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Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics well answered already passed, Exams of Nursing

Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics well answered already passed

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Download Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics well answered already passed and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics Beginning steps for client care - correct answer ✔✔-Knock and wait for permission to enter -Introduce yourself as Nurse Aide Student -identify the patient by name -wash your hands -Explain procedure and ask for permission -Provide privacy (cutain, screen, or door) -Adjust bed to a safe level, usually waist high. -Lock the bed wheels Ending steps for client care - correct answer ✔✔-Return to lowest position -Remove privacy -Place call light in reach -wash your hands -Report any changes in the client to the nurse -Document procedure Long Term Care (LTC) - correct answer ✔✔care given in long-term care facilities for people who need 24- hour skilled care skilled care - correct answer ✔✔medically necessary care given by a skilled nurse or therapist, it is available 24 hours a day, and it is ordered by a doctor and involved a treatment plan chronic condition - correct answer ✔✔any disease or condition that lasts a long time (usually longer than six months). It usually can't be cured and therefore requires ongoing treatment and management. Examples include arthritis and asthma. Example of chronic condition - correct answer ✔✔Physical disabilities terminal illness - correct answer ✔✔a disease or condition that will eventually cause death acute care - correct answer ✔✔24-hour skilled care for short-term illnesses or injuries; generally given in hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers subacute care - correct answer ✔✔care for an illness or condition given to people who need less care than for an acute (sudden onset, short-term) illness or injury but more than for a chronic (long-term) illness Example of chronic condition - correct answer ✔✔Heart disease Example of chronic condition - correct answer ✔✔Dementia outpatient care - correct answer ✔✔Care given for less than 24 hours for people who have had treatments or surgery and need short-term skilled care. They do not require an overnight stay in a hospital or other care facility Rehabilitation - correct answer ✔✔Restore or improve function after an illness or injjury hospice care - correct answer ✔✔treatment of the terminally ill in their own homes, or in special hospital units or other facilities, with the goal of helping them to die comfortably, without pain. For people who have about 6 months or less to live Medicare - correct answer ✔✔A federal health insurance program for persons 65 years of age and older Medicaid - correct answer ✔✔A medical assistance program that pays for health care services for people who cannot afford them. For people who have low income, as well as for people with disabilities. Nursing assistants are not allowed to - correct answer ✔✔Insert or remove tubes, give tube feedings, or change sterile dressings military time - correct answer ✔✔To change the hours between 1:00 pm to 11:59 pm to military time, add 12 to the regular time 1600 as regular time - correct answer ✔✔4 pm 2100 as regular time - correct answer ✔✔9 pm 0900 as regular time - correct answer ✔✔9 a.m. 0000 as regular time - correct answer ✔✔12 am 1200 as regular time - correct answer ✔✔12 pm Minimum Data Set (MDS) - correct answer ✔✔a detailed form with guidelines for assessing residents in long-term care facilities; also details what to do if resident problems are identified Incident reporting guidelines - correct answer ✔✔-tell what happened (state the time and the mental and physical condition of the person) -describe the persons reaction to the incident -state the facts; do not give opinions -do not document that an incident report was completed on the medical record -describe the action taken to give care Anything the endangers the resident should be - correct answer ✔✔Reporter immediately (ex: falls, chest pain, severe headache, trouble breathing) Objective information - correct answer ✔✔based on what a person sees, hears, touches, or smells subjective information - correct answer ✔✔something a person cannot or did not observe, but is based on something the resident reported that may or may not be true "Mr Hartman says he has a headache" - correct answer ✔✔Subjective information "Mr Hartman is holding his head and rubbing his temples" - correct answer ✔✔Objective information brady- - correct answer ✔✔slow -pathy - correct answer ✔✔disease body mechanics - correct answer ✔✔the way the parts of the body work together when a person moves base of support - correct answer ✔✔The foundation that supports an object scalds - correct answer ✔✔burns caused by hot liquids Always check the water temperature with.. - correct answer ✔✔A water thermometer or on the inside of your wrist before using Residents