the body on back with legs straight and arms folded across abdomen, small pillow under head. ▪Follow facility policy about personal items, document what was given to whom. ▪Strip the bed after body is removed. ▪Open windows to air the room. ▪Document. ▪Talk to nurse if you need help performing post-mortem care. organ donation - Answer-removal of organs and tissues for the purpose of transplanting into someone who needs them Cremation - Answer-Burning of the body until it is reduced to ashes wake - Answer-A watching over the body until burial. May include singing, eating, storytelling. Mood is not necessarily sad or somber. viewing - Answer-time during which a deceased person's body may be visited by mourners. natural burial - Answer-body is wrapped in a shroud or put in biodegradable casket, not embalmed. Also called a green burial. eulogy - Answer-speech made in honor of the deceased
Participate in their own care as much as possible - Answer-Hospice Care encourages residents to ____________________________________________. Stiff and rigid - Answer-After death, the muscles in the body become Under the perineal area - Answer-After death the nursing assistant should place pads under the body. These pads are most often needed in what area? Let them do so - Answer-If family members would like to remain with their loved one's body after death the nursing assistant should _________________________. We need to honor them - Answer-What's important about a residents Bill of Rights? Culture and religion - Answer-What influences attitude, as well as funeral and burial practices? Body language - Answer-If you observe diminished senses, you are going to observe for what? Anger - Answer-Which stage of grief is shown when someone lashes out at you? Depression - Answer-Which stage of grief is shown when the resident becomes withdrawn or inactive? Denial - Answer-Which stage of grief is shown if a resident is going from one doctor to another? Bargaining - Answer-Which stage of grief might involve making promises to god? Acceptance - Answer-In which stage of grief does a person find peace and prepare for death?
Denial - Answer-Which reaction to death is shown if a family member goes on about their normal routine like nothing happened? Guilt and regret - Answer-If you are a parent and you sent your child to the store to pick something up and something happened to that child on his way, what reaction would be shown? Honored and respected - Answer-Advance directives must always be