must always be identified before - correct answer ✔✔Giving care or serving food Anytime you are feeding a resident they should be - correct answer ✔✔Sitting at a 75-90 degrees angle OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) - correct answer ✔✔a federal government agency that makes rules to protect workers from hazards on the job Abrasion - correct answer ✔✔an injury in which superficial layers of skin are scraped or rubbed away P.A.S.S. (acronym for using fire extinguisher) - correct answer ✔✔Pull the pin Aim at the base of fire when spraying Squeeze the handle Sweep back and forth at the base of the fire RACE acronym for fire - correct answer ✔✔Remove anyone in danger if you are not in danger Activate alarm or call 911 Contain fire if possible by closing all doors and windows Extinguish the fire, or the fire department will extinguish it. Evacuate the area if instructed to do so. cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - correct answer ✔✔refers to medical procedures used when a person's heart or lungs have stopped working choking - correct answer ✔✔When something is blocking the tune through which air enters the lungs, the person has an obstructed airway As long as the resident can speak, breath, or cough, the NA should - correct answer ✔✔Encourage her to cough as forcefully as possible to get the object out abdominal thrusts - correct answer ✔✔a method of attempting to remove an object from the airway of someone who is choking Cyanosis of the skin is caused by - correct answer ✔✔decreased blood oxygen cyanotic skin - correct answer ✔✔Blue/gray, inadequate oxygenation or perfusion, inadequate respiration, heart attack Shock can occur: - correct answer ✔✔When organs and tissues in the body do not receive an adequate blood supply Myocardial infraction (MI) - correct answer ✔✔Heart Attack; Caused by partial or complete occlusion of one or more coronary arteries. Results in heart tissue death. Occurs when the heart muscle itself does not receive enough oxygen because blood vessels are blocked Link 2: reservoir - correct answer ✔✔where the pathogen lives and grows Link 3: portal of exit - correct answer ✔✔any body opening on an infected person that allows pathogens to leave Link 4: Mode of Transmission - correct answer ✔✔How the pathogen travels; direct or indirect contact Link 5: Portal of Entry - correct answer ✔✔any body opening on an uninfected person that allows pathogens to enter; nose, mouth, eyes, and other mucous membranes Link 6: Susceptible Host - correct answer ✔✔uninfected person who could get sick medical asepsis - correct answer ✔✔refers to measures used to reduce and prevent the spread of pathogens Surgical asepsis (sterile technique) - correct answer ✔✔Makes an object or area free of all microorganisms (not just pathogens) CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - correct answer ✔✔a federal agency that conducts and supports health promotion, prevention and preparedness activities in the United States with the goal of improving overall public health. sputum - correct answer ✔✔mucous secretion from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea expelled through the mouth hand hygiene - correct answer ✔✔washing hands with either plain or antiseptic soap and water and using alcohol-based hand rubs antimicrobial agent - correct answer ✔✔destroys, resists, or prevents the development of pathogens Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - correct answer ✔✔equipment that helps protect employees from serious workplace injuries or illnesses resulting from contact with workplace hazards don - correct answer ✔✔to put on doff - correct answer ✔✔to remove Nonintact skin - correct answer ✔✔Skin that has a break in the surface Disinfection - correct answer ✔✔The process of destroying pathogens transmission-based precautions - correct answer ✔✔Precautions caused for persons who are infected or may be infected with certain diseases Droplet precautions - correct answer ✔✔are used for patients known or suspected to be infected with pathogens transmitted by large particle droplets expelled during coughing, sneezing, talking or laughing Bloodborne pathogens - correct answer ✔✔microorganisms found in human blood that can cause infection and disease Hepatitis - correct answer ✔✔inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin Hepatitis B and C - correct answer ✔✔Blood borne disease that can cause death Hepatitis B - correct answer ✔✔Spread through sexual contact, by sharing needles, or from a mother to her baby Tuberculosis (TB) - correct answer ✔✔Airborne highly contagious disease caused by a bacterial infection. MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) - correct answer ✔✔An infection that is resistant to methicillin. Drugs no longer work to kill the specific bacteria VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococcus) - correct answer ✔✔Spread through direct and indirect contact VRE infections are often difficult to treat and may require several medications Clostridium difficile infection (C. Diff or C. Difficile) - correct answer ✔✔Spore-forming bacterium which can be part of the normal intestinal flora psychosocial needs - correct answer ✔✔needs which involve social interaction, emotions, intellect, and spirituality. Maskow's hierarchy of needs - correct answer ✔✔A model developed by Abraham Maslow to show how physical and psychosocial needs are arranged in order of importance -physical needs -safety and security -need for love -need for self-esteem -need for self-actualization holistic care - correct answer ✔✔care that provides for the well-being of the whole person and meets not only physical needs, but also social, emotional, and mental needs OBRA requires that facilities provide - correct answer ✔✔An activity program designed to meet the interests and the physical and psychosocial well-being of each resident Activity is an - correct answer ✔✔Essential part of a persons life Ageism - correct answer ✔✔Discrimination based on age GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) - correct answer ✔✔A psychological disorder characterized by tension or anxiety much of the time about many issues, but without the presence of panic attacks. PWB (partial weight bearing) - correct answer ✔✔a doctor's order stating that a person is able to support some body weight on one or both legs NWB (non-weight bearing) - correct answer ✔✔indicates that no weight at all can be placed on the extremity involved FWB (full weight bearing) - correct answer ✔✔able to bear 100 percent of the body weight on one or both legs on a step THR (total hip replacement) - correct answer ✔✔Total hip arthroplasty - iis replacement of the femoral head and acetabulum with prostheses that are fastened into the bone TKR (total knee replacement) - correct answer ✔✔A surgical procedure in which damaged parts of the knee joint are replaced with artificial parts. compression stockings - correct answer ✔✔Plastic, air-filled, sleeve-like device that is applied to the legs and hooked to a machine CNS (central nervous system) - correct answer ✔✔brain and spinal cord PNS (peripheral nervous system) - correct answer ✔✔the sensory and motor neurons that connect the CNS to the rest of the body CVA (cerebrovascular accident) - correct answer ✔✔a.k.a. "Stroke". Lack of blood supply to the brain causing brain damage Dysphasia - correct answer ✔✔difficulty swallowing expressive aphasia - correct answer ✔✔The inability to produce language ( despite being able to understand language) receptive aphasia - correct answer ✔✔inability to understand spoken or written words Emotional liability - correct answer ✔✔Inappropriate or unprovoked emotional responses gait - correct answer ✔✔manner of walking Parkinson's disease - correct answer ✔✔a progressive, incurable disease that destroys brain cells and is identified by muscular tremors, slowing of movement, and partial facial paralysis MS (multiple sclerosis) - correct answer ✔✔A progressive disease in which the Myelin sheet breaks down overtime, without this protective covering nerves cannot conduct impulses to and from the brain in a normal way -paresis - correct answer ✔✔paralysis paraplegia - correct answer ✔✔paralysis from the waist down quadriplegia - correct answer ✔✔paralysis of all four limbs Cataracts symptoms - correct answer ✔✔-Progressive blurring of vision over years -Needing increased light to see clearly -Decreased night vision -NO pain or rednes -Poorly visualized fundus on exam (lost red reflex) Glaucoma - correct answer ✔✔increased intraocular pressure results in damage to the retina and optic nerve with loss of vision Circulatory system - correct answer ✔✔heart, blood vessels, blood HTN (hypertension) - correct answer ✔✔elevated blood pressure persistently 130/80 mm Hg or higher Atherosclerosis - correct answer ✔✔hardening and narrowing of the blood vessels Diuretics - correct answer ✔✔medications that reduce fluid volume in the body CAD (coronary artery disease) - correct answer ✔✔Abnormal narrowing of the blood vessels of the heart, predisposing to heart attacks angina pectoris - correct answer ✔✔chest pain that results when the heart does not get enough oxygen MI (myocardial infarction)/ heart attack - correct answer ✔✔When blood flow to the heart muscles is blocked, oxygen and nutrients fail to reach the cells in that area CHF (congestive heart failure) - correct answer ✔✔heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood 1 inspiration + 1 expiration = - correct answer ✔✔1 respiration PVD (peripheral vascular disease) - correct answer ✔✔A disease in which the legs feet arms or hands do not have enough blood circulation due to Fatty desposition in the blood vessels and harden overtime COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) - correct answer ✔✔A group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breathe. chronic bronchitis and emphysema - correct answer ✔✔Together called COPD bronchitis - correct answer ✔✔irritation and inflammation of the lining of the bronchi chronic bronchitis - correct answer ✔✔Usually caused by cigarette smoking